A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 150: God Slaying Spear

Chapter 150: God Slaying Spear

***Arc 7 One Who Bare Their Fang on Reason, Chapter 150 God Slaying Spear***

The glory of the past was long gone.

Kreisharana now was a tribe with a population of about 3,000.

They had not abandoned their traditional way of life, and instead of building towns, they had scattered small villages and lived here and there throughout Arbyagel.

The Griffing (Lion-Eagle Cavalry), which once numbered a thousand, numbered less than a hundred, and their world, which seems to have rejected the current of the times, is in unmistakable decline.

There was no entertainment, only warriors were respected, and as the years went by, more and more people left, fed up with such a world.

Those who still remain there are those who live with their dusty pride.

——That was Kreisharana.

Rows of stilt-style houses made of wood stand in a large settlement called village (里 = sato; village, hometown, homeland, one’s origin) in Kreisharana——at the square in the center.

"After Suiko, now it’s Ranka..."

An old man with a white beard raised his eyebrow at the report.

Kreisharana’s Chieftain, Alkierence.

He was the man who stood at the top of thousands of warriors who were left behind by the times and believed in the martial arts they once held.

Hearing a report that came in a while ago, he went out to the plaza and directed the information gathering himself.

He crossed his toned arms and looked grimly at the messenger.

"Yes, all of them probably filled with one blow... The chief warrior is now chasing the footprints left on the spot."

At first it was a search for his daughter Lira, but now his purpose has switched to investigating the cause of the anomaly in the mountain.

"Vinthril is, huh"

"According to the chief warrior, in preparation for unforeseen circumstances, the women should be prepared."

Hearing those words, Alkierence had an even more stern expression on his face.

If a demonic beast was seen near the village vicinity, in order to avoid confusion during the battle, those who cannot fight were grouped together.

This was because the confusion could be fatal when dealing with a Suiko that runs across the earth and trees in all directions.

The place where the traces had been left behind was a long distance away, but even so, it was an opponent to be that careful about.

Vinthril was the strongest warrior in the village, the chief warrior.

He became a warrior at the young age of 13 and has killed more than 10 magical beasts with his own hands.

Since becoming the chief warrior, he has not allowed a single magical beast to come near the village——and that Vinthril thought so meant there is no doubt that it’s an emergency.

"Dretar! Gather all the off-duty Griffin cavalry. Ring the tiger bell!"

"Yes sir!"

The warrior called Dretar flies to the bell tower with his griffin.

He then rings the loud bell, which echoed through the mountains.

Countless bells resounded from distant villages as if responding to it.

Once the tiger bell resounded, all the men, except for the griffin cavalrymen, stopped their work and grabbed their spears.

The ones not selected as Griffin Cavalry, who were not warriors of Kreisharana by profession, but called squires, were fanatics of martial arts who dedicate all their entertainment to their training.

They fortify their settlements, which are scattered here and there in the mountains.

The women were confined to a predetermined nearby storehouse――They, who were constantly exposed to the threat of magical beasts, were, in a sense, moving even faster than those of a trained army.

The reason why their warrior society still exists and had not lost its power was because of that threat, and depravity/corruption was a word that has no connection to Kreisharana.

The air was tense with the sound of bells, and men and women, young and old, rushed about in a flurry of activity.

"Alkierence, what is the situation?"

"It looks like an intruder is in the mountain, elder. …It seems that they are either alone or in small numbers, but it is said that the intruder is skillful enough to kill Suiko and Ranka."

A bald old man with a chest-length beard.

Elder Bekirs, the previous chieftain, thrusts his staff and comes before Alkierence, supported on his shoulder by one of the warriors.

It had been a long time since he had appeared in public like this.

His skinny limbs seemed to tremble, but his eyes were sharp.

The old man, who looked as if he would fall over if pushed lightly, still had a certain vigor.

"It’s not the military right?"

"Yes. Though from the traces, it looks like they are from the kingdom."

"... If that's the case, is the target the Holy Spirit?"

"I can't say for sure, but...it’s a strong possibility. So far, no such reports have been received but"

The place where the beast was found was far from the forbidden area.

And warriors were already flying here and there to find Lira.

If an intruder wandered around looking for the forbidden area, he or she will eventually be located.

Only some high-ranking priests of the Imperial State and the people of Kreisharana know where the forbidden area is.

There was still some leeway if the intruder did not aim for the forbidden area in a straight line.

"....just to be on the safe side, Let’s send some of the warriors to the forbidden area first to be on the lookout. Arzlaban! Take six men and go ahead and watch the road to the Forbidden Zone with Vervas."

