A Nerubian's Journey

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Krivax could feel his heart racing as he and Masruk made their way as quickly as they could from Capital City to Dalaran. There were several human travelers on the road who screamed and panicked at the sight of two giant spider people running past them, but Krivax ignored them.

Of all the times for them to find the Dragon Soul, it just had to be on the day Id be away from Dalaran!

Ever since the failure of the ritual, Krivax had been trying his best to figure out the identity of the Void creature released by Deathwing. Plenty of people more capable than himself were already investigating, of course, but none of them had the advantage of metaknowledge. The only problem was that he had no real way of remembering such obscure lore after so many years, and getting his hands on an elixir that could help him recall such old memories wasnt exactly easy.

Instead, Krivax had just decided to look into any Old God affiliated forces in the Eastern Kingdoms to see if he could jog his memory, from Raganros and his Dark Iron dwarf servants to any reported sightings of Naga. After failing to achieve any results, Krivax eventually decided to head on over to Capital City and see what he could learn from the Explorers League. Given that Azjol-Nerub had every intention of developing relations with Ironforge and Gnomeregan after the war, getting permission for his trip had been a fairly simple matter.

The Explorers League had also been more than willing to help, especially after Azjol-Nerub shared several important documents containing information about obscure sightings of the iron dwarfs and Frostborn in Northrend. Considering what Malygos had already told everyone, Krivax had no doubt that historians across the Eastern Kingdoms would be obsessing over all the information that had come out recently.

While the Explorers' League lacked access to the majority of their documents as they were currently being held in Ironforge, they still had many subject matter experts who were able to assist Krivax. He had spent hours going over several subjects, but it was only when he began to read old legends about Tirisfal that Krivax felt like he was close to remembering something important.

Unfortunately, Masruk had chosen that exact moment to inform him that the Council of Six was calling for an emergency meeting. The location of the Dragon Soul had apparently been found and everyone who had been informed of the situation was headed back to Dalaran so they could begin planning the assault on Deathwing.

Krivax was really glad that Dalaran and Capital City were built so close to one another because he really didnt want to keep a room filled with some of the most powerful people in the world waiting.

After using his diplomatic credentials to quickly pass through security, Krivax and Masruk both slowed down a bit to catch their breath as they made their way to the Violet Citadel. Someone must have sent word ahead that he would be coming because the receptionist quickly let him through and a few tense guards escorted the two of them to the portal leading to the Chamber of Air.

Krivax wasnt surprised that the guards were tense; if the Dragon Soul had really been found and everyone was meeting to plan the attack on Deathwing, then the Chamber of Air was probably busier today than at almost any time in Dalarans history. Not only would the entire Council of Six be in attendance, but also several more Archmages as well as many Viziers.

It wouldnt be long before rumors started spreading that something significant was happening in Dalaran.

This is as far as I will go, said Masruk once they reached the portal. Ive received instructions from the Division to go to a heavily warded building near the Violet Hold and wait with the Dread Stalkers for further orders. I dont know what exactly they have planned, but it feels like they intend for things to happen quickly and I need to meet with them soon.

Krivax felt like that was likely to be the case. Now that they had found the Dragon Soul, it was important that they act swiftly and discreetly in order to minimize the possibility that Deathwings agents would catch wind of something and inform him.

I understand, said Krivax, nodding to his closest friend. Well probably get the chance to speak again before everything starts, but if we dont, just be sure to take care of yourself, Masruk.

Hadix had made it explicitly clear that Krivax was more than likely going to be participating in whatever plan they came up with. His mastery of magic had reached a point where Krivax wouldnt make himself a hindrance, and this was important enough that everyone involved would be expected to help. If Masruk was going with the Dread Stalkers, then there was no doubt that he would also be fighting.

It was very likely that the two of them were both approaching the most dangerous moment of their lives.

I will, Masruk said solemnly. You take care of yourself as well, Krivax.

Krivax watched Masruk leave until he disappeared around the staircase leading to the Violet Citadels exit. After taking a moment to pull himself together and calm down, Krivax stepped through the portal and entered the Chamber of Air.

It took a few seconds for him to shake off the typical disorientation that came with teleportation and take a look around the room. Krivax almost immediately froze once he realized that he had become the center of attention of everyone present, but that thankfully didnt last for very long.

After all, everyone seemed to be much more interested in listening to Alexstrasza and Malygos, both in mortal form, yelling at each other in the center of the room than in paying attention to a random Vizier who just arrived.

