A Nerubian's Journey

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Krivax let out a gasp of relief as he and Masruk ducked behind his golem to avoid Detherocs barrage of spells.

This is bad, really really bad.

Taking advantage of this short reprieve, Krivax attempted to teleport himself and Masruk to the other side of the arcane barrier that was trapping them in with a Dreadlord. Unfortunately, this failed to produce any results as the highborne countermeasures prevented the spell from taking hold. The magical shimmering barrier reminded him greatly of the magic that the Kirin Tor used to lock people up in the Violet Hold.

Krivax, behind us!

Krivax didnt hesitate, raising a wall of stone from the ground behind them which was immediately struck by a wave of shadow magic that crashed against it. It only took a few moments for the stone wall to be destroyed, but the golem had already managed to put itself between them and the Dreadlord.

Did he teleport? No. He conjured an illusion at his previous location and moved while we were distracted. Detheroc must know how dangerous the golem is at close range, so intends to attack us from afar until he gets a lucky hit.

Although Krivax was confident of his own strength, Detheroc was a demon who had been involved in countless invasions and was a very powerful mage. Even if Krivax probably had an advantage in pure power, which wasnt guaranteed, the Dreadlord had so much more experience than him that it was ridiculous.

Stop. Dont panic. I just need to calm down and think, like Hadix taught me.

Krivaxs mind raced as he struggled to come up with a plan that would get him and Masruk out of this alive. He knew that it likely wouldnt be long before Detheroc figured out a way to separate them from the safety of the golem.

Theres a small chance that I could kill Detheroc if I used every single trick up my sleeve but I cant afford to take that risk.

Any demon that died on Azeroth would eventually reform within the Twisting Nether, allowing them to share everything they knew with the Burning Legion. Only destruction of the soul, something that was currently well beyond his abilities, could prevent the Dreadlord from returning back. Even now, Krivax was pushing back against a mental assault as Detheroc attempted to rummage through his mind.

Krivax was confident that hed hidden his most dangerous secrets in the deepest parts of his mind, but there was no telling what Detheroc had already managed to find.

No who knows what would happen if he was allowed to escape? I have to try to capture Detheroc alive.

It took a moment of consideration for Krivax to realize that he needed to escape the highborne prison containing him by any means necessary. Capturing Detheroc wasnt something he and Masruk could do alone, but was potentially possible with some assistance.

But how?

Krivax glanced toward the arcane pylons on the other side of the barrier, but that each of them were protected by powerful shields. Detheroc was obviously confident that he could defeat them before the delegation managed to destroy the pylons, and Krivax had no reason to second guess his assessment.

He had a few potent elixirs and several artifacts in his spatial bag that hed prepared for emergencies, but nothing that would be immediately helpful.

No, theres only one spell that I know which could destroy this barrier, but I doubt Detheroc would give me the chance to cast it.

Before he could come up with a real plan, Krivax and Masruk were forced to jump away from the golem in opposite directions as a pillar of Fel fire erupted under their feet.

Masruk! Drink the potion! Krivax yelled as he retrieved a flask from his spatial bag and tossed it to his friend.

Trusting him completely, Masruk gulped down the potion and promptly vanished from view as the Invisibility Potion took hold.

That should be enough to keep Masruk hidden for the next thirty seconds as long as I keep the demon occupied.

Is this your plan, mortal? To protect your weaker companion by hiding him and fighting me alone? Detheroc chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mockery. How selfless.

Krivax had no interest in bantering with the demon and immediately launched an inferno across the room even as he began casting another spell. When the inferno hit Detheroc only to reveal him as an illusion, Krivax wasnt surprised. Instead, he calmly finished his spell and felt a hint of satisfaction when a barrage of arcane missiles flew unerringly towards the Dreadlords real location. Detheroc was forced back into visibility as he dispelled the attack with a wave of his hands, moments before it hit him.

It wasnt easy to keep track of the Dreadlord, but he was just barely able to do so by staying focused on the demons foul Life energy.

