A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 42: Mercury

Chapter 42: Mercury

Although not grandiose, the building architect had great taste. It looked like it had been carved from a giant block of pink salt, and a few golden scriptures adorned the faade. Concepts hadn't built the building - it wasn't perfect enough. It was, however, too perfect to have been created by mankind. So, even before entering, the visitor knew he wasn't dealing with just any merchant.

Priam had no idea how Mercury had been able to transport the edifice, but it seemed that the merchant's supporters in the world of Concepts were influential. And rich.

Whoever had brought this building wanted to impress his customers. Standing before his home, you got a second impression of its owner. The first impression was given by his name. Mercury, the God of contracts, trade, and thieves

During the Tutorial, the System asked the user for their name. A name chosen by parents or society was of no interest to Concepts. Your name was a choice that indicated your ambitions or imagination. Priam was not his birth name.

Just behind him, less than two hundred meters away, was the Ducal Palace. Mercury was the only merchant to have succeeded in constructing a building in the central square of the Dome. The residences near the palace were closed to the public, but Mercury had circumvented the ban. It was this kind of detail that showed the man's true power.

He checked that his new hood was down. Sphinx had insisted on giving him new clothes - his old ones had been destroyed during the fight. Dressed in the Dome's colors, black and gold, Priam entered. He wanted to remain discreet, even if he hadn't yet been able to learn [Mask]. To identify him from afar, one would have to see him, and the hood helped to counteract this.

As for [Mask], Sphinx had confirmed that he would die without adequate preparation. Learning a rare skill through planning was not recommended for Tier 0. When he had asked about an epic skill, Sphinx had laughed.

Priam entered the building. The lobby was spacious, and a secretary approached him, wearing a polite smile. She didn't seem perturbed by the way the young man protected his anonymity. A professional.

"Good afternoon, Sir. What can I do for you?"

The building didn't display a sign specifying the merchant's name or the business that could be done there. Those who came here knew why. Quite naturally, it was word-of-mouth that advertised the information merchant.

"I've come to see Mercury," Priam announced. "I intend to discuss... business with him. Please tell him a Baron is here." There was no reason not to be polite to the staff.

Priam had no intention of hiding his identity from Mercury. The merchant would find out in the course of their conversation, and if he were as good as Tjay had said, then the secretary would hold her tongue.

She did indeed seem competent. Priam didn't detect any sign of surprise on her face - and with his perception, he could see the slightest twitch of her facial muscles. Unless he was already waiting for me...

"Of course, Baron. Master Mercury will see you now. If you'll follow me," she said.

A man who knows how to be flexible. That's a good sign.

The secretary led him down a short corridor. He arrived at a covered balcony overlooking a small garden and fountain. The building ran around the patio, ensuring privacy and secrecy for conversations. The house was tastefully decorated, with no display of wealth.

A man in his forties, a polite, confident smile on his lips, watched Priam's entrance. He was dressed in an almost modern Roman toga. The quality of the garment immediately indicated that its owner had been successful in business. Priam instantly appreciated Mercurys clear eyes.

Mercury stepped forward to shake hands with Priam, a golden bracelet on the wrist. The secretary withdrew silently, leaving the two men to talk alone.

"Hello, Baron Priam. Welcome to what I would like to be my modest home. Unfortunately, it's only on loan. For now. We, humans, have received many gifts, haven't we?"

Priam smiled at the merchant's introduction. He was eloquent and hadn't wasted a second probing his allegiances. This discussion was already shaping into a battle, reminding him of his talk with Maya, captain of the Mercenaries.

"Hello, Mercury. Thank you for your welcome and congratulations for your home. Indeed, some have had good luck with generous patrons. Let's spare the formalities if you don't mind," Priam replied.

He preferred a direct and fruitful conversation. Sphinx gave him two hours before setting off again while she was preparing his training.

"Of course, Priam, the customer is king. Or Baron here. An impressive performance by the way. I was surprised when the announcement was made. It's rare for a civilization to get a champion so quickly. Let's sit down in the shade if you don't mind," said Mercury, pointing to a small table. The setting was intimate and favorable to secrets. "How about a chat while we eat? The chef is preparing an alabhey. It's a kind of game smoked and then marinated in honey and herbs. I still can't decide whether it tastes like meat or fish, but it's delicious."

"With pleasure. I always enjoy making culinary discoveries," smiled Priam. Conquering a man's heart often involved his stomach, but Priam had decided to let himself be convinced.

