A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 75: Fortuitous Meeting

Chapter 75: Fortuitous Meeting

----The day after the Battle with Kuraray Marcellus.

Inside the tent, Nozan verreich frowned.

"Krische to General Hilkintos?"

"Yes, it would be possible, given the terrain. General Verreich will go straight into the Dragon's Maw."

Inside the tent were the six corps commanders and their adjutant.

As usual, the Black 1st Squad, including Mia, was on standby as attendants, but Dagra remained at the Century for training.

Today's agenda is about future movements.

It was a question of who would hold back the Hilkintos army approaching from the west and attack the Dragon's Maw.

The atmosphere at this meeting was that Nozan, with its military strength, would hold off the Hilkintos forces. The first thing that Krische did at the start of her speech was to turn their half-fixed ideas on upside down.

"...Krische-sama, as expected that is a bit too reckless."

The bald-headed man, his muscular face scrunched up, tilted his glasses.

Sardan Galcaron, the Second Corps Commander of the Verreich army.

"General Hilkintos will bring a large force of more than 20,000 men. Unlike our eastern part of the Kingdom, that side is stable. However, Krische-sama and Corps Commander Eluga combined had 13,000 troops, which would be difficult against General Hilkintos. Unlike General Marcellus, General Hilkintos is not easy."

It was a natural opinion.

The four generals who protect the Kingdom's territory from foreign enemies are not incompetent.

Unlike Kuraray, who was in the center, Aurugorn Hilkintos is a person who should be called a great commander with a wealth of battle records, and even in the war with the empire before, he freed Wolfeit without danger.

Even if it's Krische, the proposal was too reckless with the difference in military strength.

He felt that she was too overconfident in her own abilities.

"Well, wait Sardan. Let's hear Krische-sama first. ...This is a meeting to decide on an important policy. As expected, I can't just say 'yes, understood' without hearing the reason. Could you tell me the reason?"

Nozan asked, and Krische nodded and then looked at Mia.

Mia, who had not been told anything, was surprised for a moment, then turned to Krische's empty teacup and hurriedly poured tea in a panic.

She was not signaling for her to speak, but simply signaling that she wanted a cup of tea.

"It's time. General Verreich will move in another two or three days. On the other hand, Krische and Skeleton will be able to leave tomorrow."

The word "skeleton" made everyone startled for a moment and looked at Eluga.

Did it refer to Eluga?

No, probably without a doubt.

Everyone thought so, but no one could ask about it in this atmosphere.

Eluga raised his eyebrows at the gaze for a moment and cleared her throat with a deliberate cough.

"If General Verreich and his men were to suppress them, the meeting place would be here. Even if the Hilkintos army moves earlier or later than planned, we can only choose a plain with no obstacles. It would be dangerous to try to advance further with a forced march. In any case, it would be too wasteful."

To the south of the Dragon's Maw is a flat plain with no ups and downs.

It was around that point that Krische indicated that the battle would begin.

There are no hills where you can gain a tactical advantage, and fighting there would inevitably lead to a head-on clash on equal terms.

They were prepared for that, but Krische dismissed it as a waste.

"...A waste?"

"No matter how strong General Verreich's forces are, it will be forced into a head-on confrontation here against the nearly equal number of Hilkintos' troops. It is highly probable that the loss will be in the 10,000."

"I see. ...If it is only Krische and Eluga, you can choose a battlefield further west."

If you go further west, the north side is the base of the Alkeil Mountain Range, which extend southwest from the Dargon's Maw----from there the forest extend out.

It was a complex topography with several rivers running through it.

"Then Krische-sama will use the river in this forest to suppress General Hilkinthos?"


Krische sipped her cup of tea with plenty of honey and milk in it and smiled.

"There, Krische will dispose of the Hilkintos army."

Everyone in the room, except Eluga, widened their eyes in surprise.

Among them, Nozan wrinkled his brow and looked at the map as if he was trying to bore a hole in it.

After a while, he groaned and said.

"... Then we have to hurry. This is where Krische-sama is aiming, right?"

What he pointed was the distance of two days to the west of the plain, which was supposed to be the expected battle point.

It is a narrow road sandwiched between forests on the left and right.

From the west, just across the river------there was no better position to ambush the Hilkintos army.

