A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 127: Priam’s System

Chapter 127: Priam’s System

Invisible doors swung open, letting the Potential surge within him. Priam felt the fluid course through his body, then his mind, and finally his soul. It was the seat of his Domain and mist concept, yet Priam struggled to fully grasp it. Thankfully, the Potential allowed him to ignore this.

The divine fluid flowed into his soul, enfolding it before crystallizing. Priam grinned as he observed the outcome.

Beneath the protective sphere woven from mist concept and Domain, a satellite now orbited around his soul. About ten times smaller than the latter, it traced a circular trajectory for a few moments before teleporting elsewhere, following a new orbit. Its physics were strange, somewhere between a moon and an electron. At the crossroads of the infinitely large and the infinitely small

Though the Potential had already receded, Priam still sensed the presence of this newfound entity. His own sub-system!

Priam noted that it was the first time a skill had materialized in a physical form. The satellite was pure black.

You have created a skill, congratulations!

New skill: [Priams System - Rare]

[Priams System] - A kind of add-on integrated into your soul. Your system is a complex computing unit you will have to code yourself. Its proximity to your spirit and soul enables a symbiosis. Its enhancement is tied to the power of your mind, your code's optimization, and your soul's density. It can devour Potential to evolve. A highly intriguing skill, with its only limits being your own. Massive potential for evolution.

Better than Windows Vista.

MEM +2


Beneath the Phoenix sun, Priam grinned. The skill description was remarkably positive. The more he contemplated it, the more he believed he'd made a good calculation. Pun intended.

He effortlessly connected to his new skill and found it utterly blank. Everything was yet to be done. It was akin to having powerful hardware but needing to code the software alone. The possibilities were limitless, but it required knowledge that Priam didn't possess.

Fortunately, there was a way, albeit costly, to remedy this.

[Priams System]

Potential required to code your personal system.

30: Calculator - basic data computation

100: Operating System - calculation and result prediction

300: Basic Artificial Intelligence - Machine & Deep learning

1,000: Artificial General Intelligence - Second thought

3,000: LOCKED

10,000: LOCKED

"What a Potential sinkhole..."

Priam grumbled at the thought of all the Potential he could have saved by coding his system himself. Unfortunately, he suspected that even the world's best programmer, specializing in AI and equipped with [Eidetic Memory], wouldn't have saved more than 300 POT. Which was already quite a feat.

Priam needed a potent and practical skill. The higher tiers were locked, undoubtedly due to missing prerequisites. The skill hinged on his mental attributes. They were impressive... for a Tier 0. The 1,000 POT option was tempting, but Priam lacked the resources. Even if he did, he wanted to keep some Potential in reserve. It could be the difference between life and death.

For a moment, Priam thought of Arnold and the other AIs surely populating this new Universe. With just one skill, he was about to catch up to the advantages these races might have over him. The skill demanded a hefty amount of Potential, but it was a gamble. If he didn't bet on it, it would be useless.

Full of confidence, he selected Basic Artificial Intelligence. [Priams System] disconnected, and Priam felt it tremble. Silvered veins with geometric angles surfaced on the black sphere before it stabilized. Then it reconnected to his soul, updated.

POT -300

The sub-system was ready to operate. With a thought, Priam began downloading the data from the Heavenly Dragon into the skill.

Instantly, weakness washed over him. He felt as if his thoughts were moving in slow motion. His memory was almost entirely occupied by the process. Priam dropped to his knees a few moments later, overcome with nausea. He hastily canceled the transfer.

Catching his breath, he considered the situation. The data volume was staggering, and [Priams System]'s storage capacity was too limited.

I need to change this...

Priam aimed for a program that would assist him in real time, not a skill that required manual data input. That would be a lengthy and arduous task, not to mention the strain on his mental attributes. Priam wanted to mod his consciousness, not burden it.

Pensively, he surveyed his inner world, pond, sun and captured concepts. A world linked to him. Priam's eyes widened. Could it be...? With a thought, he attempted to link [Eidetic Memory] to [Priams System]. It worked without a hitch.