Annoying gnats! Detheroc snarled, even as he swung a clawed hand wreathed in Fel fire at the seemingly empty space behind him.

Krivax heard Masruk grunt in pain as the flame grazed him. The invisibility potion instantly faded to reveal Masruk bleeding from a wound in his side, even as he buried his spear in the demons leg. Luckily, his best friend had escaped the worst by dodging out of the way by sensing Detherocs movements with his antennae.

I dont need protection, Masruk growled out, voice more angry than Krivax had ever heard as pulled his spear free in a shower of Fel-green blood.

Detheroc hissed in pain before furiously stomping the floor with one of his massive hooves, causing Felfire to blast out in all directions and sending Masruk flying to the other side of the chamber.

Krivax felt his heart skip a beat watching his friend being injured, but he could still sense Masruks strong Life energy and knew that he wasnt dead. Still, Krivax swore to himself that he would make the Dreadlord regret what he had just done.

Glaring at Detheroc with fury, Krivax summoned several walls of fire around the demon and ordered his golem to charge the creature. Although the Dreadlord had successfully trapped him and Masruk, those same restrictions applied to Detheroc as well, and Krivax intended to take full advantage. With his leg still injured, now was the perfect time to box Detheroc in and see exactly how well his golem stacked up against a nathrezim.

Detheroc unleashed a stream of Fel fire at the golem so hot that it melted the floor around it, but the massive silk construct wasnt perturbed as it smashed into the demon and pushed him all the way into the arcane barrier. Krivax could tell that the demon was very strong as he struggled against his golems grip, but the nathrezim had never been primarily physical fighters.

Detherocs blood spilled as Krivax and his golem pressed their attack. A part of Krivax rejoiced at the sight, but the rest of him felt a growing sense of foreboding as he saw the grim focus on Detherocs face. Krivax was certain that he was giving the demon a harder fight than hed expected, but none of Detherocs wounds were particularly grievous, and his eyes were shining with a malevolence that sent chills down his spine.

The Dreadlord had lost his smug smirk, and was no longer taking this fight lightly.

Krivax attempted to cast a geomancy spell that would have turned the stone beneath Detherocs feet into mud, only to wince in pain as the bloated demon counterspelled his magic with a dismissive flick of his wrist while dodging the golems onslaught. A wave of shadow magic crashed into Krivax, eating away at his flesh and sending him sprawling on the ground.

Even as Krivax gasped in pain and enveloped himself in Life-infused flames to heal his injuries, Detheroc kicked off the arcane barrier with one of his hooves and launched himself over the golem with a beat of his powerful wings. Moments later, Detheroc landed right in front of Krivax and swung a clawed hand at him that tore through his side and knocked him back several feet.

Krivax attempted to heal himself and get back to his feet, but was sent rolling by another blow from Detheroc that broke one of his legs.

Pathetic. Do you think a hint of borrowed power makes you strong? Detheroc snarled as he stomped forward, casting a spell that repelled the inferno that Krivax summoned under his feet. Compared to me, you are an infant! One who only remains alive due to the secrets he holds in his mi Agh!

Detheroc was cut off as Masruk emerged from the flames, exploiting the demons distraction and obscured vision to thrust his spear toward the demon. Detherocs reaction was quick enough to avoid being impaled through the chest, but Masruks enchanted spear still pierced through one of his wings.

Detheroc responded with a brutal counterattack that slammed Masruk to the ground, but was unable to follow up as Krivaxs golem barreled into his side. Suddenly, Detheroc was pinned down and besieged on all sides as Masruk, healed by Krivaxs flames, jumped back into the fight. The dreadlord still didnt look like he was going down any time soon as he easily managed to withstand all of their attacks, but this gave Krivax a crucial opportunity.

Masruk, hold him off for just a few moments, Krivax yelled as he threw a flask from his spatial bag at the Dreadlord and immediately began casting the one spell Hadix had taught him that could free them.