Seated around a low table on which a few servants had placed a few appetizers, Priam and Mercury began to chat, probing each other's personalities. The young man knew they'd have some time left before the meal was over, so he wasn't worried about starting negotiations too quickly. They would have plenty of time to discuss more professional matters afterward.

The two men took advantage of the aperitif to discuss their lives before the Tutorial - or the Apocalypse, as Mercury called it.

Priam was also trying to make a good impression as he was going to ask some sensitive questions. If Mercury didn't think their interests were aligned, he wouldn't answer his questions.

For his part, Priam had to be sure of the merchant's seriousness and trustworthiness. Asking for secret information about the System was complicated enough, but he also wanted help finding his family. It would be dramatic if the merchant found them and used them to put pressure on Priam.

And so, Priam and Mercury found themselves drinking and sizing each other. Priam assessed his interlocutor and wondered about the next step in their relationship. Would they become friends, partners, or enemies?

When the alabhey was served - it was delicious and [Poison Body] didn't seem to react, which was a good omen - the two men began to discuss more serious matters.

Mercury looked at the young man in front of him, a genuine smile on his lips - which was quite rare. The Baron's childhood seemed to have been classic. No significant traumas except his parents' divorce. Priam was frank and at peace with his past. He did not seem to have any mental problems, nor was he alienated, tyrannical with the staff or a megalomaniac.

In his experience - before the Apocalypse - those who approached the pinnacle of their art were often eccentric or even insane. Priam, however, seemed strangely serene. Better still, he kept his feet on the ground. He was strong, of course, but only on a human scale. A tiny scale indeed.

Besides, being first wasn't the best position to be in. Breaking the ice for others, exploring new lands, staying ahead, all that was hard. It was much simpler to be number two and follow the example, dodging the mistakes made by the first. Priam was aware of this but had the right attitude. Rather than looking back, he looked forward. His course led him toward the stars. Toward the monsters that waited for humanity's slightest mistake. Toward the factions waiting in the shadows for the end of the System's protection.

All in all, Mercury found humanity's current champion interesting. Possessed of great personal ambition, he had no desire to enslave others. Rather, he wanted to gain power out of curiosity. An infinite world was opening up to mankind, and the new Baron wished to explore it. On these points, Mercury agreed with Maya's analysis. The captain of the Mercenaries shared Mercury's gift for analyzing her fellow human beings, and the two had discussed Priam. The champion position was too important to be entrusted to an incompetent or madman.

However, they differed on one point. Mercury understood that Priams family was essential to the young man - Priam's eyes glazed over when he thought of them. He obviously missed his loved ones and their selfless love.

Nevertheless, Mercury had sensed something that neither Maya nor Priam had yet noticed. The champion wouldn't be staying with his family for long. This new world was rich in possibilities, waiting to be discovered. Priam vibrated as he spoke of it. Looking at him, Mercury was reminded of the end of his childhood in the countryside, when he had decided to leave his family to seek his fortune in the city. Priam wasn't looking for wealth; he was looking for adventure. He may not have realized it at the moment, telling himself that his worrisome situation prevented him from living quietly. He was lying to himself.

Priam wanted to contemplate worlds that no one had trodden before him. This was doubly pleasing to Mercury - the champion of humanity shouldn't be constantly meddling in politics. He should be a figurehead, and Priam would do just fine.

Mercury raised his glass. "So, Priam, now that we know each other better, what can I do for you?" he asked.

Lvl Up : [Negotiation] lvl 16




Mercury's face remained impassive, but his brain was running at full speed. If his skill increased this easily, the System must consider the Baron highly influential.

"First of all, I could use some information. My Tribulation is coming up, and I need every push. Eventually, I'd like to buy plans for skills. Finally, I'd like to track down some people who would possibly be in this dome. For payment... I've got cores of monsters and Barons. As well as information on the threat the System is talking about."

Mercury smiled. He had information, and the Baron had strength. This meeting could turn out to be highly profitable. Mercury finished his sip of wine before answering.

"You've come to the right person, Priam. I don't say that to boast but because I'm one of the few humans currently on this Moon who not only knows this kind of information but can also share it. Few humans lucky enough to have landed on a world old enough to have explored the System have received information on this subject. Even among those who have sold their souls to factions," he added.

Priam finished his meal while listening to the merchant talk. The alabhey was genuinely delicious.