The other two Aspects were also wearing their mortal forms as they stood to the side. Ysera quietly stared at Malygos with a judgemental expression on her face while Nozdormu simply took everything in with a serene smile.

Krivax felt a shudder go through his body as Nozdormu seemed to study him longer than everyone else, but the moment passed once the Aspect of Time eventually turned his attention back to the argument.

I dont understand why you cant acknowledge that your actions were completely and utterly irresponsible, Malygos!

Did I not succeed in finding the Dragon Soul? You should be thanking me, Alexstrasza. We couldnt afford to wait for whatever half-hearted measures you would have eventually decided on.

And what if you hadnt succeeded, brother? asked Alexstrasza, her voice filled with exasperation. Are you truly so willing to risk the fate of Azeroth for your vengeance? If something had happened to you while you were searching for the Dragon Soul, then theres little that we could have done to save you!

I wouldnt have needed to take such risks if you had simply agreed with my initial proposal, said Malygos, glaring at his fellow Aspect. It was your soft-heartedness that made this necessary!

Krivax felt distinctly like he was watching something that he shouldnt be and discreetly made his way over to where the few nerubians participating in the meeting were gathered. Aside from Vizier Hadix, Vizier Crinis, and Anubrekhan, there were a few other vaguely familiar members of the Division.

Azjol-Nerub was taking the Deathwing situation very seriously and had sent a few of its most combat-capable Viziers to assist Dalarans Archmages in securing the Dragon Soul.

Have I missed anything important? Krivax quietly asked Hadix as soon as he was in speaking range. What are they arguing about?

From what Ive been able to gather, Malygos apparently decided to go find the Dragon Soul himself without informing anyone, Hadix drawled, not pulling his eyes away from the arguing dragons. Theyve been yelling at each other for nearly half an hour, but nobody wants to be the one to interrupt them.

After Malygos last meeting with the Council of Six, Krivax wasnt surprised that nobody wanted to do anything that might set the mad dragon off.

Seeing as the meeting had yet to truly begin, he decided to use the opportunity to look around and take note of who would be participating. After taking a quick glance around the chamber, Krivax saw that every member of the Council of Six was already present, as well as three humans and an elf, none of whom Krivax recognized.

The humans must be the other Archmages that Antonidas mentioned would be joining in the attack, Krivax mused to himself. The elf is probably Prince Kaelthas right-hand man, Magister Rommath.

It was a shame that Quelthalas apparently hadnt sent anyone else, but given that the Horde had recently forced the elves to activate the impenetrable shield that protected Silvermoon, it was to be expected. King Anasterian probably couldnt afford to send out his most important mages right now.

After he finished looking over the mages provided by Dalaran, Krivax turned his attention to the dragons.

So thats what a night elf looks like

Logically, Krivax would have expected the Aspects to take on forms most similar to the night elves given that they were the oldest variety of elves and were much longer lived than trolls, but most of them actually looked similar to the high elves of Quel'Thalas. Ysera, however, chose to take on a tall, horned, muscled form that was based on her most ardent followers, the night elves of Kalimdor.

Im pretty sure most night elves dont actually have horns, Krivax thought to himself as he took in Yseras form.

Krivax quickly glanced at Hadix before turning his attention back to the dragons. He had no doubt that everyone had noticed the discrepancy and was forming their own theories. After all, the elves of Kalimdor looked significantly different than Krivax had expected from their cousins in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Although he would never say it to their faces, Krivax could immediately believe that the night elves had evolved from trolls. Aside from their purplish skin tone which was fairly similar to that of many troll tribes, the night elves were also significantly taller and appeared more muscular than both humans and high elves.

Krivax really hoped that Azjol-Nerub would establish good relations with the night elves when they sent an expedition to Kalimdor. He really didnt want to fight an army of muscular seven-foot-tall Amazonians.

Nozdormus appearance was simpler in comparison, as he just looked like a high elf. Krivax wasnt sure who the male elves standing beside Ysera and Alexstrasza were, but they were most likely their various consorts.

Enough, Alexstrasza. If you must continue berating me for something that has already been done, then do it when we are alone, said Malygos, looking thoroughly frustrated with the situation. Theres no need to continue putting on such a display in front of the mortals. We have more important things to be discussing.

Very well, Malygos. But this discussion isnt over, said Alexstrasza, much to the relief of everyone in the chamber.


Good, said Malygos as he turned his attention back to the rest of the chamber. I can see that everyone has already arrived, so I think it's about time that we began. Time is of the essence, and we will need to move quickly if we wish to minimize risks to our plan.

