A Story of Evil

Chapter 185: Talking With Pandora

Chapter 185: Talking With Pandora

With King Jubilee leaving, you'd expect Sol to begin training like crazy. But he didn't he sat still for a bout thirty minutes. His head being preoccupied by various thoughts connected to his dueling. Of course there were still a lot more which he needed to think about but, at the moment he thought it was best to solve things that he could. Removing his problems one step at a time.

His mind was focused and clear. Like a clear morning sky. Without a single cloud in sight. Or like the surface of the sea, without the turbulent winds to force its motion, nor the sea creatures which does the same.

The boy was perfectly still. And because of this...he finally arrived at his answer. Calling on to someone that could help him with his idea. An entity he hasn't spent time with for a long time.


As soon as he invoked this name, the lights on Pandora's Box went out. That is what it would seem. But Sol knew that this wasn't the case. He knew that it was Pandora's shadows veiling the whole room and, turning it pitch black.

There was nothing but total darkness for a couple of seconds. The air turned cold and dry and, Sol could feel the chilling aura of the Seraphim. One which crawled all over his body until, Pandora finally came out. Rising from beneath the shadows, as if it was a form of water.

Sol instantly felt the difference. He felt how the Pandora in front of him at that time was a lot stronger and more real. But he didn't ask why or how this is. Because if King Jubilee wanted him to know, then he would've already been informed. And since he wasn't he knew that it was the opposite.

"Oh my it's been so long since we've talked. I thought you already forgot about me."

"How can I forget about the reason why I have these powers?"

"Gee that's really touching kid." Pandora's tone was sarcastic.

"Anyway, why did you call me out? Anything particular that you need with me?" The Seraphim added. Knowing that Sol won't suddenly call her out of the blue. In fact, their conversations have always been about things which Sol wanted to learn and, that moment was no exception.

"Actually there is. Can you explain to me how the king's other power works?"

"You mean the shadow soldier form that he's tied to?"


"Why would you want to know that?"

"Please...just answer the question Pan." Sol asked in a mild voice.


The first thing she explained was how King Jubilee's body was basically made of shadows. That most of his real body parts do not exist anymore and that, the shadow form has allowed him to live despite this. She also explained that in this form, a person gets an insane amount of healing. Specifically because, the person is made up of shadows. And as long as the connection with Pandora is not severed, the person would simply heal through virtually anything.

She also explained about the powers that come along with it. That King Jubilee can summon shadows and shape them based on his will. And that, there were other powers connected to this. All depending on the level of the contract established between her and the person turned into a shadow soldier.

"That's all I can tell you." Pandora said as soon as her explanation was done.

"I see." Was the short response of the paladin. There were a lot of information missed but, it didn't matter. Because Sol heard what he needed. Another cheat of a sort that'd help him get even stronger in a short amount of time. 

"You have a craze idea don't you?"

"Well it's not really crazy but, how can you tell?"

"It's that shine on your eyes. I've been stuck with Jubilee for so long that I know when people like he and you has a really bad idea."

"Or a really good one." Sol suggested.

"I'll be the judge of that." Was all that the Seraphim said in reply as he waited for Sol to tell him the idea. That being:

"I want you to turn me into a shadow soldier."

At this, Pandora made a sigh. It was a crazy idea after all. But it wasn't like she was going to give in because there were a lot of considerations to make before turning someone into a shadow soldier. So she decided to just shrug off Sol's plea as she gave her reply.

"Listen kid. That's not something you'd want upon yourself. Trust me on this."

"But what if I'd need it one day?"

"You won't. That's what Jubilee and I are making sure of." Pandora said. Referring to the plans which the she and the king has been keeping from everyone. Except for Lilia of course. But other than her, no other person knows of this.

But she knew that Sol would be persistent. It was a character shared by both the boy and the king. And so Pandora decided to inquire more about it. So that she could also give more reasons why she can't hand the power to Sol.