Detheroc roared in indignation, struggling under the weight of the golem attempting to crush him as the flask shattered and covered the Dreadlord in a cloud of chilling frost that hampered his movements. Masruk didnt hesitate to take advantage of the demons newfound sluggishness, lashing out with his spear in a whirlwind of attacks that prevented Detheroc from turning his attention to Krivax.

Krivax focused all of his attention on casting the spell, fully trusting Masruk and his golem to protect him from retaliation. He intended to prove to Detheroc just how much the Dreadlord had underestimated him. Krivax could tell that the demon was attempting to figure out what spell he was casting, but he knew that was impossible.

After all, this was a spell that had been personally created by Hadix and had only been taught to Krivax.

The fight between Detheroc, Masruk, and the golem grew increasingly desperate as Krivax continued his spellcasting. Masruk sustained several wounds as he did everything he could to keep the demon at bay, even at times jumping in front of a spell and flaring his wings to prevent it from interrupting Krivax. Even the golem was beginning to show signs of damage, as threads of silk hung from its body and one of its arms had been torn from its body in a furious blast of Fel fire.

Still, they managed to buy Krivax the time that he needed.

The spell that Krivax casted would be immediately familiar to anyone who had been presenting during Hadixs very public duel in Dalaran with Arcanist Flametrail. Immediately after he finished casting, a web-shaped dome of arcane magic manifested around the chamber and expanded outward into the arcane barrier trapping them. Soon afterward, the barrier began to shatter and crack like glass as pieces of it were forcefully pulled into the web.

The delegation, which had successfully managed to kill the demons which had ambushed them, immediately renewed their assault on the barrier in an attempt to bring it down faster.

Krivax felt a wave of intense relief watch over him as he watched the spell take hold. He had asked Hadix how to cast this spell the very moment that hed seen it, but it had taken him years and constant effort to actually learn how to cast it. This was the first time hed actually used it in a real fight.

Detheroc stared up at the collapsing barrier in disbelief for several moments before he met Krivaxs gaze, his eyes full of fury. Before anyone could respond, Detheroc took advantage of the barriers destruction to teleport several feet away from Masruk and the golem before throwing a massive ball of Fel fire at the delegation. A few of the mages were able to conjure shields to protect themselves, but many of them werent ready to withstand an attack from a furious Dreadlord.

As the sound of screams filled the chamber, Krivax couldnt help but look helplessly on at the delegation, only to realize that Detheroc had disappeared when he had been distracted.

No! Fuck! I cant let him escape!

Knowing that not even a Dreadlord could instantly teleport more than a few feet, Krivax focused all of his attention on the surrounding Life energy and sensed Detheroc fleeing deeper into EldreThalas from a side entrance.

No hes not fleeing. Hes going to meet up with the giant demon attacking the city.

Although this was good news for Krivax, in the sense that he still had a chance of capturing Detheroc alive, it was bad news for everyone else involved. The two demons working together would be many times more dangerous once they were working together, with them compensating for each other's weaknesses. Krivax had a feeling that his golem would be far less effective against a giant like Immonthal than it was against a spellcaster like Detheroc.

In addition, Detheroc was now free to teleport as much as he wished in battle. Coupled with his illusions and invisibility, it would be nearly impossible to pin him down like Masruk and the golem had done before.

On the other hand, Krivax now had a whole lot more help he could call on.

Krivax hurried over to the delegation and healed most of their serious wounds. His fight with Detheroc had drained him of both his mana and life energy, so he needed to be careful not to waste what he still had. Masruk had made his way back to join him and had regenerated some of the burns and cracks on his carapace.

After a moment, the delegation was back in fighting shape and Krivax was greeted to the sight of a furious Prince Tortheldrin.

You! Prince Tortheldrins voice echoed around the chamber, his eyes filled with undisguised rage and a hint of madness as he pointed an accusing finger at Krivax. The moment you outsiders stepped into our city, everything fell into chaos! Now my closest advisor is dead and demons are slaughtering my subjects!

