A Story of Evil

Chapter 125: News

Chapter 125: News

On the same day of Alice and Sol's vacation, king Jubilee met with the other monarchs. As explained he spoke to them right after the image cores showed the events to the other domains. Making it impossible for the other monarchs to refuse because, they needed some form of explanation coming from the Void King Jubilee.

As always, Mercury became the venue for this event. It was renamed into Sanctuary not long after this decision was made. With the interior being designed in order to fit the needs of the monarchs. The only reason why they were able to continually use this despite the Culling being canceled was because, King Jubilee changed the rune structures. Allowing it to have the same function as Sanctuary. As to how he did it however, the other monarchs had no idea.

"Okay is everyone here?" Queen Aqua began. A figure who still maintained the position as the council's chair despite the fact that, Jubilee was the one leading them.

"Here." The Monarchs said one by one. With Jubilee arriving on time, something which Nova had a bad feeling on already. After all, Jubilee attends on time only if there is something of interest to him. Something which the Fire King figured out himself.

"Right, we will now begin the meeting." Queen Aqua said, with her sword being unsheathed and buried into the hole on her side of the table. With every other monarch doing the same.

With this, Aqua gave a nod to Jubilee who stood up. His hands positioned at his back, near his lower spine. With one hand holding to the other wrist.

"Let's begin with all of the reports shall we? How are the farming systems going?" Jubilee said, already getting on Nova's bad side who spoke up.

"Is that how we're really gonna start this off? What about the events that happened last night Jubilee?"

To every other monarch, this was the utmost concern. They wanted a clear and valid explanation on what happened. However the Void King simply sighed as he gave his response.

"Don't be impatient Nova. We'll discuss about everything in this meeting. But all in their proper order. The state and current condition of your respective domains is just as important as the events you speak of. Now. The reports please."

As always, King Jubilee had them completely at the palm of his hands. With Aqua deciding to go first so that the flow could be brought back.

"Everything is fine on our end. The irrigation made work on the plantation less of a hassle and also increased the productivity of the people. Plus, having the intercroping method really helped in increasing the yield." 

"That's good and all but, does anyone understand why that happened?"

"You mean the increase in yield?"

"Of course not. I'm talking about the increase in productivity of the workers."

At this the newly elected king of the earth domain raised his hand. The young King Ezekiel. Aside from the widely popular King Jubilee, the new earth king has also being making huge waves of change in his domain.

The first of which was ending the civil war. Killing all those who worked for their malice filled ambitions while, detaining all the supporters of these leaders. Placing them through rehab and community service until they learned their ways.

The new earth king had a wide smile on his face. With eyes closing every time he does so, seeing as his eyes are already narrow to begin with. An expression he always wore. This made him gain the title of the "Gleeful Devil" as he had the same face even when executing his enemies.

At that moment, King Jubilee wanted to hear what he had to say more than anyone else. That is why he called on to the king who finally began explaining.

"That's all due to them having enough room for a break. If the workers don't have enough time to breath and ease up their bodies, then they would not only decrease productivity that day but, would continue doing so the following days. Finding no satisfaction in their work and thinking that, every day is just another burden that weighs heavier after each sunrise." King Jubilee smirked at the young man. Satisfied as he followed up from where Ezekiel left off.

"Good. Let me remind you that, as monarchs, you must understand all the variables present on a given situation. We cannot be half assed with our job."

"Are you giving us a lecture King jubilee?"

"Of course not. That's just a reminder King Nova." The Void King responded, smiling at the fire king who simply shrugged him off.

"How about the natural pesticides we placed?"

"All of it are working well. The insects invading have greatly been reduced although there are still some lingering around."

"That can't be helped. They're part of ecology after all but, at least we reduced them to a point that they do not pose a threat to the harvest."

The meeting proceeded just like this. With the monarchs all giving their reports on all that happened on their domains. The biggest part of which was the eradication of the Culling.

With every mouth fed and, a bountiful harvests being given for all, there was no need for the competition anymore. The religious, who thought it was evil, died down. Overcome by the masses which did not complain about all of the advancement that they finally had.

After all, every domain was finally able to produce as much as the champion's plantation. In fact, they had harvests going above this. All because they followed King Jubilee's lead.

But this was about to end. In fact, there was only a month left for Jubilee's leadership. The agreement of the ten domains was that, the Void King would have control over them for a whole year. With that almost expiring, every monarch would once again be free to rule over their domain the way they pleased. But Jubilee was far from allowing that to happen.

"Right, should we move to the part that King Nova has been waiting for?" The Void king said, with everyone agreeing.

"First of all, I want you all to know that the construction beyond the walls are going exceedingly great. The infrastructure will take a while longer but, as for the wall, it's perfectly standing. Although some furnishing is still being done by the workers as we speak."

Jubilee continued discussing everything in great detail. Making sure that his fellow monarchs are properly educated. Ensuring that they won't look like fools in their respective domains. 

"Now let's move to the barrier. As I said, that has been created through the use of the runes initially placed on each domain. After collecting and upgrading it, I was able to create an even stronger barrier. Something which, I believe, you have all seen last night."

"We all know that part Jubilee. We've discussed that during the previous meetings although you never shared how you could mess with the godly runes. What each and every one of us wants to know is, why did you have to broadcast it last night? What was the purpose of that?" The Water Queen said.

"Sharp as ever Aqua." King Jubilee said in reply, finally moving to his main point in that meeting.

"Those monsters came to us as a group and, that in itself should've elicited panic to both you and your citizens. There were two thousand in total and just by that you should understand that they didn't come randomly."

"So what you're saying is that  there's a leader to those monsters."

"Yes and, even more."

King Jubilee began disclosing the information on the first generation to everyone. Making sure that they understood the fact that, these creatures just as they, were mixed with genes and blood that isn't human.

"Why are you only telling us this now?"

"Because I have no solid evidence of course. Why would you believe me at face value?"

"So you're telling us that these creatures are coming for us?" King Leon asked.

"Exactly. That is why we need to prepare." 

"Wait hold on. If your barrier is so competent, why is there a need to prepare for war?" Queen Reoul inquired.

"Because every defense has a limit Reoul. We cannot rely on the barrier forever. What they sent was only a greeting.  A gentle slap if you may. If they so as wish to send all their troops, then forget about rebuilding the domains. We will all die and get annihilated."

"Can't we reach an agreement with them?"

"How do you plan on doing that exactly? Do you think they would listen to reason?"

King Jubilee then explained the exiled King Reckon's connection to them. How the same creatures brainwashed the late king. How the disturbance on the Void was also caused by them.

"These creatures want us dead. That is the only agreement they'd accept."

Jubilee was feeding them half truths. Frightening the monarchs and cornering them once again. Forcing the situation to flow in his favor as, the question was finally raised.

"What do we do then? Do we just turn tail and run?" Queen Electra suggested. With Jubilee hiding his excitement as he said.

"No. Of course not. As always I have something planned."

"What is that Jubilee?"

"All the Domains. I wan't you to surrender them to me."

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