A Reincarnated Mage's Tower Dungeon Management

Volume 5, 15 – Bain House and the Demon Lord

Volume 5, Chapter 15 – Bain House and the Demon Lord

It was already night when the two of us came back to the top floor.

Because it was in the early afternoon when Elisa invaded, we were able to spend a lot of good times together.

Right now, I’m gathering everyone to explain what happened.

“Let me introduce to those who still don’t know yet. This is my little sister, Elisa.”

“I apologize for the disturbance I have caused. I am Elisa Bain”

Before coming here, I told Elisa that I will explain everything to her once I have gathered everyone.

I have to do this first and foremost avoid any future misunderstandings.

After that, both parties introduced themselves.

Elsie was still displeased of the annihilation of the golems she had made with all her efforts, but I’ll follow up that matter for later.

To think her attachment to those non-living creatures were on to this extent, I guess I have to repay her with something more.

“Now that we have got to know each other, I’m going to explain our situation, so listen carefully, Elisa.”

“Yes, I am also wondering why my brother is still insisting on staying in this tower.”

“Now how do we start this…… well, a lot of things have happened, but I’m gonna skip that and go straight to the main point. Actually, the main reason is a certain mysterious formation in this tower……but it’s better if you see this in person. Follow me.”

After a bit of walking, I took Elisa in front of the “passageway” in question.

“This is……an art formation I have never seen before.”

Elisa’s eyes went round as she saw the intricate art formations at the door, then she approached and began inspecting for a closer look.

A few minutes later, she finished looking around, then she returned to my side.

“Has onii-sama tried to dispel this intricate art formation with magic?”

“Yes, but even that, it still won’t budge. I have tried many times”

“I see, though I thought that if it’s onii-sama, you might have done it eventually……”

Elisa muttered in disappointment.

“However, I have found out another release method that doesn’t involve magic”

“What is it? Wait, it can be solved without magic?”

“Yes, it can. However……”

Though I have hesitated for a bit, I prepared myself as I have no other choice now that we arrived at this point.

“That is, by having sex inside this tower. It has a mechanism that accumulates points on every act of copulation and once the counter becomes full, the door is sealed by it will be opened.”

“……to think it was something like that. Is it perhaps, for the sake of these points, that onii-sama has done it with me?”

“Of course not! How could I do something like stealing my little sister’s chastity for the sake of points!”

Because Elisa’s eyes became filled with tears, I corrected her in a hurry. This girl is starting her misunderstanding bonanza once again.

“Besides, to make the points keep on coming, I am currently trying to build a city in this tower.”

“A city, is it? Speaking of which, I saw something similar to buildings that was unbecoming in this dungeon as I teleport several times before I came here”

“Really? Then what you have seen might be the residential and commercial district”

Elisa nodded upon hearing it.

“Now I understand why onii-sama is staying at the Lavabelle Tower.”

Finally. I thought this would take longer.

However, I thought that I didn’t see what’s coming next.


As soon as I was thought that the whole fiasco is over, Elisa pointed her finger at a certain place.

When I followed the thing that was being pointed, I was surprised to see Belle on the other end.


Belle suddenly went confused upon the sudden finger point.

“Why does my onii-sama have to live with the Demon Lord!? Isn’t she the enemy of the Bain House?”

“Ah, that, huh”

To think I have forgotten the cause of the shocking incident. Wait, I thought we were already clear at that point? Plain jealousy?

“Don’t “Ah, that, huh” me, onii-sama! Why are you so relaxed? Plus, you don’t need that woman to open the door, right?”

Elisa pressed me for answers.

Well, it’s true if I only want to open it.

“It was Belle who proposed to me to open this door”

“Then even more so that you shouldn’t! What if behind this door was a weapon of the Demon Lord, hidden to prevent her from re-invading the country?”

Oh, there was also that idea too.

“But I don’t think there is anything evil behind this door”

“How can you be so sure of that?”

Though I can make up a decent reason, I for sure know that Elisa will not be buying it.

Unless I have physical evidence to present to her. Still, my intuition is always on point.