Krivax took a moment to mourn the fact that Detheroc hadnt decided to kill and impersonate the Prince instead of his advisor. It wouldve made things much easier for him.

Prince Tortheldrin, we understand your anger, Krivax said, trying to placate the prince. But right now, we need to put our differences aside and focus on our common enemy. The demons are threats to us both. Theres no telling how thorough Detheroc was in his sabotage, so we need to regroup with the rest of your forces if we are to fight them back.

A city filled with desperate elves like EldreThalas was prime territory for corruption by the Burning Legion. Detheroc wouldnt have had to work very hard to convince a few mages desperate for magic to sabotage the wards and help summon a few extra demons into the city.

Especially since these crazy elves were already accustomed to feeding on the magic of demons. They needed to act fast if they wanted to save the innocent civilians who were still in danger.

Prince Tortheldrin continued to glare furiously at Krivax, his eyes flitting between him, the golem, and the rest of the delegation. Krivax had no doubt that the Prince would have done something stupid if he thought he could get away with it, but he seemed to recognize that he had few options.

After a moment, the princes harsh expression softened ever so slightly. Very well. I will cooperate with you for now, but this conversation is not over.

Krivax could only nod in response. He didnt particularly care about what Prince Tortheldrin thought of him while Detheroc was still out there, having seen who knew what in Krivaxs head. Obviously, dealing with the Dreadlord was his absolute highest priority.

Are you guys ready? Krivax asked, addressing the entire delegation as he returned his golem back to its spatial bag.

Yeah. Im good, big guy, Trixie said as she checked over a recently healed wound in her side. These demons are pretty scary, but nothing we cant handle.

A round of agreements followed from the others. After a few moments of preparation, Prince Tortheldrin began leading them down that path Detheroc had taken toward Immonthal. As they followed the highborne back to the surface, Krivax suddenly sensed someone behind him trying to open telepathic communication with him and turned to see it was Rhonin.

Krivax, I think it would be best if we sent someone to notify the Alliance of what is happening in this city, Rhonins voice echoed in his mind. They must be made aware of the Burning Legions activities here, and I dont fully trust these highborne to allow us to leave peacefully once the threat to their city is dealt with.

Krivax was very careful to hide his reaction, as it was clear that Prince Tortheldrin would react poorly to more outsiders invading his city. However, he shared Rhonins distrust of the highborne and agreed that it would be a good idea to send for back up.

The fact that Detheroc had not fled the city completely meant that he still had some sort of plan or objective that he was confident in accomplishing. Capturing Krivax for interrogation could be one of those objectives, but Detheroc would also probably want to do as much damage as possible to Eldrethalas in order to diminish its usefulness to the Alliance.

Whatever the case, there were times that strategic objectives were more important than diplomacy. The highborne and their sensibilities were something that could be dealt with later.

You and Vereesa can go. Get whatever help you can as quickly as possible, Krivax replied mentally to the mage. Split off discreetly from the group once we reach the surface.

Rhonin nodded subtly, before he and his wife began to lag behind the rest of the group. After a few moments, Krivax lost sight of them as he turned the corner and focused back on the Prince, trusting the couple to disappear when the opportunity arrived.

As Krivax and the rest of the delegation made their way to the surface, they passed by several grisly scenes of slaughtered highborne mages and their servants. However, Krivax was most worried about the demon corpses among them. It was becoming increasingly likely that Eldrethalas was facing a serious demonic incursion.

Once they finally reached the streets of Eldrethalas, they were greeted to the sight of absolute chaos. Buildings were ablaze, casting a hellish light onto the streets filled with panicked elves and savage demons. The chilling howls of Immonthal echoed through the city, the giant two-headed demon easily visibly as it rampaged through the city, leaving destruction in its wake.

