A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 35: Rain Falling Over the Waves

Chapter 35: Rain Falling Over the Waves

< Chapter 35: Rain Falling Over the Waves – 2 >


Seo Eunha felt a strange sense of incongruity the moment Lee Hyunwook appeared.

‘…Was he always like this?’

When Lee Hyunwook first imprinted in Seo Eunha’s mind, the emotion she felt towards him was ‘doubt.’ She thought a mere F-grade soldier was receiving undue opportunities and evaluations.

But after countless incidents since then, now…

‘…Relief, it’s relief.’

Yes, she had to admit it.

She felt that from Lee Hyunwook.

The moment he appeared, it felt as if reliable reinforcements had arrived.

And then, one of the sword hilts that Lee Hyunwook levitated extended towards Seo Eunha.

“This may not be as good as what the squadron leader usually uses, but it is a weapon containing holy power.”

Seo Eunha accepted it.

“Skeletons that came out of the gate are heading towards the barracks.”

“Yeah, I saw.”

“Please go and secure weapons, and rescue the soldiers.”

At that moment, the vampire who had stepped back started walking towards them.

Thud- thud-

About ten bullets that had been lodged in its body crawled out like bugs and fell to the ground.

“What is this bastard… daring to hold a strategy meeting in front of me- ack!”

But it couldn’t finish its words.

A metal bead that flew from somewhere shattered the vampire’s shin, which had been riddled with bullets.

“Argh! Damn! I will really kill… aargh!”

But since it was just a regular metal bead, the vampire would recover and stand up shortly.

“Don’t worry about here and go quickly. More lives are at stake than mine.”

“…Understood. Be careful.”

Seo Eunha looked at Lee Hyunwook one more time and nodded.

She too knew that doing as Lee Hyunwook said was the most rational choice.

However, leaving an opponent that even she, a B-grade paladin, found overwhelming to an F-grade soldier… Under normal circumstances, it would be tantamount to buying time with death.

‘But if it’s Lee Hyunwook…’

Seo Eunha decided to trust him this time and ran towards the barracks.

“Hey! Where are you going? Hey! Hey!”

The vampire desperately called after Seo Eunha, but Lee Hyunwook stood in its way.

“Hey, you bastard! I lost her because of you! How much I wanted that smooth nape… huh…”

It yelled excitedly but suddenly stopped yelling.

It then brushed its face and began to breathe slowly.

“Well, well, it can’t be helped, but it seems like playing hide-and-seek will be fun too…”

With that, it laughed by itself.

It clearly seemed insane no matter how you looked at it.

Well, no one in their right mind would do something crazy like sucking people’s blood.

“By the way, your ability, it’s really unique and pathetic, like, are you using something like telekinesis?”


“But what’s the use? No matter how much you hit with that kind of thing, it’s useless, right? The weapon you just gave to that woman, contains holy power, right? You idiot, why on earth are you giving her that? Tsk, tsk….”

He wound up the whip and hung it on his waist.

And then he spread both of his hands.

Then, blade-like nails sprouted out.

“If you don’t have that sword from earlier, you can’t do anything to me. You’ll just, fucking, be torn apart one-sidedly, got it? How about asking for it back now?”


“Uh, is that so? Then now….”

Smirking, the guy started approaching Lee Hyunwook.

“…Feel it for once, the thrilling sense of powerlessness, being slowly torn apart piece by piece by an entity you can never bring down no matter how much you resist….”

That’s when it happened.


A sound of a glass window breaking echoed from somewhere.

It was from behind Lee Hyunwook, the 1st barracks, second floor, the fifth living quarters window.

And from there, something started pouring out.

Whoo- Whoo- Whoo- Whoo- Whoo-

It was a multitude of steel beads.

However, it was quite different from what Lee Hyunwook had just used.

“…What, what is this, no way?”

Perhaps feeling that power, the guy stood still with a bewildered expression.

Yes, all thirteen steel beads, all of them harbored holy power.

“I have quite a lot of weapons, you see. It’s not cheating to bring out a new weapon, right?”

Over the past few days, Lee Hyunwook’s arsenal had grown tremendously.

Of course, he couldn’t bring out the 30 steel stakes and the remaining one KG19 right now.

Because all of them were being stored in the ‘regimental armory’ underground of the barracks.

However, these steel beads were not classified as weapons, so he could keep them personally.

They flew in and started rotating around Lee Hyunwook’s body.

Then, the vampire unknowingly stepped back.

To him, those steel beads seemed to emit an unpleasant, cyan light.

It was like a creepy feeling similar to ‘will-o’-the-wisps’ or ‘fox fires’.

It was a kind of instinctual warning. A meaning that touching those could lead to annihilation…

“Where on earth did all these… come from?”

Holy power was not a common force.