Hide the troops in the left and right forests, lure the enemy, cover the front, and bite them.

If Krische was to defeat Hilkintos' army, which was superior in military strength, she could not find a better location.

"In fact, I think it would be better if we left at once. I can't accurately read General Hilkinthos' movements. If we can't take---"

"Skeletons also had their eyes on the same place, but if General Verreich also says so, then Krische fells relieved. But different"

'That's not what I'm aiming for', Krische replied, sipping the cup of sweet tea.

Nozan frowned even more.

"You have a high opinion of General Hilkynthos's abilities. Is that right?"

"Yes, if we take personal feelings out of the equation, I would say that he is excellent. He has not been protecting the west of the kingdom for many years for nothing. If we are talking about experience alone, he is better than me or the Corps Commander Eluga."

"If General Verreich thinks so, then Krische is more and more at ease."

Krische smiled and continued.

"What Krische always finds difficult in tactics is the extent to which the opponent can be read. Even if you want to outwit the opponent's movement, the important question is how much the opponent can read your intentions from your actions."

Enemy's actions, feeling around for the back. Anticipating that and what's in the back of the back.

Where do you stop the countless chains? That's where the difficulty lies.

The act of reading the back of the enemy becomes fatal if the enemy acts without any back.

Therefore, evaluating the enemy's abilities was a matter of priority above all else for Krische.

"Krische have been reading the records, so Krische have a general idea of what General Hilkintos is capable of, but... but there wasn't much in Gotoushu-sama archives, so Krische was still a little worried. But if General Verreich has taken note of that, it will most likely work out."


"Assuming General Werreich was in the position of General Hilkinthos. A situation in which Krische is advancing her forces ahead of others. And if you have grasped that information, you would probably choose to move ahead and take control of the east bank of the river."

Nozan nodded meekly.

Finally, he was beginning to grasp Krische's intentions.

"Once that area is taken over, Krische, who has a small force will have no choice but to turn back. At that time, the distance between us will be less than a day at most------Krische had failed to conquer it, while General Verreich had succeeded in conquering it. From your point of view, the other side is a prey that has no choice but to flee, and of course General Verreich will be chasing after it.

"...that's where the enemy's throat will be cut open."

"That's what I mean. If you let them bite the bait, you can read their movements. Simply setting up an ambush position on the east bank of this river has a lot of uncertainties, so we use other means to meet the conditions."

The key was the initiative.

'Like solving a simple problem', Krische said.

Nozan looked earnestly at the map, thought about something------and shook his head.

"I'm still too green. ...Krische-sama force is small in the first place, so she doesn't need to pay attention to passive measures such as suppressing the enemy. Only think about taking the opponent's head."

"Because it's efficient. It's if we take the head then that's that, so Krische thinks that the solution is always simple, and that's all you should aim for."

More honey was added to the tea.

Krische savored the tea, which was now almost entirely honey and milk, and relaxed her cheeks.

"In the end, the number of battlefield selection options and the number of trials and errors will be affected by the number of troops. It doesn't make that much of a difference if you just focus on the objective. At most, there are only a few thousand soldiers that will be fighting at the same time, so it would be good if we could strike a decisive blow before the final battle occurs."

'Putting aside if the difference is too big', she continued.

She never makes a mistake.

And she will always achieve the desired result with all her might.

Her words reveal an absolute confidence that could be seen as conceit, and the girl has the power to turn such words into mere facts.

She may look young and pretty, but she is not just a normal girl.

------She was unmistakably a monster.

"...I can't help but be grateful that you weren't an enemy. I can't believe in myself that much."

Nozan said in amazement.

Numerous copious amounts of flesh and blood on his hand, risking many lives, including his own, moving forward for glory.

What arises is pleasure, fear, and elation that numb the brain.

The conductor (commander) constantly savors it while striving to maintain his own composure.

It is not a game on the board.

The choice is always accompanied by fear.

Is it right or wrong? ------Are you sure of your own sanity?

But this girl was always calm and focused only on her goal.

"Selene-sama and I can hang for about five days?"

Nozan inquired.

He already saw her victory as a foregone conclusion.

She probably wasn't expecting the Dragon's Jaw could be brought fall with force.

He picked what could be her choice and looked at her.

