A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 88: The Kingdom’s Princess

Chapter 88: The Kingdom’s Princess

***Arc 5 The One Who Obstructed, Chapter 88 The Kingdom’s Princess***

Arna Imperial State was a land with a strong belief in the Holy Spirit and was a matriarchal state with a queen as the highest authority from generation to generation.

The queen was a priestess of the Holy Spirit, whose main deity is the Ancient Fragon Yagernaus.

In other words, it was a theocracy.

The Imperial State had a Miko (shrine maiden) at the top, and the aristocrats below it were officially a Shinto priests.

The Ancient Dragon now didn't actively interact with humans, but it's more than convenient that an object of worship certainly existed.

This was the reason why the system had been in place since tribal times without any confusion.

The authority was guaranteed by the belief in the ancient dragon, and there has been no civil war for hundreds of years.

The mystique of the high-ranking priests was firmly maintained, and they were all revered by the populace.

"... I was surprised to hear that the high priest was here."

"...If Her Royal Highness the First Princess of the Kingdom of Alberan is here, then I can't just send anyone to pick her up."

White cloth with gold embroidery.

He wore a robe made of many layers of it, and a golden kanmuri like a helmet on his head.

Inlaid in the center of it was a blue jewel, signifying a High Priest, and in His hand was a scepter taller than his height.

The third rank from the top of the Imperial State----the high priest.

Considering that the second rank, the archbishop, plays a supporting role for the Miko in the center of national affairs, he was the highest-ranking person that could come out to meet her like this.

The old man looked at Krescenta with a soft smile on his wrinkled face.

"My name is Zanalibea, Her Highness First Princess Kreschenta. It's been two years since then...Was it at the Holy Spirit Festival?"

"I remember, Zanalibea-sama. It's been a while, and I'm glad to see you again."

Kreschenta forgot that she was a dog until just now and turned her pretty princess smile to Zanalibea as she bowed her head.

When one becomes a priest, one loses their family name. In such cases, it was fine to call them by their first names.

"However, why did Lord Zanalibea go all the way here? It seems to me that you have very few companions for it to be my reception."

She knew the reason.

Kreschenta raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction.

"I understand your position, Zanalibea-sama.... But I can't go home until I have an audience with Miko-sama."

The Imperial State did not want a meeting with Kreschenta.

The Kingdom's tops that were in the midst of a civil war.

Having contact with one side was inconvenient if the other side ended up winning.

If possible, they would want to have Kreschenta go home as it was.

The number of people he brought was ten escorts.

The reason he showed up at night like this was because he didn't want to make things too big.

They didn't want to diplomatically refuse a meeting with a Princess of an ally.

They wanted to say that Kreschenta had voluntarily canceled the audience due to her own circumstances.

Nevertheless, they had sent a high priestess who could make important decisions related to national politics.

This was not a mere diplomatic courtesy.

It was to make some kind of decision.

In this case, whether or not to bring Kreschenta to the Miko----

Using tears.

No, it wouldn't work for this person.

The old man's eyes were calm and observant.

If the Imperial State was a country that's moved by emotion, it would have already joined Kreschenta.

"Fufu, that's right. If Miko-sama doesn't want to meet me, I can travel more grandly. Visiting every city and giving a speech. Let's show it, not to the Miko-sama, but to the people of this country. Communicate the Kingdom's plight and draw attention----until you can't ignore it."

Zanalibea furrowed his eyebrows at the words she said with a mischievous smile.

The actions Kreschenta announced were unbecoming behavior for a member of the royal family, but for that reason alone, it would have a great effect.

"I've been prepared to throw away my pride for a long time.... Even now there are still people who risk their lives to fight for me."

She looked straight at Zanalibea.

She played as a young but intelligent princess.

She needed to be the kind of person that made him want to bargain instead of pitying her.

"......I'll be straightforward. What is your purpose? You are not sincerely asking for our help, are you?"

Zanalibea was unsure of the value of this princess.

Among the four high priests, Zanalibea was the one who had strong connections to the Kingdom.

It was no exaggeration to say that he knew the inner workings of the Kingdom better than the Kingdom's people.

----The Cursed Child Kreschenta.

He also knew a lot about her from rumors that were secretly told in the royal palace.