"Yes sir! Immediately..."

At that moment, a high-pitched whistle sounded from the sky.

Looking up at the sky, they saw a warrior coming from the direction of the sanctuary.

The griffin glided down in front of Alkierence.

"Elder, Chieftain. The sound of a flute from the entrance of the forbidden area is"


"Right now, the two people who were with me are heading there to confirm it, but probably someone is…"

Alkierence widened his eyes and immediately howled.

"You go and call for Vinthril at once! Arzlaban, I will also come. Detar! After gathering all the warriors, leave the minimum for protection and bring them to the forbidden area! Immediately!"

"Bery, this time Krische is really confident, is it delicious?"

"...... is this phylix? It's good, it has a little bit of sourness and sweetness...it’s really delicious’

I hope the people she likes think it’s delicious."

"Ehehe, is it cute?"

"Yes, it’s really cute."

Having the person she liked think she was pretty.

A small extra effort to make her feel even a little bit of happiness.

She was there to make Bery happy, and Bery's happiness was her own happiness.

There was always so much happiness that it was overflowing, and it will always be there, and it will always continue.

She had thought that way all this time, and when it seemed like it had suddenly disappeared, for a moment everything became didn't matter anymore..

She couldn't think.

She had a feeling that she was going to——that's why she thought she’d make it continue.

She thought about what she should do to keep it going, and turned her attention to what she needed to do.

At least while she was looking at what she had to do, she could not-look at everything else.

It didn't matter if this was the right thing to do or not.

If there was a possibility, it should be done, and as long as there was a chance, she could continue to pursue it.

That was all that mattered.

She knew that there was no eternal life.

Someday surely that would happen.

But that was in the far future, at least not now.

At least it wasn't supposed to end like this.

That’s why it will continue.

At least while she was doing so, she could only think about that.

If she did so, she could believe that the usual daily life will be repeated again.

"... Krische-sama, we’re almost here."

If they continue further along the forbidden path by the cliff, they will pass over the cliff and gradually come to a gently sloping hillside.

It seems that the Dragon was beyond this.

Since then, there had been two more attacks——after incapacitating about five Kreisharana warriors, now she had four more spears.

The eight-shaku spear looks light and slender for its length, but it has an iron core about one shaku inserted into the tip.

It looked simple, but was surprisingly durable and of good quality.

If the opponent was as the myth says, no matter how many spears she had it wouldn’t be enough, and she should be happy to get an additional one here.

The Suiko who has been following her so far seems to be frightened, and his pace tends to be slow.

Perhaps it was because of the presence of the dragon.

The temperature rose as they got closer, and this area was filled with strange magical power.

Concentrated magical power that would make even Krische feel dizzy――When she thought about the existence that gives rise to this, it is no wonder that the Suiko, a mere beast, was frightened.

That said, it’s fine even if it didn’t follow her.

"You can go home, Gururun."

When she said that and left it there, the Suiko followed Krische even though he seemed to be hesitant.

Was it because it felt indebted to her for the meat, or was it simply because it was attached to her?

It was a good thing, but also troubling.

It's not like she would be relying on it in battle.

Considering that it might get caught up in it, it might be better to force it to leave her here.

Dying even though it had no relation to the fight, she felt it was pitiful just like the Kreisharana.

At least as a 'good boy', she felt sorry for it——thinking that way was probably normal.

But there was no longer any time to think.

After crossing the hillside, Krische looked below her.

There was a huge depression that seemed to be at least 2 ri (~800 m) in all directions.

On the other side of the depression, there was a huge cliff with a great number of magic crystals exposed.

——In front of the shining blue wall was something that looked like a rocky hill.

It was gray and as big as a small mountain——it's very body radiated blue light.

"... that's the Holy Spirit, Yagernaus-sama."

Lira said in a quiet, nervous voice.

Krische’s eyes widened, and she continued to stare at it without any emotion for a moment.

Krische stayed still, she didn't say anything.

Even though Lira was puzzled, she looked at her.

She wondered if she had changed her mind.

――No, it's not like that.

"Bururun, the spear."

Krische throws all the spears on the horse's back toward the depression.

"... Um, Krische-sama."

The slope of the depression was steep.

While it could climb down, it would be a little difficult to climb up with the horse's body.

It was probably just in case――she thought so, but countless spears were thrown into the depression.

Lira looked at her pleadingly out of anxiety and grabbed her sleeve.

"... If the talk fails, Krische seems to won’t have much leeway. This is the bare minimum."

Saying that, Krische jumps down into depression.

The Suiko continues after her, and Lira continues with some hesitation.

