A Nerubian's Journey

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

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If not for his magically enhanced constitution, Krivax was certain that he would have collapsed in relief the moment Project Sanctum appeared above Lordamere Lake.

He still had a few tricks up his sleeves toward the end of the battle, such a potent spell that hed been developing for a very long time to counter the Scourge, but things hadnt been looking good. Krivax almost wished that hed been given the luxury of falling unconscious for a few hours after Tichondrius disappeared, but the battle was still far from over.


Krivax was pulled from his thoughts as Masruk landed by his side and began looking him over for injuries with a worried expression.

Dont worry, Im alright, Krivax was quick to reassure his friend as he began healing a wound in his abdomen left behind by one of the Felhounds. The Dreadlord left before his demons could overwhelm us. What about you? Any wounds?

Krivax had sent Masruk off to go find Fordring and had lost track of him in the frenzy of the battlefield. With so many demons and undead running completely rampant throughout Dalaran, there was no telling who would survive each clash.

He looked over Masruk and was relieved to see that he only had a few non-lethal injuries across his carapace.

Im fine as well, Masruk confirmed before glancing toward the awe-inspiring sight currently taking place in Lordamere Lake. I had just found Fordring when that thing was teleported to the battlefield. He was directed to participate in the main assault on the Scourges forces.

Krivax looked toward the giant necropolis currently flying over Shen-Zin Su, a constant stream of Alliance forces slowly descending from its lowest platforms. Since the necropolis was connected to the Azjol-Nerub portal network, A.D.F troops could be transported easily onto it and then dropped directly onto the turtle. He could tell that the Alliance were likely starting with their most powerful combatants to secure a foothold, as dozens of Spiderlords floated down at the same time.

Azjol-Nerub was clearly taking the threat of the Lich King seriously and was bringing its full military might to bear. It was truly a sight to behold, and Krivax felt a mix of awe and anticipation at the sheer scale of the operation.

It is certainly quite impressive, said Vizier Hadix, idly cradling a broken arm as he walked over to their side. Id heard rumors, but I hadnt believed that the Circle of Viziers was capable of constructing something like that.

Krivax said nothing as he moved to heal his mentors injuries, knowing for a fact that Azjol-Nerub wouldnt have been able to create Naxxkithal, its flying necropolis, without the assistance of outsiders.

During the original timeline, flying necropolis were one of the most distinctive features of the Scourge and were frequently used by them as mobile fortresses to launch attacks across Azeroth. Since he knew something like that was technically possible, Krivax had proposed the idea to the Circle of Viziers. Some of the Viziers had seemed relatively interested, but the vast amounts of resources and experimental magic needed to make it happen meant that getting approval for it was a longshot.

At least, it would have been before the Second War when Azjol-Nerub had its foundations shaken by learning of the many threats that existed out there in the world.

Instead, High King Anubarak made creating Naxxkithal one of Azjol-Nerubs priorities in the form of Project Sanctum. After all, possessing a flying fortress with its own portal infrastructure capable of deploying large numbers of troops and holding enough munitions to level a city was an attractive prospect.

However, the kinds of magic needed to create such a structure was obviously beyond Azjol-Nerubs reach, or they would have already created similar flying buildings before. It was only thanks to the kingdoms contact with the surface races that it was able to gain the knowledge necessary to make it happen.

Well, that and Krivax occasionally dropping hints to Malygos about how useful Project Sanctum could be for Azeroths defense

A quiet revolution in Azjol-Nerubs understanding of magic was taking place thanks to collaboration with Uldaman, the Blue Dragonflight, and the Draenei which allowed them to create such a monumental structure.

They hadnt quite been prepared to teleport the thing all the way to the Eastern Kingdoms, but the emergency assistance of Medivh and several members of the Blue Dragonflight allowed Azjol-Nerub to accomplish something it wouldnt have otherwise.

Moments like these were when the power of the Alliance shined the most. Quick organization and leveraging talents from a wide variety of sources was what allowed them to turn the tables against the Lich King and put them in a position to counterattack.

It was an emotional moment for Krivax, seeing all of his efforts to prepare Azjol-Nerub against the Lich King finally culminating in the awe inspiring flying necropolis.

Still the Scourge is far from defeated, Vizier Hadix continued as he looked toward Shen-Zin Su with a scrutinizing gaze. If the Alliance is not careful, they risk having this counterattack turned against them in a devastating fashion.

Krivax let out a sigh, wishing he could just enjoy the thought of the Alliance securing a decisive victory against the Lich King that didnt threaten to be lost at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, he had naively decided that becoming a leader was a good idea which meant he needed to look at the big picture.

Why is that, Vizier Hadix? asked Krivax as he finished healing his mentor and began attending to the many other injured left behind after Tichondrius retreated.

The Scourge had caused far more devastation to Dalaran than he had initially realized. It was only now after taking in his surroundings that he saw the true extent of the damage. Buildings were reduced to complete rubble and the streets were littered with the corpses of the Scourge and Alliance as the remnants of dark magic lingered in the air like a malevolent fog.

