A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 26: U.E. C.26: Ceremony

Chapter 26: U.E. C.26: Ceremony

Krische was in her room, reading a storybook lying open in her lap.

Krische’s latest favorite pastime is relaxing on the soft sofa with Bery and drinking tea while Bery reads children books to her with occasional explanations.

Bery recommended children books because they have simple depictions of love and happiness, concepts that Krische has trouble understanding. But these interested Krische more than Bery had expected, mainly because Krische could stick close to Bery during the story.

Krische is already partly dependent on Bery by this point, clinging to her all the time.

Reading together is time when they are naturally closer together and Bery pats Krische’s head as she teaches Krische various things, all good things for Krische.

Although Krische focuses more on being pampered by Bery than the contents of the story, this study method is not that bad.

Krische is gradually learning to understand normal feelings from the books.

“……and with this, the knight and princess lived together happily ever after. “

“Together……does that mean they got married?”

“Err, yes. That should be the correct interpretation.”

“Getting married is happiness? It is written like that in a lot of books.”

“……that is difficult to say. But if they love each other, then getting married is a happy thing.”

Love each other, Bery responded to her own words and hastily continued.

“Er, er, Krische-sama, you know that marriage is only between a man and woman right……?”

“Yes, er, Krische knows that too……? Kaa-sama taught Krische that before.”

Krische seemed confused why Bery would point that out, but Bery breathed a sigh of relief.

Bery would not be able to bear it if Krische said, ‘Then Krische wants to marry Bery.’

To Bery, Krische is cute and pure, a simply adorable existence.

Bery would definitely feel the urge to hug her tight and impulsively say ‘me too’ even though she knows that would make things worse.

Ahem, Bery cleared her throat and recovered to her serious teaching expression.

“……marriage itself is a contract to become husband and wife. It is just a contract to become family and have children. But it is also a vow to raise children together, to spend your lives together, so marriage would be happiness for people who love each other. My sister’s marriage with master was like that and they were very happy.”

“Krische’s kaa-sama and tou-sama also seemed very happy.”

Krische recalled Grace and Gorka. Bery smiled in response.

“That is nice……marriage for nobles are usually to form connections between houses, so I cannot say that marriage itself leads to happiness. But it is also true that it can lead to happiness. Even if the husband and wife did not love each other at first, there are cases where their relationship developed after their marriage and they found happiness.”

After some thought, Krische asked.

“Will Bery get married one day?”

“I……no. My body is weak and I cannot bear children. Childbirth is very difficult. My house is also ruined, so there will not be that type of proposals either.”

“Bery’s body is weak?”

“Yes, well……as Kriscche-sama can see, I am healthy now, but when I was a child I could not go outside, I could only stay indoors and read. So I was a little weird.”

Bery laughed softly.

“‘I cannot tell what ojou-sama is thinking’, I was often told this. The same at Krische-sama.”

“Bery too?”

“Yes, I was a little different from others. So although I cannot completely understand how Krische-sama feels……I believe I can understand it a little.”

Bery stroked Krische’s soft hair as she spoke.

“Even when I tried to be considerate, I got things completely wrong. That happened a lot. Maybe it is because of that, whenever I see Krische-sama confused by such things, it feels like watching my past self.”


“Yes, fufu, indeed, empathy.”

Bery smiled happily and stroked Krische’s cheek.

“……I try to act positive and likable. But I am actually not very good at talking to others. I am the only servant in this large estate because my nee-sama and master knew about this.”

Bery shut the book and took a sip of tea.

“I am not as good at talking to others as Krische-sama thinks I am, I am only good at acting. I still have the same weakness as Krische-sama, I just live by hiding it. So with this included, marriage would be difficult……also, I am already very happy to live here, in this estate with Krische-sama, ojou-sama and master.”

“I see.”

Krische also took a sip of tea.

Krische roughly understands how marriage works and she was happy about this.

If Bery got married, she would leave this house and Krische would not be able to follow her.

So if she is not going to get married, that is great for Krische.

Krische adjusted her position in Bery’s lap and wrapped her arms around Bery’s neck.

“……then, Bery will always be with Krische.”

And lightly kissed her.

“!……y, yeah. Always.”

Bery looked troubled, her face burning as she embraced Krische.

Krische smiled and closed her eyes.

Krische has grown a bit too beautiful for such actions to be childish.

It might have been okay if she was still a child, but Krische is already becoming a beautiful woman.

When she and Bery, who also has very feminine curves and young, pretty looks, hug each other, it looks indecent.

――at some point, the door had open and Selene was peeking in, sighing at the indecent pair.

“O, ojou-sama……when did you”

“……Bery, no, nevermind, I don’t care anymore. Please, try not to lead Krische down any weird paths.”

“I, I will not.”

Krische had been about to doze off in Bery’s arms, but raised her head at Selene’s voice, tilting it in confusion at Selene’s look of resignation and Bery’s slight panic.

“Selene, did something happen?”

