A random pokemon journey



It was a rather sad tale to be honest and even one I could understand quite easily. Giratina likely had realized how little time left it had with the person that died or perhaps they themselves hadn't wanted the longevity that would have been so much easier to grant. Giratina was a god for all intents and purposes so granting thousands of years of life to a mortal would have been childs play so the death was either unnatural or came seemingly by the mortals own decision to reject the gift of longevity.-

The paintings didn't say which was the truth so I was speculating here. These paintings weren't the only thing in this room but I was mostly focused on them. The other thing in here was a platform with a single amber yellow orb held up reverently. The orb was roughly the size of a basketball and had an uneven surface that stuck out like spike nubs. I had a sneaking suspicion as to what it was but only confirmed it when I used appraise on it.

[Item name: Griseous Orb

Grade: Relic(divine)

Description: A piece of Giratinas divinity crystalized and preserved in hopes of one day reuniting with it's source. Can be given to Giratina to return it to it's origin form and power while presenting the opportunity to restore it's original personality. WARNING!: Possession of this item will result in the Lord of the distortion world becoming aware of the one who holds it!]

That warning from the system at the end was unnecessary as I could figure out that bit by myself easily enough. It would be extremely hard not to notice the heavy feeling that showed up when I approached the orb. I knew this sort of feeling from the times I spoke with both Rayquaza and Groudon in Hoenn, something far beyond me was paying attention.-

If I wasn't mistaken Giratina had likely felt my mark resonate with it's power that had been guarding this place and now felt my mark resonating with the Griseous orb. If before I was merely a slight curiosity now it was pretty fucking clear that I had it's strict attention. How could I not when this was a piece of it's divinity, it's very essence in the fray? Gonna be honest here I was halfway tempted to leave the orb alone but something told me that would go VERY badly for me.-

I with more than a little reluctance I walked up to the platform and lifted the orb off the stone pedestal. The air immediately grew far far heavier and before I could even say "fuck" space ripped open behind me and a tendril of pure darkness grabbed and yanked me through the tear. Let me tell you now entering the distortion world was NOT a pleasant experience. There was this sensation of all my insides getting rearranged on my outside with sheer wrongness as I got dragged in.-

The air felt like sludge while reality seemed to twist and turn around me when I finally hit dirt. I threw up immediately as my mind comprehended the sensation that followed my trip here. I knew where I was without even looking around as my chest heaved and bile flew from my mouth. I was in the distortion world and that knowledge didn't help settle my stomach at all. The only saving grace in my opinion was that if Giratina hadn't already killed me it probably wasn't going to. It certainly helped that I was still holding the orb that was no doubt the reason I got yanked from the regular world to this place.-

Once my stomach was empty and thus unable to expel anything else it started to settle down but I was still very queasy. Finally getting a look at my surroundings I wasn't surprised at what I saw. Land, water and sky all seemingly in defiance to all reason and laws of reality for as far as the eye could see. What was surprising however was that I was not alone in the distortion world as I saw pokemon here as well.-

Most were of the dark or ghost type but the other types weren't absent either as I saw Pidgey, Magikarp, Meowth and even Ekans if I looked far enough away. Despite the lack of a sun the distortion world was not dark and even had plants growing in it though it was no green paradise and was bordering on barren in truth. Yet even with this lack of resources there was enough that the pokemon I saw didn't seem like they were desperately clinging to life. I was a little curious as to how these pokemon even got to this place but had some theories.-

Tears in spacetime while uncommon weren't unheard of so it wouldn't be a hard thing to accept that these pokemon got brought here through such instances on accident. It was also possible that some of them had even been born in this place from parents that had been dragged into this place on accident. One thing that had me a bit conflicted however was that the distortion world welcomed me warmly. I merely needed a thought for the world itself to move to please me and I knew why too, my blessing.-

This place was for all intents and purposes Giratina's realm alone which meant anything with it's blessing was a super VIP here. It's power was so ingrained with every inch of this place that the place moved freely by it's and now my will. The pokemon in this realm also seemed to pick up on this and gave me a wide and respectful amount of distance as I walked towards the location I felt my host waiting. I walked up walls and ceilings, swam down waterfalls and even had to do full flips to reach my destination. I wouldn't exactly call it the center or peak of the world but those titles were close enough I suppose.-

Giratina didn't exactly have a form when I arrived but was this sort of endlessly vast mass of swirling darkness that had two massive crimson eyes staring at me apathetically, like one would acknowledge an insect that walked across your field of vision. I was insignificant and not worth any form of emotion which while harsh was fair. "I believe you brought me here for this correct?" I asked as I held up the orb that seemed to shine when I did so.-

To my surprise despite the clear longing that appeared in those two eyes Giratina seemed to recoil from the orbs gentle light as though it stung at it painfully. "I'll just set this down here for when you are ready. If it wasn't too much trouble might I ask that you return me to where I was taken?" I asked respectfully as I gently set the orb on the ground. A rumble rippled through the air and a swirling portal appeared on a nearby "island" and I bowed before leaving for it.


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