A Story of Evil

Chapter 154: Jade and Alice

Chapter 154: Jade and Alice




These are the directions taken by the group. Currently they were near the edge of the west side so there was really no further west they could go. The ones who went north were Sol and Cain. As for the south, it was Hendrickson and Nathan. Then on the east was the last pair, Alice and Jade.

These two were probably the strongest combination out of the three. Although Sol wanted to balance the teams out, there was not really any way for him to do so. Hence in terms of overall tracking and fighting abilities, Alice and Jade had the other pairs beat.

But this didn't mean that they were invincible.

"Anything yet?" Jade asked staying on the ground while his partner was up on a tree.

"Nope. Not the slightest movement." Was Alice's reply.

As mentioned, both Jade and Alice excelled in tracking their enemies from afar. Jade in particular has developed another skill which comes with his [Living Flames] passive. The same thing which he told Sol about. Allowing his body to heat up as soon as any living thing comes close. He told Alice about this skill even before they began which impressed the female paladin who wanted the same skill.

Meanwhile, she herself had superior senses. A great advantage in tracking and fighting. But since she found nothing at that time, the paladin jumped off the tree. Walking beside her partner for the task.

"Come to think of it, I'm the only on e who wasn't able to have a proper conversation with you when you visited our domain."

"Huh? Oh yeah."

"So what did you and Sol talk about exactly? Care to enlighten me on that a bit?"

"It's nothing. I just had a quick chat with Sol about the rewards I and the other flame users got when we returned to our domain." Was Jade's quick response.

"Heh? That doesn't sound very convincing."

"What make's you say that?"

"Well I'm a thief and, I'm used to being in a group that specializes in bullshit. That's what you smell like."

The league of thieves lied on a daily basis. This was part of the craft which they needed to master in order to survive. It wasn't a shameless skill between members. In fact, one would even be looked highly upon if he or she could easily trick another member. The higher the status of the one tricked, the higher the respect the liar gains.

Alice in particular is well respected in this circle. With her enhanced senses, she could hear the slightest change in tone. She could also see the slightest bit of change on a person's normal gestures. She used both these on Jade who was surprised but nevertheless composed. Sighing as he gave a response.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

"Listen "

Before Alice could inquire any further, they finally got what they wanted. Both of them detected something and, moved to the closest tree which could hide them both. With Alice handing Jade the binoculars while she relied on her own eyes to see what they were in for.

For a long time they saw nothing which they found to be strange. No matter where they looked, there was no monster.

"I definitely saw some of the bushes rustle." Alice said in a low and almost inaudible tone.

"Was I mistaken?" She voiced out.

"No you weren't. Even my skill is going haywire." Jade said in reply, referring to the fact that his body was burning up. Meaning, there was a monster nearby.

They waited patiently on their location. Both knew better than to move when they weren't even sure where their enemy was. Even that part was already a battle because, whoever could make the first strike was sure to have the advantage.

Yet there was really nothing. That is, until some tall grasses rustled once again. This time Jade was prepared to burn whatever comes out. But, this determination immediately vanished as all that appeared was a small rabbit. It was still a monster but, not on the level which could pose any danger or threat.

Jade and Alice were just about to come out of hiding when a big yellow eye suddenly appeared out of nowhere. With a long pink tongue coming out right after that which wrapped itself around the rabbit. Gripping on to it until blood finally squirted out as the rabbit stopped squirming.

"What do we do with that?" Alice asked.

There was no way for them to completely follow such a monster. And unlike Sol, they didn't have a skill which allowed them to look at all the stats of the monster. All they knew was that it was something that could conceal itself entirely and, that it has a strong, quick, and flexible tongue.

"It'd be difficult to find its nest that's for sure but, we should at least follow it until we lose track." Jade said, filling his whole hand with green flames.

"Got it. Place the tracker on me and just follow my trail." Alice added because her speed far exceeded the flame user. With [Flicker] Alice was capable of a short burst in speed, allowing her to seemingly blink in a short distance.

The two reached an agreement. Jade was more than willing to comply and placed the said item on Alice. He then prepared and aimed his skill at the creature which, was still unaware of their presence.

"Ready when you are." He said.

"Just fire it already." Alice said moving back and entering a rocket start position in sprinting.

Without wasting another second, Jade finally came out from the bush. Snapping his fingers at the same time which prevented the creature from reacting as, green flames exploded right on its body. With the eyes exposed, Jade was fairly certain where the rest of its body would be and, he was right.

With this, the camouflage was disabled momentarily. Revealing a gigantic chameleon momentarily before the camouflage came back. Alice came out of the bushes this time to catch the monster but the creature secreted transparent liquid to attack. Fortunately, Alice's [Danger Sense] allowed her to pivot her body just in time to dodge which she was thankful for as she saw what happened to the ground that made contact with it. Green smoke rose from this as the surface slowly corroded and disappeared.

The creature made a strange shrieking sound and tried to attack again but, Jade didn't allow this. Snapping his fingers three more times which created a set of explosions. This made the creature back away as, it finally began running.

"You're not getting away." Alice said, chasing after it.

Even if she couldn't see the creature, Alice could still follow where the movement of the grass was. She could also follow where the sound was being made. Alice used [Flicker] from time to time allowing the gap in their distance to be closed.

Jumping up a tall bush. Sliding down a root. Grabbing on to a vine and swinging towards the monster. Alice did her best to catch up. However, the creature still proved to be superior in speed. With the gap widening no matter how much Alice tried to keep up.

Alice wanted to follow even further. She wanted to make sure that she would only stop when the she couldn't sense the creature anymore. But she was forced to come to a halt as her [Danger Sense] spiked once again. Making her take a leap back as more corrosive spits hit the ground where she would've been.

She then saw the eyes of the same kind on top of trees. The creatures gnarled and shrieked as they tried binding Alice down with their tongues. However Alice wasn't that easy of a prey. She unsheathed her daggers and cut the tongues down. Raising her threat level which finally understood that they weren't any match.

"Come on, wanna try some more?" She taunted but, the monsters weren't that brave to take her up on the challenge. Instead they secreted a green mist in the air. Making Alice back away some more as her [Danger Sense] told her the whole thing was dangerous.

With this, the monsters were able to make their escape. With Alice still monitoring the sound of their movement stabbing the ground on the direction where the monsters left off. Assuring herself that she won't mistake where to look for.

"Well at least I know the nest is nearby." Alice said to herself as she finally slumped down the ground. She then turned on her communication bracelet. Limiting it to only Jade who was still far from where she was.

"You stopped moving on the tracker. Is that the end of the road?" Jade was the one who opened up the conversation. Seeing the bracelet light up.

"Yeah, I'm gonna rest for a while. You should hurry up." Was all that Alice said as she finally turned off the communication.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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