If he had to guess, Krivax would estimate that at least a third of Dalaran had been destroyed or severely damaged during the Scourges invasion of the city. It would take significant efforts to rebuild Dalaran to a point that it was safe for civilians to live in it again.

If the creature manages to escape below the waters, then it will be nearly impossible to attack it in any meaningful manner, Vizier Hadix explained, his eyes still fixated on the battle. The Alliance holds the advantage in the aerial theater, but the Scourge holds absolute supremacy underwater. Every combatant on its shell risks being washed away and torn to pieces by undead if Keeper Archaedas loses control over it.

Krivax turned his attention back to Lordamere Lake, more worried now than he was before. It wasnt difficult to imagine the scenario that Vizier Hadix had described.

Keeper Archaedas was doing a good job of restraining the massive turtle with his absurdly powerful earth manipulation to keep the creature above the lake surface. Alliance mages aboard Naxxkithal were assisting as well by using their magic to create barriers around Shen-Zin Sus limbs, significantly limiting its range of movement.

However, Shen-Zin Su was an undead with inexhaustible stamina capable of continuing its struggles until it inevitably broke free.

The Alliance was risking a lot because this was likely the greatest opportunity they would ever have to end the Lich King for good. But it was also placing its most powerful assets at risk with this operation. Both Prophet Velen and Keeper Archaedas were fighting atop the massive turtles shell, along with many other irreplaceable individuals.

If they were lost, then the consequences would be absolutely devastating

Do you know what the Alliances strategists could be planning? Krivax asked, hoping the much more experienced Vizier might have an idea.

He hadnt exactly had enough time to ask the High King when asking for Project Sanctum to be deployed. However, somebody else decided to answer before the Vizier had the opportunity.

Headquarters intends to slay the creature using a ritual created by Archmage KelThuzad, said Magister Rommath, walking over rubble and destroyed undead as he joined them. The normally well-groomed elf looked weary, his expensive robes torn and signed from the fierce battle. The Alliance Defense Force was contacted via scrying with the details of the assault. Your assistance has been requested.

Krivax let out a sigh of relief, glad to see Magister Rommath. Given how chaotic Dalaran was at the moment, it would have taken a significant amount of time to get in contact with anyone who knew what was going on.

Good to see you, Rommath, Krivax said with a nod of acknowledgement before straightening and focusing on the matter at hand. Tell me what I need to know.

Krivax listened closely as Rommath explained the Alliances current strategy in great detail. The Alliance had apparently decided to drop their troops in close proximity to what the pandaren survivors referred to as the Temple of Five Dawns. Aside from the area around the Lich King, it was the second most heavily defended location on Shen-Zin Su and would serve as a perfect staging ground for the Alliance if they could take control over it.

In addition, its position in the very center of Shen-Zin Su made it a good location to perform a ritual designed to end its undeath.

Krivax couldnt help but feel sorry for the ancient turtle and asked why Archmage KelThuzad couldnt simply use more of his anti-undead alchemical concoction to free it of the Lich Kings control. Apparently, doing so would be near impossible due to Guldans proximity to the poor creature.

Freeing Shen-Zin Su wasnt an option until the Lich King was put down for good, which would take far longer than they could afford to keep the turtle alive. It was unfortunate, but Krivax recognized that there was little to be done about the matter and accepted it.

Krivax initially thought that Alliance wanted the A.D.F to help them secure the Temple of Five Dawns, but Headquarters seemed fairly confident in their ability to seize the structure given enough time. Given that they were being aided by Prophet Velen, who was likely the most powerful Light wielder on Azeroth, Keeper Archaedas, and every Archmage in Dalaran, that confidence was likely warranted.

Instead, the Alliances strategists wanted the A.D.F to help secure them time to capture the Temple of Five Dawns by destroying one of the turtles limbs and reducing its mobility. The longer it took for Shen-Zin Su to break free of its restraints, the better chance the Alliance had in securing the temple and slaying Shen-Zin Su.

That sounds like a good plan, if not for the countless undead covering every inch of Shen-Zin Su, Krivax said with a trace of exasperation once Rommath finished speaking. Does the Alliance have any suggestions on how Im supposed to not only reach the limb, but also destroy it?

The Blue Dragonflight can offer a few mana bombs, but nothing nearly as strong as the one used during the capture of MalGanis, Rommath admitted after a moment of hesitation, frustration flashing through his eyes. To be completely honest, I had the impression that they were hoping you may have an idea that they hadnt considered. All of this was hardly something planned in advance, after all.

Krivax had to admit that was true. The Scourges attack on Dalaran was a complete surprise, which meant that this counterattack was a hastily made plan put together at the last moment. Even if it was a plan thought up by the Alliances best strategic minds, led by Supreme Commander Lothar, Ranger-General Windrunner, and High King Anubarak, there were bound to be gaps and uncertainties.

Frankly, it was a miracle that things had already gone as well as they had.

Krivax did his best to consider the matter with a critical mind, trying to find the best way to use the A.D.Fs resources. If he wanted to put together a strike team to destroy the limb, there were relatively few people who he could count on gathering. While the A.D.F could call on powerful individuals to fight, certain members like Archmage KelThuzad had superseding responsibilities to other organizations that took precedence.