The story of a baby who never cried----the Cursed Child of the royal family was rather well-known in the Imperial State.

The baby who never cried had been an existence that had brought chaos and development to the Kingdom of Alberan since ancient times.

They were said to be extraordinary men of exceptional talent, yet devoid of human compassion and ethics, and their reigns were marked by great development and destruction of the Kingdom.

When Alberan, a great power, split with the Holy Elsren Empire, it was said that the cause was Queen Grabaraine and Princess Elsleine----the two babies who never cried.

After the reign of Grabareine, who had imposed a harsh reign of terror, ended, the royal family treated the babies who never cried as a Cursed Child----much more was recorded in the Imperial State archives than the Kingdom's, which prohibited the recording of that part as a disgrace to the royal family.

However, the girl in front of him did not seem to have the abnormality that the records spoke of.

As such, only rumors floated around her.

Rumors that she was an evil Cursed Child and that she had been killing everyone around her, including her younger brother Prince since she was a child.

As a matter of fact, since her birth, her surroundings have been filled with unnatural deaths.

Which one she was an important question.

The choice here could affect the future of the Imperial State, depending on the situation.

And the Imperial State was not monolithic either.

Even among them, there were two factions, the Royal Prince faction, and the Princess faction.

This was the reason why the Imperial State had been unable to make a move.

If done poorly, the empire itself could be split up----Even for the empire, which had long been allied with the kingdom, this civil war had become a very big problem.

The Kingdom was a shield that blocked aggression from the powerful nations that spread to the south.

The presence of the Kingdom was very important to the Imperial State.

"...... It is not good to discuss such an important matter standing around. Please come to my tent. Argan-sama?"

"Yes, I have already made the preparations, Your Highness. ...High Priest Zanalibea, come this way."

As expected, Bery had prepared the tent for the meeting before going outside.

Blankets were piled high on the bed, and cookies and pies were on the desk. As expected, it was impossible to invite guests from other countries to a tent that looks like Kreschenta's House (kennel).

Bery quickly cleaned up the area, boiled the water again to serve the tea, and put the tablecloth back on.


Bery led the way without worrying about Kreschenta's somewhat displeased look.

Zanalibea admired Bery's elegant series of gestures, thinking that she must have been born into a good noble family, and thought that he was overthinking Kreschenta's subtle changes in her expression.

At least she didn't seem to match the Cursed Child----the ruthless ruler described in the history books.

Before she knew it, Kreschenta's relaxing space had become simple and somehow cold, and for a moment, Kreschenta seemed to be stunned.

Bery told her with a glance that she will put it back properly later, and Kreschenta nodded her head dissatisfied.

Watching the quiet exchanges before his eyes, the Zanalibea grew relieved and narrowed his eyes at the glamor of the fragrant tea leaves from the pot.

"Is this Aceram?"

"Yes, High Priest Zanalibea. On a chilly night like this----I thought milk tea would be better than straight after a long trip."

Acerum had a faint sweetness and richness and was a tea leaf that goes well with milk.

Kreschenta has about three types of tea leaves with her, but since she basically only drank milk tea, she usually used this tea leaf when she brewed tea.

"... Thank you for your consideration. Though I look like this I like black tea more than alcohol."

"I am very grateful for your kind words. Excuse me."

She poured the milk into the Zanalibea's cup then a tea.

Then she drizzled an appropriate amount of honey and stirred it, then turned to Kreschenta.

Although the milk was modest compared to usual, Bery poured in plenty of honey while hiding it with her hands, and Kreschenta was delighted.

However, Zanalibea's sharp eyes cannot be fooled, and he obtained information that was quite meaningless that Kreschenta had a sweet tooth.

But this little aspect of Kreschenta's personality also made a favorable impression on him.

At least she had a very good relationship with her closest companion, her personal servant, and received her heartfelt service.

It was often said that the quality of a servant indicates the dignity of the master.

Her calmness regardless of the sudden visit----this servant was perfect as the princess's servant in that respect, but what should really be seen, however, more than the servant's ability was the relationship with the master.

How a servant viewed their master was a clue to getting to know the person.

Do they fear their master or make light master?

Is there respect or affection?------Those feelings can be glimpsed from trivial gestures.

The care that the servant showed in this short time, and the feelings between the two.