Naturally, the Talent connected to the skill, allowing it access to all the information it would require. Instinctively, Priam configured the skill's memory as RAM and his [Eidetic Memory] as non-volatile memory. The add-on would need it to perform calculations without disturbing Priam.

Satisfied, he sent an instruction to his new skill. Compile Heavenly Dragon and give me a summary.

Instantly, the skill activated. Priam felt it working in the background, without needing his attention. He had enough computer knowledge to understand it operated in a manner similar to artificial intelligence coded by humanity. His skill lacked emotion or consciousness but was far more advanced than simple software.

Thanks to machine learning, it could grasp certain concepts without his aid. It remained limited since its intelligence wasn't general and depended on Priam's mental attributes. Nevertheless, it should be perfect for summarizing a tempering method.

Lvl Up: [Priams System] lvl 2



Ten minutes later, the skill ceased its calculations and presented its findings.

Heavenly Dragon: Three-part method for body tempering.

I) Reorganization of meridians.

Their purpose is to circulate aether within your spiritual body. Just as blood sustains the physical body, this circulation strengthens your spirit. Everyone possesses a set of meridians at birth or thanks to [Touched by Aether]. This reorganization aims to optimize your meridians and their structure.

Various methods exist to refine meridians: medicines, treasures, resistances, bloodlines, Titles, and Talents.

Advice: Employ a hybrid approach. Enhance the rarity of [Aether Manipulation] to manipulate your meridians, then use treasures or resistances to fortify them.

II) Anchoring of meridians.

Since meridians are spiritual, they need to be materialized. Heavenly Dragon has seven gates. Each requires a tempered anchoring using elements or concepts and a trophy. The more vigorous the tempering, the sturdier the gate. In the long run, the completed gates will refine your aether and body, eliminating impurities.

It's up to you to choose the elements for your different gates. Example: for the first gate, you shall bathe in flames/lightning/poison/

Advice: Consult the help section to choose your elements and trophies. An epic resistance is the minimum requirement for anchoring a gate.

III) Edification of the fulcrum.

Finalization of the structure. Same principle as the gates, but it requires Legendary tempering and a trophy of draconic origin.

Outcome: Once the method is completed, your Tribulation will be tamed by your fulcrum. Assimilation and enhancement of the quality of your draconic bloodline. Assimilation of your second heart. Augmentation of your physical attributes. Possibility to request a rank up.

Lvl Up: [Priams System] lvl 3,4



Priam burst into laughter as he read the summary of the Heavenly Dragon. The benefits of this method were astounding. He was doubly thrilled. His new skill had not only fulfilled its mission but also extrapolated relevant information. For someone with no education on aether, it was a godsend.

Smiling, Priam stood up. It would take him a few calm days to elevate [Aether Manipulation] to epic rank. While waiting to return to his base, he could begin his improvement. Seven epic resistances and one legendary resistance were the minimum required by the method. Could he do better?

Sensing his new skill inactive, Priam gave it some tasks. He linked [Human Anatomy], [Diagnostic], and [Priams System]. Based on my past experiences and my current body, create a training regimen to optimize my resistances. Then, review my fights and point out my mistakes. Same goes for my training.

His add-on got to work while Priam opened a portal to Valaryth.

Outside, the sun was still low, promising a radiant day. Mirscella stretched out with the help of a shrub, a concentrated look on her face. Without further ado, Priam gathered his resolve and leaped from the island's edge. The water's surface parted beneath his flawless dive.

Deciding to work on his breath, he swam away from the island in apnea.

Lvl Up: [Priams System] lvl 5



Lvl Up: [Asphyxia Resistance] lvl 7

VIT +2


Lvl Up: [Swimming] lvl 8

STR + 1

Lvl Up: [Friction Resistance] lvl 8

AGI +1

Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 25


[Tribulation]: One attribute above 600 was detected in Tier 0.

A third Tribulation is coming.

Time: 177 days 14 hours 12 minutes 26 seconds.