Many of the highborne panicked once they caught sight of Krivax and the rest of the delegation, but they gradually settled down as their Prince reassured them that the delegation was there to help. It didnt take long for Prince Tortheldrin to take control of the situation, rallying the scattered guards and organizing them to hunt down the weaker demons terrorizing the city. Fortunately, there seemed to be fewer of the demons than Krivax had expected, likely because Eldrethalas didnt have a large enough font of magic to open a particularly large portal.

Amid the chaos, an elf clad in imposing armor approached the prince with a group of soldiers following behind him.

Guard Captain Alandien, Prince Tortheldrin acknowledged the elf. Report.

Your highness, the city is at threat of being overrun. Many of our mages have been killed, and the rest have shown themselves to be traitors, Captain Alandien reported, his voice grim. Immonthal is rampaging through the city, and we have yet to find a way to stop him. The traitors have occupied the Shrine of Eldretharr and are conducting an unknown ritual. There have been reported sightings of a Dreadlord, but those reports are yet unconfirmed.

Prince Tortheldrin was quick to respond after his subordinate finished his report. Take half of our soldiers to deal with the traitorous vermin at the shrine. The rest of us will join me in defending our city. Theres no need to avoid killing Immonthal, as these outsiders have promised us a new source of magic. They will also assist us in fighting the demon.

Krivax could tell from the princes disdainful expression that he was hoping for as many of them to die to Immonthal as possible, but he decided not to say anything. Capturing Detheroc was still his first priority, and he could sense that the Dreadlord was sticking near Immonthal. So, that was where he needed to be.

Captain Alandien nodded at the princes orders, immediately barking orders at his subordinates and leading a group of them toward the eastern part of the city.

Krivax nodded to the delegation, directing them to follow behind the prince and his soldiers as they made their way toward Immonthal. Although Rhonin and Valeera were no longer with the delegation, the group still contained a decent amount of high elf magisters, Masruk, and Trixie, alongside his usual guards. Therefore, they were a formidable enough group to help out with the demon. Despite the princes hostility, none of them wanted to see the innocent citizens of Eldrethalas suffer for it.

During their trek toward Immonthal, they came across several rogue demons that were burning buildings and spreading chaos throughout the city. Krivax did what he could to help the highborne against these demons, but he saved most of his strength in preparation for his second confrontation with Detheroc.

He had a feeling that the Dreadlord would be ready and waiting for his arrival.

Finally, they arrived at the square where Immonthal was causing havoc. Several weaker demons surrounded the two-headed monster as it destroyed buildings and killed fleeing elves. Detheroc was nowhere to be seen, but Krivax could sense that he was nearby and even feel the Dreadlord continue his attempts to rummage through his mind.

Stay vigilant. The Dreadlord is here, Krivax warned the delegation. He had no doubt that Detheroc intended to ambush them at their most vulnerable.

Before anyone could react, Immonthal turned to them and released a mighty roar that shook the very ground they stood on. Each of its hate-filled eyes was locked directly on the Highborne prince, making it clear that the demon recognized the man who had trapped and fed on its magic for millenia.

To his credit, Prince Tortheldrin didnt flinch under the monsters gaze and instead ordered his soldiers to attack the demons. It wasnt long before the square became a full-blown battlefield, with elves and demons locked in deadly combat. Immonthal attempted to charge the prince, but its advance was ground to a halt as Krivaxs golem engaged the behemoth in a contest of strength.

The construct, while not as large as Immonthal, was incredibly sturdy and felt neither fear nor pain. With the golem managing to hold the demon down, the mages present were free to unleash their most powerful spells on the monster, even while Krivaxs personal guard skittered up its back and began carving into its flesh.

Amid the chaos of the battle, Krivax focused entirely on finding Detheroc. The battle made it difficult for him to pinpoint the Dreadlords exact location, but he was certain the demon was nearby.

This intense focus was the only reason why he managed to sense the sudden surge of Fel coming from a nearby balcony. Whirling around, Krivax conjured a barrier just as a stream of green fire descended on him, only to panic when he discovered the fire to be an illusion.