“Anyway, the method of releasing the seal is by sex. And it’s not just a simple quickie. It should be filled with passion and intense feelings or else the points earned will be lesser and lesser. Think about it, for the person concerned in the making of this seal, is that type that will hide a dangerous weapon behind this door? At best, it would be a powerful aphrodisiac”

Even if she’s right and that person is hiding weapons in here, I ain’t putting the seal back as it was troublesome. Besides, it won’t be taken out that easily.

As I persuaded Elisa in such a way, she somehow managed to suppress her anger.

“Belle-san, although I have not completely consented to it yet, I apologize for my impoliteness of attacking you so suddenly.”

After that, she grudgingly apologized to Belle.

Belle, on the other hand,

“Well, I was a little surprised, but it’s alright for now. Though it might be not if that last flame spear of yours has hit me. Hahahahah!”

Despite her life being targeted, she behaved like it was nothing as she waved her hand in a fluttering gesture.

Should I say that her heart is just wide, or is she just that of a natural airhead? Well, this is Belle we are talking about.

As we do not intend to stand at the front of the door forever, we headed to the living room inside the tower.

Since Elisa will also live here, there is no need to prepare a grand reception.

“I prepared some tea, for your imouto-san too. Here you go”

Carol and Sarah brought drinks to us respectively on the sofa.

Sarah seems to have gotten used to it, as the way she set the table is pretty steady.

You won’t think of her as a savage member of a mercenary group at all.

“T-thank you……Mmmm, delicious!?”

Elisa was taken aback at the beginning by Carol’s erotic maid dress, but it was replaced by surprise when she drank the tea served to her.

“I’ve never had such a delicious cup of tea even though I went to the country’s central capital. Even though I have been watching my onii-sama for many years……and thought maybe we could see the outside world a bit”

“Oi, why are you looking at me while saying that?”

I retorted to the words that I couldn’t just ignore, but it only made Elisa express a surprised expression that was on purpose.

My, my, onii-sama. Don’t you know how lazy you usually lived? It’s still a wonder that in that state you have maintained your magic skills, and some of them surpassed me even”

Then Elisa began to tell everyone how I spent my life in that town where I was “quarantined”.

Because I freely moved all over the place without any care for my reputation, for those who didn’t know me before, it was a pretty exciting story, and everyone eventually participated in it.

Honestly, I don’t feel so good being the topic of everyone’s talks, but I put up with it for the sake of Elisa’s interaction with everyone.

While I was sitting on the edge of the sofa while feeling shy. Belle came over and sat directly next to me.

“Gilles, for what happened today, thank you”

“For what?”

“Look, you protected me from Elisa’s flame spear, right?”

Upon saying that, she faced slightly forward to hide her embarrassed expression.

“I was born with a strong body and high magic power, so I never had anyone protect me.”

Well, I wish I could find ways for her to control that strength of hers.

Once Belle becomes free from the seal of this tower, it will be even more amazing because by that time, she can do everything without worrying about the damage to her surroundings.

“But, as Elisa had said, the seal was formidable even though 120 years have passed. And even though Elisa is using magic that was evolved more than before, it was true that she was struggling against me.”

Even from my previous world, it took at least a century for the steam locomotives to evolve into bullet trains that we use today, and the huge and bulky computers to become palm-sized smartphones.

In this other world, though the speed of innovation is slower, the same thing is happening with magic.

“But we are all good now. Unlike the past, I now have comrades I can rely on”

Belle said as she looks at me.

“Yeah, I’ll do my best for your wish, Belle. Besides, haven’t I declared it from the start? Bring it on, whatever it may be that comes ahead of us”

Honestly, it was pretty embarrassing to say those cheeky lines once more, but it also re-ignited my passion inside somewhat.

“So, let us continue developing this tower with everyone. To a place where everyone will want to continue staying even if our goals are achieved.”

“Gilles……un, I’ll try my best too!”

Belle who was deeply moved, went in tears.

Looks like everything worked out peacefully in the end.

It’s just a matter of time.

After that, we returned to our usual routine……not!

“I’ve completely forgotten about it!”

Everyone was surprised at me suddenly shouting.

But that’s not the point.

I hurriedly went to Elisa and shook her on her shoulders.

“Elisa, can you tell me how your transfer magic worked?”

Yes. Today, there is finally a human who can perform transfer magic inside the tower, which was restricted to all but the Demon Lord.

I have to draw out all that she knows from here.

The incident, which I thought was over, left with a big question in the end.

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