Twenty minutes later, a profound darkness enveloped Priam. He had plunged to a depth of two hundred and fifty meters before coming to a halt for two reasons. Firstly, he felt an uncomfortable pressure crushing his chest. [Star Iron Body] and his constitution battled against the pressure, but it was becoming bothersome.

His second concern was more serious. At this depth, the water absorbed all light, leaving him blind. Only [Aether Perception] could still aid him, but he wasn't accustomed to using the skill. To make matters worse, its level was so low that Priam wasn't sure if he could differentiate between an animal and an algae.

Yet dangerous predators lurked in the depths, and he needed to be able to spot them. How do they detect me?

The question was pertinent, and [Eidetic Memory] sprang into action. Delving into his memory, it unearthed fragments of knowledge. Sharks had a keen sense of smell. Some denizens of the depths detected the electric fields emitted by their prey or predators.

If he could, Priam would have growled. It was as interesting as it was useless. He had a keen sense of smell but couldn't breathe underwater. Similarly, creating a skill capable of measuring an electric field would be costly without the proper organ.

Just as he was considering focusing solely on [Aether Perception], a final memory reached him.

He must have been four years old and was visiting a natural history museum with his parents. He remembered standing in front of the skeleton of a dolphin. Like many children, he had a skewed view of the mammal; his parents hadn't taught him about the darker habits of these sometimes ruthless animals.

Curious, Priam had wanted to touch the skeleton, but his father had stopped him. To divert his sons attention, Alain had translated the explanatory panel covered in unknown symbols. Letters. It hadn't mentioned the animal's drug-addled habits but had reported something interesting.

"Dolphins navigate using echolocation," his father had read. "Based on the principle of active sonar, this ability allows them to detect prey or obstacles several hundred meters away. This sonar also enables them to attack prey from a distance by generating a strong acoustic pulse that disorients or even stuns them."

"They're incredible," Priam had replied. He hadn't understood it all but had gazed at the skeleton with admiring eyes. His mother had then called him over to see a whale specimen, and the child had promptly forgotten about the dolphin and its sonar.

Priam smiled as he recalled these events. But more than nostalgia, the memory was intriguing. With his scientific background, Priam understood the interest and advantages of echolocation very well.

As the name implied, the principle was based on echoes. The animal produced a sound that bounced off surfaces before returning to it. In water, the sound wave traveled at 1 500 meters per second. In practical terms, if Priam produced a sound and heard its echo two seconds later, then the sound wave had had time to travel three kilometers round trip. So, there was an obstacle at one thousand five hundred meters.

Some blind individuals on Earth used rudimentary echolocation to navigate. It allowed them to avoid certain obstacles, but not to form a clear image of their environment. The human eardrum simply wasn't designed to detect these sounds. But my Domain can!

The echolocation lead was serious and didn't require sacrificing his Potential or growing new organs. Exulting, Priam began to ascend towards the surface. Before venturing further, he needed to test his theory and practice.

A few seconds later, his vision began to improve. Within two hundred meters, the meager light was enough for him to see. He ascended for another thirty seconds before stopping. Fifteen meters above him was a school of fish. Priam's empty stomach begged him to catch a few for breakfast. I'd have preferred a hot chocolate... I need to improve Log-a-rhythm quickly.

Lvl Up: [Friction Resistance] lvl 9

AGI +1

Reaching the level of the shoal, Priam recognized gilt-head breams. Or their counterparts from another world. On Earth, it was a fish with delicate, white, and flavorful flesh. Smiling, Priam summoned Promesse. His spear appeared at his side with a second's delay. Priam frowned upon seeing that a tenth of his aether reserves had just vanished. It's because I'm underwater, he realized.

The movement disturbed the fish, and they began to flee. Priam shook his head before giving chase. Despite the absence of mist, he could still use his abilities thanks to his harmony with the concept. The only difference was the tenfold cost in aether.