STR + 1

Priam raised an eyebrow at the notification. The meal had increased his strength, and he remembered Maya's remark. Whether it was the cook's skill or the rare ingredients, this was Mercury's way of showing Priam his power. Of course, it also indicated the merchant's respect and care for him.

Mercury poured himself a glass of wine to emphasize the effect of his announcement.

"First, I'd like to reassure you about our possible collaboration. I want to help humanity. However, I'm a merchant and I have to help my faction, Olympe. However, I can - and will - sell you information cheaper than to traitors. But remember, I have to make a profit," he clarified.

Mercury was a merchant. Priam wasn't sure what this meant for the System, but non-combatants also had opportunities for advancement. The eighth Concept wouldn't necessarily be a warrior. Mercury couldn't sell information at a loss, just as Priam couldn't purposely miss a quest. He wouldn't die, but his progress would be impacted - which could potentially be worse than death.

"I don't think you're under any faction," Mercury continued. For the System, you support humanity against enemy factions and the threat. With my help, you could remain number one. As you know, in this new universe, strength is everything. If humankind's ten greatest warriors were the dogs of a slave civilization, it will only be a few years before the entirety of the survivors become slaves."

Priam nodded. "Only monsters would want that."

"There are plenty of monsters," Mercury grimaced. "Unfortunately, I'm limited. Some pieces of information are unknown to me. Some are too valuable because you could become too strong with them. I don't know you well enough to take that risk. I'd rather be honest with you," says Mercury. If Priam survived long enough, he'd become powerful enough to give his enemies nightmares. When in doubt, Mercury didn't want any quid pro quo.

The two men had finished eating, and Mercury gestured to Priam. "If you'll follow me."

Mercury stood up and descended an outside staircase into the small garden. The plants and flowers surrounding the small fountain were unknown to Priam. Nevertheless, he squatted down beside a lavender-colored flower that caught his eye. It smelled sweet, like pure winter morning air. Mercury stopped.

"Misty lavender. Endemic to foggy regions. I suppose some of its cousins will soon bloom on this Moon. Beautiful, but it doesn't have enough ether to enhance your characteristics," he explained.

Priam looked pensively at the flower. He suspected that even for a merchant as wealthy as Mercury, obtaining a plant that enhanced the characteristics of the person who consumed it was impossible. If by any chance he did, it would be sold, consumed or traded by the merchant, not planted for all to see in a semi-private garden. Mercury was not yet powerful enough to flaunt his fortune this much.

But misty lavender intrigued him. He felt a call coming from it and suspected there was more to it than its characteristics. If he had to speculate, his skill [Moon Mist] was reacting. Interesting.

The two men continued their stroll, and Mercury resumed.

"For your Tribulation, I have two pieces of advice. First, face them alone. They're a test, and if the System thinks you're cheating, you're dead," he warned.

Mercury's gaze was severe, and Priam nodded.

"Secondly, face as many as possible before evolving to Tier 1. Tribulations temper your body, offer Titles, Potential and sometimes more... You'll be rewarded beyond your dreams if you triumph over a triple Tribulation. But don't be too greedy. A double Tribulation at Tier 0 is almost a legend. Three Tribulations... You'll be destroyed. Certainly taking some part of the Moon with you. Just try not to die twice..." Mercury looked Priam in the eye and the Baron puckered his lips.

"You seem well-informed. Priam wasn't angry. Mercury must have been referring to the Tear. He had no way - except perhaps with divination - of knowing Priam's special talent. In any case, Mercury was competent to find this kind of information about him. He needed someone capable to find his family.

"That's my job," the merchant replied before continuing his walk. "Now that we're a little further away from the various spies that populate this house, let's discuss the most important thing. Evolution."

The merchant's approach and attitude had not changed.

"Spies in your own house?" Priam raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not yet powerful enough to execute all the traitors - who would serve me wine then?" laughed Mercury. "It's also easier when I have to pass on bad information to them," he winked.

Priam laughed. Mercury was a wily old fox, but he was likable.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 107

Constitution 194

Agility 131

Vitality 203

Perception 217


Vivacity 148

Dexterity 132

Memory 36

Willpower 76

Charisma 101


Meta-affinity 92

Meta-focus 80

Meta-endurance 55

Meta-chance 46

Potential: 278

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 19h 7 minutes 9 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Tribulations are coming.

Time: 47 hours 37 minutes 3 seconds.

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