A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 35: U.E. C.35: Princess Kreschenta

Chapter 35: U.E. C.35: Princess Kreschenta

The hall for the dinner party was so large that a whole estate could fit in it.

The hall is so wide that it can host more than a thousand and the ceiling is so high that you had to look straight up to see it.

A wall of glass leads to the balcony, letting in the amber evening sunlight.

The dinner party is buffet style with countless tables scattered around filled with just as many dishes.

Just as Bery had said, a magnificent whole roast pig is still quite normal, there is a whole cow with its various parts cooked separately then pieced back together, a castle-shaped cake, a bird made of candy and various other extravagant dishes.

The theme for this dinner party seems to be the Kingdom’s gods.

The hall is separated into areas according to each of the twelve gods, for example, the area of Shaserene, the goddess of beauty contains finely crafted dishes while the area of Koreis, the god of war has extravagant beef dishes.

The decorations also matched the theme, there is an area with gold ornaments while another is decorated with swords and shields along with the statues of the respective gods, making it fun to just look around.

But Krische’s objective is the food.

Krische held Bery’s hand and wandered here and there.

All she can eat, this is Krische’s gold mine――but someone stood in her way yet again.

“Gahaha, I’ve heard the rumours that the other Christand is also beautiful, but the rumours really are mere rumours. They do no justice to the real thing! And if your swordsmanship is as they say then many soldiers are put to shame.”

The man was like a wild beast.

A beard covered the area around his mouth and his black hair is slicked backwards, but his hair is so stiff that it looks more like it is standing up.

His height is about six feet. Quite tall, but more than that, he is thick.

That does not mean he is fat, it is all muscle.

He looked hopelessly out of place in his formal attire, he looks more like a bandit pretending to be a noble.

This man’s name is Dagren Nakul Dougarinea Garhka.

The fierce general that defended the south and dealt the final blow to the Empire’s invasion army.

Despite his appearances, he was born to the old Garhka family and is a duke.

Which means he ranks higher than Christand and it would be rude for Krische to excuse herself.

――Krische had just finished greeting each corps commander and was finally released.

It was almost a full hour of them lavishing her with flowery praises of her achievements and other repeated talk about the war until Bery cut them off.

Of course, Krische has not been able to enjoy the food and has only had a few drinks.

Just as she finished talking with the corps commanders and was about to enjoy the food, this bandit-like Dagren appeared.

A man just as loud as the second corps commander Kokys. Krische’s expression looked a little annoyed and even Bery’s smile was slightly troubled.

As a servant, Bery is aware of who Krische needs to speak to.

It is simple manners to greet each corps commander, so Bery subtly guided Krische towards them.

But Bery believes that Krische does not need to greet anyone else and subtly guided Krische away from the other gazes on them so that Krische could enjoy the food――but they could not avoid this man.

He had pushed through the crowd and beelined straight to them.

There is a silent agreement to only speak to those nearby during dinner parties like this.

In the Kingdom, stand-up buffets are considered informal. Anyone could enjoy a meal in the presence of royalty and speak to anyone else regardless of rank.

Bery made use of that common sense to conduct herself and Krische in such a skillful way that it is unbelievable that Bery is inexperienced with high society, but if someone ignores that common sense and homes in on them, there is no way for them to escape.

Bery pondered over what to do as she watched Krische who is clearly thinking about nothing but food.

“After speaking with Bogan, I wanted to speak with you directly. You were the one that suggested the plan to lure Sarshanka by shifting camp to the east right?”

“Yes, general Garhka.”

“That was an amazing read, you have good eyes. Even I wouldn’t have thought of that in that situation. In fact, I couldn’t do anything in the south and was only facing off with the enemy until Christand broke Sarshanka.”

Dagren is in high spirits.

Everything about him indicated that he really wants to talk about the war and Bery had already given up, this seems like it will drag on.

The Christand corps commanders also more or less had the same air about them.

The handsome first corps commander, Nozan praised Krische for her brilliant mountain breakthrough and her skill in the melee afterwards. He was happy to become a general, but he owes a great debt to general Christand and is worried about leaving a large hole in his forces. But with Selene-sama and Krische-sama present――

The bear-like second corps commander, Kokys thanked Krische for giving him a chance to play an active part. He also thanked her for rushing to aid the isolated second corps fighting in the west and striking the enemy in the rear, destroying their morale and making them retreat, if only his son could learn from her gahaha――

The eagle-eyed third corps commander, Terious admired her skill in constructing the fort and told her how much easier it made things and helped them conserve their forces. He wanted to learn from how she built such an effective fort in that short period of time. If they met again at the training grounds, he would like to discuss more about it, actually now would be a good time――

The skeletal forth corps commander, Elrouga quietly praised her skill in infiltrating the mountains and said that their great victory is Krische’s achievement. It is thanks to Krische’s lead that they succeeded in flanking through the mountains with almost no casualties and had less than half the expected losses in the end. Despite his antisocial appearance, he seems to dote on his son and started talking about his son halfway through, saying that Krische-sama reminded him of his son and how his son is much better than him――

All of them would have gone on and on if let be, so Bery had politely cut them off, but she cannot do anything here since Dagren is of higher rank.

