A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 133: Those Who Forge Ahead

Chapter 133: Those Who Forge Ahead

For a fleeting moment, Priam beheld a crown of golden green hovering above Log-a-rhythm. He blinked, and the mirage vanished. Another man might have doubted his vision, but [Eidetic Memory] confirmed to Priam what he had seen. A crown. A royal symbol. Yet, the ritual aimed to transform Log-a-rhythm into a guardian, not a king.

A guardian wasn't a king. But a king is a guardian...

He turned to Dishnu to gauge his reaction, but he was staring at the ground, breathing heavily. The ritual's activation seemed to have drained the drya. Priam hesitated for a moment before holding his tongue. Despite Dishnu's invaluable assistance, he was currently a situational ally.

To clear his mind, Priam checked his notifications.

Title won - [Apprentice Aetherist - Silver]!

[Apprentice Aetherist - Silver] - Aether is everything; that's what all Aetherists will tell you. But what is aether? Answering this question is the ultimate quest, for the one who answers it will answer all questions. You have used your knowledge and runes to manipulate reality. Dont stop now.

Only two things are infinite: aether and human folly...



Am I, as a High Human, included? Priam smirked.

Despite the System's jab, he was delighted with his new Title. By augmenting his meta-attributes, he could swiftly enhance [Aether Perception] and [Aether Manipulation]. In turn, his skills would enable him to fathom aether more deeply and unlock an even grander Title. A nice, virtuous cycle.

Log-a-rhythm quivered, like a dog seeking its master's attention. The best is yet to come, isn't it? Impatient, Priam consulted his tree's menu. The ritual must have altered certain things.



Abundance - Life I

Abundance - Aether I

Protection III

Tribulation Resistance II

Secret Passage

Land Owner II NEW

Camouflage I

Guardian of the forest I NEW

Mighty roots I NEW


Ceiling Height: 3 meters.

Interior Area: 34 m (+2, due to Log-a-rhythm's growth)


Current POT: 552

Passive gain: 150 POT/day.

(+50 POT/day thanks to Guardian of the Forest)

Available Themes:

Primo (100,000)

Tal Quercus (10,000)

Nature (1000)

Cocoa (500)

Sequoia (1000)

Tea (500)

Abundance - Life II (1000)

Abundance - Aether II (1000)

Protection IV (5000)

Tribulation Resistance III (2500)

Secret Passage II (900) (-100)

Camouflage II (900) (-100)

Attraction (500)

Underground (400) (-100)

Comfort (500)

Volume (500)

Water Control (500)

Land Owner III (2400) (-100)

Guardian of the Forest II (900) (-100) NEW

Mighty Roots II (1000) NEW

Land Owner II activated.

Select a feature to construct:

Land Privilege

Protective Barrier II

Luminous Barrier.

Environmental Barrier.


Other hidden options - prerequisites not met.

Priam widened his eyes as he read Log-a-rhythm's new status. The ritual had bestowed not one, but two new themes upon the tree! Guardian of the Forest undoubtedly had other uses, but the first thing Priam noticed was the increase in his tree's passive Potential gain. Jackpot!

Most likely, Log-a-rhythm was absorbing the Potential generated by the forest. Priam pledged to defend it as fiercely as Dishnu. His greed demanded nothing less.

Priam's smile broadened as he continued to peruse the available options. Guardian of the Forest and Mighty Roots allowed him to save Potential when acquiring or upgrading a theme!

Focusing on Underground, for instance, Priam sensed that Mighty Roots would assist Log-a-rhythm in crafting an underground shelter. Thanks to this synergy, he would save a hundred Potential points by selecting the enhancement. Four hundred Potential points might seem like a lot for creating an underground shelter, but Priam knew better. When he had cleared the spiders from their cave beneath the abandoned tower, he had seen that the elysian rock was nearly indestructible.

Other themes benefited from discounts, such as Secret Passage II. With Guardian of the Forest, the forest under Log-a-rhythm's dominion would aid him more readily.

Priam hesitated for a moment about making a purchase before relenting. Firstly, because with five hundred and fifty-two points, he was somewhat impoverished. Secondly, because buying Guardian of the Forest II would undoubtedly further increase the passive Potential gains. This purchase would surely pay for itself in short order. Eighteen days if level two grants me another fifty points. Less if the increase isn't linear...

