A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 125: Tempering Die

Chapter 125: Tempering Die

The System must have heard his question because it responded.

You've just left the Concepts Universe.

Location: Valaryth - fragment 84.

A fragment of a world destroyed in a war won by the Concepts.

First Quest Update: Invasion I

You entered Valaryth through a Micro Rift. This 84th fragment roams outside the Concepts Universe.

Retrieve the World Key.

Reward: Variable.

Difficulty: Legendary

You can't leave Elysium indefinitely.

Calculation of your conditional freedom time:

Your Tier is lower than the Tier of the world.

No secure passage opened between this world and Elysium.

Opportunity detected. Would you like to use it?

As Priam read the term "conditional freedom," anger welled up within him. Was Elysium nothing more than an expansive prison? It was too early to dwell on it. Yet, no matter the size of his cell, his freedom was still violated.

The opportunity seemed intriguing, and Priam had no desire to waste it on an unknown world.

"I won't use my opportunity."

Conditional freedom time granted: 60 days.

Priam grumbled as he reviewed his notifications. They ultimately explained very little. He had sixty days to find a key. I'll be long gone by then, Priam thought, eyeing the rift that had spat him out. He congratulated himself for not spending Potential to open it.

Firstly, Arnold could have followed him. Priam had died when crossing the rift. If Arnold wanted to follow, he'd have to expend Potential to create a secure passage. Priam would have time to escape.

Secondly, the System could have locked the passage behind Priam, preventing him from retreating.

Of course, the rift remained dangerous, but Priam felt confident he could make the return journey safely. That is, by dying once instead of twice.

Without further ado, Priam assessed his situation.

The sun beat down, but his resistances shielded him from such discomfort. He had five hours to kill before he could return - twenty-nine if he wanted to return with [He Who Eludes Death] almost primed.

How could he occupy this time? By improving his abilities and surviving, of course!

I should bring Mirscella out. Let's just make sure she would be safe.

First, Priam checked if the environment was suitable for human life. He took a deep breath and immediately frowned. According to [Poison Body], [Asphyxie Resistance], and [Diagnostic], the oxygen level in the air was nearly 50%. It wasn't problematic in itself, but it would change some things. Forest fires must be terrible here...

Local gravity was double that of Earth, and the weather was clear. Reassured that he wouldn't die in the next few seconds, Priam quickly inspected the rift at his feet. It resembled its twin in the Brood Mother's cave, about forty centimeters long, emitting a phenomenal amount of aether that dissipated into the environment.

Priam approached, enveloping the rift in his Domain. A smile crept onto his face as he analyzed it. The violent influx of aether triggered a kind of chain reaction, destroying the local atmosphere and releasing an unknown concept. A concept that seemed almost familiar...

Before Priam could further study the rift and the concept, a terrifying scream echoed. The city behind him was inhabited.

The air vibrated with the power of the scream, and Priam plunged into the water. Diving beneath the waves, he quickly distanced himself from the beach. The physical attributes of a creature capable of such a cry far exceeded his own. With all his advantages, Priam might be able to defeat the owner. Or maybe not.

If he had to fight, Priam preferred to start the battle with [He Who Eludes Death] primed.

The water was cold, but it didn't bother him. With a few strokes, Priam moved away from the shore. A second scream rang out, closer.

Taking one last breath, Priam disappeared underwater.

Despite the microalgae and sediments, the water was clear for the first twenty meters. Assisted by his perception, Priam delved into the depths. [Asphyxia Resistance] allowed him several minutes underwater.

Lvl Up: [Swimming] lvl 4

STR + 1

At about thirty meters underwater, his Domain sensed a faint shockwave. Priam was willing to bet that the screamer had reached the beach. Something - or someone - had sensed his arrival and tracked him.

Priam prepared for battle. The thing came from the city, betraying a terrestrial origin, not an aquatic one. Would it risk changing environments?