There seemed to be a connection between them that went beyond their position as princess and servant, which was Zanalibeia's idea of the ideal relationship between master and servant.

Whether she was a Cursed Child or not.

At least Princess Kreschenta did not put on air toward her closest servants, and usually showed her age-appropriate behavior.

Zanalibeia was beginning to solidify his opinion of her at this moment, even if he did not realize that the princess was being treated like a dog.

Without saying a word, Bery gave Kreschenta a lap blanket and asked Zanalibeia with her gaze.

Raised in the Imperial State, Zanalibea was accustomed to the cold.

Zanalibeia raised his hand lightly in response, and Bery lowered her head deeply and stepped back.

"...Opinions are divided even in the Imperial State. What should the Imperial State do is the question."

Zanalibea's words were the result of his observations up to that point.

Zanalibea had also let his guard down to the extent that he was willing to open his heart a little.

Kreschenta silently stirred the tea with a spoon, as if examining those words.

She was only judging whether the tea was at a drinkable temperature by the heat transmitted from the spoon.

"The question is whether we will support the Royal Prince or the Princess. If the situation intensifies, the Imperial State could also be split in two by your civil war."

"That's why my audience is not desirable."

Zanalibea nodded at Kreschenta's words.

"I see. ...The fact that you are telling me this means that Zanalibea-sama is leaning on my side------Is it correct to think so?"

"I wonder. I am a retainer of the Imperial State... I wish for the peace of the Imperial State. That's all I'm always thinking about."

He sipped his tea, without stating it.

"I intend to remain neutral on this matter. Looking at the current state of the Empire, any move is too dangerous. ......It all depends on what Her Royal Highness the Princess is thinking."

"... It seems that there are many people in the empire who have leaned towards uncle."

Kreschenta said exasperated.

Kreschenta could not move much in the royal palace.

She was too young to plot politically, and she didn't have the power to sneak a spy into another country.

So she tried to make allies within the royal court------but Gildanstein wasn't so.

His spy network was wide and deep, even being hidden inside other countries.

"On top of that, if you say you're neutral, then I'm going to think that Zanalibea-sama is on my side after all. My wish and Zanalibea-sama's hope aligned after all."

"...That, what is it?"

"What I want is balance and stillness within the Imperial State. ......As you said, I'm not asking for Imperial State help."

Zanalibea examined her words, and Kreschenta smiled and looked thoughtfully at the tea.

The tea was at a drinkable temperature.

"You seem very confident. From what I have been informed, the Christand seems to be in a very precarious position."

"Certainly, the loss of Margrave Christand is a big loss....But in return, we obtained a sharper blade than anything else."


"Yes. The one I trust more than anyone else------I know."

Kreschenta smiled wickedly as she traced her soft lips with her fingertips.

"How about this? How about a bet between Zanalibea-sama and me?"

"A bet, is it?"

"I can see why there are differences of opinion in the Kingdom. The priests of the Empire, who value their faith, are probably concerned about my origins."

Zanalibea's eyes widened.

He had not expected her to mention it herself.

"In addition to that, there is the current situation where the dragon's jaws have been taken away from. --The royal prince faction probably has the upper hand within the Imperial State. The current situation is that there are growing calls for the Imperial State to join Gildanstein and kill me, and Zanalibea-sama is a moderate who is moving to avoid that."

As the old man gazed at her, she already had the air of a monarch.

Her sweet voice was full of spirit, and the look in her eyes was that of absolute confidence.

There was an inexpressible power in her that would make the other person prostrate as if it was only natural.

"I am sure it was Miko-sama's intention that you're here, right? Miko-sama also thinks that they should not move now, and she is afraid that me entering the royal capital will break the balance."

"Haha... it sounds as if you saw it."

"I can imagine it."

Kreschenta laughed like a little girl.

"I know a lot about my uncle's notoriety. It's difficult to make a just cause for taking part in it, the people will not be convinced even if you join him and win the war. They will not understand the royal family's situation even if they call me a Cursed Child."

With a chuckle, Kreschenta looked at Zanalibea straight.

"The Imperial State prioritized profit, not reason, and lent a hand to the infamous Gildanstein. And I am a poor princess dancing atop that palm....Fufu, The Imperial State is better off staying out of it and riding the eventual winner."