It shouldnt be too difficult to recruit Illidan and Vizier Hadix, Krivax thought as he glanced toward his mentor. Masruk and Team Rhonin arent as powerful, but every bit of help is welcome. Given the importance of the mission, I should also be able to gain the assistance of Archmage Krasus and Fordring despite their current commitments. But will that be enough?

This wasnt like their mission to capture MalGanis, which had been a meticulously planned surprise attack involving several artifacts handcrafted by Malygos and Archaedas themselves. This was a frantic and spontaneous operation into the territory of an enemy who was on high alert and would almost certainly see them coming.

After thinking on the matter for several moments, Krivax suddenly remembered one person who he hadnt considered before who could be extremely helpful.

Rommath, what did you do with the non-hostile undead in the Violet Hold after that initial assault by Guldan? Krivax asked, recalling the Death Monk who had been possessed by the Lich King.

He doubted someone as egotistical as Guldan would use anything less than the most powerful undead he could get his hands on as a vessel. That being the case, the undead would almost certainly have been a high-ranking member of the Scourge who knew many of their secrets.

If Krivax was lucky, then they may have even been one of the original monks killed on the Wandering Isle.

We did, though we werent certain of its trustworthiness and had it imprisoned, Rommath confirmed with a nod, gaze becoming shrewd as he realized how useful the undead could be. Do you wish to gather information from it? I should be able to have one of Quelthalas magisters skilled in mind magic here quickly.

Rommaths ruthlessness in this matter didnt surprise Krivax at all. Much like Illidan had been when he first saw Shang Xi, Rommath acted with immediate hostility.

The people of Azeroth didnt have good experiences with intelligent undead, the majority having been created by renegade necromancers. In addition, undeath had a well documented tendency to cause a dulling of emotion and sociopathic behavior.

Shang Xi had seemed surprisingly composed for the short moments Krivax had spoken with him, even more so than he would have expected given his knowledge of non-hostile undead in the original timeline.

No, that wont be necessary. Ill go and speak to the undead myself, Krivax said firmly, making his decision. While Im gone, tell the Alliance that well need a way to travel to Shen-Zin Su. Given that Naxxkithal cant be repositioned without endangering the current offensive and theres no way to teleport there directly, well likely need travel by flight.

It was fortunate that the Alliance held aerial superiority. Otherwise, it would likely be impossible to reach their destination without first fighting through an army of undead.

Rommath looked skeptical, but understood that there wasnt enough time to second guess him and immediately set out to follow his instructions. Before long, messages had been sent to the Alliance Headquarters via magic, and Masruk flew off to gather everyone who would be participating in their attack.

Meanwhile, Krivax made his way to the Violet Hold where Shang Xi was being held. The prisons security had been taken over by the Alliances army due to the emergency situation, though there were still many corpses left behind by the Lich Kings attack.

Nobody attempted to stop Krivax, recognizing his distinctive appearance and the urgency with which he moved through the streets. He made his way to the lower levels of the Violet Hold where Shang Xi had apparently been imprisoned. Rommath claimed that the guards he sent found the undead exactly where Krivax had left them, listless and surprisingly compliant.

When Krivax finally reached the cell where Shang Xi was confined, he found the undead monk peacefully sitting in a meditative pose, his eyes closed and his breathing steady. The stillness in the cell was a stark contrast to the sheer chaos that reigned outside and wasnt at all what Krivax had been expecting.

Even if he knew that not all undead were necessarily hostile or malevolent, hed still thought that someone who had only just been freed from what must certainly have been cruel slavery would be much less calm.

Krivax cleared his throat awkwardly to get the monk's attention.

Hello, your name is Shang Xi, correct? Krivax said once the undead opened his eyes glowing with blue light. I apologize for your temporary imprisonment, but I didnt have enough time to explain that you were no longer under the Lich Kings control when I left.

Shang Xi studied him calmly for several moments before responding. Temporary? I hadnt believed that I would leave this cell for anything less than my destruction. Is that not the case?

Krivax couldnt hold back his wince, realizing hed left someone with the very understandable misconception that they would be executed.

So long as you dont harm any innocents, you wont be judged for any actions forced on you by magical compulsion, said Krivax, promising to himself that he would do everything in his power to ensure that was the case once this was all over. But for now, there are more important things that we need to worry about. We need your help to destroy the Lich King.

Krivax went on to explain their current circumstances, along with their mission to cripple Shen-Zin Su. A small part of him expected Shang Xi to be more reluctant to help, either due to fear or distrust. However, the monk surprised him by agreeing to aid him immediately and without the slightest reservations.

The Lich King arrived in my home and visited evils unto my people more horrific than I could have ever imagined, said Shang Xi, a trace of emotion entering his voice for the first time as the glow of his eyes brightened with fury. I will do everything in my power to see him end, along with the demons controlling him.

Krivax was glad to hear that since they needed all the help they could get. Still, he had a responsibility as the mission leader to verify Shang Xis intentions, given that the outcome of this mission could determine the fates of countless people.