"Yes, Krische suppose so. About five days------at the earliest, Krische will be able to return by the fourth day. If possible, Krische would like to bring General Hilkintos alive, as expected Krische can't be certain about this."

The Hilkintos army wasthe only thing the defenders in the Dragon's Maw can count on.

Cutting it off would break the soldiers' hearts.

She intended to make the Dragon's Maw surrender.

"Then let's prepare accordingly. However, the task is too easy on my side. It's too unbalanced... Granmeld."

"Yes sir."

"Choose 2000 soldiers and accompany Krische-sama."

Granmeld saluted as is while kept seated.

It was not good manners, but neither Nozan nor the others minded.

"I'm sorry to impose, but I'm a bit of a worrier so."

"No. Krische has also seen the strength of Corps Commander Varkas."

"If there are no objections, I think this is settled. Does anyone else have an opinion?"

Nozan looked around and one person raised his voice.

It was Sardan from earlier.

"What about the supply?"

"Krische have hidden most of the supply we took the other day hidden in the woods, so we'll basically use that."

"I see. ...In order to ensure Krische-sama plan, it would be better to prepare the rear. It would be more convenient to make the other side think that Krische will take a delaying action."

"...that's true. Krische was thinking of asking to connect from here, but."

Krische nodded obediently, and Sardan smiled.

Although he complained about it earlier, he doesn't have any particular ill feelings towards Krische.

His eyes were kind, just as they would be looking at a little girl, just like how she looked.

"Then, I have a suggestion for Krische-sama."

"Yes, what is it?"

Krische tilted her head and looked at him, wondering what Sardan would say.

"West from here------there is a merchant I know in the town of Kielzaran on the way. Let's talk to that man. If you stop by there as recognition of services for the soldiers, he will probably send a letter to General Hilkintos. He is a miserly scrapper with a lot of money but no class------Roland."

Her eyes narrowed the moment he said the name.

Tomorrow morning, Krische and her team set out.

The first thing they were going to do was to find Marcellus' supply which was hidden in the forest.

Most of the people who originally carried the trains were hired, workers.

Except for the guard soldiers and mercenaries Marcellus attached, they were all ordinary people.

After the raid, Krische made a written contract with a representative of the group, guaranteeing the contractual compensation they had agreed with Marcellus in Christand's name.

And by paying some additional money, though it was forcefully they made them standby there in the current state and handed over the cargo to Christand.

Although the merchants themselves did not have military power, they had strong horizontal ties, and when viewed as a whole, they were a force with great financial power.

Logistics-related contracts originally included a hazard fee, but the other party was a merchant within the Kingdom, they cannot be too rough, even if the merchants were in favor of the enemy.

They are only buying and selling goods based on contracts in accordance with 'formal commercial transactions' based on the Kingdom's law. They must be treated as neutral, good citizens.

There are many difficulties in this area because of the relationship between the state and the merchant associations.

The state has unquestionable force and power. The merchants fear it.

The merchants have enormous funds. The state fears it.

The best thing for both sides is to have a good relationship, and both sides fear the deterioration of that relationship.

The relationship between the two was left more to conscience and tacit understanding between the two than to the law.

Krische and her group take the merchants into custody by force and have soldiers standing guard in the forest to protect them as pretense.

They will not hesitate to use force if necessary. That's what it meant.

Naturally, those whose lives were threatened were afraid. They had no choice but to comply, even if the words were a bit aggressive.

However, this alone would cause friction in the relationship, so Krische and her team guaranteed the contract with Kuraray, and then made a new contract and paid additional money in order to save the merchant's face.

It was the end of such an exchange, and there was no problem that seems to be a problem.

When they learned that they had easily defeated Kuraray Marcellus, who was leading an army of 30,000 men, they were even eager to be on the winning side.

During the attack, of course, there were some dead among them, but it was already clear that it was inevitable.

Merchants are just creatures who move on profit and loss, and in that sense, they have a cold sensibility to the end.

After retrieving Marcellus's supply, which had been hidden in the forest, Krische and her group set out for the west, heading immediately for the city road.

Although the distance was a little long and a detour, the fatigue of the soldiers would vary greatly depending on whether or not they were walking on a solid foothold.

Naturally, it also affects the marching speed, and in the end, the time it took was not much different than if they advanced in a straight line.

