A Story of Evil

Chapter 145: Deciding Things

Chapter 145: Deciding Things

As soon as things were decided, Eve and Miss Olivia went to the mansion. They were given spare keys to all the doors and gates and, together with them were the butler and maid which came straight from the castle.

Eve was particularly happy with moving in. Jumping and skipping and, kissing both Sol and Alice in the cheeks. Saying that they were the best big brother and big sister. Cain was the only one missing from the Bloodbournes. A person which Sol has yet to see even then. But he knew better than to go against the will of the king who, personally decided to train the boy.

After this short trip, the two paladins proceeded to the prison within the outer walls. Getting some time with the prisoners wasn't that difficult since, they also got King Jubilee's seal of approval. Another thing which was on their agenda when they went to the castle.

This led to the current moment. With Alice and Sol getting a face to face conversation with the inmates. Five of these who were lucky enough to survive when the paladins and Hendrickson raided them.

"Why are you here? Did you miss us that fast?" Kaleb, the head of the five thieves said.

"Yeah right, I'm just going to offer you guys a job." Alice said.

Before they entered the room Sol already decided to leave all the negotiations to the female paladin. She knew them better than him after all. Plus, she can look at them more than just numbers and statistics. Something which Sol knew he would do.

"A job? What would that be?"

"I want you guys to work as the maids and butlers of our manor."

The criminals bursted into laughter. They already thought that something weird was coming because of Alice's visit. But they didn't think that it would be something as surprising as a real job.

"Alice, are you being serious right now? You're really going to hire us?" Kylie, a female thief said.

"Of course I will. You guys are veterans who have been trained to always be clean and precise with your every move. There would be no better butlers and maids."

"That actually makes a lot of sense." Sol thought to himself. Admiring the line of thinking that came with Alice's negotiation attempt.

"How are you even sure that we won't be doing anything nasty. You know, like stealing or getting revenge for Lez's death."

"You won't."

"What makes you so sure?"

"I just am." Alice said, smiling with confidence.

"Listen, we're bad people. You know us. We've watched you from when you were young. We even placed bets when you fought against the other kids for your life. We exploited you." Trax mentioned, making sure that Alice gets a whole dj vu of all she went through.

Sol was right in picking Alice. In that moment he would've given up on them. All they said were factual; undeniably so. Alice on the other hand was far from doing so because, if there was one thing that Sol was sure of, it's that Alice won't give up until she gets what she wants.

"When we started this talk, I said you'd be getting a job. I didn't specify what it would be. Yet instead of asking what you would steal, you asked me, what the job would be. That in itself proves that you have hopes. That life won't always be about thievery and that, you could redeem yourselves."

The thieves themselves couldn't say anything anymore. They were cornered by Alice, not even noticing their own choice of words which was used against them.

"You've served your time. You have been caught and, most of your allies have been killed. They didn't even get the chance to change their lives. Don't you think you owe it to them to show that a better future is possible?"

"You're not gonna stop until what you get what you want huh?" Kylie assumed.

"No." Alice voice was unwavering and determined. With a smile of confidence drawn on her face.

Sol knew what would come next. There was no way to refuse anymore. Not with how Alice made her advancements little by little.

Kaleb remembered when Alice was still little. How her eyes were filled with nothing but hopelessness and despair. Those same eyes finally showed a glimmering hope. Like a fire that continued a dazzling and radiant light, warm and hopeful of a better future.

"You've changed so much from the last time we saw you."

"We're humans Kaleb, we're supposed to change." Alice said, extending her hand to the thief.

"Are you sure you're not gonna regret this?"

"I'd trust nobody else with this kind of job."

"Fine, you've got yourselves five loyal servants." Kaleb said, finally shaking the hand of the young girl.

"I'll get you all out as soon as I can. Just endure for a little while longer."

"Well the facility and the food ain't that bad so, we'd have no trouble waiting for you young lady."

"I'm gonna count on that then."

The conversation with the thieves ended here. Alice was able to successfully secure the five without any problem. With this the paladins finally decided to leave. However, even before they could, Anthe blocked their path. Standing at the front doors of the prison office.

"I'll handle this part." Sol told his partner as he stepped forward.

"What are you planning to do with those five?"

"They're gonna serve under us of course. Their remaining years of service would be converted to that."

"Do you think I'd allow that to happen? Those people have been placed under my care. Whether they come out or not is for me to decide and, with the number of crimes they've made, I'm not gonna let them get out."

Once again, Anthe was going against the paladins. Showing his usual old and cranky personality to Sol who had no time dealing with his stupidity.

"With all due respect sir, this isn't a matter of you permitting it or not. Please stop acting like you're above us." Sol said, his voice solemn yet obviously irritated.

"What did you say?" Other soldiers were about to assist Anthe. But Sol wasn't going to allow this, not one bit.

"Move." The male paladin released his bloodlust, making Anthe weak legged. Suddenly, the old soldier wasn't so tough as he needed to hold to a steel grill at the side of the door just for him to remain standing. He couldn't even look Sol in the face anymore shying away like a hare who is stupid enough to enter a lion's den.

"Alice come on we're leaving." Sol said, walking towards the door, with nobody stopping him or his partner. He did this as slowly as possible, even opening the door for the female paladin who walked out before him.

"Oh and by that way chief, if anything happens to those five, I'm gonna make sure that your head goes through the guillotine."

After this the two finally left. Alice in particular bursted into laughter; as soon as they got through the door.

"What gives? Aren't you being a bit crankier than usual?"

"Yeah well I'm kinda tired from all the people looking down on us like that. They can't even compare to our achievements and our status anymore."

"Ohh look's like you're finally turning into the king that Hendrickson wanted you to be."

"Yeah right. I've got no intention involving myself on anything political. That's just gonna restrain me."

"That's weird, I thought you wanted to be like king Jubilee."

This was true of course. For a long time, Sol wanted nothing more than be like the king. To create change when he wished and, to have enough power to break the chains of fate. But this was before the recent developments.

Even with King Jubilee explaining himself. Even with some of his goals being exposed. Sol still couldn't find it in himself to give his hundred percent trust back. Not this time around.

He thought that the path was very straightforward. That there was nothing but a long and dark tunnel that had its end in sight. But he finally realized that this was nothing more than an illusion. One which Jubilee was able to effect not only to everyone but, even to Sol himself. It was like he was playing a game of chess with the king once again. One where his every move is already predicted and the king was simply leading him on.

"Right now all I want is to live quietly with all of you. If you guys are safe then, I could ask for nothing more."

"What's with that cheesiness man?" Alice said, smirking at her partner.

"It's nothing, just a random thought that came to mind."

"You come up with the strangest things at the strangest moments you know that?"

"Trust me, it's not as strange as what's about to happen."

"About to happen? Why are you a prophet now?"

"Of course not." Sol said in reply as he looked at the sky.

"But with all these change around us, it's impossible to keep track of every little detail. Nor am I planning to do so. With new enemies and even grander changes coming, I'm sure that none of us is prepared for whatever comes next."

"What comes next huh..."

"Well for us, that means coming with the king for his meeting tomorrow." Alice remembered.

"Yeah. Let's just focus on that for now."

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