Priam forced himself to think of something else. He didn't yet have enough data to theorycraft the optimal improvement for Log-a-rhythm. Nevertheless, the thought of multiple enhancements awakened the player in him. Gotta catch 'em all!

As he reached the end of the menu, Priam compelled himself to calm down. He had one final decision to make, to choose among the options provided by Land Owner. The first time, he had chosen to create a protective barrier, which had saved their lives during the NecroBeast attack. Should he reinforce it or explore other possibilities?

Considering the savings enabled by his two new themes, Priam suspected that Land Privilege would offer intriguing economies in addition to activating his Title bonus. [Eidetic Memory] reminded him of the bonuses offered.

[Land Owner - Silver] - You have become a true Noble, owning Land. You will receive certain benefits when you are on it. Your Title of Nobility is linked to it. Losing your Land will affect your Title. Increasing the size of your Land will improve your Title.

When you are on your Land:

Allows manipulation of specific specialized infrastructures.

Bonus (Baron): POT cost -10%

Bonus (Viscount): Aether regeneration x2

Bonus (Earl): Knowledge about your land

He had lost New Earth, but it hadn't affected his Title yet. Priam was almost sure he knew why: no one was left on the Moon to contest his authority. That would change at the next Assembly. If I want to hold onto this Title, I'll have to invest in Land Privilege at some point...

Suddenly, Priam squinted. As a Baron, he enjoyed a ten percent reduction in Potential when creating skills or Talents. The question was: could this reduction apply to his companions? The idea took root, with Priam thinking of Log-a-rhythm. If so, then he'd get a substantial discount when buying its themes! That would be extraordinary...

Land Owner II required him to choose an option, and Priam was tempted to click on Land Privilege. However, the Necrobeast had proven that a single Tier 2 or 3 attack could doom them all. Protective Barrier II might give them a chance to take cover in Log-a-rhythm.

Priam hesitated for a moment before deciding to seek the opinion of his companions. They now lived with him and had a say in their development strategy. Should they stay on the defensive or try to progress quickly? But first...

Thank you for your help, Dishnu, Priam said. Log-a-rhythm has truly advanced, and I've learned a lot from this ritual.

Take good care of Log-a-rhythm, and I'll feel thanked, the drya replied.

You have my word.

A few seconds passed as Dishnu remained still. As an awkward silence settled in, Priam began to clear his throat.

Would you like something to eat or drink? he asked. Truth be told, Priam wanted Dishnu to leave. The drya had helped him a lot and seemed like a good person, but Priam didn't want to discuss Log-a-rhythm's improvements in front of him. Anything concerning his family's safety was too important to share - even with a temporary ally.

That's kind of you, but I must be off. Some of our rivals are clashing, and the forest is suffering, the drya revealed.

I understand. If I can help, don't hesitate to ask.

Priam's response wasn't just polite; it was honest. Dishnu had assisted him, and he didn't want to let this debt linger. Plus, if he were to meet his rivals, it made sense to have a capable ally by his side.

Thank you. May your branches be green.

... May your roots be deep, Priam improvised.

He sensed the drya's amusement as he departed toward the forest. Did I just crack a drya joke?

When he felt Dishnu leave the area occupied by Log-a-rhythm, Priam turned to his friends.

He's gone, he announced.

Finally! Sphinx exclaimed. I thought I was going to have to eat him.

I'm pretty sure he'd taste like salad, Rose remarked.


Alain smiled. We don't eat people, Sphinx, he said.

Oh, really? Sphinx seemed genuinely surprised. But you didn't say anything when I ate Rose.

She's your friend, and you didn't chew her.

Hum So, I can swallow my friends?

What ? No! You should ask Priam to explain later, okay? We're getting off-topic, Alain sighed. Priam shot him a dark look. I guess the ritual was successful?

The looks turned to Priam, and he smiled. Yep!

Sphinx, Rose, and Louis cheered while the three real adults and the grumpy bear smiled.

That's great, Kazuki said. But you have something to tell us, right? You were waiting for Dishnu to leave.

The hoplite warrior paid attention to details.

I have a choice to make, and it involves all of you...

Priam explained the pros and cons of Land Privilege and Protective Barrier II.

Protective Barrier could potentially save our lives. Land Privilege has a lot of very interesting effects and possible synergies. I'd like to take both, but I'm broke.

Richer than me, at least, grumbled Louis.

