A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 145: A small introduction to settings, etc

Chapter 145: A small introduction to settings, etc

***Chapter 145 A small introduction to settings, etc***


Note: The settings discussed here are basically the information that is currently available to people in this world.

○Magic Power

A power that has existed since time immemorial, a mysterious particle that floats in the body and air.

It reacts to the will of living things and takes the form of semi-material spiritual matter.

It usually floats in the atmosphere, , but it is sometimes combined into a liquid, or crystallized underground into a form that can be called magic crystal. In the atmosphere, they tend to dissipate, and in stable water or soil, they tend to attract each other, but sometimes they show contrary behavior, which still puzzles many researchers today.

At the very least, it appears to have the power to interfere with, disintegrate, or create matter, but again, the detailed principles of this have not been elucidated.

Some researchers believe that it is a force that comes from another overlapping world or that the world itself is shaped by magical power, but none of these theories is beyond the realm of speculation based on the nature of magic power.

○ Magic Possessor

There is no creature that does not have magical power in their body, but among them, a creature that is imbued with magical power to the extent that its body is transformed is defined as magic possessor. In a broad sense, however, this definition also includes animal and magical beasts imbued with magical power.

As mentioned above, the bodies of creatures called magic possessor have undergone alterations, and it is said there are spiritual organs that are powered by magic. This organ breaks down and converts the food and waste that enters the body into magical power――as a result, their bodies do not perform excretion acts, and there are physical changes from ordinary creatures.

The effect of magic power on the body is significant, and aging is basically gradual. Their bodies stop growing during their adolescence, and they often begin to age slowly after the age of 30. However, there is a great deal of variation among individuals, and it is said that there were people who remained unchanged even after reaching 50 years of age.

In addition, many of those who possess magical powers have stronger bodies than normal individuals, such as being less susceptible to disease and more resistant to poisons and alcohol.

On the other hand, perhaps it should be said that this is the price to pay, basically those who possess magic suffer from infertility more often than those who do not, and the birth rate tends to be low among nobles who mostly possess magical power.

This tendency is weakened when one of the partners is not a magic possessor, but such marriages are generally not favored, especially by nobles, who often have a physiological aversion to their fast aging and need to defecate.

Many magic possessors are caused by blood lineage, but there are also cases of sudden birth, and since there are many magical beasts deep in the forest where magical power is dense, there are researchers who believe that the concentration of magical power in the surrounding area may have an effect.

○ Magic Crystal

A crystalline body that closely resembles a crystal, said to have been created by the crystallization of magical power in the earth.

Its physical properties are similar to those of a crystal, but inside this crystal, magic can be handled as if it were inside the body, and by engraving a pattern called a magic formula, various physical interferences with magic are possible.

It serves as a light source, emits heat, cools, and attracts water――in some cases, it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as emitting energy to burn and destroy objects, but it is not often used as a weapon due to its magical power efficiency.

In the past, extensive research has been conducted, but it is difficult to use them for military purposes due to their efficiency, and currently only a few researchers called sorcerers are inventing and devising new techniques for their personal research.

They also have a strong aspect as magical engineers specializing in the creation of magic crystals for daily use, and nowadays, sorcerers and magical engineers often get mixed up.

Techniques for manipulating and acting on magical power in places other than the body and magic crystals――many sorcerers have been researching "magic" from the past to the present, but it seems that they have not yet found a clue.

○ Imaginary Muscle

A type of magic that can be used by those who possess magical power.

It is also called physical augmentation (肉体 拡張 = the body/the flesh + expansion/extension ), and indicates the enhancement of physical abilities through magical power.

It is a technique to manipulate the body, amplify muscular strength, and obtain high physical ability by constructing a spiritual body superimposed on oneself, and this itself is not a very advanced technique, as it can be used unconsciously by those who possess magical power. However, the more consciously one tries to use this technique, the more it requires a high level of concentration and mental stability, and the degree of difficulty increases dramatically.

Depending on the situation, it could become a double-edged sword, such as being unable to fully control one’s own high physical ability and injuring themself with the recoil. Especially in the extreme conditions of battle, it is difficult even for a skilled mana possessor to manipulate it freely, and it is no exaggeration to say that the skill of manipulating it determines the value of a magic possessor.

Many of those with magical power who stand on the battlefield train their bodies and wear muscle armor, but most of the reason for this is to absorb such recoil and control excessive power. Sometimes, in order to stabilize themselves, they often wear armor that is too heavy for ordinary people to wear, but there are many warriors who believe that these efforts are actually pushing them away from their ideals.