Rather than diving deeper, Priam remained static about thirty meters deep. The combination of Domain and [Kinetic Control] theoretically allowed him to fight quite easily underwater, but he wasn't specialized in this type of combat either.

Above all, he had no experience using Promesse underwater. Yet another thing to learn...

The surface of the water trembled, and Priam prepared to surface. He had fled underwater to hide, but if there was to be a fight, he preferred it in the open air. The only point of staying underwater was to discourage his opponent.

One second passed, then two. The water remained calm. Mentally counting, Priam observed every vibration that reached him. Nothing.

At two hundred, his lungs began to burn, and he decided to ascend.

Breaking the surface of the water, Priam scanned the beach. It was empty, but enormous claw marks were present in the sand. Priam hesitated for a moment between returning to the shore or exploring the seabed.

On one hand, a terrifying monster, on the other, the unknown... [Eidetic Memory] kicked in, unearthing a recent memory. Specifically, it was a conversation with Mercure.

The merchant had provided him with a list of easily obtainable Titles. Among them was a diving record. Mercury's document mentioned a Bronze Title and a Silver one. Priam was almost certain there were more.

A smile on his lips, Priam decided to once again push his limits.

Lvl Up: [Swimming] lvl 5

STR + 1

Priam wasn't afraid of the water. He had grown up near the Atlantic Ocean and had surfed. If he had to sum up his feelings for the sea in one word, Priam would choose respect.

Swimming in the depths of this new world, Priam set aside his concerns. The marine world welcomed and cradled him. As he ventured away from the coast, life revealed itself. Alien-like seaweed and fish with vibrant hues provided an unprecedented backdrop. Priam spotted some nearly invisible eels and multicolored sand grains. Globefish expelled gas bubbles that leisurely rose to the surface. When Priam attempted to breathe in one, he burst into laughter like a fool for nearly a minute.

Following this experience, he decided to steer clear of the fauna and flora, and kept moving away from the coast. Quickly, he reached a hundred meters. An incredible feat for a human, but not impossible. [Eidetic Memory] reminded him that the absolute record was 133 meters - in unassisted free-diving. One hundred meters was a milestone, and the System seemed to agree.

Title obtained!

[Ocean Diver - Bronze]- You delve into the darkness. Each meter brings you closer to buried secrets. Is something shining down there: rusty chests filled with gold, ancient artifacts, or slumbering monsters?

Or could it be Jacks bones, haunting a famous wreck?

Increases the learning speed of underwater skills.

AGI +10%

Priam exulted as he realized the System was still fully operational. There was a difference between retaining his abilities without the System and continuing to receive its help. Perhaps because I'm not in an actual Universe, but just in a world fragment?

Lvl Up: [Friction Resistance] lvl 7

AGI +1

Priam continued his descent with a smile on his lips as his new Title already showed its usefulness. The water resistance had marginally decreased, making each of his movements easier and quicker. This resistance would be invaluable later on.

Priam swam leisurely while maintaining a diagonal course. The underwater terrain grew deeper the further one got from the shore. With powerful kicks, he continued to plunge into the unknown. About ten seconds later, he came across a school of fish.

These resembled huge mackerels. Their metallic green color was almost invisible at these depths. Only Priam's enhanced eyes could discern them. So, this world isn't dead.


[Valaryth mackerel - Tier 0] - A common fish. Edible.

Reassured to have found a source of protein, Priam hesitated for a moment. Should he continue? He didn't intend to uncover all the secrets of this world in one dive, and his oxygen reserves were dwindling. On the other hand, it was interesting to test his limits. Just a bit more, he decided.

The fish darted around him, utterly indifferent to the peculiar human presence. Priam briefly stroked one before moving on. A few seconds later, he began to feel a slight discomfort in his eardrums. It was the sure sign of a pressure difference between the external and middle ear. This often occurred during plane journeys or dives.