You're rich in love, Louis, Priam said, giving the old man a mischievous look.

You think? Louis turned subtly toward Mirscella.

I think you just got poorer, the old lady replied in a neutral tone.


Alain cleared his throat before speaking. Let's get back to the choices. Land Privilege or the barrier. Personally, I'm all for developing our territory and Log-a-rhythm. As a non-combatant, it's what interests me the most. But we can only enjoy this territory if we're alive. I think that should be our number one priority.

Mirscella nodded. I'm willing to put my life on the line when necessary. But trading our immediate safety for potential gains seems like a bad bet to me.

Louis opened his mouth before closing it. Priam almost asked for his opinion before thinking better of it. The martial artist likely had a different opinion than Mirscella and had chosen to stay silent. It wasn't Priam's place to push him.

Blueberry grunted as he sat up.

I might have slept too much lately, but I wonder if you've forgotten why we're here? We can't remove the dangers of Elysium, and it's those dangers that push us to excel. If we start barricading ourselves during the winter, we'll miss the arrival of spring.

But if a harsh winter comes, we'll die before spring even arrives, Mirscella argued. I like a good gamble, but not when my life is at stake.

Blueberry shook his head. Then you shouldn't have come here. The truth is, the Necrobeast's attack reminded you of your mortality. You're scared.

Mirscella tensed, and Priam decided to seek other opinions before regrettable words were spoken. He turned to Sphinx and Rose.

And you two, what do you think?

Sphinx shrugged.

I prefer questions with a right answer. Your riddle doesn't have one, she said disappointedly.

I disagree. Feeling the eyes on her, Rose began to shrink before clenching her fists. She took a deep breath and straightened up.

If we're attacked by a Tier 2, we'll have a few seconds to get to safety in Log-a-rhythm thanks to our current barrier. If it's a Tier 3, it'll kill us before we get there, that's true. But... Rose pointed at the tree. If it's a Tier 3, it will probably be able to destroy the tree and kill us either way. Of course, Log-a-rhythm is sturdy, but not sturdy enough to withstand a Tier 3 for long. Isn't that right, Kazuki?

The hoplite took a moment to think. Hard to say, as it depends on the monster. As we can see in our group, the difference between two individuals of the same Tier can be colossal. Nevertheless, in Elysium, there are no weak opponents. Not to mention a Tier 3, if a Tier 2 decides to relentlessly attack Log-a-rhythm, the tree will eventually fall.

A silence settled after Kazuki's statement. Priam remembered his execution by the Tier 2 NecroWolf. Against that level of power, any resistance was futile.

What do you think, Kazuki?

The hoplite winced.

Your question honors me, Priam, but I am a guest. I don't want to make a decision that could lead to deaths.

You're a war leader, and you must know about strategy. My experience in the field is limited to video games. I would like to have your opinion, Priam asked.

... There is no perfect solution, Kazuki replied. The barrier could save our lives if a monster attacks and then loses interest in Log-a-rhythm. However, the chances of that happening are slim. On the other hand, it's almost certain that our rivals will attack soon.


Our only shot at long-term survival is to outclass our enemies. If they're on Dishnu's level, we're behind. Luck will decide if we make it through the coming days, but our progress will determine if we survive the next months.

Priam's heart raced, seized by Kazuki's words. Put differently, they had a choice between hunkering down or striding forward.

You've convinced me, he declared. Does anyone have anything to add?

Alain shook his head. Ultimately, you're the one who will protect us. You're right to heed our advice, but it's up to you to choose, my son.

Thanks, Dad, Priam smiled before selecting Land Privilege.

Instantly, he felt his Title activate, stretching to cover the domain of Log-a-rhythm.

So? Rose asked.

I sense everything happening in the domain, Priam revealed. We won't need the alarm. My aether regeneration has increased, and only my own Potential seems affected by the cost reduction.

Too bad, Alain said. Did you notice any synergy?

Priam opened the Log-a-rhythm menu.

Available Themes:

Primo (100,000)

Guardian of the Forest II (800) (-100)(-100)

Guardian of the Forest II has a second hundred-point reduction. I could unlock it in two days instead of three.

The domination themes synergize together, Rose pointed out.

That makes sense, Priam replied. Do any of you feel something different on your end?

Nothing special, Mirscella answered, her face closed off.

Because your aether reserves are full. My regeneration has increased by about fifty percent, Kazuki announced.