Krivax groaned in pain as he was sent crashing through the stone wall of a nearby building, having been struck from behind by an invisible force. Disoriented, he forced himself to stand as he sensed Detherocs presence closing in. Both his mind and his body ached with pain, but he knew that the demon wouldnt allow him even a moment's rest.

In the next instant, Krivax felt a shift in the air and unleashed a blast of unrefined arcane magic behind himself. His attack was met with resistance, revealing the bloated form of Detheroc and forcing him back. Krivax couldnt help but wince as he realized that the Dreadlord had managed to heal all of his wounds, most likely by draining the life of any highborne he came across.

Hmph. You are truly more troublesome than I expected, Detheroc said with a scowl on his face.

Maybe youre just weaker than you believed, Krivax shot back as he took a moment to consider his situation. He glanced toward the destroyed wall only to see a wall of Fel fire separating them from the rest of the battlefield.You should have run while you had the chance.

Detheroc had chosen to ambush him moments after his golem had engaged Immonthal. He could still hear the fight going on outside the building, and knew several people would likely die if he pulled the construct back to help him fight the Dreadlord. He could sense Masruk climbing the side of the building so that he could join the fight, but it would take him a few moments to arrive.

It would be difficult for him to capture Detheroc in this situation, but not utterly impossible given that the Dreadlord had no idea that reinforcements would be coming soon. Krivax was confident in his ability to outlast the demon since Detheroc seemed too interested in reading his memories to fight with lethal intent.

The Dreadlord probably believed that he could escape at his leisure using invisibility and teleportation magic. However, long-distance teleportation took time and concentration to cast, and Krivax could sense the demon wherever he went.

All he had to do was wear Detheroc down until the Alliance arrived and hunt him down when the coward tried to flee.

Do you truly believe that I would flee from a mere mortal? Detheroc sneered, flaring his wings wide. If you were wise, then you would surrender your secrets and swear your loyalty to the Burning Legion. Even if you survive this day, there is nothing but darkness in Azeroths future.

Krivax knew Azeroths future better than most and knew that it wasnt a happy one, but hed worked too hard to change things to even consider the demons offer.

Krivax responded to the Dreadlords offer by creating a cascade of ice spikes that surged toward the demon. Detheroc didnt hesitate to melt the ice in a blaze of fire, but this merely made it easier for Krivax to create a water elemental behind the Dreadlord that immediately began to assault the demon.

Unfortunately, Detheroc teleported away before the elemental could land a hit, reappearing on the other side of the room and transforming the surrounding debris into a swarm of angry bats that launched themselves at Krivax.

The battle remained a stalemate for nearly a minute, with the two of them trading spells back and forth, each trying to gain the upperhand. Krivax gradually found himself being pressured, forced to defend both his body and mind at the same time as his reserves began to run low. Every time that Detheroc managed to land a hit on Krivax, his concentration on his mental defenses slipped, and the Dreadlord was able to push into his mind just a bit further.

Just as Krivax was about to pull back his golem despite the casualties it might cause, he was given a bit of breathing room as Masruk managed to find a way into the building and join the fight. Krivax managed to distract the Dreadlord long enough for Masruk to open a large gash along the demons bloated stomach.

Gah! Die, mortal! Detheroc roared in rage as he launched Masruk out of a window with a furious blow.

Krivax attempted to help his friend, but Detheroc soon unleashed an onslaught of attacks that he struggled to keep up with. Masruk eventually managed to glide back into the building on his wings, but their combined force was only just enough to keep the Dreadlord at bay. In his fury, Detheroc hadnt forgotten to continue his assault on Krivaxs mind, and he eventually began to wear him down.

Detheroc took many wounds in his reckless attack, but they never seemed to slow him down. Eventually, Krivax felt a sharp pain in his head that was followed by Detherocs furious expression morphing into one of surprise.

Masruk didnt miss the chance to take advantage of the Dreadlords momentary distraction and lunged forward, burying his spear in the Dreadlords gut. Detheroc let out a roar of pain as he staggered backwards, but he quickly pushed through the pain and teleported to the other side of the room.