The roads around here were wide enough for five soldiers to line up side by side.

Even so, a large army of more than 10,000 will create a long line of more than ten ri (39,27 km), but on a plain with wide visibility, there was no need to be on the lookout for surprise attacks, and the advantages of proceeding along the highway in this way were great.

Without incident, they arrived at Kielzaran on the evening of the second day.

Kierzaran, with a population of over 100,000, could be said to be one of the largest cities in the kingdom.

The highways that stretch to multiple places------It's the key point of distribution that binds all of it together.

The city is naturally more prosperous than other cities.

There are many white houses made of wrought rock on the central hill surrounded by walls, perhaps because they are conscious of the royal capital. The wealthy were probably clustered there.

But where there's light there's shadow.

The city swelled chaotically to the point it was unmanageable

Further cities were built outside the city, and what existed between them was a slum.

Even so, the city is still expanding endlessly------Kielzerlan was in chaos.

The sight reminded Krische of Mitskronetia, which was on the way to the royal capital.

Even before their arrival, countless tents had been set up on the plains outside, ready to welcome them.

The fast horses had arrived in Kierzaran the day before.

But even so, the preparations were still this good.

The ability to deal with the sudden appearance of over 10,000 soldiers would probably be as expected of a large city.

That's just how many merchants were here.

Even before they had finished unpacking, the merchants and prostitutes were calling out to the soldiers.

"Oh my, my, what a beautiful young lady, are you from the nobility?"


After giving a set of instructions, Krische went on a light inspection.

After that, she was a little hungry and wanted to fill her stomach a little.

The one who called out to Krische, who was buying skewers at an open-air stall, was a tanned beauty dressed with a lot of exposure.

"Ufu, how about it? You're tired from your trip, aren't you? I'll take good care of you. Despite my appearance, I'm good at handling girls."

"Haa... Thank you. But Krische has a place to rest, so------"

"Yes, yes, stop! Usa-chan, this way!"


Krisje, who doesn't seem to understand much, responded seriously, and Kalua grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

Kahlua scratches her own head roughly as she sighs in exasperation.

"Geez, even if they called out to you, you don't have to answer. Right when I take my eyes off her..."

"...... but it seems kind of bad to ignore them when they talk to you."

"...Usa-chan, if you leave her alone, she seems like she'll immediately be kidnapped before you can count to three."

Mia and the other three members of the squad smiled wryly at Krische.

Krische was pulled by the hand and answered while chewing on the skewered thick-sliced mutton.

"Krische is is strong so, even if Krische is kidnapped, Krische will be able to return, so it's okay."

She spoke confidently, but they couldn't help but feel uneasy because of her childlike appearance.

The reason is that Cliche does not look like a soldier by any means, although she has a coat of arms sewn into her cloak.

Inside she wore a white lace shirt and skirt.

Although she wears a thick belt around her waist and carries a curved sword, no one would recognize her as the highest-ranking corps commander in the army.

Considering her position and role as a member of the Christand family, she is the actual leader, but it is extremely difficult for someone who doesn't know to recognize her.

The girl holding the grilled skewer in one hand, being led by the hand, and her silver hair swinging in the air, no matter how you look at it she was a sitting duck.

She was a beautiful girl who can be crowned as peerless, so she naturally attracts the attention of those around her.

"Anyway, even if they talk to us, we ignore them. And don't follow people you don't know."

"... Krische isn't that stupid."

"...I don't know about that."

Exasperated at Krische that was puffing out her cheeks with a slightly dissatisfied look, she sighed again.

Krische then looked to Mia.

"Mia, where's Bald Eagle?"

"As instructed. Corinth Squad is resting."

"Is that so."

Nodding in satisfaction, Krische loosens her cheeks over the grilled skewers.

"Krische will go to the banquet with Skeleton and the other. Krische'll leave the rest to you."

"Yes, please leave it to me."

Mia smiled and saluted.

Krische, Eluga, Granmeld.

Three people were invited to the mansion.

It was a large mansion inside a wall.

Four fountains were placed in the large garden, and sculptures were lined up on both sides from the main gate to the door of the mansion.

Without needing any signal from them, the double doors opened and a beautiful servant appeared.

"Welcome. Please come inside."