You said that the Lich King landed on your home, which means you are one of the monks who lived on Shen-Zin Su, said Krivax, studying the monks every expression. You realize that we intend to kill the creature, right? Do you really not have any reservations about that?

Shang Xi was likely one of the first undead who had fallen under the Lich Kings influence, which meant he had plenty of time to be corrupted regardless of how kind he may have once been.

Despite this, Krivax could see nothing but melancholy and acceptance in Shang Xis expression as he answered.

Shen-Zin Su selflessly gifted my people with shelter and protection for centuries, said Shang Xi, his voice quiet and solemn. He did this for no other reason but out of kindness. Never in my life have I met a more generous person. I know without a doubt that he would have abhorred the evils which the Lich King has forced him to commit and would wish to be stopped by any means necessary.

Krivax listened silently as Shang Xi explained his perspective, feeling a wave of sadness for the tragedy that the undead described.

It is for this reason why I am so determined to see the Lich King ended, Shang Xi continued, the sorrow in his voice being overtaken by determination. He cannot be allowed to escape to gather his power for years as those clever demons hide him away in some forgotten corner of the world. Too much suffering has come of him already, and I cannot imagine how much more he will cause if left unchecked.

As Krivax studied the monk and listened to the pain behind his words, he concluded that Shang Xi was being completely honest. While there was a distinct thread of hatred in the undeads voice, it was clearly born from a deep sense of loss and a desire for justice rather than any malevolent motivation.

For a moment, Krivax couldnt help but think that Shang Xi would make for a great leader for any other undead who managed to be freed from the Lich Kings control, but that was a problem for later. There was little time to dwell on future possibilities when the immediate threat of the Scourge demanded their full attention.

Thank you for your willingness to help, Shang Xi. Im sure your knowledge of the Scourge and Shen-Zin Su will prove invaluable for this mission, Krivax said genuinely before leaving to retrieve one of the Violet Holds guards.

Krivax had to leverage his authority to convince them to dispel the magical barrier imprisoning Shang Xi, but they eventually reluctantly agreed after he finished explaining the urgency of the matter. The undead monk received many distrustful glares and guarded looks as he and Krivax made their way out of the Violet Hold, but Shang Xi didnt seem to pay it any mind.

Eventually, they arrived at a clearing in the northern part of Dalaran, which had been one of the large marketplaces before the attack, where Krivax had instructed Rommath to bring the rest of the team. It seemed that the Alliance had successfully organized transportation, as several gryphons were being hastily prepared by soldiers for their journey.

Archmage Krasus and Kalecgos had also arrived in their dragon forms, presumably to transport Krivax and Vizier Hadix who were both far too large to mount a gryphon.

Already waiting there was Illidan, notably free of his Sentinel watchers, as he glared toward the sight of Shen-Zin Su. All of the elfs wardens had been far too injured during the fight with Guldan to continue with their duties, leaving Illidan relatively free of supervision. Krivax had no doubt that the kaldorei would complain once they learned he hadnt contacted them immediately after Illidans wardens were incapacitated, but that was a matter for later.

There were far more important things to deal with at the moment than elvish sensibilities.

In addition, Fordring had arrived while still wielding the Silver Hand, so empowered by the Light that the ambient necromantic magic left behind by the Scourge was purified by his mere presence. The nearby Alliance soldiers occasionally glanced at the Paladin with open reverence, likely as a result of his various feats in the defense of Dalaran. Apparently, Fordring had been nearly single-handedly responsible for preventing the Scourge from approaching the portal hub, turning back a large wave of undead with the power of the Light.

Krivax predicted that there would be many legends made from this conflict, and Tirion Fordring was undoubtedly one of them.

A variety of other figures were preparing themselves for battle, including Team Rhonin and many members of the Alliances aerial combat forces likely sent to escort them. Their assistance would be crucial to safely make it through the Scourges defenses.

As the leader of the Alliance Defense Force, Krivax knew that he was the only one who had the authority to organize these disparate elements into a fighting force, so he didnt hesitate to take on that role

If everyone is prepared, then we are leaving as quickly as possible, Krivax said as he approached the group, knowing that time was of the essence. This is Shang Xi. While he is an undead, he has sworn that he means no harm and has pledged to help us destroy the Lich King. I trust his intentions. Does anyone have any complaints?

There was a moment where everyone traded looks, their expressions ranging from indifferent to distinctly uncomfortable.

Illidan and the nerubians were closer to the former end of the spectrum, while pretty much everyone else seemed much more concerned. Archmage Krasus was one of them, likely because Shang Xis necromantic magic felt like a blight to his sensibilities as a Red Dragon, but he said nothing after Krivax gave him a nod showing his approval of the undead.

The most important opinion by far belonged to Tirion Fordring, who everyone else looked to as the Paladin locked gazes with Shang Xi. After several moments of tense silence, Fordring finally spoke, his voice calm yet carrying an underlying strength that resonated with conviction.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it.

If Krivax trusts the undead, and he is here to fight against the Lich King, then I see no reason to object. We all have a common enemy, and every hand raised against the Scourge is needed in this battle.