It was a special force that could be bestowed through very meticulous methods. Therefore, it was even rarer to see them coming out in a group like this, the guy had no choice but to be bewildered.

“Your filthy mindset… I’ll purify it from now on.”

At the end of that phrase, 13 steel marbles scattered in all directions.

Shi- Shi- Shi- Shi- Shi- Shi-

Then, they surrounded the guy from all sides and were shot out at high speed.


The guy leaped backward as if performing acrobatics, dodging the steel marble attack with amazing body movements.

“Huff, damn it!”

However, it was impossible to continuously dodge the 13 objects that were adjusting their trajectory in real-time.



In the end, one of the steel marbles struck him hard in the mouth.

Half a dozen teeth fell out with a thud, and blood poured from his windpipe.


From then on, he changed his strategy.

Giving up on dodging, he lowered his stance with both feet firmly on the ground.

And then facing the flying steel marbles…

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

With swift hand movements, he began to catch them.

He caught five in each hand and stomped on the others to stop them.

It was a movement close to a trick.

“Hey! You son of a bitch! Euhahaha! The ball game is over now!”

He tightly grasped all the steel marbles with both hands, preventing them from being controlled.


Smoke billowed from the vampire’s clenched fists. The skin was melting.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

“You shouldn’t grab that recklessly, should you?”

“Don’t bluff, you fucker! Do you think you can do anything to me with just this kind of sacred power?”

After all, it wasn’t that strong since it wasn’t directly granted by a high-ranking priest but rather a kind of mass-produced item transferred elsewhere through a blacksmith’s enchantment technique.

However, …

“Um, that’s not what I meant.”

“What? Then what?”

“If you don’t like playing with balls, how about we play with fireworks from now on?”

“What kind of bullsh-”



Inside the bastard’s grip, some of the steel marbles exploded.

Due to the shock, the vampire’s both hands, even up to the arms, were blown away entirely.


He stared blankly for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth as he examined his severed arms.



At that moment, a silver beam of light shot out from Lee Hyunwook’s waist.


It ended up in his left eyeball.


“Ah, ack…”

It seemed like he couldn’t even think to dodge the attack, perhaps because he was already in a groggy state.

Lee Hyunwook then drew the Sword of the Clouds.

[ The ‘Aura (Saint)’ is applied to the weapon ]

Using the newly acquired skill, he infused the Sword of the Clouds with sacred power.

And quickly approached, swinging towards the staggering bastard’s legs.


The bastard’s right ankle was severed, causing him to fall forward.

“Now, how does it feel? Feeling a bit more holy?”


“But there’s one thing I’m curious about. Heo Young-tae, why are you here?”

“…Kkuk, huk- You, you know me?”

The vampire, Heo Young-tae was sobbing, completely wrecked.

‘Know you? As if I could forget your faces.’

Lee Hyunwook thought as he looked down at him.

Heo Young-tae was one of the ‘assassination squad’ of the villains called ‘The Five Slaughterers’.

‘The scumbags who slaughtered every player who ventured into the dungeon for exploration…’

Thus earning the achievement called ‘Slaughterer’ and receiving ‘special power’ through the villain quest.

It was the ability of a monster like a ‘vampire’, an ability that ordinary players couldn’t have.

‘But originally, they weren’t supposed to be here today.’

It was unexpected.

Originally, only 2 out of The Five Slaughterers were supposed to come here.

It’s possible that Lee Hyunwook in his previous life didn’t know, but it wasn’t the case for Heo Young-tae.

Hyunwook remembered that this guy had slaughtered civilians elsewhere and turned them into ‘undead.’

‘By killing Yang Joo-seop with the black tentacles at Seoul Station, they started to undertake different actions.’

It seemed they were desperately searching for the ‘key’ they obtained at that time.

However, in a broad category, it could be said that this was still within Hyunwook’s expectations.

‘Obviously, it is not possible to completely distance myself from them and grow.’

Even if the villains’ surveillance network was narrowed down, there was no need to stay away from them.

Rather, one should stick dangerously close to them, under the lamplight.

‘Because only then can I seize their luck for myself…’

While worsening the villains, Lee Hyunwook himself grows.

And the formula was still applicable now.


Something flew towards Lee Hyunwook’s hand.

It was Heo Young-tae’s severed finger.

To be precise, it was the ring that had been on it.

[ You have acquired ‘Mana Tank (3rd class)’ ]

“…Just like this, you see.”

This was quite a valuable item.

As the name Mana Tank suggests, it could store an enormous amount of mana in this small ring and use it in real time.

And since having a higher total mana was unconditionally a good stat, not just magicians but most players tended to own one of these mana tanks.

Thus, it was an item with high versatility, large transaction volume, and a high selling price.

‘If it’s 3rd class… it would fetch at least 1 billion.’

