A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 116: A Piece of his Mind

Chapter 116: A Piece of his Mind

Lvl Up: [Divination Resistance] lvl 14,15,16


Lvl up: [Consequence Resistance] lvl 11


META (Chance) +6

A massive surge of Potential flooded [Focus], and Priam deactivated [Frozen Meditation]. [Emotional Discipline] operated in the background without him needing to pay it any mind. In the zone, Priam's focus was absolute.

He commanded Log-a-rhythm to immobilize the patient. The bottom of the bathtub shook before beginning to cover his father's body, leaving only part of his head sticking out. Neat.

His father wouldn't risk injuring himself by struggling even without anesthesia.

In his right hand, Priam held an ice scalpel. Part of his mind was focused on [Kinetic Control]. He couldn't let the scalpel's temperature affect his father's warmth. So, the surgical tool was cooled while the molecules it came into contact with retained their agitation.

This dual application of his skill would have been impossible just a few days ago, but now such maneuvers were not only achievable but also profitable.

Lvl Up: [Kinetic Control] lvl 36




Taking one last deep breath, Priam carefully incised the scalp for less than a centimeter. He didn't need more. Thanks to his exceptional dexterity, his hand didn't tremble for an instant. [Moon Mist] and [Kinetic Control] fashioned a drill bit of ice to pierce the skull. Priam had no intention of performing a conventional operation.

POT -3

With robotic precision, Domain took control of the drill and brought it closer to the bone. [Kinetic Control] enforced a rapid rotation on the tool. After a split second of thought, Priam added the aether weave needed to use [Tribulation Piercing Spear]. The main feature of this skill was its impressive penetration ability. He didn't want to traumatize his father's cranial bone, only to make a hole.

Lvl Up: [Human Anatomy] lvl 13

MEM +1

Three strands of aether wound around the drill before it touched the bone. In less than a second, a five-millimeter burr hole had been drilled into the skull. Satisfied, Priam withdrew the drill, which turned into mist.

Lvl Up: [Tribulation Piercing Spear] lvl 9

STR +1

AGI +1


POT -3

Using his Domain, he continuously monitored the hemorrhage. The operation aimed to drain the blood, allowing his father to naturally repair the ruptured blood vessel. Blood was flowing from this artery, accumulating in the brain. Ultimately, this could compress the organ and cause severe damage.

Death awaited at the end of this path. Priam wasn't about to let it take his father.

Now that an exit existed, his Domain seized the blood bubble swelling in his father's brain. With delicate use of [Kinetic Control], he separated it from the damaged artery. The next part of the operation was the most delicate.

Before evacuating it, the blood vessel needed to be restored. Without this, the blood evacuated would be replaced. Priam had no desire to empty a leaking ship.

Repairing the artery had no simple solution. If the vessel had been outside the brain, Priam could have cauterized it with [Kinetic Control]. Unfortunately, its location was too perilous. Hesitating for a moment, Priam thought of [Aether Manipulation]. It was a temporary solution - without surveillance, the aether would dissipate quickly - but it was precisely what he needed.

Less than a millimeter from the accident, an almost invisible thread of aether appeared. Most of his skills were summonable where his Domain held authority. That was the power of this Supremacy.

Mentally, Priam used the aether thread to suture the vessel. The line was too fine to hold the wound alone.

Lvl Up: [Aether Manipulation] lvl 13




Lvl Up: [Human Anatomy] lvl 14

MEM +1

Priam's mind split in two. The human wasn't a creature who could master parallel thinking perfectly, but his attributes allowed him to emulate this capacity. Part of his consciousness focused on freezing the outside of the sutured vessel with [Kinetic Control]. The important thing was to prevent the blood flow from bursting the suture.

If all went well, his father's vitality and [Humanity Adapts] would heal the tiny wound in a matter of minutes.

The second half of his consciousness focused on evacuating the blood. He wouldn't leave a dried clot in his father's brain. Unfortunately, the lump was too large to be removed in one piece.

Mentally, Priam selected a tenth of the blood bubble and concentrated on [Kinetic Control]. The goal was to move the liquid slowly, guiding it between the meninges and expelling it through the burr hole.

Slowly, Priam channeled a fraction of his kinetic energy to unlock the blood. He had never before had to manipulate such a small quantity of energy. Usually, he preferred using destructive amounts of energy. Here, that wasn't possible.

Intensely focused, Priam monitored the operation through his sphere of authority. A small bubble separated from the large blood bubble and began its journey through the human brain.

Lvl Up: [Kinetic Control] lvl 37




Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 31




Without Micro, Priam would have been drenched in sweat. After a short ten seconds, a drop of blood appeared from the hole he had just drilled. The red liquid left his father's body before Priam released it. A reddish cloud appeared in the fluid bath.

Lvl Up: [Human Anatomy] lvl 15

MEM +1

It was almost a miracle. The finesse required to accomplish what he had just done... Priam hadn't known he was capable of it. He had tried the experiment because he had no choice. And he had succeeded. A dozen factors could have jeopardized the operation, but everything had gone smoothly. Lady Luck smiled at me.

Sighing, Priam hesitated for a moment before starting again. He still had at least nine trips to make. The precision he needed was insane. There had to be a way to better master his aether and skills. To maximize his chances.