How would one feel if something huge swallowed you whole?

The magic in the depression had gone beyond the dimension of being dense, and its concentration was now as inside a body.

When the two approached the body of a dragon that looked like a rocky mountain――There, huge reddish-purple eyes appeared,


For a moment, even Krische’s body felt a chill that made her body stiffen.

The dragon's head, like a tower, was lifted.

And as if to show the natural reason/principle, it looks down at Krische from a far height.

Like a rabbit facing a wolf.

Like a frog facing a snake.

Something that occurs when the instinct understands the difference in class.

At least, that was the first time in her life that Krische had ever felt that way.

A tingling sensation runs down her spine――as soon as its eyes open, it becomes a gooseflesh all over her body.

Even the Suiko, who had barely followed her, turned its back to keep a distance as if screaming, and curled up, frightened.

――Its jewel-like reddish purple eye was endlessly inorganic.

Not threatening, not mocking.

Its eyes distort even the atmosphere just by looking at it.

With just a glance, it stirs up all the magic around it and disturbs the harmony of this world.

How much magical power was overflowing from its body?

Even if there were 1,000 Krische, even if there were 10,000 Krische, it would not be possible to reach the magical power of the being in front of her.

This was exactly what should be called the embodiment of Divine Will (Providence).

Like a thunderous storm, like a tsunami swallowing the earth.

It is not a beast, nor should it even be called a living creature.

It is the only one that sits at the unquestionable apex and is allowed to look down on all living things from birth.

The only one that reigns just by its existence, the only one that is equal to God.

――That’s the existence of the Dragon.


Lira climbed down from the frightened Larnell and kneed.

Then she dropped her head to the ground and opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

"Forgive, my sudden...rudeness, Yagernaus-sama...'

As a miko, Lira had visited this place several times.

But the atmosphere was clearly different.

Something was clearly different from the usual.

‘What should I say?’

Forgetting even what she was thinking, her body froze with terror, unable to think of what to say.

The dragon raises itself up without answering.

Its rocky scales begin to move, and its giant bat-like wings that were incomparable to bats, spread out.

When the dragon raises itself, its head almost surpasses the cliff wall behind it, and its stature was like a fortress――the myth written in the ancient books were not false, there were only facts there.

Its eyes were directed at the one person who was facing it.

Those reddish purple eyes just caught the girl's inorganic purple eyes.

The dragon did not move any further, nor did Krische.

There was an unnaturally long silence.

It was as if two predators who met by chance were waiting for each other to make their move.

If one moves, the other will surely move as well.

A feeling akin to conviction――Lira sensed it instinctively, unable to lift a finger.

As if to show that she meant no harm, Lira could not look up and could only continue to press her forehead against the ground.

――As if to break the balance, what resounded was the Dragon's voice.

*"Oh, there seems to be a rare visitor. …Even though it is a small one, I feel a fluctuation that I haven't tasted in a long time."*

It was a voice and not a voice, that seems to be scratching directly at their head.

The dragon spoke without opening its mouth.

The voice did not travel through the air, but rather it travels through the magic power and permeates directly into the skull.

Just by its voice, the surrounding magical power trembled and distorted.

An indescribable discomfort, as if they had entered another person's body.

*"Those eyes are different. It is not to be underestimated. It's not conceited. …It’s one that, even after understanding my power, asserted that with that small body, you can kill my body."*

This place was already right before the Dragon――it was as if they were already inside its stomach.

The sky was high above and their bodies were in the outside world, but what they both felt was the helpless sense of entrapment.

*"You...think so too, right?"*

――Truly, how interesting.

The dragon continues, turning its gaze to the surrounding spears.

And It turned its eyes to Krische again.

*"――Are you going to kill me with the like of that twig?"*

It was a somewhat happy tone.

Like a predator in front of its prey.

If one had to express it, one should say it was joy.

Krische calmly stepped forward even as she heard those words echoing in her head.

"...Yes, though Krische thinks it would depend on the situation."

Strangely, her body was stiff enough to tremble.

That she would be killed by someone――she had never thought of that.

With the exception of when she was a baby, it was not difficult for her to escape from any opponent, and now she was confident that she would be able to turn the tables on anyone who turned hostile against her.

However, the opponent in front of her was an exception.

――Perhaps, she was frightened.

Krische observed that feeling with the sensation of observing from afar.

All she could think about was escaping.

But the other party has already recognized her presence.

There was no way she could escape from here.

If she kept her distance, even the chances of victory that should have been possible would be lost.

And——that was only a chance to win, not a victory.