Dagren talked about the southern battlefield and explained his position to Krische using cups and plates on a table.

“What do you think about this situation?”

“Since this is on the plains, the Empire has the advantage with their nomadic cavalry. Krische’s plan involved killing their mobility using the terrain, but that would be impossible in that area. Krische would have pulled the army back instead.”

“You would let them take the land?”

Krische nodded and pointed at the representative map on the table.

“The enemy would not have gained anything from our tactical retreat. During the temporary stalemate, the villages and towns could have been evacuated and emptied. Just by luring out the enemy and making them extend their supply lines, we could have put great strain on them. This is because the Empire mostly relies on procuring their supplies locally.”

“……but would they have chased?”

“In the early stages they would have, since their objective was to capture territory. It might become a little difficult during the stalemate later on, but if you retreated towards Wulfenite when master was shifting to the east, the enemy would definitely give chase.”

The enemy saw Christand’s movement as a precursor to a recapture attempt on Wulfenite.

If Dagren’s army had moved towards Wulfenite, the enemy would have definitely tried to stop it.

“If they chased, you could choose the battlefield and by moving closer to Wulfenite, there were more advantageous areas like the forest or desert. Krische would have chosen the desert here.”

Dagren looked towards where Krische pointed and frowned.

She was pointing at a white patch of tablecloth. Naturally, there is no actual map on the table.

But Krische had accurately calculated and pointed at the location of the desert in the south based on the positions Dagren described.

Dagren turned to her with a serious expression.

“You’ve memorised not just the northern and eastern geography, but the south too?

“……? Yes.”

“I see……no wonder Christand is all praises for you. I’d want you for myself too.”

“Er……I owe a debt to the master for taking me in and it is all I can do to repay that debt right now.”

Krische declined using the excuse Bery had taught her, word for word.

Bery had told her to say this if anyone proposed to her and Krische dutifully obeyed.

“Gahaha, I see! That’s a problem. But I owe a debt to you. Come to me if you ever need anything.”

“Thank you very much.”

Krische finally felt the end approaching and glanced towards Bery. Bery nodded back and was about to act but Dagren is a man of steel.

“Then next”, and he started moving the glasses and plates again.

“Er, next……?”

“Yeah. You know what happened. I didn’t move and when I received the report that Christand broke Sarshanka, I took the chance to attack. At that time my force was thirty thousand and the enemy was forty thousand. The battlefield was like this――”

In the end, Krische was stuck with Dagren for another half hour

Bery smiled wryly as she guided Krische by the hand, Krische looked like a dog that had been told to stay in front of treats.

Krische was finally released after the sun had set and Bery guided her extremely well now.

The way Bery exploited the chinks in people’s awareness is similar to Krische.

But even in a hall full of noblewomen, Krische’s beauty is eye catching.

They ate a little, moved to the next area, ate a little and on to the next again.

It was quite rushed and eventually Bery changed plans and they headed to the balcony.

They found a quiet corner on the wide balcony, set the slightly inappropriate amount of food they had secured on a table and took a break.

There are not many people around.

Conversation is prioritised over food at stand-up buffets such as this one.

Connections between nobles are formed on occasions like this, so nobles are busy looking for the connections that will bring them success in life and there are many that do not even eat a single bite.

Since there is no point in going to a place without the people they seek, not many come to the balcony and it is relatively quiet.

The only people present are young couples or nobles having a serious discussion.

People are sparse and it is peaceful.

For nobles, appearances and reputation is everything.

In the hall, there may be some that hit on them under the pretense of greeting them, but it would be bad for appearance to go all the way to the corner of a deserted area to speak to them.

Unless they are acquaintances, such a sudden act would only be seen as hitting on them.

Since they had already greeted those they have to speak to, they were able to enjoy a relatively peaceful time.

This would not be possible for Selene who has already appeared in high society before, but this is Krische’s first time.

Bery breathed a sigh of relief, they should be able to get through the rest of the day like this.

“There is a little too much spice on this one.”

“Yes, that spice is rekkra. Its strong fragrance is good for meat with a strong smell, like boar, but they made the wrong choice here.”

“A waste of good meat.”

They were having a cooking review with their many dishes.

They had made two trips, so they had their pick of dishes.