Log-a-rhythm is partially sharing my bonus, Priam smiled. We made the right choice.

If we survive, Mirscella murmured.

Louis grimaced while the others displayed surprised looks. The thief's defeatism was strange.

... Can I talk to you alone, Mirscella? Priam asked.


I'll go back to training, Kazuki declared. He walked away, followed by Rose, Blueberry, and Louis. Sphinx hesitated for a moment, and Priam winked at her.

I'll be there soon, he said.

Reassured, his young friend nodded before hurrying to catch up with Rose.

Alain shot Priam a questioning look before walking toward Log-a-rhythm.

Now alone, Priam looked at the old lady. The vitality offered by the System was starting to rejuvenate her. Her white hair was almost silvery, and her wrinkles were beginning to fade. As the silence lingered, she raised an eyebrow.

I'd like to apologize for my behavior, Priam began. You came with me to help detect traps and found yourself dragged into another world. There, instead of helping or consulting you, I went off to explore and put myself in danger. If I had died or if the Rehms had been less kind, it could have ended badly.

Mirscella was a strong woman. Priam didn't know much about her life, but his father had told him she had been a great thief and assassin. Few people were capable of living like that, but Mirscella had succeeded. The fact that she had lived to an advanced age was proof of her extreme competence.

Yet today, she seemed pessimistic.

Mirscella looked him in the eye for a few seconds before sighing.

I accept your apology. If even a young brat like you can tell that I'm not doing well, I must be in a sorry state.

It's not

Few people fearlessly set out to face the unknown. You're special, Priam. I love adventure more than most. That's why I became a thief; I loved the adrenaline of being in forbidden places.

Mirscella paused, a nostalgic look on her face, and Priam stayed silent.

Yet, that's nothing compared to finding myself in another world, she continued. Elysium is dangerous, but I chose to come. When your portal opened onto Valaryth, I was amazed and... terrified. I felt powerless. When you left, I wondered if I would die on this tiny island, alone.

Priam opened his mouth and then closed it. He didn't have much to say. He loved exploring other worlds and meeting different people. He loved pushing himself and being rewarded with a Title or a level-up. He preferred to go solo, and he had put his desires ahead of Mirscella.

I'm not a very good teammate, he admitted. I should have taken you back here as soon as possible and continued my exploration alone.

Maybe, Mirscella replied. At least you should have asked my opinion. You're not responsible for me, I'm an adult. The real problem was your lack of communication.

Sorry, apologized Priam. He meant it.

A smile lit up Mirscellas face. Well, it wasn't all bad. I was glad to meet Hurya and Urr and to discover a new world.

She turned towards Log-a-rhythm. Honestly, I think I was too scared. You made the right choice by selecting Land Privilege.

Really? But you seemed...

Displeased? Honestly, I was scared. Mirscella's fists clenched. I'm always scared, but Kazuki is right. If I let fear consume me, this world will kill me as surely as Parkinson.

Oh I cant imagine being trapped in my own body.

I fought the disease for fifteen years. The System healed me but didn't take away the fear of death. Seeing you move forward no matter the difficulties reminds me of my youth. If my body is any indication, I'm getting younger. If that's the case, I want to reclaim the recklessness of my youth, she smiled.

Priam returned her smile. Old age is a second youth.

I preferred the first, Mirscella laughed. Her eyes sparkled with a new light. I should have died. From now on, I'm going to consider each new second as a gift. If I have to die, I'll have lived before.

I'm glad to see you optimistic again.

A small smile played on Mirscella's lips.

Just realistic. I'm going to train. Next time, I don't want to be left in your inner world or on an island. You've apologized, so it's my turn: forgive me for being weak.

Respect flooded Priam. The woman before him had tremendous experience but was still capable of apologizing.

I'm sure that won't be the case next time, he said, smiling.

Count on it.

Watching the thief walk away, Priam kept his smile. Beneath the Elysian suns, everyone trained and gave their best.

Priam summoned Promesse. I guess it's training time. New command: designs a training program to unlock Micro's Stage 1.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 357

Constitution 604

Agility 383

Vitality 508

Perception 566


Vivacity 313

Dexterity 384

Memory 124

Willpower 599

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 326 (+27)

Meta-focus 233

Meta-endurance 173

Meta-perception 107 (+10)

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 683

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Three Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 177 days 1 hours 44 minutes 28 seconds.

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