However, she was dressed a little strange for a mere servant.

Her black and white apron dress had a short skirt that exposed her thighs.

Her black high socks seemed to accentuate her white thighs, and her bosom revealed a hint of cleavage.

When she looked, all the servants in the mansion were dressed like that, and Krische is impressed by the appearance of an unfamiliar apron dress.

Krische didn't like clothes that has high exposure, but that's when she was outside.

Krische, who basically prefers comfortable clothes such as negligee, evaluated it from a serious point of view, thinking that it might not be bad if it was a little hot in the summer.

Although it is a blatantly indecent outfit, Krische rather admires it as a functional construction for better ventilation.

She even thought about discussing it with Berry the next time they met.

Eluga, a man of common sense, looked blatantly uncomfortable when he saw the servants' outfits, while Granmeld, on the contrary, looked somewhat pleased and relaxed his cheeks.

If the outside is luxurious, so is the inside.

Everything was extravagant, from the gold and silver ornaments to the paintings larger than a person's height, to the railings of the stairs.

While observing that cleaning seems to be difficult, they were guided to the large dining room by the servants.

As soon as the door opened, the scent of the delicacies tickled their nose.

"Welcome everyone."

And it was the smell of perfume that drowned it out.

"I apologize for inviting you to a place like this. Ah... Nice to meet you, my name is Roland, the representative of Kielzaran Firm. Earl Farren, Baron Varkus... I met the Princess of Christand before. Is I remember that was...Ah... that's right! in Mitskronetia."

He laughed intentionally as he said that.

The white and gold jacket held back his belly, which seemed to be straining with flesh, and his thighs almost tore off his black slacks.

His thinning was brushed back and decorated with countless rings and ornaments.

"......Long time no see"

"Yeah, yeah! I never thought I'd be able to see that beautiful figure again... I'd like to thank the Goddess of Fortune, Arsay. I am trembling with joy and would even shed tears if it was not in the public eye.. I'm sure this what's called a fortuitous meeting!"

------Fortuitous meeting.

That's certainly true.

Krische played with the hilt of the curved sword under her cloak.

"Krische's is also grateful for this meeting. With yesterday's and today's arrangements outside, the soldiers will finally be able to relax a little."

"This is a matter of course. I am ignorant of politics, so I can't talk much about it...but I loved the deceased King as a citizen of the Kingdom. Taking the life of the former king who, and even claiming to be the legitimacy of the royal family on top of that... even I, a humble merchant, feel a sense of righteous indignation."

He clenched his fists and shook his head as if to show his anger.

Then he looked at Krische with feverish eyes.

"...I want to do my best for Her Royal Highness and everyone who fights for it. That's what I think. Until now, I couldn't move freely and was forced to submit, but thanks to everyone who came as the savior of the Kingdom, I can finally stand against the great evil. Words such as gratitude cannot be expressed anymore, please use me as you will."

He was a man of slick tongues.

After saying all that, he said 'Pardon me, I become too excited', while guiding Krische and the others.

"I'm sure you must be tired from your long trip. It's a small amount, but I've prepared some food for. Let's start with that, and then we can talk later. Now, please come this way."

The long table, which could seat up to 30 people, was filled from one end to the other with food.

There was a whole roasted pig, a whole roasted lamb, and three whole roasted birds.

There were countless kinds of soups, stews, and grilled dishes.

All were of good quality.

Roland sat in the innermost seat, and Eluga and Granmeld to his side.

Krische sat next to Eluga. She did not want to sit too close to Roland.

Everyone was seated, and wine was poured into the cups.

Krische didn't like wine, but she can't help it for the time being.

When Roland saw that everything was in order, he clapped his hands.

"For now, let's celebrate this encounter. And to the future of the Kingdom."

He raised the cup while saying empty things as if it were a matter of course.

Krische followed suit and sipped her wine.

It was bitter and has a sour taste. Not sweet.

When she frowned, the servant who noticed her chuckled and whispered.

"Would you prefer juice?"

Krische nodded obediently.

Her dark hair was trimmed at her shoulders in a neat and tidy manner.

The servant's atmosphere was somewhat similar to Bery's.

Roland continued talking while eating.

About cooking, about the economy these days, about people's lives.

