A Story of Evil

Chapter 17: The Monarchs

Chapter 17: The Monarchs

"Is everyone here?" The rulers of every domain gathered in what is referred to as Sanctuary. It is a neutral ground which disables the powers of all within it.

Situated on top of a high mountain filled with monsters all around, Sanctuary can only be accessed by teleporting to the location. This is done through the jewel on a monarch's crown. One which cannot be replicated nor cloned. This ensures that, nobody else aside from the rulers of the domains could enter the Sanctuary.

As for defenses, it was also coated in the strongest type of barrier which could withstand even the Mythical Dragon's Breath. All of this combined make Sanctuary live up to its name. A place that has never been breached by commoners and monsters alike for a thousand years. A peaceful neutral ground.

"Jubilee isn't here yet." Queen Aqua said.

"You mean that sorry excuse for a king? Do we even need him in this meeting?"

"Nova, stop that." Their elder, King Reckon of the Earth Domain rebuked.

"What? Am I wrong? We all know what place his team will end up again in this year's Culling."

"We have rules to follow Nova. The Domains only co-exist in peace because we follow these rules."

"Come on now, who'd be at risk if we conquer that domain?" King Nova said it so nonchalantly. Like it was no big deal at all.

The other kingdoms were actually thinking about the same thing. Their populations were only growing bigger and, the space provided for each domain wasn't big enough nor were the resources on the plantations capable of evenly feeding all their citizens anymore. Something needed to change and, sacrifices needed to be made.

If there was one that seemed to fit this perfectly, it was the [Void Domain].

"Well looks like he's coming." Another queen said, finally seeing Jubilee's throne glow. A few seconds later, the king has completely materialized on the seat, bringing his trusted sword and a bag along with him.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late!"

"You're as loud as ever Jubilee." Queen Aqua of the water kingdom commented.

"Lousy king." Nova murmured.

"Once again your timing is quite impeccable." Reckon sarcastically commented.

"I know right? Anyway, let's get on with it."

The kings and queens proceeded to their order of business. As usual, the reports on their lands went first. Since these areas were won through the Culling, one domain never had a permanent plantation. Hence, it was important that they shared all of their techniques with each other.

"Like I said, our water spells have greatly hydrated the crops on our plantation. It made the yield grow higher than when it was with the [Summoning Domain]."

"Ohh is that a fact now?" Queen Reoul said.

"It is. The right amount of water going to the different kinds of crops help in this process. Some are hydrophilic while there are some hydrophobic plants in the mix. I suggest that those who cannot create a standard supply of water should simply focus on the later types of plants."

King Jubilee thought of how stupid they all sounded. There was something called an irrigation system which he saw in the old records of humanity and, it could work better than anything that the kings and queens were talking about.

"I can't blame them though; they didn't dive too deep into the history of this world after all." Jubilee thought, yawning as the report was being made.

"Hey, at least act your part." Nova said, irritated at how Jubilee seemed to be too lax.

"I am acting my part." Jubilee placed both pointing fingers on himself as he continued.

"The lazy king."

Two other monarchs laughed at this. Thinking how irritated Nova would be and how true Jubilee's words were.

"You two, stop that little quarrel of yours." Reckon said, making Jubilee smile at Nova who was pissed even more.

"Just you wait, this'll be the last meeting you join." He said, with a plan being devised against the back of the other domains.

"Jubilee it's your turn. Any update on the plantation of yours?"

"Oh the ground is still very much dry. The plants are doing their best to suck any nutrient they could from the ground but there's no luck with that. We have a fresh number of pests coming in and, they've been the source of food for those in the slums for quite some time now."

"Is that all?"

"Well yes."

With this all their reports have ended and, the next order of business came about. It was time for the main reason they were all there. It was time for them to introduce all of their contestants for the Culling.

"Nova if you may."

The King stood up and began speaking. Out of all the monarchs, Nova was the proudest when it came to the Titans he sent out to the fight. He wasn't merely full of hot air because, Nova had the proper reasons to boats.

His Titans would always range from first to third place. Giving him the slot of the highest producing plantations within his time of reign and, even before that. Hence he began with his son, Blaze, continued on with other Titans who were at least twice as powerful as his son and, just when this was about to end normally, Nova introduced his last Titan.

"We also have someone who possesses the same type of flames as I. A child named Jade from the slums."

This alone was enough to give a shock to everyone. They all had strong aces up their sleeves but, they had nobody like that. The monarchs all knew how strong Nova's flame was. In fact, it was the same type of flames he used to burn down his father and all his older siblings. Burning even their own flames with his own. That is the story of how the ruthless Nova came to power at the age of 18 and, continued reigning without any threat on the years that followed.

"With that finally out of the bag, I would like to make a proposition to our dear King Jubilee."


"Nova that is not part of the meeting." Reckon reprimanded.

"Old man, do you really believe that I need to hear of all your contestants? I have a green flamed boy on my team."

"You'd do well to step down from that pedestal Nova." King Leon of the [Enhancers Domain] said.

"Oh? And who's gonna stop me?" They were about to begin fighting at that point but Jubilee stopped this. Talking before things could get messy.

"Okay let's hear it then." Nova had a smile on his face after Jubilee's statement.

"That's right you waste of oxygen. Even you have to bow down to my overwhelming power." Were the words running through Nova's head.

Everyone decided to do the same. If Jubilee who was the person in question had no problems against it then, they should also be calm until Nova finished talking.

"As we all know, the [Void Kingdom] has never won a single Culling. They've been stuck in that detestable state for a thousand years and, honestly I pity them."

"Oh you're not alone there buddy." Jubilee thought.

"With the increase in population that all of us are having trouble with, King Jubilee's kingdom would simply continue falling until everyone dies of illness and hunger."

"Get to the point Nova. We have other matters to discuss." Reckon commanded, getting Nova to bow as he made a foxlike grin.

"I suggest that, if one of my candidates win and the Void Domain finishes last as they always do, then allow us to absorb them into our domain.

"This nonsense again?" Reckon said, already hearing it once before the meeting began.

"No hear me out. We will share our plantation with them. Through this they would also get fresh harvests each and every day plus, their state of lives would also get better." This part alone was enough to entice any bottom dwelling Monarch but, Nova needed to make sure that Jubilee would take the bait.

"By wining we will get the best plantation within the Garden of Eden. One which could feed three domains piled together. In fact, we still have the best plantation now and, that's why I can say it so confidently."

He wasn't wrong of course. These were the facts and nothing about what Nova was saying seemed to put the Void Domain at a disadvantage. Even the other monarchs had to admit that this was so and, since the deal was between the two kings who had complete dominion and rule over their respective lands, then the offer could go through.

"So basically what you are saying is that, we would be slaves to your domain and in turn we would be able to survive in a better environment."

"Yes Jubilee, that is what I am saying." Nova said, cutting to the chase.

It was a good plan. No decent king would refuse an offer that meant the salvation of all his people. Unfortunately for Nova, Jubilee was nowhere near decent.

"I refuse." It took a couple of seconds for Nova to register these words. On his mind, the only word he was hearing was "Yes" or "I Agree". Yet Jubilee said the complete opposite.

"Are you mad! This is the perfect opportunity for you to save your people!"

"Indeed, and it's also a good opportunity for you to gather more men in order to overthrow the remaining domains."

"W-what are you saying?"

"Listen flame boy. I have no intention of giving away my domain because, sadly, things won't go as you planned."

"Yeah, any other domain could win Nova." King Reckon said.

"No that's not what I meant old man."


"In the next Culling, the one who will come out victorious is me."

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