The dishes they had brought first had gone a little cold, but the ingredients and cooking were good, so they still tasted fine. In fact, most people would have high praises for these dishes.

But Krische normally eats the home cooking of a culinary researcher, Bery.

Krische can enjoy just about anything when she is hungry, but her palate is extremely refined and she is able to discuss the subtle details of flavour with Bery.

Krische enjoys times like this with Bery the most

“We should consider whole roasts. They are large and, er……”

Krische blushed and cut herself off, but Bery just laughed softly.

“I will never make fun of Krische-sama’s appetite. Krische-sama would love such a filling meal right?”


“But the seasoning and cooking is difficult. We can only make rough estimates with whole roasts.”

“……the whole roast chicken Bery made before was very delicious.”

Krische said that a little shyly, making Bery smile happily.

“Chicken is still manageable, but a pig would be too much. I would still prefer to cook the parts separately.”

“Krische also prefers it that way……ehehe, empathy?”

“Yes, empathy.”

Bery stroked Krische’s cheek as she snuggled closer.

Since her hair has been done up, Bery cannot pat her head.

Krische fidgeted then glanced around, pouting as she saw the presence of other people.

Bery smiled wryly as she inferred what Krische wanted and pressed a finger to Krische’s lips.

“Not here.”

“……then, when we go back to our room.”

“E, err, maybe……uu”


Krische looked at Bery with upturned eyes.

Bery blushed and her eyes wandered, troubled by the quagmire she had gotten herself into.

‘――Do not hold back with me. If there is anything Krische-sama wants me to do, please speak out and tell me’

Bery was the one that said that to Krische.

Those words came from her good will, her sense of responsibility and her love.

She did not think it would lead to this.

Krische simply believed in those words, understood it in her own way and is depending on Bery.

And that is what she has been doing for a while. It is already too late.

Too late, too late. Yes, as Bery kept thinking it is already too late, it got worse and at some point it really became too late.

At first, Bery had no doubts that her feelings for Krische was that of a mother or an older sister, the pure love of a guardian. But now she is not so sure.

“In, in return, please endure until we go back to our room, okay……?”

“……okay, Krische will endure until we are back in our room.”

Krische is an exceptionally beautiful girl.

Having such a girl dependent on her, kissing her everyday and receiving such innocent love requires a lot more self-control than Bery had thought.

And Bery is also aware that she is the one that brought up Krische like this, so there is no one to blame but herself.

Bery also knows that this is not all bad, it is due to this that Krische acts much more like a normal girl than before.

She has become much more charming, she smiles genuinely more often and seems happy.

That is why Bery is at a deadlock and can only silently continue to endure the allure of this beautiful, adorable creature.

Bery closed her eyes to compose herself and when she opened them, Krische was staring at something outside.

Following her gaze, there was a single tower at the corner of royal land.

Krische’s gaze shifted from the tower to the area around it.

“Is something the matter?”

“Er, that seems familiar……Krische, was probably in that tower a long time ago.”


Bery frowned.

“A long time ago……?”

“Ah, yes, that is probably it. Krische often looked outside from that small window over there.”

Bery took a closer look and found a single window at the top of the tower.

A single tower standing in the back corner of royal land is strange, its purpose is unfathomable.

It looks as if it was built away from the castle, a lonely tower――and what does Krische mean by being there before?

Bery’s frown deepened.

“It was a looong time ago. Krische was really small, it was before Krische was taken in by the village. Krische never went outside, so Krische does not remember anywhere else though.”

Krische compared the scenery and flipped the image from her memories, confirming that they matched.

Krische quickly lost interest in why she had been there and stared at the unmoving Bery, tilting her head as she watched Bery lost in thought.

That was when someone spoke to them.

“Oh……this is where you were.”

A young, but distinct voice.

“Are you looking at the tower?”

Her pale hair shone in the moonlight――with a tinge of red.

A beautiful, phantasmal, magical shine.

A tiara sat on her hair which has been let down and appeared to be fluttering despite the lack of wind while her amethyst eyes seemed to shine in the dark.

Bery quickly bowed deeply at the waist and lowered her head.

This is a person who Bery, a servant has to show such respect for.

Krische lightly held up her dress and bowed her knees, curtsying elegantly.

The girl seemed to be enjoying something as she watched them, then held up her own pure white dress and returned the curtsy.

A curtsy that she did not need to return with her standing.

She did not bow her head or show any other sign of respect, she simply stood there like an absolute ruler.

That is who she is.

“Good evening. I am Kreschenta……nice to meet you, Krische-sama.”

Kreschenta Farna Viera Alberan.

Alberan Kingdom’s first princess smiled at them elegantly.

――with a face similar to Krische’s.


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