"System, invest my eighteen free attribute points in META(Focus)."

META(Focus) +18

[Tribulation]: Twelve characteristics above 200 were detected in Tier 0.

A Tribulation is coming.

Time: 179 days 22 hours 58 minutes 59 seconds.

Yeah. Screw it.

Using the reward obtained by humanity during this first Meeting, Priam hoped for two things. First, he wanted to confirm one of his theories: meta attributes had a direct link to aether. If that was correct, then it was likely that META(Focus) would allow him to better manipulate his aether.

It is the moment of truth.

Closing his eyes again, Priam focused on another part of the blood clot patiently waiting in his father's brain. [Kinetic Control] activated, moving a handful of microliters and guiding them towards the exit. A few seconds later, Priam smiled as he watched the blood flow out of the burr hole.

The mental maneuver had been simpler this time. His theory was proven: META(Focus) allowed him to finely manipulate his aether.

[Kinetic Control], his bread and butter skill, relied on this attribute. Increasing it helped him use this skill. Instinctively, Priam felt that the key to manipulating the kinetic energy of molecules - and thus thermal energy - was to control this skill even more finely.

Satisfied, Priam immediately carried out the other back-and-forths. In less than a minute, he emptied the remaining blood. His father could now heal peacefully.

Finally, to seal the burr hole, Priam covered it - without filling it - with a thin layer of resin. Log-a-rhythm's resin was specially designed for this kind of thing.

Less than three minutes after the start of the operation, Priam stepped back. Dispelling his ice scalpel, he finally allowed himself to take a deep breath. The surgery was over. It was a success.

Lvl Up: [Asphyxia Resistance] lvl 5

VIT +2


"You were about to pass out just like your father," remarked Kazuki.

"My instincts would have warned me. It was mainly in the beginning that I didn't want to move. After that, my Domain did everything."

"I'm impressed that you unlocked your Domain. Some say it's the hardest Supremacy to unlock."

"Well," Priam replied with a shrug. "Would you mind waiting for me outside? I'll make sure my father is on the road to recovery, and I'll join you."

His father's breathing was smooth again, which was a good sign.

"No problem. Congratulations on the surgery," congratulated Kazuki.

As the hoplite left, Priam collapsed onto a stool Log-a-rhythm had just provided him.

He was mentally exhausted. Finely controlling his skills and his Domain was tiring, of course. But more than anything, the emotional burden had been heavy. All of this could have been avoided if his father had listened.

Looking at his father's wrinkled face and white hair in the medicinal bath, Priam sighed. He was old. Of course, by gaining vitality and constitution, Alain would reverse the aging process. In the meantime, he still had his bad habits.

"Like not listening to your son. You knew Elysium was dangerous, Dad..." he sighed.

Now that the operation was over and his father was almost out of danger, terror gave way to anger. All of this debacle could have ended tragically. His father had neither [Brainless] nor [Iconoclast]. Like a normal human, his mind was attached to his brain.

If it suffered sequelae, Alain could have become mentally disabled. Healing that would have required extremely rare treasures. Priam wasn't sure if a Phoenix Tear would have been enough. After all, this treasure healed wounds and rebuilt the body in excellent health, not the mind.

If a part of his father's memory or sanity had disappeared, there would have been nothing to be done.

Of course, with aether, there was always a solution. His Patron had created a power like [He Who Eludes Death]. By reaching those levels, Priam would eventually have healed his father.

How many millennia would that have taken? Priam had other dreams than spending centuries searching for a cure.

"And what if you were dead, huh?" he asked. Alain, asleep, didn't answer.

Would the System have offered him a quest to resurrect a soul? Probably. However, the Concepts would have chosen a nearly impossible quest. It was simply the law of supply and demand. Priam was fairly certain Anatole had struck a deal with the Depths to resurrect his daughter. It had still cost him his life.

[Human Anatomy] sent him new information. According to the latest scan from his Domain, his father's artery was nearly healed. Priam stood up; he needed some fresh air.

Turning around one last time, he cast a gaze full of love at his father.

"I love you, Dad. But you'll have to follow my rules."

It also applied to Sphinx. Elysium wasn't a game.

As Priam stepped through the portal leading to the meadow, the damaged artery finally restored itself.

Title gained!

[Doctor - Bronze] - You have assisted in the healing of a patient using deep knowledge. Your involvement was crucial. Using aether, you operated and innovated, adding to the sum of this Universe's knowledge.

Above all, you saved a life. You can be proud of yourself. Now, you know the drill.

Some young nobles kill many patients before earning this Title...

New skill unlocked: [Diagnostic].

MEM +10%

[Diagnostic - Common] - Allows you to scan other living beings. Analyzing this scan provides you with information about your target's health.


Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 320 (+2)

Constitution 451

Agility 309 (+1)

Vitality 469 (+3)

Perception 538 (+3)


Vivacity 294 (+6)

Dexterity 365 (+8)

Memory 99 (+12)

Willpower 488

Charisma 414 (+4)


Meta-affinity 262 (+10)

Meta-focus 213 (+27)

Meta-endurance 165 (+1)

Meta-perception 81 (+1)

Meta-chance 213 (+6)

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 1003 (+20)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Two Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 179 days 22 hours 55 minutes 48 seconds.

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