"Anyway, why do you even want a power like that? As king Jubilee said, you haven't even brushed the surface of your skills."

"So you heard us earlier?"

"Of course I did. Why do you even think this training ground is called Pandora's Box? This place is just as much of an extension of myself as King Jubilee's own body is."

"Anyway, your answer please?" Pandora added because, Sol didn't answer but only offered question of his own.

"It's because of a technique I though of."


"Yeah. Remember the maze? The king told me before about how it worked. How the passage of time inside it was different from the outside world."

Inside this place, a person can virtually go for as long as a year when in fact only a single day has passed in the real world. This maze is also powered by Pandora but, unlike the box, her powers are unrestricted in this room. Allowing her to bend the rules of time and spice to her own will. But, this didn't come without a price. And this was something which the Seraphim reminded Sol.

"Well yeah. That's what makes it dangerous kid. If you stay in it for long, not only will your physical body be damaged. Your mental state might break, to the point that it becomes irreversible."

"That's the point. What if I have a body that's almost immune to sustaining all of those?" Sol suggested. Finally giving the answer to Pandora's question. Making the Seraphim's eyes widen in the realization of what Sol had in mind.


"Do you understand now."

"Holy...why didn't either Jubilee or I ever think of that before? ARGGGHHHHH."

"Do you agree with me now?"

"Keep quiet kid. Can't you see I'm in the middle of an intellectual breakdown here?"

Pandora wasn't just sulking. She was actually thinking about what Sol said. She thought of the factors involved in this decision. Not wanting the initial surprise cloud her reasoning.

"Okay I'm ready to talk now." Pandora said after five minutes.

"What's the answer?"

"It's still a no."

"What? Why?"

"Kid, you'd lose track of the real world if you stay in the maze for long. Of course you can heal through all of the physical damage but, your mind is still going to be vulnerable. I know that you are a genius but, both your and Alice's survival from this deterioration was also because of luck. No more no less."

Pandora omitted the mention of it but, her shadows were also a reason why she didn't like Sol's idea. If he used it too much and, relied on its healing factor, then just like Jubilee, he would pay a very dear price. Something which he didn't wish upon the boy.

"But I need to get stronger Pan." Sol insisted.

"And why is that?"

"Because as I am now, I'd be no use in the war. Whatever type it may actually be."

"Kid...like I said...the king and I has all of this covered already. You don't need to worry about a single thing."

"Isn't that placing too much trust on you?"

"Well yes. But what choice do you have? It's not like you can go against the king's will." This was a fact. Sol was just another regular citizen. Even if he was a paladin, there was a limit to what he can and can't do. And part of this restriction is that he needs to comply with the king's wishes.

"We've already squeezed out so much from you. The king has made you go on various missions that should've been given to capable adults. I know that you just want to be useful and, I know that your mentally also comes with the responsibility you feel. But I don't think the king would find it to his taste that a talent like you bites the dust because of over fatigue."

"So you're not changing your mind?"

"Did nothing I just said get in that head of yours?"

"Okay. Then can I ask about something else?"

"What is it this time?"

"Can you at least stretch the time inside Pandora's box? It doesn't have to be as drastic. Just a bit would be enough for me."

"You know the king also said you should rest right?"

"Please Pan."

"You're really staying true to that stubbornness huh?" The Seraphim took a look at the determined eyes of Sol. And it was purely because of this that she made a sigh of defeat. Finally surrendering to the whims of the boy.

"Fine. If that'd finally give you your peace of mind. Be my guest." Pandora said, snapping her fingers and creating a glow that spread around Pandora's box.

"The duration of this night will be doubled. This isn't open for any negotiation."

"Thank you Pan." The boy said, bowing down to the Seraphim.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't tell Jubilee about this." She said, finally retreating to the darkness. With a smile actually forming on her face as she thought, the boy's eagerness wasn't all that bad.

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