Krivax hurriedly rebuilt his fractured mental defenses as he wondered what the Dreadlord might have seen. Even as he dislodged the spear from his stomach, Detherocs eyes were filled with interest as he stared at him.

Krivax felt a wave of horror wash over him as he looked in the demons eyes and imagined the potential repercussions if the Dreadlord managed to escape with whatever he knew. Just as he was about to resume his assault on Detheroc in a desperate attempt to capture him, all of them froze at the sound of Immonthal releasing an earthshaking roar before suddenly falling silent.

What the hell?

Turning all of his senses toward the battlefield, Krivax was able to sense that Immonthal had been killed and the Life energy of the smaller demons were beginning to disappear one after the other.

Reinforcements? But I can only sense one person moving between each of the demons, and their Life energy feels strange, as if it was somehow corrupted like a demons

Suddenly realizing exactly who had arrived, Krivax turned his attention back to Detheroc, only to see the Dreadlords eyes widen in fear as he looked in the direction of the battlefield. Krivax exploited this opening and pulled on every last bit of Life-infused flame that he had left and launched it at the Dreadlord.

Detheroc screamed in pain as the fire melted his flesh, and the demon promptly fled the building as quickly as he could. Krivax instantly ordered his golem to intercept the wounded Dreadlord, hope swelling in his chest as he and Masruk rushed after the demon. It was unlikely that even a spellcaster as skilled as Detheroc could teleport far away while suffering such severe wounds. Besides, if Immonthals killer was who he thought it was, then Detheroc, with his injuries, wouldnt stand a chance against him.

As soon as he stepped out of the building, Krivax found himself freezing as he took in the state of the battlefield. Dismembered corpses of demons were strewn across the square, and nearly everyone had stopped fighting and was standing in shocked silence. Immonthals enormous body lay slain in the middle of the square, large gashes running across the demons body.

Standing amidst the carnage was a male night elf dressed in dark leather armor, a pair of large warglaives in each of his hands. Two orbs of glowing emerald light shone through the blindfold that covered his eyes, and his skin was covered in tattoos that emanated Fel magic. His presence was commanding as it was terrifying, not even the most arrogant of the highborne daring to break the silence.

As Krivax studied the bloodsoaked battlefield, he couldnt help but think that Illidan Stormrage was every bit as awe inspiring as hed expected.

Unfortunately, the awe immediately turned to horror as he saw Illidan glance at the fleeing Dreadlord and leap toward the demon with blinding speed. Before Krivax could even reach, Illidan had already cut off both of the Dreadlords wings and pinned him to the ground with one of his warglaives.

Wait! We need to capture him alive! Krivax yelled at the murderous night elf, hoping desperately that he would listen. He cant be allowed to return to the Twisting Nether!

Krivax let out a sigh of relief as he saw Illidan pause just before he was about to deliver the finishing blow and turn to look at him. Great. Thanks for stopping. Let me ju

Krivaxs grateful words died in his throat at the sight of Detheroc intentionally impaling himself on one of Illidans warglaives. He might have found the utterly dumbfounded expression on the night elfs face amusing if not for the circumstances.

No! Krivax yelled as he made his way over to Dreadlord. He attempted for a while to heal the demons wounds, but it soon became clear that Detheroc had died nearly instantly.

Once he realized this, Krivax couldnt bring himself to care about how everyone was looking at him as he buried his face in his hands. Masruk wordlessly put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Although theyd achieved a significant victory by securing Eldrethalas and removing Detheroc from Azeroth, there was no telling what information the Dreadlord might share with the Burning Legion once he reformed.

Krivax sincerely doubted that Detheroc had discovered the truth of his reincarnation, as that was buried in the very deepest and most well-hidden mental shields. It was also impossible for the demon to have taken all of his metaknowledge, as that was simply too much information to acquire in such a short time.

But Krivax still couldnt help but wonder.

Just what did the demon manage to learn?

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