○ Magical Beast

A beast (animal) possessing magical power.

Many of them are existing creatures born with magical powers, and are generally larger than the original beasts, and their body color tends to be bluish.

Without exception, they are skilled in the art of manipulating magic power, and their physical abilities are unmatched by those of humans possessing magical powers, and are often feared as beings of terror around the world, or as indigenous gods.

Although it is unknown why humans possessing magical power do not grow in size, there are researchers who believe that they will influence their magical power and unconsciously suppress it, and this is a relatively common view.

The magical beasts are thought to be long-lived, as usual, but this has not been verified due to their dangerous nature.

There are many magical beasts that inhabit mountains and forests, such as tigers, wolves, hawks, and wild boars, but there are other examples, and it is believed that magical beasts can be born from any kind of beast.

Many accidents on the seaways are also believed to be caused by demonic beasts, and many maritime nations are working on countermeasures to deal with this problem.

○ Dragon

They are also called ancient dragons and the Holy Spirit.

It is a wise beast that is said to have once ruled the world, and is notable for its enormous magical power and massive size. Its body is said to be like a fortress, its scales like ore, and its magical power is said to be incomparable to that of magical beasts, and old records say that a dragon's roar can change the terrain.

A territorial dispute between dragons that is said to have occurred in the distant past--in the dragon war, countless dragons rampaged, and it is said that many civilizations were destroyed as a result of it. The name of the Lucheran Empire, which was once extremely prosperous but was destroyed by the wrath of a dragon, is probably well known.

However, since there is no record of seeing a dragon flying through the sky in the past several hundred years, anecdotes about dragons are often seen as mere fables, and although they are still the object of belief in some regions, there are those who doubt their existence and abilities.

It is said that strong power resides in its flesh and blood, and there are many legends that say that those who eat it gain great power, and its body is treated as a kind of elixir.

■――Simulation game-style country description (as of the start of Arc 1)

○ Alberan Kingdom Difficulty level: ★★★★

A former superpower located in the relatively northwestern part of the continent.

In the past, there was no country on the continent that did not know about Alberan, a nation that ruled half of the continent, and who signed a spirit pact with dragons and spread it as international law. Although it lost a lot of territory after splitting with Elsren, it has not lost all of its former power, and is still one of the powerful nations with a powerful army, high technology, and economic strength.

However, it should be noted that it is surrounded by strong powers such as Elsren to the east, Elderant to the west, and Gulshan to the south, and their relationship is also tense. Furthermore, in the main scenario, "Two Cursed Children", the current King is afflicted with an illness of unknown cause, and there is a hidden battle between the princess and the Royal Prince over the right to succeed to the throne. For that reason, there is a disturbing atmosphere in the royal palace, and if one makes a mistake in dealing with it, one may find themselves in a predicament at once relatively early on.

Although it is a powerful country, it is a country that needs to be taken into consideration in many ways.

Also, people with unusually high abilities appear in this country from time to time, so be careful. It's hard to spot, but keep in mind that in many cases their personality is so deeply flawed that it can be a double-edged sword if mishandled.

Since the country's human resources are originally excellent, it is a good idea to get rid of these people as soon as possible. In the scenario after the split with Elsren, the policy "Culling Cursed Child" is supposed to eliminate these talents when they are born, but it is not perfect, and it is better to remember that this policy has many disadvantages..Their excellence could lead to them to bare their fangs.

Use them or cull them. That alone makes for an interesting country to play.

★Recommended Military Class

Light Infantry

As a former superpower, the average military capability is generally high-spec.

They have conquered half of the continent and have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge and know-how. The military structure built up from this is still suitable for a champion's army, and it has a high level of redundancy (in engineering meaning).

Alberan's appeal is that it exceeds the standard in every aspect.

If one had to pick one among them, it would be light infantry.

Alberan is geographically rich in forests and mountains. This country's light infantry, nurtured in that environment, is extremely capable, and combined with the aforementioned redundancy, it enables extremely advanced tactical coordination in a stable manner.

However, their defensive capabilities are no different from those of the light infantry of other countries, so be careful when handling them.

○ Elsren Holy Empire Difficulty: ★★

A country split from Alberan, with a land area more than twice that of Alberan.

It was the cause of the collapse of the superpower Alberan, and has acquired much of the territory that Alberan once possessed.