His words seemed to alleviate the tension amongst the group and the others nodded in agreement, albeit with some still having obvious reservations. The presence of an undead, especially so soon after the Scourges attack on Dalaran, was not something easily accepted. However, the dire circumstances and Fordrings approval was enough to convince them.

Appreciating Fordrings support, Krivax gave the Paladin a nod of thanks before turning his attention back to the group.

As you have hopefully been informed, our mission is to do as much damage to Shen-Zin Su as possible with the goal of hampering its efforts to escape into Lordamere Lake, Krivax explained, his voice carrying over the group. If we fail, then it is doubtful that very many of the Alliances forces on its shell will be able to escape before they either drown or are torn to pieces by the many undead in the lake.

Krivaxs blunt assessment of the situation was enough for a sense of solemn foreboding to fall over the group as everyone glanced toward the scene in Lordamere Lake.

Shen-Zin Su was still raised well over the surface of Lordamere Lake on top of an artificially raised landmass with its edges shaped into massive, in-ward facing spikes of earth. It likely required the entirety of Keeper Archaedas attention to keep the enormous creature trapped through its constant struggles. Leveraging its strength and sheer weight, Shen-Zin Su was destroying portions of the platform with each snap of its jaw or swing of its limbs, causing tremors that could be felt all the way in Dalaran.

The very sight was enough to inspire both dread and awe in everyone watching.

The best method of hampering Shen-Zin Sus struggles would be to destroy one of its forward limbs, though we must obviously ensure that we arent simply crushed under one of its wild blows, Krivax said grimly, drawing the attention of the group back to him.

Hed considered a few other targets before setting on the front limbs. Shen-Zin Sus back limbs were not being used to attack nearly as much and its head was one of its most heavily defended locations, both due to its vital nature and its proximity to the Lich King.

Therefore, I believe our best option is to land on its shell and use magic to burrow through its undead flesh until we reach the joint of its limbs, Krivax continued, sharing the rest of his plan as he watched the group for their reaction. That should be the best location for us to attack.

Krivax was relieved to see that nobody had any serious objections to his plan. It was a relatively straightforward strategy, but likely their best bet given how little time they had to prepare.

Would it not be better to attack both limbs at the same time? asked one of the Alliance soldiers.

The Scourge will defend with everything they have. It will be difficult enough to destroy a single limb, let alone two, Fordring responded immediately.

Ill also be relying on Paladin Fordring to shield us from the Lich Kings blizzard, said Krivax, addressing the soldier. Without him using the Light to protect us, we would likely be either swarmed by spirits or frozen solid long before we can accomplish our mission.

That seemed to be enough to convince everyone of Krivaxs plans, and they quickly focused on the details of the mission. Specifically, Shang Xi suggested that they attack Shen-Zin Sus right limb as there was a cave system on that side which should bring them marginally closer to the creatures joint and serve as a defensive location.

With that, everyone moved to get on top of their gryphon while Krivax awkwardly climbed atop Archmage Krasus and secured himself with some webs. He could tell that he wasnt the only one who was uncomfortable, as Vizier Hadix wore a distinctly disgruntled expression as he skittered onto Kacelgos scaled back.

Krivax would probably laugh at the ridiculous sight of a nerubian Vizier riding a dragon if he wasnt in the exact same situation.

If I survive this, I definitely need to find a better way to fly, Krivax thought as their group took flight and began making their way to Shen-Zin Su.

Given that he was the most experienced candidate for the role, Archmage Krasus took command over the aerial combat. It didnt take long before the Scourge noticed their approach and redirected a portion of its forces to intercept them, though the majority were still focused on attacking Naxxkithal and the main Alliance assault.

Krivax engulfed both himself and Archmage Krasus in Life-infused flames to protect them from smaller undead such as insects or giant birds that attempted to swarm them. Archmage Krasus handled many of the larger undead with furious swipes of his claws or powerful spells that destroyed any Scourge who approached them.

To the left side of their formation, Vizier Hadix created large webs of arcane magic in the air that hindered the movements of the undead while Kalecgos immediately blew them apart with missiles of arcane magic. Proving his adaptability and experience as a warrior, Illidan learned how to guide his gryphon with surprising finesse and fearlessly flew close enough to the undead that he could strike with his twin blades. Each attack unleashed a burst of bright Felfire that jumped between undead, killing them just as easily as it would have killed the living.

Paladin Fordring, ever the beacon of hope amidst the chaos, hardly needed to swing his weapon at all as few undead were able to approach close to him through the intense aura of Light that radiated from him and the Silver Hand. Those few that did were left weakened and destroyed with almost contemptuous ease, perfectly exemplifying just how well-suited Paladins were for fighting the undead.

Despite their teams power, the Scourge vastly outnumbered them and only became more numerous the closer they drew to Shen-Zin Su.

At one point, an Aerie Peak dwarf and his gryphon were seized by a tendril of water that rose from Lordamere Lake and pulled them screaming beneath its depths, the entire process happening too quickly for anyone to react.