I agree, said Alexestrasza, still sounding faintly exasperated. Krivax could feel the tension in the room increase as everyone realized that they were finally about to get to the matter at hand. For those of you who are not aware, the Dragon Soul was recently found to be in the possession of the chieftain of the Twilight Hammer Clan, the two-headed ogre known as Chogall.

The Twilight Hammer they are the ones who have been using shadow magic to attack my people, correct? Prince Kaelthas asked solemnly.

Thats correct, elf, said Malygos, conjuring an image of Chogall with a wave of his hand. Their leader is a two-headed ogre whom Neltharion has apparently empowered with the Void. He will not be easily killed by you mortals, especially with several black dragons guarding both him and the Dragon Soul. However, I believe that our current plans have a good chance of succeeding.

Although there were many details that couldnt be finalized until we found the Dragon Soul, weve been planning for this assault from the moment that we became aware of the situation, said Krasus, his tone polite as he spoke to his secret superior and mate. I believe that it would be best to go over our general plan for those who are unaware of it before moving on to specifics, Queen Alexstrasza.

That sounds wise, Archmage Krasus, said Alexstrasza, sounding equally as polite. Krivax stifled a chuckle as he watched the two lovers act as if they had never met before. Our attack will happen simultaneously in two different locations. My fellow Aspects, consorts, and I will be attacking Deathwing in his mortal guise of Daval Prestor. According to reports, he should currently be in his manor located in northern Lordaeron.

I assume that you wish to attack him at the same time that we are securing the Dragon Soul so that he cannot intervene? asked Hadix.

That is one reason, but there is also another, said Alexstrasza. When Neltharion created the Dragon Soul he did so in such a way that made sure it could never be used against him, but Malygos was able to discover while studying it shortly after its creation that doing so created an unintentional vulnerability. Our goal is to use the fight to acquire a fragment of his body and then transport it to your location so that you are able to destroy the Dragon Soul once and for all. Once that has been done, then our full power will be restored to us and we will be more than capable of defeating him.

And putting an end to him once and for all, Malygos added darkly, his expression becoming murderous.

Your full power? Kelthuzad asked curiously.

Krivax suddenly began having flashbacks to the last time that KelThuzad was asking dangerous questions with a murderous Malygos in the room. Thankfully, Alexsterasza seemed to have expected the question and merely nodded before responding.

As Im sure my brother has told you, Deathwing was once one of us, but his duties proved too much for him to bear and he was corrupted by the Old Gods, said Alexstrasza, her voice filled with sorrow and regret. Before we learned of this, he created the Dragon Soul and claimed it was a tool to help us better do our duties, asking for a portion of our power each to empower it. Because of this, we are much weaker than we once were and thus it would be difficult for us to defeat him, even working together.

Krivax didnt need his metaknowledge to know that Alexstrasza was leaving a lot out from her explanation, and he was certain that he wasnt the only one. After all, why would the Aspects think that an anti-dragon artifact would help them better do their duties? However, nobody was interested in questioning the Dragon Queen about an obviously sensitive matter and the discussion quickly moved back to planning the assault.

Although the portion of the plan involving Deathwing was relatively straightforward, the same couldnt be said for those who would be going after the Dragon Soul. Not only would they need to successfully take it from a Void-empowered Chogall and multiple extremely powerful black dragons, but they would also need to survive long enough for a fragment of Deathwing to be transported to them. Neither of those objectives would be easy, especially since the battle would be taking place deep behind enemy lines.

If we wish to be able to transport a fragment of Deathwing as quickly as possible, then we will likely need to establish a portal connection between the two battles, Malygos said once they started discussing logistics. Krivax had a feeling that the dragon had been thinking of solutions for this problem for quite a while. However, it would be too dangerous for the portals to lead directly between each location, otherwise we risk our enemies exploiting the opportunity to take the Dragon Soul to the Aspects. A better course of action would be to establish two separate portals to a heavily guarded location and have one of the consorts transport the fragment as quickly as possible.

Krivax considered it and found that the plan made sense. Having the portals lead to a heavily guarded location would prevent Chogall from running through with the Dragon Soul and causing problems, and having a consort transport the fragment meant that the Aspects wouldnt need to.

There was only one real issue with the plan that Krivax could see.

While Im certain that creating a portal between the battlefield and Dalaran would be an extremely simple matter for you, Im afraid we mere mortals are not quite so skilled, said Hadix, saying what was on everyones mind.