She had no intention of underestimating it, but when she got up close and felt its pressure, she understood that this was a tougher opponent than she had imagined.

"Krische has come to ask if you can share your flesh and blood."

Despite that, she wondered why she was so calm.

If it had been her from three years ago, she probably wouldn't have been able to stand like this.

She would have run away as soon as she got close to it, before it noticed her.

There was nothing she was more afraid of than being killed.

'――That’s why, please don't be reserved and always keep me by Krische-sama's side.'

She thought of that red hair and that smile.

When she thought, it would be lost.

'Aah――perhaps Ka-sama might have felt this way.'

There was something more frightening than her own death.

'I, I……I’ll, do anything……so please, let this child go.'

That's probably why she stepped in front of Krische that time.

If that will happen then, rather than for that to happen.

She may have thought that she didn't care what happened to her.

Because she surely loved Krische that much.

"At first, Krische was going to kill you and get your heart, but Krische thought that if you would accept Krische’s request, then that would be fine...Even for Krische killing you seems to be quite difficult."

She was sure that the reason she was not afraid, even though she was afraid, was because she felt that way.

Believing that made her feel very happy.

she felt that her distorted self had become normal, even if it’s just a little,

"...But looking at the situation, Krische doesn't think you'll honestly say, 'Yes, here you go’. Even if Krische was in your position, Krische too surely wouldn't say yes...Krische thinks it's an unreasonable request."

She hoped that her guess was correct,

"So, on that basis. The words that Krische should tell you are: if you don't want to be killed, then do what Krische says."

To a being who is equal to God, so the girl said.

"Krische can’t compromise, and Krische will not give up.... Then there is no point in asking any more questions, right?"

After seeing its immense magical power and majesty.

Her words didn't even have a shred of awe and fear.

Her quiet voice was powerful to the end,

"Die or obey, the choice is yours."

Her intention was clear.

She was willing to trample on all creation and heavens, and even point her sword at them.

If it's for her desire, if it's for what she wanted, she would trample down and rule over everything in the heavens and earth.

――One that is arrogant.

That was the essence of a beast called a human,

*"...No scales, no fangs, no wings to fly in the sky"*

And she was the most extreme one among them.

*"Are you threatening me with that puny body and magical power?"*

The voice was followed by intermittent waves of magical power that did not even take the form of a voice.

It somehow resembled human laughter.

*"... I see, interesting"*

The dragon spreads its wings wide before the fearless beast.

A gigantic wing that transcends the boundaries of living creatures and was large enough to swallow a small village.

Just by opening it, the wind swirls around, and a huge amount of magical power distorts and well up.

*"Then. ……Whether you can kill me or not, why don’t you try it yourself."*

And the dragon flapped its wings once.

――What struck that calm world was a gust of wind that would knock down the trees.

With a single flap of its wings, the wind gouged the earth in a storm.

The undergrowth was torn up like planks, even pebbles turned into deadly weapons——fill the two square spaces with death in a single movement.

Even then the girl was still calm.

"...sorry. Krische thought it would be like this from the beginning."


Saying that Krische grabbed Lira's arm, and threw her to the back.

——She won’t miss.

A pebble rips shallowly through her cheek.

She didn’t care about the pain, and just kept moving forward into the storm.

Contrary to her frightened body, her heart remained calm as usual.

She leaned forward as if tracing the ground with her jaw.

The turbulence that occurs on the surface of the earth――as if diving down through that gap.

She read the movement and speed of the wind and calculated all the measurement errors caused by it.

She was always the one who unravels, controls, and uses all creation in the universe.

She never doubted her abilities.

What was there was a self-esteem filled with madness.

Deep down in her heart, she believed that nothing was impossible for her, and she executed it.

She kicked the earth with her heel.

Sudden braking, and acceleration all of it to her upper body, to her arms, and to her spear.

What she needed to do was the same as usual.

A tornado is no obstacle in the face of the spear that she unleashed.

Whether the thing in front of her is an army or a rampart――even if it was a Dragon or a god.

――What she always released was a spear that pierced everything that was in her way.

the body of the little girl.

Her whole body bends like a whip, and the spear that was fired now flew toward the Dragon's body with a roaring sound.

It traveled nearly one ri in an instant, easily piercing the ore-like dragon scales.

It pierced and gouged the flesh at the root of the left wing.

The power of the spear, which did not stop there, shattered the cliff behind it and the wall of magic crystal there.

The magic crystal that became particles mixes with the red blood smoke――the color that arises there was purple.

Behind the girl.

――The first thing the warriors saw after crossing the hill was the god-slaying spear unleashed by the girl.

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