A random pokemon journey

Move training

Move training

Today though was different then usual as today we weren't going exploring but rather I wanted to see if I could get Gaia to make some new moves using the old ones as a base. I shook her awake at our usual early wake up time. She got up with a yawn while I went to work reviving the fire again. I was getting pretty good at it too as I was starting to figure out the best way to blow as well as what the best embers to use for it were.-

I also had the clean out the heavy ash of the nearly constant burning fire which wasn't that hard since I just made a temporary torch using resin which burned while I put out the other fire and swept the ashes out of the cave with a handful of pine needles. After that I just set the torch as the base of the burning fire and all was good. "Alright so today I want to see if we can mess with your moves or the energy you use to make new ones." I said in my now journeyman level common.-

Apparently the rank of skills and moves was based on how familiar with them we were with novice being not at all , journeyman being less than optimal and adept being fluent or near instant to use. According to the system there was expert , mastered and transcended after that. With most of Gaia's moves being at at least journeyman I believed we had a decent shot manipulating some new moves out of the old ones. I had also noticed that Gaia made almost no progress with move proficiency after reaching adept. This training may help with this or at the very least I hoped it did.-

Once the fire was set we walked out of the cave into the slightly cloudy weather and over to a large boulder nearby. "Ok so lets start with something easy. Punch this boulder as hard as you can without any moves." I said and Gaia looked a little confused but did as I asked. I would like to emphasize that pokemon are fucking terrifying in terms of power. Gaia cocked back her right claw after getting right next to the boulder since she has short arms before swinging her full body at an angle as her closed claws shot forward.-

"CRASH!" stone flakes and pebbles flew off the boulder from the impact site and a bunch of small cracks covered the area she struck. She pulled back and I examined the damage carefully before giving her next step. "Good now try to use iron defense but see if you can't focus it on only your claw." I said and she furrowed her brows in confusion but attempted to do what I asked. Her carapace glowed silver grey for a moment before she pouted and shook her head. "Lar!" she said complaining that it was too hard.-

"Don't give me that on the first try! This is good training right here!" I scolded her for being lazy. She snorted in irritation but tried again but besides the silver grey glow being a bit brighter on her claw there was no real difference but it had me excited since it was proof that it was possible. "Keep at it it was working!" I encouraged and she did with very little change for the rest of the day minus a tiny drop in the amount of glowing the rest of her body was doing. "Alright we'll call it here for today since the sun is going down." I said and she just nodded in between panting.-

Constantly using a move for hours on end was exhausting for Gaia and likely any other pokemon as well but it was also probably very good training for them as well. My theory was that the type energy that pokemon used in moves was directly tied to both an internal reservoir of neutral energy and stamina. training such as this likely works both of those heavily which much like a muscle should if I am correct become stronger. Until I went back to civilization though I wouldn't know if only I was aware of this or if others had also found it.-

It seems strange that in a world such as this one I would have the gall to think that I knew something no-one else did. But keep in mind even back on earth there had to be a first person to discover literally everything and until someone else figured it out that person alone knew it in the entire world. As we as a society learned more and more we started to take things for granted as a given and I very much doubted it was any different in this world either.-

The way pokemon moves worked for example may simply not be something anyone thinks about and only I as a person not native to this world or it's norms would try and shake up the understanding of basic things like this. Still I couldn't help but marvel at how amazing Gaia was as a creature as she quickly began to recover from her exhaustion just by taking it easy. I myself as a human might not recover from an intense workout for the entire day and she was basically good to go merely minutes later , insane.-

I wasn't a slouch myself either as I also worked out everyday to maintain my body now that I was in shape. I admit it wasn't the most original idea but I basically followed the full body training method of the aura skill that was supposed to make my body better at circulating the energy. It was uncomfortable to say the least as I was both very hungry and sore after each workout. 'No wonder it said that this skill was not for the weak willed , it's a lot of work for very little payoff at the start.' I thought after Gaia returned from her hunt with five Wingull and an annoyed expression.-

"Quick guess says they all hit you with water gun and it hurt like a bitch." I teased her and she snorted and tossed the corpses at me to be defeathered. "Right on the money huh? I told you to leave the things alone but nooo you just had to go and see what the big fuss was about didn't you?" I continued teasing her but she looked away embarrassed at being figured out so easily. I laughed at her pouting expression as I got to work getting the feathers off the dead birds.-

Wingul as it turned out were incredibly greasy birds that had a whole bunch of fat rendered out when subjected to heat. I suppose it made sense given their aquatic habitat that they usually lived by. The oil likely lets them float near effortlessly at the surface of the water much like regular sea gulls on earth did with their hollow bones. Wingull however did not have hollow bones which I found interesting considering how they were still able to fly despite this being the case.

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