Unless you happened to be the Aspect of Magic, creating a portal would normally take a significant amount of time and required the mage to be able to lock on to the intended location. This could be done by either working with another mage or by targeting a pre-established location that had been clearly marked with special wards.

While Malygos could probably instantly create a portal from his location to the heavily guarded location, the Dragon Soul retrieval team would need a decent amount of time to accomplish the same thing.

You mortals will simply have to manage if you wish to have any hope of saving this world, Malygos said with an annoyed expression. Whichever mortal is assigned to create the portal will need to be protected long enough to succeed in doing so, all while several black dragons as well as waves of Void-corrupted orcs are trying to kill them. I understand that this wont be an easy endeavor, but you should have already known that to be the case before you came here.

The room fell quiet at the Malygos words, but it wasnt long before Krivax could see a wave of determination fill everyone present. Although they all valued vastly different things, Deathwing was an existential threat to everything they held dear. Since that was the case, there was nothing that they could do other than fight with everything they had to put an end to him.

Malygos must have liked what he saw because he nodded with a satisfied look on his face before continuing. Good. Now that you mortals have gotten over your useless complaints, let us discuss the actual details of the attack. The forces protecting the Dragon Soul are considerable, so the battlefield will need to be tilted as much as possible in your favor.

The next twenty minutes of the discussion were dedicated to planning on how they would actually get their people to the Twilight Hammer Clan without having to fight the entire Horde. Several plans were proposed, from simply having everyone walk there from the Alliance camps under a giant invisibility spell to having the Blue Dragonflight provide everyone with flying carpets from their vault.

The Horde has yet to show that they have any way to effectively detect the tunnels and the underground tunnels would be a defensible position from which the assault team can create the portal, Anubrekhan proposed. There are few races in Azeroth more deadly than nerubians when fighting in tunnels.

Although Chogall or the black dragons would almost certainly detect the portal and figure out what was going on as soon as they actually started to create it, the assault team would have ample time to lay traps beforehand in the tunnels.

Correct me if Im wrong, but I was led to believe that these black dragons have some manner of control over the earth, said Archmage Modera, her voice filled with skepticism.

They do, Malygos quickly confirmed. Although theyve rarely used those abilities since they became corrupted, according to what Ive been told by members of my Flight.

Hadix scoffed disdainfully before responding, Our kingdom wouldnt have lasted as long as it has if we couldnt prevent any random quake or upset geomancer from collapsing our tunnels and cities. If our protections were strong enough for us to survive the Sundering, then I think we can protect ourselves against the geomancy of a few dragons.

If youre so confident, mortal, then show me, said Malygos.

Hadix immediately cast a rather efficient and effective geomantic ward which quickly spread through the ground. The ward was one of the first spells that Krivax had learned once Hadix decided to teach him geomancy. Given their living environment, it wasnt a surprise that nerubians placed such importance on safety when learning such magic.

After a few moments of evaluation, Malygos nodded and gave his approval, It wouldnt last more than a few minutes against Neltharion, but it should be sufficient to protect against his spawn, especially if they are under attack.

After confirming that it was safe, it wasnt long before everyone agreed to Anubrekhans suggestion.

Once they settled on how they would get there, the discussion moved on to assigning duties to each member of the assault team. Anubrekhan would obviously attract the attention of the largest dragon that he could find and trade blows with them, but it wasnt so clear what everyone else would be doing.

After spending another twenty minutes arguing, they eventually reached an agreement on the best way to handle things. Vizier Crinis would be the one to open the portal, as she had significant experience with spatial magic while also being relatively inexperienced when it came to combat. The most powerful individuals would be assigned exclusively to fighting off the most dangerous threats, which were most likely Chogall and Deathwings children. This elite group included Anubrekhan, Antonidas, Prince Kaelthas, KelThuzad, and Hadix.

Given that they didnt know how much danger Crinis would be in, most of the other Archmages and Viziers would be moving freely between defending her and assisting in dealing with Chogall and the dragons.

The least experienced and the weakest members of the team would be exclusively assigned to protecting Crinis, which included Krivax and the squad of Dread Stalkers they brought along with them. Krivax was honestly glad to hear it because he had no doubt that he would probably end up dying in seconds if Onyxia or Chogall turned their attention on him.

Im not sure if this has been addressed, but do we have any plans on how to deal with whatever Void creature was released by Deathwing? asked Krivax, forcing himself not to flinch when every eye in the room turned to him. If he can control it, then it seems likely that hell send it to start causing problems once we attack him.