The fish were swift swimmers. Despite his strength and agility, Priam was being outpaced. After a few seconds, he activated [Kinetic Control] and accelerated. In a matter of seconds, he caught up to the last gilt-head bream. With a thrust repeated a thousand times, he impaled it. The attack killed the fish, but Priam winced. Attacking underwater was entirely different from the surface.

The tip of Promesse was adapted to the environment, but not its long haft. Because of this, the thrust had been slow, and Priam had to adjust his trajectory, further weakening the attack. The gilt-head bream was dead, but a monster like the megalodon would have survived.

Priam passed through the cloud of rising blood and seized his catch. Opening a mini portal, he tossed it into his inner world and continued fishing. With a kick and aided by a kinetic charge, he found himself in the midst of the shoal. [Unrelenting Thrust] x3.

With three more fish under his arm, Priam let the rest escape. He ascended quickly to the surface and took a deep breath. Towards the end of his dive, he had started to feel the lack of oxygen. Despite his extra life, there was something terrifying about being underwater without air.

Lvl Up: [Asphyxia Resistance] lvl 8

VIT +2


Lvl Up: [Poison Body] lvl 12


VIT +1


Vitality exceeds 500 points. First milestone reached. Congratulations!

"At least I'm not suffering for nothing," he said, breathless. Each improvement allowed him to stay underwater longer and process carbon dioxide better. Surpassing five hundred points in vitality gave him a boost. Priam laughed as he tried to decipher the sensation.

"I feel... younger!" he exclaimed. "If this extends lifespan, Papa absolutely needs to achieve this."

Turning in a circle, Priam searched for the islet where he had left Mirscella. Between two waves, he made out the rocky peak less than two kilometers away.

The portal to his inner world closed, leaving it with three more dead fish, and Priam began to swim.

After ten seconds, as he was tossed by a gigantic wave, Priam stopped. His Domain had sensed something. Intrigued, Priam dove.

His Supremacy detected a second vibration. A creature was approaching. Priam opened his eyes, probing the still depths. Suddenly, the black canvas shifted, revealing the approach of a juvenile megalodon.

It reached the clouds of blood left by the gilt-head breams. Its sense of smell must be incredibly developed. Like sharks, I suppose. Finding nothing, the animal looked up, locking eyes with Priam. There was only one likely suspect and no more fish in sight.

Clearly annoyed at having made the trip for nothing, the enormous hunter accelerated. Priam immediately understood that he would be too slow underwater. With a kick, he shot to the surface before soaring into the air using a kinetic charge. A moment later, the waters parted to allow the megalodon passage. The creature leaped almost five meters high, roaring. Most of its body was still submerged, showing the terrifying size of the animal.

Priam didn't let the opportunity pass. Underwater, he had no chance. In the air, however... The animal had made a mistake, and Priam intended to punish it. Brandishing Promesse, he charged at the megalodon. Just before impact, three threads of aether coiled around the spear's tip.

[Tribulation Piercing Spear],[Unrelenting Thrust]. Promesse's tip effortlessly pierced through the shark's skin and bones before impaling its brain. The animal collapsed into the water in one final plaintive roar, creating a massive wave. The prince of the seas had just perished.

Priam landed on it and began to dismember him without delay. With the help of a lance, it was particularly bloody work, but [Aether Perception] indicated the presence of a core. Thirty seconds later, as the body began to sink, Priam retrieved his reward.

About the size of a pigeon's egg, the core emitted an aura akin to the ocean. [Priam's System] reacted.

[Detection of an inferior-quality trophy. Creating a gate using this trophy is not recommended.]

Another wave swallowed the carcass as Priam smiled. If the child's core was too weak, then perhaps those of the parents would be better.

It was time to bring terror to this world fragment.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 347 (+2)

Constitution 604 (+5)

Agility 347 (+3)

Vitality 500 (+7)

Perception 554


Vivacity 305 (+5)

Dexterity 374

Memory 111 (+11)

Willpower 598

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 295

Meta-focus 225

Meta-endurance 170 (+3)

Meta-perception 84

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 641 (-279)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Three Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 177 days 14 hours 8 minutes 23 seconds.

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