A Story of Evil

Chapter 163: Solomon and Cain III

Chapter 163: Solomon and Cain III

Sol and Cain sat under an old chaos tree. The two knew that it was so because of how sturdy the bark was and, how abundant the leaves on the branches were. Here, the two finally rested their bodies. Surrendering to the momentary calm as the brought out their water pouches and military biscuits.

"How long have you been training under the king?" Sol asked as he opened his food.

"That's a strange way of opening a conversation don't you think?" Cain calmly replied.

"I'm just trying to think of the statistics behind it Cain."


"Yeah. I wanna see how much you've actually grown."

The growth Sol referred to includes everything about Cain's personality. Although he didn't intend their team up for the task, Sol nevertheless thought that it was a good opportunity to catch up. And all of this would depend largely on the answers which Cain would give.

"Why? Do you think I'm still lacking?"

"Do you think you're lacking?" Sol repeated, wanting to do away with the question which even Cain didn't want to answer.

"I've been under the king's care as soon as you and Alice left the domain for your mission. That's how long I've been training Sol."

"Can you be a bit more specific on what training you've done?"

"You know it's kinda funny that you're asking those things when you can just use your [Analysis] on me."

"I don't want to get information on people without their consent unless it is needed. While I do have powers like that, I'm not going to misuse them."

"I guess you're still the same old Sol then." Cain remembered how Sol always stole from those who had things in excess. Whatever mischief he brought, he was sure that it wouldn't cause harm to those he was doing it to. Unless, of course, if they did deserve it just like Cain's late father.

"Yeah and I guess we're going off track. Wanna share the information with me buddy?" Sol said in reply.

"Look, as much as I want to tell you, the king told me not to share the information."

"All of it?"

"You really want to squeeze that much out of me huh. Fine."

Cain began telling of the torturous training he went through inside pentagon. He basically went through the same training as those who were chosen for the Culling. With his first few days being spent inside Pandora's Box. But things quickly escalated as King Jubilee made him solo the maze. Meaning, there was no ally Cain could rely on as he went through the same torturous experience as Sol and the other titans did.

"That's as far as I can tell you Sol."

"You really went through so much while I was gone."

"You don't need to feel sorry for me. Nobody forced me into this, I wanted to get into the training on my own."

"I'm not. Although I am happy that you're still alive Cain," Sol said in reply.

"Come on, as if something like that could kill me."

With this the two continued talking about more lighthearted topics. There was a lot of things they wanted to talk about but, not enough time to do so at the moment. But it wasn't like they were in a rush.

Both of them knew there would be more opportunities to catch up while they were in the mission. And so both simply enjoyed the other's company. Relaxing as much as they could before proceeding with their task.




In an unknown location, the leader of the emperors landed on another seemingly desolate location. At a glance, one would see nothing but the compressed amount of dirt that covers tha vast expanse of the area. With rust filled metal poles and torn down building being a common part of the landscape. Along with these are the plants and trees that thrive together with these structures. With roots, vines, and branches placing these inanimate objects in their embrace.

Just like any other chaos area, there was nothing to be had at that place. But this is only true for those who do not possess the same level of powers as Damian. One who displayed it at that moment.

Damian raised one of his hands and took a deep breath. He then closed his eyes, concentrating as the winds began spiraling with him at the center. This continued increasing in force while unaffecting all that floated up. And, with one final push, Damian poured out a large amount of mana as he uttered:


Everything within the area began rising up. The trees were uprooted, forcefully from the ground. The leaves rustled with a strange sound as if these plants were conscious and frightened from the ordeal. And it wouldn't be surprising if these truly were. After all, even the buildings were forced up at that moment.

Every metal part. Every window. Every door. Every large chunk of debris. Nothing was spared as the ground was cleaned from the landscape. Leaving nothing but an empty lot. That is, until bones appeared one by one. Creating a gigantic figure the size of a ten story building which Damian observed from the sky.

It wasn't any prehistoric creature. It was something which existed along with the mana filled world. The same creature which everyone feared and, tried to avoid. Something which even the Seraphims needed to acknowledge as having as much power as them. A creature known for its raw power and for its dominance of the skies.

A dragon.

"There you are. I knew there would be traces of you here."

There was a reason why Damian knew of the corpse's location. After all, he was the same person who killed it. A feat he performed on the day of his awakening. He didn't even remember the events that well. Just that, as soon as his consciousness was regained, the creature was already dead.

"I don't know why I killed you but, I hope you don't bear any grudges towards me." He said, as if the corpse could hear him.

But he didn't simply go there to pay respect to the dead. There was a higher purpose for Damian's visit. Something which was made evident as he activated his [Analysis] on the bones.

[Name: Grazth'al Serion]

[Monsters Type: Dragon]

[Specification: Crystal Dragon]

[Level: 300]

[Information: The monster's body is largely made up of mana crystals. Upon death, it creates large pillars of pure mana crystals.]

This part is something which Damian already knows. He was there when it happened after all. But since mana crystals also attract monsters, this same resource was easily depleted. Leaving not even a tiny piece of it on a location which once had an abundance of the material.

That's why he needed to go back and, to look on the data again. Browsing through the information until he arrived at more relevant information.

[Information: Monsters that consumed these will mostly die due to the sudden inflation of mana. No crystals could be harvested from these. Those which does survive automatically absorb the mana in the surroundings. They are thus capable of generating crystals as a way to secrete the excess mana on their bodies.]

Damian began thinking of everything on his head. If the monsters secreted mana crystals, this means that the place would be thriving with monsters as, the item naturally attracts these creatures. He then thought of all the locations which would be nearby.

Forgotten Forest.

Lake of Sorrows.

Valley of Death.

These are the most notable ones if he wouldn't place the regular chaos areas into account. Among the three most notable places, only the forgotten forest was easy to access. Both the Lake of Sorrows and the Valley of Death has strong monsters which ward off weaker ones. Thus leaving the Forgotten Forest as the only viable option for whatever monster consumed the crystals.

"This might just be easier than I thought." Damian said as his lips curved to a smile.

With his investigation finished, the emperor snapped his fingers making all of the things suspending in the air to fall down. The earth shook violently, as if a great earthquake befell the land. This was accompanied by a strong force of wind sweeping on ever side.

Damian simply floated in the middle of all this, waiting for the dust to settle and for the earth to stop shaking. Although he had a clear destination, Damian still needed to wait a while longer. The emperor knew that he needed to replenish the mana he used.

"It's not like I'm in a hurry." He said, knowing that his goal was finally within reach.

But this joy of the emperor was the opposite for Sol. Because his team was within that very same forest.

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