With its tremendous economic power, population, and a wide variety of military units, this country can be said to be the best on the continent at present.

The country has been expanding and dominating by invading, subjugating, and spreading its national religion. The problem, however, is the friction between the papacy, which has become powerful, and the parliament, led by the emperor. Aside from the surface, there are many conflicts under the surface, politically unstable. In addition, there is a wide disparity between the rich and the poor, and corruption and decay in religious organizations are rampant.

Because the feudal lord's power is strong and there is always the danger of rebellion, it will be necessary to periodically conduct wars to vent their dissatisfaction.

In terms of national power at the start, it was second to none, and it has abundant human resources. However, if you don't always keep an eye on the domestic situation, you may find yourself in a predicament all at once.

★Recommended Military class

Nomadic Cavalry

This country, which boasts of its vast land area, is equipped with a wide variety of military units, making it possible to organize an army that combines the strengths of each of its provinces and states. It can be said that it is a strength that overwhelms other countries, but if I dare to say it, the unique unit of the countless nomadic powers in the country, it’s the nomadic cavalry is the best.

Their horsemanship, which is said to be that their motion of mounting the horse is faster than standing up, is incomparable to that of other countries, and if the battlefield is a plain, they can easily defeat most opponents simply by shooting from horseback.

The cavalry itself is also excellent and numerous, and if you can take advantage of their mobility, it's an easy game.

○ Elderant Kingdom Difficulty: ★★★★

A tribal federation with most of the land occupied by mountains and forests.

A collection of tribes that were once ruled by the Kingdom of Alberan, and although it calls itself a kingdom, its reality is more like a tribal federation than a kingdom.

In terms of land area alone, it is similar to Alberan, and it owns countless mines, but on the other hand, it has few plains and not much land suitable for agriculture. As a result, the country as a whole often suffers from food shortages, and apart from the capital city, there are no large cities, and the economy is not very large.

The country is divided into numerous tribes living in large areas, but the tribes do not get along well with each other, and there are always disputes between tribes, and their technology is probably inferior to that of the surrounding countries, which are all powerful nations.

In general, it is an outdated nation with old customs and forms that remain deeply rooted, but its advantage is the number of people it can mobilize.

Because the social concept of a warrior that places power above all else remains strong, all men, even peasants, become warriors as soon as they pick up a sword, and can stand on the battlefield without the need for training. Their primitive way of life maintains their strength as creatures, and their madness in charging without fear of arrows despite their light armor is sure to instill fear in their enemies.

Although a backward country in terms of civilization, it has extremely high potential, and it is a fascinating and challenging country that can change drastically depending on the way you lead them.

★Recommended Military Class

Light archers

Compared to other countries, there are more hunters among them who live in the forest, and many soldiers who normally fight as light infantry can switch to archers if they wield a bow.

Although they mainly use short bows and thus lack range, their archery ability is outstanding, and their arrows are unmatched in accuracy even in forests where visibility is poor.

Even in hand-to-hand combat, if both sides have the same numbers they are capable of striking back, and if they are in a forest where it is difficult to form a line, they will have an overwhelming advantage over the enemy.

○ Gulshan Republic Difficulty: ★

A multi-ethnic nation that owns vast lands in the southern part of the Kingdom of Alberan. It used to be a vassal state of Alberan, but when it split with Elsren, they abandoned the exhausted Alberan and became independent.

The southern part of the country is mostly wilderness and desert, but regular heavy rains in the highlands and the resulting floods have deposited rich soil in the areas around the rivers, and the wheat harvest is outstanding.

The country's name, Gulshan, is derived from the heavy rains that bring blessings to the land every year and Gulshan is a word that means strong rain. It has its own religion called rain worship, which regards rain as sacred.

Taking advantage of its abundant wheat production since ancient times, it has signed land and sea trade agreements with various lands on the continent, and conducts business in a way that allows for a mix of many races.

It is economically blessed as a major trading power, and since its transition to a republic, there has been no turmoil and its internal politics have become stable.

Do you want to eat Alberan or Elsren first, which can be said to be a thorn in your side, or ignore them and expand?――There are many ways to do it, but no matter which you choose it won't be difficult.

★Recommended Military Class

Beast Soldiers

Gulshan have accepted a large number of ethnic groups and adopted various cultures, but the most prominent of these is the military use of beasts.

They have acquired the beasts used in various regions, learned how to use them, and tamed a variety of beasts like horses.