To avoid barotrauma, Priam knew he had to balance these two pressures. Instinctively, he almost tried to blow forcefully while keeping his mouth and nose closed. Also known as the Valsalva maneuver, it was an easy way to equalize pressure. Easy, but risky.

[Eidetic Memory] activated and reminded Priam of a diving lesson.

"Kids will close their noses and mouths before blowing hard. Sometimes, it hurts their ears. There's a method reserved for professionals, which involves becoming aware of a special muscle: the tensor veli palatini," the instructor had explained.

Priam had then learned that this muscle could command the opening of the Eustachian tubes, thus equalizing pressure in the middle ear. Those who could become aware of this muscle could instantly equalize the pressure in their ears without risks.

Unfortunately, becoming aware of this muscle was easier said than done. The diving instructor had advised them to close their mouths and then try to sing like an opera tenor but without using their vocal cords. An exercise as complicated as it sounded.

Priam had looked like a fool for a few minutes in front of Victoire before giving up.

Shaking his head sadly, Priam focused on Micro. His Supremacy revealed the presence of his tensor veli palatini. A moment later, the pressure equalized in his ear, and the discomfort in his eardrums disappeared.

Lvl Up: [Human Anatomy] lvl 16


Satisfied, Priam checked his oxygen reserves. Another thirty seconds of descent. He oriented himself downward and gave a powerful kick. Propelled forward, he continued to scan the darkness.

Lvl Up: [Swimming] lvl 6

STR + 1

Fifty meters later, he paused momentarily. The threshold for the next diving Title was five hundred meters. Unfortunately, at less than half that distance, Priam was already blind.

His eyes were as perfect as those a human could have. His perception further enhanced his vision. Yet, without light, there was nothing to be done. Even his broad-spectrum vision held little interest; the water quickly absorbed infrared. If he were attacked, only his Domain - a sphere barely a meter in radius - would warn him. That meant he could easily die, even against a weak opponent.

Beneath him, the darkness could hide a thousand and one dangers. Or a thousand and one treasures. Every second reduced the cooldown of [He Who Eludes Death]. The cold water caressed him, and Priam thought of the ocean. It took its time and always achieved its goals. Reasoned by nature, Priam decided to surface. He didn't want to confuse courage with foolishness.

A few tens of meters higher, Priam encountered another school of mackerels. Suddenly, his Domain detected a vibration to his right. Priam didn't even have time to turn before a behemoth rushed towards the school.

The water turned red, and Priam hastily retreated. Before him stood an enormous shark.


[Juvenile Megalodon - Tier 0] - Juveniles inhabit warm coastal waters and feed on fish and small whales. Their parents are further from the coast and prefer larger prey.

You're not on their menu, but don't tempt them too much.

Priam gave a few powerful kicks to ascend while the cousin of the great white continued its bloody feast. He neither wanted nor could afford to face the monster.

For now.

A few seconds later, Priam reached the surface and paused. With his constitution and vitality, he had little chance of suffering from decompression sickness, but he preferred to be cautious. The sudden drop in pressure would turn the liquid nitrogen in his blood into gas. If a nitrogen bubble formed in his brain, the experience would be dangerous.

Lvl Up: [Asphyxia Resistance] lvl 6

VIT +2


Finally, after a six-minute dive, Priam resurfaced. Observing his surroundings, he spotted the beach he had arrived on about four hundred meters away. It would have been foolish to return directly.

Turning around, Priam spotted a tiny island offshore. Opting for safety, he began to swim. After all, he had nothing better to do.

Lvl Up: [Swimming] lvl 7

STR + 1

The evening brought a warm breeze as the sun set over the ocean. Priam briefly looked up, hoping to catch a green flash. Victoire had once told him that it was the color of his eyes. That was before the mist blanketed them.

The sun disappeared and Priam refocused. His islet's total surface area couldn't exceed two thousand square meters. Here, the marine topography rose, and a single rock stood out above the waves. Its peak boasted vegetation of vines, small trees, and various plants.