Any undead beneath the lake with a method of attacking them at range attempted to do so, forcing them to fly higher than they would have otherwise liked. Before long, they breached the outer perimeter of the blizzard surrounding Shen-Zin Su where the Scourge only intensified their attacks. The air crackled with necromantic energy, and the visibility dropped drastically as an oppressive blanket of cold that sapped all strength and hope fell over them.

Beyond the hollowing of the winds, Krivax could even hear the screams of spirits being controlled by the Lich King as their ethereal forms flew toward them through the blizzard. Krivax had experienced many truly terrifying things during his second life, but there was something about those haunting wails that pulled at his soul.

Fall in around the Paladin, Archmage Krasus yelled over the cacophony, his voice amplified by magic to make himself heard.

The group quickly reorganized at the Archmages command and drew closer to Fordring, whose aura of Light created a sanctuary amidst the blizzard. However, this didnt protect them completely as the lack of visibility meant that the Scourge could more easily ambush them. When an unfortunate mage to the rear was torn from their gryphon by an undead cloud serpent that emerged from the mists and quickly disappeared with its prize, their group adjusted to focus primarily on defense.

As they approached Shen-Zin Su, the true size and scale of the undead turtle became ever more daunting as Krivax got his first look of the creature up close. Its colossal form loomed like a mountain above the lake, making Keeper Archaedas feat of entrapping it even more impressive. However, Krivax could tell that the earth spikes around it were being reformed slower each time they were destroyed than when he had last looked at them.

It was a clear sign that even Keeper Archaedas had his limits and would eventually reach them.

Shang Xi, where is the cave system that you mentioned? Krivax yelled, urgency guiding him as their group flew over a destroyed village filled with undead on the left side of Shen-Zin Sus shell.

The undead monk only took a moment to scan his gaze over his former home before pointing toward a small entrance in a series of cliffs north of the destroyed village. There! The Shrine of Inner Light is located inside that cave system!

With their final destination located, Archmage Krasus guided them toward the cliffs as the Scourge began chasing after them with ever increasing numbers. Every inch of Shen-Zin Sus shell was crawling with undead creatures as far as Krivax could see, a clear sign of how clearly seriously the Scourge was taking them as a threat.

It was only seconds after their group landed at the entrance to the Shrine of Inner Light that they were swarmed by every undead in the area. Even with the ridiculous power of their group, it was only due to the defensive chokepoint offered by the caves entrance that they werent swiftly overwhelmed.

Illidan, Vizier Hadix. You two move on ahead to destroy the joint, Krivax called out as he used geomancy to open a sinkhole beneath an undead sea giant. This caused it to fall to the ground where Fordring immediately finished it off with a swing of his hammer.

They had discussed this beforehand and decided that those two would be the best ones for the task. Vizier Hadix knew enough geomancy to dig them through any collapses in the cave system while Illidan could use Felfire to burn a tunnel through undead flesh until they reached the joint.

According to Shang Xi, the Dreadlords had also used Felfire to dig into Shen-Zin Sus inner organs as a method of killing it, so the tactic would no doubt be effective.

From there, Vizier Hadix only needed to use the mana bombs provided by the Blue Dragonflight and placed in the Viziers spatial bag to finish the job. With the joint destroyed, Shen-Zin Sus struggles would be drastically weakened, and the Alliances main army would have enough time to perform that ritual that would put the poor creature out of its misery.

Illidan and Hadix charged into the cave system without further word, neither of them the type to waste time when action was needed.

By the Lights grace, we shall give them the time they need! To arms! Tirion Fordring called out as he raised the Silver Hand high above his head and unleashed a wave of Light that washed over them.

Krivax felt the Light completely wash away the weariness hed been accumulating since the fight in Dalaran. Judging by the expressions of his allies, he wasnt the only one who was rejuvenated just in time to face the bulk of the Scourges forces converging on their location.

Sharing a quick glance with Archmage Krasus, he and Krivax combined their efforts to summon a massive wall of Life-infused flames that smothered the Scourges charge as undead were burned to ash upon contact. Meanwhile, Tirion Fordring let out a bellow and charged forward, actually causing several undead to recoil from his mere presence.

The next few minutes were a blur of combat as they fought for their lives. This close to the Lich King, the air was nearly completely saturated with necromantic magic and undead were more formidable than Krivax had ever experienced. Ghouls that would normally be destroyed by a single hit took many hits to go down, and the larger undead creatures moved with speed and agility that belied their size.

Bringing Shang Xi proved to be a wise decision, as the Death Monk was both similarly empowered and an extremely capable combatant. He moved with grace and deadly efficiency as each of his strikes shattered the skulls of another undead. At one point, he even somehow split into multiple forms, a skill Krivax vaguely remembered as being something monks were capable of doing, allowing Shang Xi to engage several enemies simultaneously.

Despite everything, the Scourge was still a near overwhelming force that their group could only barely hold back.

Damn it! Krivax cursed as he pulled an undead skitterer off his chest and threw it to the ground, stomping on it a moment later in an effort to conserve his magic. Krasus, there are too many! We need to fall back into the cave!