The existence of beast soldiers is due to the fact that they have encountered and shattered every culture and absorbed all of it――beasts that are stronger than humans, and if they are used to the fullest, they cannot be defeated head-on.

Formation tactics and combat techniques, after all, all are designed for humans.

The beast soldiers will strike fear into the hearts of their opponents, and with a single move, they will be able to knock them into a vortex of chaos.

○Arna Imperial State Difficulty: ★★★★★

A maritime nation located north of Alberan.

It has been an ally of Alberan since ancient times and has been working together with Alberan for many years.

Surrounded by mines to the east and west and the sea to the north, it is a technologically advanced country that has developed metalworking and shipbuilding technologies due to its location. Although the land is small, it has a very high economic power due to maritime trade, and a large amount of high-quality magic crystal is mined, its magic crystal processing technology is the best in the continent.and accounts for a large portion of its exports.

However, the small size of the country makes it impossible to organize a large army, and to the south is the allied country of Alberan.

Although it is an excellent location from a defensive point of view, it is difficult to carry out a war of aggression over land. With its strong navy, the country would like to go by sea, but this, too, is a difficult task.

A political system that should be called a theocracy that accompanies their strong beliefs in the Holy Spirit.

A government that values stability and harmony based on faith is unlikely to embark on aggression, and if it intends to overrun other countries, it will first need to change from within.

★Recommended Military Class

Crossbow/Heavy Crossbow Soldier

They have succeeded in disassembling and improving the crossbow, which they obtained from the far east through maritime trade, and their remote shooting is heavily weighted toward crossbowmen.

Although there are various problems with the crossbow, such as inferiority in shooting interval, direct fire, short effective range, complicated mechanism and high cost compared to the bow, it can be used without training, and its high power to penetrate armor at medium range and high accuracy are advantages that more than compensate for it.

Especially for those who are not planning to invade but to defend themselves, there is no better weapon than this.

In Arna Imperial State, all people, young and old, men and women, are regularly trained in the use of the crossbow, so it can be said that all citizens are potential crossbowmen, which fits well with the small population, high economic power, and technological strength of the Arna Imperial State.

In the field, their excellent engineers can use larger and better quality continuous-fire floor crossbows and stone throwers, which makes their battles unique compared to other countries.

Naturally, these can also be used for invasions such as siege warfare, and it can be said that they have the potential to dominate the surrounding world with their technological capabilities alone.

○ Kreisharana Difficulty: ☆☆

A descendant of warriors who once boasted of their prosperity.

In the past, the tribe ruled over the northern part of the present kingdom, but after losing the war with Alberan, they fled to the mountains of Arbyagel in the northwestern part of the kingdom, where they live in seclusion.

It is a society of extremely strict warriors, and the old customs still remain strong, so men are brought up under extremely strict battle training from childhood. Therefore, even a man who normally tills fields and crafts daily necessities has the ability to overwhelm the well-trained regular soldiers of other countries when he is called upon to fight.

It is no exaggeration to say that the immediate threat of magical beasts and their ascetic and harsh environment have forged their strength as warriors, and the average ability of their individual soldier is probably one of the best or the second best on the continent.

However, the problem is its population.

Although they can mobilize an unusually large number of soldiers relative to their population, their total military strength does not even reach 1,500 at the maximum.

With less than 100 lion-eagle cavalry that rule the skies, it is hopeless in terms of invading other countries. If they were to be invaded, they would be overwhelmed by the number of soldiers, no matter how strong they were.

Although Alberan has not been invaded due to the Holy Spirit Covenant and the Non Aggression Pact that was once signed with Alberan, it is currently on the road to gradual destruction.

However, serving the Holy Spirit who helped them in the past, and heading towards destruction might be the path they desired.

★Recommended Military class

Griffin Cavalry (獅子 鷲 騎兵 = Lion + Eagle + Cavalry)

In addition to the abilities of individual soldiers, what deserves special mention is the ferocious beast Griffin that they train and ride.

With a body of 5 shaku tall, large wings, a bird's beak, and the body of a lion, this beast can soar freely through the air, and the griffin cavalryman who rides it creates a new axis on the flat battlefield.

The double flank detour by cavalry is powerful in any era, but there are many ways to counter it. However, no army can interfere with them as they bypass the skies, and the warriors who straddle them are also the most elite.

If they strike when the enemy lets their guard down, they will be able to deal a fatal blow even against a large army.

It is no mistake that the key to their victory will be held by this griffin cavalryman.

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