'It's complicated, isn't it?' Kreschenta sipped her tea, and Zanalibea sighed.

Kreschenta had a clear understanding of the internal affairs of the empire.

Considering her age, she has a certain intelligence that cannot be underestimated.

"Maybe Zanalibea-sama thinks it wouldn't be a bad idea to support me after considering the public sentiment in the future?"

"...... Can't argue with that. But------"

"The only thing that concerns Zanaribea-sama is whether or not it is possible for us to get the Dragon's Maw back. ...right?"

Zanalibea felt that he was being swallowed by her pace.

She was in control of the flow of the conversation.

They were the ones with the upper hand------but she had grasped the Imperial State, and Zanalibea's thoughts.

He visited without contact and chose the night before bedtime.

Even then Kreschneta, her words were steady and fluid, as if she had been preparing for them.

Zanalibea nodded as he felt drawn in.

"That's what the bet is about. We'll be staying for a while in a town chosen by Zanalibea-sama. Right, it will be fine if you say that you're having us wait while you prepare to welcome me, isn't it?"

Furrowing his brow, Zanalibea probes the young princess's intentions.

Not just words.

Kreschenta had a bright, beautiful, captivating smile.

She had an unbelievable sex appeal for a girl, and she attracted the gaze of others.

Zanalibea felt such a presence that might make him nod his head unconsciously, and he tightened his resolve.

"The Dragon's Maw Preliminary Battle------The next opponent is probably General Marcellus. The Christand will not have a tough fight, and he soon announces an overwhelming victory against tens of thousands of opponents.... The Christand has no enemies, So much that Zanalibea-sama will think so."

"A bet on that outcome?"

"Yeah, if it doesn't turn out the way I expected, I will return to the kingdom quietly. Of course, it will be because of our side circumstance. ......Even if it was a victory, it would be the same if Zanalibea-sama could not accept it. The one who decides is Zanalibea-sama, how is it?"

Zanalibea groaned quietly.

He must have understood that he had been granted full authority over her audience.

She had declared the gamble with the decision would be his to make.

It may look like an advantageous offer, but it was not.

Since she said this, she must have a plan for certain victory, and if so, nodding to her words would be the same as half-acceptance.

Nevertheless, he was drawn in.

There were no absolutes in warfare. It was hard to believe that this brilliant princess did not know this.

She had just suffered a crushing defeat the other day.

But then, she declares with absolute confidence that there would be no defeat.

Defeat was impossible, she said.

In the imperial army, the royal prince who had the Dragon's Maw in his hands was seen as having an overwhelming advantage.

In fact, even Zanalibea, who was knowledgeable about military affairs, thinks so.

From here on, the only way for the princess faction to recover was with the help of the Imperial State.

But the way she spoke and the confident smile on her face.

He couldn't help but feel that she was seeing a victory that was already part of the predetermined course of events.

"Just because I won, it doesn't mean that I am demanding an unreasonable demand from Zanalibea-sama. Being allowed to have an audience by Zanalibea-sama, and granted an audience with the Miko-sama... From there, it will be the Miko-sama who decides everything, right?"

Zanalibea found himself engulfed by this young princess.

Her sweet voice crawled to his ear and melted.

"...In the Kingdom, in Christand I know that there are many renowned warriors. ...Nevertheless, how can you have such a good chance of winning after seeing the recent defeat? The blade, you said. Who is it?"

"...I'm sure you've heard the rumors. I'm sure it is the one Uncle fears more than anyone else right now."

A word that Gildanstein spread in order to justify himself.

Her princess Kreschenta was a Cursed Child, threatening the body of His Majesty the King with her evil desires, leading to his death.

And the reason why Christand joined with the evil Kreschenta was----

"...Krische Christand."

The young princess didn't respond to Zanalibea's words, and smiled.

"The news of victory will come soon. ......Wait for that, is that fine?"

She said this in a tone of voice that didn't affirm or deny him, and as if it had been decided.

----And so, after they finished talking for a while, in the tent after Zanalibea left.


"Fufu, you were really splendid, Kreschenta-sama, you were so cool. Please wait a moment, I'll prepare a warm blanket for you soon."


Kreschenta returned to being a dog while having her comfortable space created again.

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