A ghoul attempted to exploit his distraction by leaping toward his face with outstretched claws, but was almost immediately impaled by Masruks spear and promptly disposed of.

Archmage Krasus finished his spell before responding, causing a swirling inferno to materialize in the Scourge ranks that engulfed several dozen undead before being countered by an icy gust that extinguished the flames.

This is the best defensive point that we could hope for, Krasus yelled as he just barely dodged the claws of a spirit that emerged from the walls of the cave. His magic flashed again, disintegrating the undead in a burst of flames. We must not retreat until the last possible moment.

Krivax let out another curse as he reached into his spatial bag before throwing an alchemical flask at a charging Sea Giant, causing a potent explosion of arcane magic that transformed the undead into a crystalline statue.

Their group had recognized that it would be unlikely for them to escape back the way they came, which was why all of their mounts had been ushered into the cave first. With geomancy, they could create an exit whenever necessary, but the Shrine of Inner Light had many interconnected tunnels that the Scourge could use to flank them if they were pushed farther into the cave system.

Krasus was right that they needed to hold on as long as possible. Unfortunately, Krivax soon realized that this would become even more difficult as he sensed a familiar demon rapidly approaching their location.

Fordring! Above you! Krivax shouted.

Thankfully, the Paladin didnt hesitate to heed his warning and immediately leaped back toward the group just in time to avoid the Dreadlord who crashed down where he had been standing like a meteor. Fordring was barely able to get the Silver Hand up in time to prevent the Dreadlords claws from tearing out his guts as the demon furiously surged out of the crater it had created.

Krivax immediately recognized that this was the same Dreadlord who had been leading the Scourges attack on the Capital City. It was no surprise that the demon had returned to Shen-Zin Su to defend the Lich King given the circumstances.

According to Alliance intelligence, the Dreadlord hadnt been shy about announcing his name while helping slaughter Capital Citys sparse garrison, and has been identified as Balnazzar.

Krivax instantly cast a geomancy spell that caused the ground beneath the Dreadlord to upheave violently and knock the demon off balance while Fordring swung at him with the Silver Hand. However, Balnazzar managed to teleport away moments before being struck and reappeared in the Scourge lines.

Not long after, it became clear that the Dreadlord had begun commanding the undead forces as several naga sea witches lined up and summoned a flood of icy waters meant to sweep them away. This forced their group to fall back into the cave as Krivax frantically summoned an arcane barrier, with the help of Archmage Krasus, Rhonin, and Kalecgos, to prevent the flood from entering the cave.

Unfortunately, the Scourge had many naga within their ranks and the other side of the barrier was being constantly assaulted by heavy weapons as the undead swam through the summoned flood of water.

I think now is a good time to fall back, Krivax called out, his voice tense as he strained to hold the barrier. Archmage Krasus, Im going to release my barrier and use geomancy to collapse the caves entrance! I need you to hold them back while I cast the spell!

Krasus nodded, his expression steadfast as he redoubled his efforts.

Not wasting the opportunity, Krivax released his barrier while beginning to cast the necessary spell. Moments later, the earth began to shake as the stone at the caves entrance exploded inwards, burying several undead under a massive pile of debris and effectively sealing the entrance.

At least, temporarily sealing the entrance. Nearly immediately afterward, Krivax spotted the eerie green of Felfire from the otherside of the debris, indicating that the Dreadlord intended to melt through the pile of undead flesh and rock.

Krivax and the rest of the group quickly made their way deeper into the Shrine of Inner Light, occasionally leaving behind magical traps.

It was clear from their surroundings that the shrine had likely once been a beautiful and sacred place where the local pandaren had gone to venerate their ancestors. The shattered statues of notable pandaren littered the ground, the signs of the Scourges desecration evident in every corner. The air was heavy with the stench of decay and necromantic magic, a stark contrast to the beauty that must have once pervaded these halls.

Everytime their group found a good defensive location, they set up traps and defenses to delay the Scourge as long as possible.

Balnazzar repeated his attempt to drown them out with the naga spellcasters, but Krivax predicted that and was quick to respond by freezing each incoming wave solid, creating a protective barrier between them and the Scourge. Despite relying more on fire after receiving Alexstraszas empowerment, Krivax had always been more skilled with ice magic and forced the Dreadlord to abandon his tactic.

However, the Scourges overwhelming numbers meant that they faced a constant onslaught of undead and were eventually pushed back to the main chamber of the shrine. At the end of the chamber, Krivax spotted a tunnel that had most likely been created by Illidan and Vizier Hadix if the faint traces of Felfire were any indication.

This meant they had nowhere left to retreat, lest they allow the Scourge to prevent Illidan and Hadix from completing their mission. With that knowledge, their group quickly created as many defensive fortifications as possible while Team Rhonin ushered the flying mounts down the tunnel in preparation for their eventual escape.

The Scourge was never going to allow them the time to create another exit, so they would simply have to fly out of Shen-Zin Sus detached limb once its joint was destroyed. It was a risky plan, but also their best option given the circumstances.