Of course, for Lee Hyunwook, it was nothing more than a mouthful.


Digesting this would increase the total mana to the same level as swallowing several tons of mana stones.

Like this, gobbling up the villains, those guys’ plans one after another, he grows bigger.

That was Lee Hyunwook’s plan.

“Pl, ease, save…”

Without hesitation, Lee Hyunwook cut off Heo Young-tae’s breath.

* * *

Scattered gunshots were echoing here and there around Namsan.

Among them, the noisiest place was undoubtedly near the guard post.

Two gun barrels were spewing fire towards the darkness.


At that onslaught, about ten silhouettes shook and fell.

“Now, reload!”

However, they began to rise again and start approaching this way, once again.

Even after being showered with dozens of bullets and having their bodies torn apart…

“Those things, they won’t die!”

They were residents of hell, referred to as undead monsters; simply put, ‘zombies’.

“Ah! We’re out of bullets!”

The two female soldiers from the second platoon and two guards had no choice but to step back.

Even the archer platoon leader who had been supporting them from behind had to put down his crossbow.

“Guys, get in, get in now!”

The one saying this was Sergeant Choi Seon-ah, a guard.

She was a support-class player, providing buffs from the rear.

“But if we hide here, won’t they go down to the city below?”

“We have to save ourselves first, no matter what! Soon… the fifth platoon will be here soon!”

Choi Seon-ah’s judgment was reasonable. With just four people, the situation was not manageable.

But on one hand, they felt something was going wrong.

That fifth platoon backup… should have arrived a long time ago.

She went inside the guard post and communicated with the guard post through the ‘hotline’ again.

“Control room! Control room! This is the main gate guard post! This is the main gate guard post! Respond! Respond! Ah….”

But there was no response from the command control room.

“Wh, why isn’t anyone coming?”


They had no way of knowing, but chaos had erupted there as well.


Before they knew it, about thirty ‘residents of hell’ had reached near the guard post.

They were slow, but they were a disaster that couldn’t be easily stopped.

“Sergeant! The zombies are entering the premises!”

But no matter how much they thought about it, there was no way for them to stop it anymore.

Then it happened.


A flash burst out from somewhere, sending three ‘residents of hell’ flying far away.

“…Ah, has the fifth platoon backup arrived?”

However, they could not see any vehicle lights that the fifth platoon backup should have brought.

Only three very faint lights, in other words, flashlights were approaching.


One of the leading soldiers holding a shield rushed in without hesitation, taking on the leading zombie.

And swinging a one-handed sword left and right, he accurately slashed the zombie’s neck.


Behind him, an arrow shot from somewhere slowly but surely took down a zombie.

Following that, lightning magic was fired again, sending a couple of zombies flying.

“…Th, three people?”

Yes, the reinforcements that appeared were just three people.

However, they steadily cut down the somewhat slow and dumb ‘residents of another world’ – effectively ‘retiring’ those who wouldn’t die easily – as they approached the guard post.

“Platoon leader! Are you okay?”

Choi Seon-ah recognized the voice as Private An Min-tae from the first platoon, fifth team.

“…How, how did you guys? Now, where did you come from?”

“For now, we will hold the front, so we would appreciate covering fire from behind!”

“Ah, got it!”

An Min-tae lifted his shield and advanced forward again.

Choi Seon-ah immediately cast ‘Haste’ and ‘Power Up’ spells on An Min-tae.

“Whew! Oh… suddenly I feel so powerful!”

Centered around An Min-tae, the three members of the fifth team advancing had the strength to completely knock down the zombies, and with the supporting fire from the guards, they were able to sweep away about twenty zombies in just a few minutes.

“Guys, we can do it! We, we did it by ourselves!”

“Phew… Sergeant Lee Hyunwook should have seen this!”

At this moment, strangely enough, they were feeling exhilarated.

They were scared and tense, but their confidence that they could do it was greater.

They were the ones who had won even when surrounded by over 60 gnolls.

With holy weapons on hand, the mindlessly charging zombies were no match for them.

Meanwhile, Choi Seon-ah couldn’t help but find the scene strange as she watched.

“Wh, what on earth…”

1st platoon 5th team; they were the squad under Choi Seon-ah’s charge.

In other words, they were the soldiers she knew best.

But recently, after Lee Hyunwook demonstrated overwhelming growth, even the squad members under him were showing signs of rapid development, no, practically evolving to a point where they couldn’t understand.

‘Does this, make any sense?’

Everything felt strange in many ways…

‘Yes, we can hold them back like this.’

It was so, truly very fortunate.

She gripped her trembling thighs tightly.

She felt like she would collapse at any moment, but she bit her lip and held on.

‘I am not a child anymore. And I am a soldier.’

She took a moment to catch her breath and checked her mana and skill cooldowns.