Eluga and Granmeld would handle such matters.

Krische's role ended with the greeting.

She decided to enjoy the meal.

When she calls her Servant-san, the servant smiled wryly and asked to be called Elvena.

The gentle atmosphere was exactly like Bery.

Unlike Berry, who had a pretty childlike face, Elvena was a beautiful woman, and she was taller than Bery.

But her mischievous, quiet smile reminded Krische somewhat of Berry.

"How unusual. It's a foule herb. Properly kneaded...Is the seasoning seasoned with sun-dried salt and Elkish fruit?"

"... you understand very well."

"Because Krische like cooking"

While Roland and the others were talking seriously, Krische was enthusiastic about her culinary research.

The taste is similar to that of the food at the royal palace.

"I don't know much about cooking...but I heard that in the south they often use foule herbs. It seems to grows in the wild over there."

"I see... Come to think of it, Krische had heard about that."

"If it's southern cuisine... ah, you might like this."

Elvena, happily, began to divide the food and lay it out in front of Krische.

It seems that there are many spicy dishes in the south, and many of them did not suit Krische's tongue, but there were still many things that felt fresh in her ideas.

This is delicious, and that is also delicious.

Krische was in a good mood by ignoring Roland.

Elvena watched her with a smile and took care of her.

Roland also seeing how Krische liked Elvena, didn't say anything in particular.

By the time the meal was nearing its end, Granmeld was completely drunk, his cheeks red and laughing merrily.

Roland flattered him and spout out flowery words one after another.

"------haha, my, my, if the brave Baron Varkus is here, we can rest easy in the next battle. Even if it's a Dragon's Maw, it's probably useless in front of a big wolf."


For a moment, the conversation stopped unnaturally.

And to kept up appearance Granmeld said.

"... Ah, no doubt. Leave it to me. I'm worried about Hilkintos coming from the west, but... I'm going to finish it before that."

"...Corps Commander Varkus."

Hearing Eruga's voice, Granmeld said 'I know' while, laughing and raising his hand.

Roland's eyes narrowed slightly.

"General Hilkintos. I've heard rumors. Seems he is with His Highness the Royal Prince..."

"I guess so. But they are not our enemies."

His voice sounded as if he had somewhat sobered up.

Grammeld's thick arms were crossed.

Seeing the sign that he wanted to end the conversation, Roland laughed.

"I see, how brave. However, it was a rude conversation at a meal. I'm a merchant, and I don't have the bravery to fight with a sword, so I can't help but worry about that."

"It can't be helped. However, I would appreciate it if you could take care of even the smallest things since right now, we're in the middle of the battle."

Eluga said so irritated and sipped the wine.

"Of course, I'll be careful. ...It's about time to end the meal. Let's go have some dessert, now, please bring it over."

After the meal, Krische took a hot bath.

Granmeld was sent back to his room first, and Eluga was discussing the contract.

Until that is done, they probably won't make a move.

"You have very beautiful hair... I envy you."

"Ehehe, it's been a long time since it's been washed. It's a bit difficult if it's long."

Krische closed her eyes pleasantly as the foam on her hair was washed away with hot water.

Elvena smiled as she carefully combed her hair with her fingers.

"I have curly hair, so long hair like this doesn't suit me...I envy you. My older sister also had such beautiful long hair."

"Do you have an older sister?"

"Yes. She is my prided older sister. Fufu, it's been a long time...since we met."

Krische turned around and saw the tattoo on Elvena's left shoulder.

A distorted star----it seems to be the mark of a slave trader.

While not publicly recognized in the Kingdom, it was not really so, and kidnapping does exist.

Meal charges, fares, lodging charges------whatever the name is.

The slave was made to sign such document and incurred a debt, and then sent to serve in the service in the name of repayment of the debt.

That is the pretense.

However, they are bound by the contract and deprived of their freedom.

The exchange was completely black.

But it is also very difficult to take legal action against it.

A kidnapper, a debtor, and a debt-buyer.

Everything was divided, and it's hard to keep track of because the debts are usually circulated left and right between multiple brokers.

In this case, only the kidnappers and debtors were guilty.

The traders who bought debts were often bona fide third parties with no knowledge of the facts, and the actual situation in the country was that they gave up on investigations and turn a blind eye to the situation considering the labor costs needed just for one slave.