Krivax didnt actually know how likely that was, but it seemed like something that would happen once everyone ran off to fight the big bad.

We have indeed thought of that, Vizier Krivax, which is why I will be staying in Dalaran, said Krasus. Krivax hoped that was true, and that the secret dragon wasnt just going to follow the Aspects as soon as everyone left. I will be here to handle any potential emergencies that might occur.

With his concerns addressed, Krivax stepped back and everyones attention turned to KelThuzad who had stepped forward.

This is all well and good, but what are we to do if one or both of our attacks fail? asked KelThuzad, instantly bringing down the mood of the room. If Deathwing is as powerful as you say, then it's very possible that you might fail to acquire a fragment of his body. Its also quite possible that Vizier Crinis will be killed before she can successfully create a portal to Dalaran. With the stakes being as high as they are, we must create contingencies in case of our failure.

Nobody liked thinking about their possible failure, but KelThuzad was undoubtedly correct. Failing to consider any potential plans for such scenarios would be extremely irresponsible of them.

The details of any contingency will depend greatly on what exactly goes wrong, said Alexstrasza after a moment of silence. If we succeed in acquiring the Dragon Soul but fail in obtaining anything that can be used to destroy it, then that would be the simplest situation to handle. While Deathwing is quite powerful, he would eventually be worn down by the combined might of our Flights as long as he can not use the Dragon Soul to deal with us.

Although, I imagine we would all be dead in that situation, Malygos said with a careless tone. I have absolutely no intention of leaving without tearing off a piece of that traitor.

If events happen the other way around and we lack the Dragon Soul but have the fragment, then whoever has survived will simply need to regroup and try again, Alexstrasza said grimly. Krivax had no doubt that not everyone would be coming back from this alive, but it felt much worse to hear that same sentiment coming from the Aspect of Life herself. And if both our assaults are complete failures, then we can only hope that the people of Azeroth will rise to the challenge in our stead.

Krivax could tell that wasnt what anyone wanted to hear, but what else could be done? There was a lot riding on their success, and no amount of planning would be able to fix things if they failed completely.

However, if we succeed in our mission, we can turn our attention to the other forces that threaten Azeroth, said Alexstrasza, her expression firm as she swept her gaze through the room. While my people rarely interfere in the matters of mortals, I swear to you that the Horde will no longer threaten your people once the Dragon Soul is no longer a concern. Not only will we owe you all a great debt for aiding us against Neltharion, but the Horde itself is being directed by malign powers wishing to weaken Azeroth. Our Flights will make certain that they are driven back to the Dark Portal and see this war is ended as soon as possible.

The Dragon Queens promise quickly raised back the spirits of almost everyone. It was difficult to overstate how much damage the Second War already had done to the Eastern Kingdoms thus far, and everyone was eager to see it end.

With most of the major points already agreed upon, the rest of the meeting went relatively quickly. It wasnt long after that before everyone began filing out of the Chamber of Air and Krivax and the assault team started making their way to the portals that would take them to the Alliances frontline. Given how quickly they needed to move and how far the jormungar needed to take them, it was decided that they would begin the assault as quickly as possible.

Most of the group took separate paths so that they would draw as little attention as possible, but Hadix insisted that the two of them walk to the portal room together. He only found out why once Hadix pulled him to the side and presented Krivax with a plain-looking bracelet that radiated potent arcane magic.

A Vizier as young as yourself would not normally participate in a battle as dangerous as this one, but circumstances are not always as we would prefer, said Hadix, handing the bracelet over to Krivax. This artifact is enchanted with a variety of potent defensive spells that should hopefully keep you alive. Use it wisely, apprentice.

As Krivax put the bracelet on one of his lower arms, he could instantly feel a powerful arcane shield surrounding him. While the artifact wouldnt make him invincible, it would significantly increase his odds of survival and was incredibly valuable.

Krivax knew that Hadix wasnt the kind of person who would appreciate a big show of emotions, so he simply filled his voice with as much sincerity as he could before thanking his mentor. Thank you for this, Vizier Hadix. I understand the value of this artifact and Ill do everything I can to survive this battle.

Hadix simply nodded to Krivax stoically before turning around and continuing to the portals.

After taking a moment to gather his resolve and look at the artifact that had been gifted to him, Krivax followed after him, fully prepared to face the dangers ahead.

I have to be. Not just for me, but for everyone, Krivax resolved in his mind as he moved forward with his usual worry, but also with a determination to see things through.

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