However, it possessed a surprising feature: a water-level cave. Useful for quick dives and, therefore, farming resistances. Priam was delighted with the rapid level-ups he had gained in just a few minutes. At great depths, he was almost sure that other resistances would also be tested.

But before that, Priam had things to do and had set to work immediately. The cave was small, so he had decided to spruce it up a bit. Using Promesse, he had dug a hole in the ceiling, creating an artificial well leading to the top of the island. Priam was currently utilizing this opening to vent the smoke from a campfire.

Comfortably seated in the sand, Priam flipped over one of the fish he had caught on the way. Domain allowed him to monitor the cooking, and his stomach clenched eagerly. One of the fish was for him, and the other for Mirscella. He had preferred to leave the thief in his inner world but had no intention of letting her starve.

For now, he needed to be alone. In his right hand, Priam held a small die. Kazuki's reward for surviving three days in Elysium. Priam was pretty sure this reward was special. A way for the System to ensure rivals didn't die too quickly.


[Tempering Die - Tier 0 - Mythic] - A reward from Concepts. Allows you to create an optimal tempering method tailored to the user. Tempering aims to strengthen one or more characteristics to the maximum before evolving to the following Tier. At Tier 0, tempering means strengthening the body by guiding the aether that flows through it.

The method includes:

  • The creation of a passage for the circulation of the aether inside the body.
  • An explanation of the optimal aether circulation: pattern, velocity, repetition, and density.
  • A list of resources to accelerate or catalyze the tempering process.

The method being of "Mythical" quality, the user is assured of reaching the perfect tempering for Tier 0 without any penalty or hidden risks for Tier 1.

Caution: Due to the quality of the method, the tribulation during the Tier evolution will be extremely dangerous.

The fire crackled, and the wind brought Priam a puff of smoke. Rolling the die between his fingers, the young man grimaced. Maybe he should have returned the die to Kazuki. That would have been a chivalrous behavior.

Priam hadn't survived by being chivalrous. He intended to repay the hoplite for his help, but those were two different things.

Domain activated the die, which glowed before melting in his hand. Priam grimaced as he felt a cold lava flow through his veins. The first time, he had collapsed to the ground. This time, he remained seated, content to follow the progress of the die with Micro.

Host scan.

Race: High Human (Tier 1)

Presence of multiple skills enhancing the effects of tempering.

Concept, Bloodline, and Affinities detected

Three optimal tempering methods compiled.

Note: The method used at Tier 0 is crucial for the rest of your journey.

Mist King (Mythic - Unique) - The Mist obeys you. Invisible, it comes and goes without anyone's consent. You have no master. Mist King modifies your meridians to create a crown. What kind of King will you be?

Meridians's fulcrum: Brain.

Increases your affinity with the Mist.

Increases your affinity with Domain.

Death Lover (Seraph - Unique) - You court death without ever getting too close. You are as much its champion as its enemy. Death Lover modifies your meridians to create an altar. Sacrifice your enemies there.

Meridians's fulcrum: High Human Heart.

Your soul strengthens.

Increases your affinity with Domain.

Heavenly Dragon (Seraph) - You possess the bloodline of mythical Dragons and a Tribulation. No one should be freer than you. Heavenly Dragon modifies your meridians to create seven gates. Your hunting trophies strengthen you.

Meridians's fulcrum: Heart of Tribulation.

You assimilate your Tribulation.

Increases your affinity with Micro.

Choose wisely.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 345 (+6)

Constitution 599

Agility 344 (+25)

Vitality 493 (+3)

Perception 554


Vivacity 300

Dexterity 374

Memory 100 (+1)

Willpower 598

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 295

Meta-focus 225

Meta-endurance 167 (+1)

Meta-perception 84

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 1107 (+8)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 3 hours 52 minutes 42 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Two Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 178 days 4 hours 25 minutes 55 seconds.

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