“A letter from otou-sama. Seems like the two of us are summoned to the palace for our distinguished service in the war. You’ve heard that the war ended just the other day right?”

“Yes……Krische too?”

Krische turned to stare at Bery.

They had just come back. Krische is still getting her fill of being pampered by Bery and cooking everyday, if possible, she did not want to go.

Bery guessed Krische’s thoughts and looked at Selene hesitatingly while patting Krische’s head.

“Like I said before, Krische played a large part. Such service cannot just be ignored……so both of us will be receiving the rank of senior knight, medals and a reward.”

“……senior knight all of a sudden? That is……”

Knights are a rank of nobility in the Kingdom, but it cannot be inherited nor are they granted any land.

It is more of an honorary title.

But this rank is only granted for achievements on the battlefield, it is not something even greater nobles can obtain through their birth alone.

The title of knight is split into senior and junior knight. Those granted this rank usually start from junior knight and after earning enough achievements, are promoted to senior knight. But in cases like this, where their achievements are exceptional, they can skip straight to senior knight.

“I was also a little surprised that we will be senior knights……well, with the situation being what it was, it is effectively thanks to otou-sama that the country is saved. That should be the reason behind their generosity.”

“I see……it is surprising. But……then Krische really has no choice but to go……”


Bery had heard from Selene about what had happened on the battlefield.

Krische’s explanation was simply, ‘Krische helped build a fort and fought a little.’.

But Krische was the one that suggested the plan to steal back the initiative and break the northern stalemate created by the enemy. She had also built a fort that served as a solid defensive position of the river and racked up many kills herself.

Even just hearing this short summary of Krische’s exploits, it is no wonder she is receiving decorations.

Bery is also happy for her, but Bery could not fully celebrate it.

Being granted a title for your achievements is an indication of expectations of further contributions.

Expectations of contributions on the battlefield.

Selene let out a small sigh as Bery lowered her eyes.

“I know how you feel, but we can’t decline, so just accept it.”

“……yes. I am aware, but”

“Well, once that is over, we just need to show up a little at a dinner party. How about coming along if you are so worried?”

“Bery too?”

Krische’s eyes lit up.

Selene put a hand to her head, then turned to Bery.

Seeing how attached Krische has been to Bery lately has made Selene experience heartburn and want to puke sugar.

Bery smiled wryly at Krische, then nodded after some thought.

“……okay. There should not be any problems if I come along as an attendant.”

“I think it should be fine for you to wear a dress though. Even if your house is ruined, your rank has not been revoked.”

“Yes. But……I do not have good memories from that.”

Bery’s tone was self-mocking.

“……that was none of my business. Sorry.”

“It is okay. Thank you for the concern.”

Krische was listening to that exchange with a question mark floating above her head, so Selene explained to her.

“Bery’s Argan family technically still exists. So even though she is working as our servant, Bery is also a noble like us. She’s also so pretty. If Bery felt like it, she could put on some make up, wear a dress and proposals will come flooding in.”

“That is an exaggeration. Ojou-sama, calling me pretty in front of Krische-sama is embarassing.”

Bery embraced Krische and said.

“But like I told Krische-sama earlier, my happiness right now is living here. I do not particularly want to revive my house or find a partner……I am happy like this.”


Selene sounded a little disappointed but turned to Krische.

Krische was hugging Bery and enjoying her warmth, Selene pinched her cheek.


“Most of all, the problem is you, Krische. Since you have to participate, you will have to study etiquette.”

“Fufu, no need to worry, Krische-sama is quick to learn so she will pick it up in no time. I will also be staying by her side.”

“……well, that’s true. Just need to make sure this girl does not get caught up in anything weird.”

“Fuerene, ihyai……”

Selene giggled as she stretched Krische’s cheek once more before releasing it.

Krische pouted, sulking as she rubbed her cheek, then turned to bury her face in Bery’s bust.

Bery smiled wryly as she combed her fingers through Krische’s hair.

“Ojou-sama really likes teasing Krische.”

“……Selene bullies Krische.”

“Krische-sama is too cute, so ojou-sama cannot help but tease you. Lately Krische-sama has been with me all the time too, ojou-sama also wants some attention.”

“……I see.”

“……hey, stop teaching Krische stupid things. She is already a little bit of an idiot.”

Krische pulled Selene into the hug and smiled.

“Krische can also pamper Selene.”

“……I am not at an age for that.”

Selene looked disgruntled, but her cheeks were flushed.

Though she complained that her clothes would get wrinkled, she did not resist.

“……Krische will make what Selene wants to eat for dinner today. How about beef stew and hamburger steak? Ah, apple pie would be good too.”

“Now that you mention it, we have not made apple pie in a while. Let’s have that today.”


“……Krische will make a delicious one.”

Krische pecked Selene on the lips, making Selene’s face turn bright red as she glared at Bery.

Bery scratched her cheek awkwardly as she averted her eyes.

Although there were slight problems in their life in the estate, it was a comfortable life.


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