She also assessed the battle situation and applied ‘buffs’ to the most suitable players.

Her buff could increase a player’s abilities by up to 20%.

Shiik- Shiik- Shiik-

The firing speed of Choi Tae-yong, who received the buff, increased dramatically.

Choi Seon-ah was also doing her part adequately.

But then…

“Ha- What is this? This is a scene I totally didn’t anticipate?”

A strange voice came from somewhere.

Choi Seon-ah lifted her head in the direction where the voice came from.

On top of the guard post building, an unfamiliar person was sitting.

It was a slender woman dressed in a black suit.

But, that woman’s gaze…


For some reason, Choi Seon-ah felt that she didn’t seem human.

And strangely enough, when her eyes met the woman’s, she felt her body freeze.

“Who… are you?”

At that moment, the woman jumped down from there.

And then…


Swinging her hand, she slit the throat of one of the guards.

She collapsed with a thud, dead.

A pool of blood formed on the ground.


It happened too fast, all Choi Seon-ah could do was stare blankly at the scene.


By the time she realized that she was the next target of those claws, it was already too late.

But in the nick of time, someone stood in front of Choi Seon-ah.



It was An Min-tae. He blocked the woman’s claws with his shield.

And, he even mustered the strength to push the woman away.

“Everyone! Fall back inside!”

An Min-tae shouted as he swung his sword, and the unidentified woman retreated with a smirk.

However, despite only scratching the shield, smoke was rising from the woman’s fingers.


“Hmm… You have an expensive shield, don’t you? Quite unfitting for an AMT soldier, huh?”

She blew away the smoke rising from her nails with a laugh.

“Hey! Who are you? Suddenly, what is this all about?”

An Min-tae discovered that the zombies were just passing by her, not attacking her.

“Why should I bother explaining when you’ll forget it once you’re dead?”

She stamped on the ground and launched a kick towards An Min-tae,

Who braced himself, putting strength into his legs and shifting his weight forward.


But he couldn’t hold it.

An Min-tae’s body flew as it was, traveling about 5 meters before smashing into a pavement block.

At that moment, Choi Tae-yong and Park Junmo fired arrows and electric attacks, but the woman avoided them with great ease.


Lying there, feeling the night sky turning yellow, An Min-tae realized with just that one hit.

That none of them standing here could stand against that woman…

But he couldn’t give up.

He promptly got up and walked straight to the front.

“Ah, Corporal An Min-tae?” *

“Kuk! We have to hold on… until Sergeant Lee Hyunwook arrives…”

Watching him, the woman grinned broadly.

And she drew a long sword from behind her back.

She had sent An Min-tae flying with her bare hands, and now a weapon…

Soon, she swung her left hand lightly.


With just that small movement, the end of the shield An Min-tae was holding was cut off.

Even the one-handed sword infused with holy power that he held in his right hand was now halved.

“What to do? I have no intention of sparing you with the next attack.”


But An Min-tae didn’t back away.

He wanted to run away, but he couldn’t.

‘If I retreat, everyone will die.’

Until just a little while ago, while living as an AMT soldier, he had never felt a sense of duty.

He had no other choice.

A sense of duty is a feeling you can acquire only when you feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment.

But now the situation has changed.

‘Sergeant Lee Hyunwook entrusted this place to me.’

And An Min-tae himself had decided to become a great tanker and a senior from now on.

Therefore, he couldn’t retreat.

“Haha- idiot, trying to end your life?”

The woman raised her long sword high.


At that very moment, a klaxon sounded loudly,

and a bright light flooded in from somewhere.

Outside the base, on the road.


An SUV, with its twin headlights on, charged towards the guard post, mowing down zombies as it went.

Although it moved zigzag due to the barricade, it came in smoothly, as if with skill.

“What is this now, shit!”

Just before hitting the woman, she jumped to avoid it.


The car stopped precisely in front of the guard post.

“…Huh? Isn’t that the company commander’s car?”

Choi Tae-yong said.

Yes, it was definitely Major Kwak Yong-jun’s SUV.

But the passenger side door opened before the driver’s.

And someone got out from there.

Jeobuk- jeobuk-

In the headlights of the car, a person dressed in black clothing… wearing AMT battle attire walked out.

Slowly, the figure became clear.

Half-unlaced combat boots, a completely open combat uniform top, Sergeant insignia, and frameless glasses…

Everyone looked at his face.

But perhaps because it was such an unexpected appearance,

No one could easily say anything, and for a moment, only the engine sound of the SUV resonated in the brief silence.

Soon An Min-tae opened his mouth and called his name.

“… Choi, Sergeant Choi Young-jun?”

The one who was called the strongest among all AMT soldiers,

And who would later be called Sword Saint,

It was such a man’s unexpected return from leave.

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