It didnt take long for the Balnazzar to catch up to them, his expression furious as he commanded a full-scale assault on their position. The narrow confines of the Shrine of Inner Light turned the battle into a brutal close-quarters fight, where every inch of ground was fiercely contested.

Since their group had no intention of returning from the route they came, Krivax made liberal use of geomancy to crush as many undead as possible, reshaping the caves environment to his advantage. Tirion Fordring proved an impassable bulwark as he used the Light to prevent any undead from passing him and bolstered the spirit of his allies. Meanwhile, Shang Xi found with surprising ferocity as he leapt toward the Dreadlord, his strikes clearly indicating his fury even as his expression remained tranquil.

The battle was grueling, with every second feeling like an eternity. Krivax could personally feel the strain of the relentless assault as he destroyed corpse after shambling corpse of the innocents slain by the Scourge.

Even if he had magically enhanced endurance, Krivax still began to grow both mentally and magically exhausted by the endless undead. He wasnt the only one being affected by this exhaustion, which Balnazaar eventually took advantage of as he found an opening in their defenses.

Teleporting away from one of Shang Xis strikes, the Dreadlord reappeared at Fordrings side and struck with a speed the belied his size. Fordring, ever vigilant, managed to prevent Balnazaar from striking a lethal blow but still suffered a grievous injury to his side. The Paladin staggered, pain etched on his face as blood seeped through his armor, his aura of Light fading as it fought against the Felfire in his wound.

That brief moment, where the Light faltered and they lost the bolstered morale that came with it, caused a ripple of shock to pass through their group. Krivax could only look on in horror as Balnazaar seemed set to take advantage of this momentary lapse to strike down Fordring for good.

In this critical moment, a roar of fury and fire echoed through the tunnel behind Krivax as a blur of movement suddenly burst past him, his twin blades a whirlwind of destruction. In an impressive show of speed, Balnazzar was just barely able to turn in time to meet Illidans attack. Sensing a predictable surge of magic that indicated the Dreadlord was about to teleport away, Krivax immediately cast a quick counterspell.

This would not stop the demon for more than a second, but that was just enough time for Shang Xi to land a strike on Balnazzar's side that caused the demons flesh to rot with necromantic magic. As the Dreadlord faltered, Illidan didnt hesitate to take advantage with a lightning fast strike that resulted in the demons head falling to the ground a moment later.

Tell the Burning Legion that Im coming for them, demon vermin, Illidan snarled with obvious hatred and the Dreadlords corpse collapsed.

I dont think he heard you, Krivax thought to himself as he summoned a wall of fire between their group and the rampaging undead.

We cant stay here. With Fordring injured, I dont think well be able to last much longer. Krivax said, addressing the group before turning to Illidan. Has Hadix planted the mana bombs? Were you able to destroy the joint?

Before Illidan could respond, Krivax received his answer in the form of a deafening explosion that shook the entire cavern. Dust and debris rained down around them as Archmage Krasus created an arcane barrier above their heads.

Thats our sign to leave, Krivax announced urgency as he rushed to Fordrings side and helped cleanse the Paladins wound.

The group made a fighting retreat as they descended the tunnel of Shen-Zin Sus decayed flesh. Fortunately, there was little the Scourge could do to stop them due to the enclosed terrain, allowing Illidan to protect their rear with almost contemptuous ease. Eventually, they reached the end of the tunnel where Vizier Hadix was waiting for them with an impatient expression and began the awkward process of helping everyone mount their flying creatures.

When they finally managed to do so and everyone flew out of the hole that was Shen-Zin Sus detached limb, Krivax got his first look at the results of their efforts. As an undead creature, the enormous turtle hadnt seemed to react much to losing a limb but the awkwardness of its movements made clear that they had significantly impaired its mobility.

Sea turtles already werent the most dexterous of creatures on land, and with Shen-Zin Sus massive size, the loss of a limb made his efforts to maneuver even more cumbersome. The once mighty beast struggled to maintain any balance as it uselessly attacked its earthen prison, now relying mostly on his jaws to gnaw at the spikes entrapping it.

Krivax allowed himself a moment to enjoy the feeling of victory before calling out to the rest of the group. Lets meet up with the Alliances main assault at the Temple of Five Dawns. This should have bought enough time for them to complete the ritual.

Everyone immediately agreed with his decision and seemed in high spirits as they began flying toward the Temple of Five Dawns. Krivax was also rather encouraged by the success of their mission, but he couldnt help but feel faintly unsettled by what he was sensing at the Alliances main battlefront near the temple.

He could tell that the Alliance had managed to secure the Temple of Five Dawns as the structure was clear of undead and filled with living creatures, but he couldnt sense the typical surge of magic that he would associate with an ongoing ritual. Krivax had the sharpest sensory abilities of anyone in the group, so he was almost certainly the only one who had noticed this discrepancy.

Still, as Krivax looked at the champions who had managed to successfully fight their way through the heart of Scourge territory and survive, he found that he wasnt too worried. Regardless of what complication they were about to face, the Alliance had many heroes ready to face Guldan and put an end to the Lich King permanently.

So long as that remained the case, the Scourges days were numbered.

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