Roland was the owner of the debts.

And by working for him, she was paying off her debts.

Even if it was only in form, there was no ostensible problem.

"Such thin shoulders. Krische-sama is also...umm, going to fight, right?"


"Is Krische-sama...not afraid?"

"Hmm... When it comes to Krische herself, not particularly."

She is not afraid of fighting.

Because it's not her who get killed, it's the person standing in front of her.

"...Krische doesn't want someone important to Krische to fight, so Krische is just doing everything Krische can to prevent that from happening."

"Krische-sama is very impressive. Even with such a small body."

"It's just a job. Krische doesn't think it's that splendid."

Krische thought for a moment and said.

"Krische think the best thing job is a job that makes someone happy, like what Elvena is doing now. Krische is very happy."

"My...thank you"

"Yes. Krische's favorite... the servant Krische respected is always kind like Elvena, so when the war is over, Krische wants to be like that."

"Pardon me... I don't know anything but, Krische-sama is quite the strange person, huh?"

Elvena laughed mysteriously and stood up.

She took Krische by the hand and led her into a bathtub strewn with crimson petals.

"Is it strange?"

"No, it's a very nice idea. It's just someone who is honest and kind... that kind of person is rare."

"... Krische doesn't think Krische is that kind."

"Krische-sama is very kind. That's why I'm happy to take care of Krische-sama like this."

'fufu', she chuckled.

Elvena sat opposite Krische and caressed her cheek.

Her breasts and, her narrow waist----as if to hide a little bit of her feminine flesh.

Bringing her face close, Elvena admired Krische's beauty.

"Does Elvena not like it very much?"

"...If the partners are all like Krische -sama, it may be very happy. However, there are many different types of guests here, so even now that I've gotten used to it, I sometimes feel it's hard."

"......I see."

And slowly, to her neck.

A little below Krische's thin shoulder----she kissed Krische's collarbone.

Krische twisted her body from the tickle sensation, and Elvena moved her palms and stroked Krische's modest breasts.


Elvena stared at Cliché without saying a word, and she went up this time.

She rubbed the tips of their nose together then pressed her lips against Krische's.

Krische's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Elvena with her eyes wide open.

Elvena, noticing this, looked into her eyes for a moment, and then, as her lips and body parted, her shoulder shook amusingly.

When Krische tilted her head curiously, she seemed to enjoy it even more.

"Fufu, ufufu... it's no good. It was a bit of a mischief, but somehow, the poison was drained."


"Since Krische-sama was saying so many cute things, It made me wanted to tease Krische-sama a little. But more than I thought... it's no good, fufu, forgive me."

Cute and teasing.

There, Krische understood the intention of her actions is, and Krische was convinced.

And with her serious face, she thrust her fingertips to her lips.

"It's no good to tease. Chu, is for when you're with someone you really like."

It became even more funny when she said that, and Elvena lowered her face and began to laugh.

'Is there something funny?'

Krische waited for Elvena to calm down, mulling it over with a 'muu'.

After a while, Elvena wipes her eyes and still smiling, she told her

"Hahh... it's been a long time since I laughed like this."

"Krische don't really understand what was so funny though..."

"Fufu, I'm sure Krische-sama is fine like that. But, yeah, really, Krische-sama's servant must be happy every day. I'm very envious."

Elvena smiled as she sighed and wiped away the tears that have welled because of her laughter.

"... I don't think it's okay for someone like me to say this in a place like this... I really wish you luck in battle."

"... Thank you. Krische, uhh... may you be blessed with fortuitous encounter."

"Thank you for your kind words...but I'm sure today was a good, fortuitous encounter. For years to come, I will be able to remember and laugh remembering this day."

Elvena said then she stood up.

"Krische-sama will be returning to your tent today, right? Such a shame."

"... Yeah, for Krische it is also a shame. But..."


"Nothing. Krische is also satisfied with being able to slowly soak in hot water. Thank you very much."

"No, no, it's a great honor to hear Krische-sama say that."

She faintly smiled.

Slits at the corners of the eyes----lightly pigmented lips, a slender face overall.

The atmosphere of Elvena is similar to Bery's, but the facial features are completely different.

But her face was also somehow familiar.

It was such a strange smile.

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