A Story of Evil

Chapter 192: Every Single Detail

Chapter 192: Every Single Detail

"Do you need an agenda or are you fine like this?"

"As long as you've got a plan on how this meeting will go, I believe none of us will object." Queen Aqua said.

"Well if you all agree to that then, let's start things off with the details of the Crystal Hunt."

As soon as King Jubilee said this, Sol's team went in front. With all of the monarchs facing them and, with seriousness in all their eyes. This was enough to make them feel the pressure. In fact, some of them could even feel their knees shaking just from being there.

This isn't a cause for concern however since, Sol was still fine. He was all that was needed in that presentation after all. With his allies just being there for the support.

"May I start my liege?"

"You may."

Solomon began by recreating all of the areas they entered outside the domains. He did so using the powers of Pandora's Box. Creating a miniature version of all the locations which sat at the back of his allies. The boy was careful not to miss anything and, in fact, was very detailed with his explanation. Even adding the weather conditions. The probability of monsters being around the area. The terrain changes; even the slightest ones. And lastly, the type of monsters they encountered.

Sol presented this is a methodical timeline. Using their travel path as the line connecting the events and, even adding the travel time taken on mount. As well as the possible travel time if the same journey had been made on foot.

With everything that Sol was saying, the monarchs couldn't help but be impressed. They already heard the boy speak once. But, it was only a short demonstration of his wit. In fact, there were even those among them who thought that Jubilee simply coached him during that time.

But the current meeting was a lot different. Sol's command over his words and, the way he explained so clearly were definitely his own. It wasn't something that Jubilee could have taught him. There was no room for any questions. All because Sol was already answering everything even before it could be asked. And this he while knitting the information along with everything else, in a form of guide that everyone could understand.

Jubilee knew that it would turn this way of course. He knew that they would recognize Sol's genius. That they would also stay quiet during the boy's presentation. However, even this stillness couldn't last forever as, Sol finally reached the part which took him and his team by surprise. That is, the encounter with the dragon.

"There was a dragon?" Queen Reoul repeated in disbelief.

"Yes. A real fire breathing dragon. A monster full of crystals all over its body."

"This is bullshit. How were you able to survive then? Don't tell me your combined strength is enough to take on a dragon?" King Nova exclaimed. A fact which nobody could even deny.

"You are right sir, our combined powers aren't enough to fight it. In fact, we didn't even do so."

"Then what happened?" King Leon asked.

"Actually there was someone who helped us out of that situation."

"Someone? How's that even possible when all the humans are inside the domains?" Was King Frost's reply. And as soon as he said this, the answer dawned upon his mind and, in the mind of all the monarchs present. Something which Sol confirmed as he said:

"It's a person from the first generation."

"This is bullshit. You expect us to believe that boy?" King Nova said. Irritated by the fact that he was seemingly toying with them.

But that was just it. Sol wasn't. And despite Nova's building up rage, the boy stayed calm. Responding in a tone that matched this demeanor.

"You have to." 

"What?" King Nova answered. Surprised by how easily Sol answered and, even more so by how he did it.

"You could say that I'm lying if I'm the only one giving this report. But I'm not. Every member of my team will give you the same testimony. In fact, you can even ask us one by one how the fight went and I can assure you that all our statements would be the same."

Sol caught Nova right where he wanted. The fire king couldn't think of any response and, in fact, only got a bit more pissed at the boy. Not for any valid reason however. But simply because the boy got the better of him.

"But I doubt the monarchs would waste their time on something so pointless. I've got nothing to gain by giving you a scare. But I have everything to lose by deceiving you." Sol added, impressing the rulers even more.

"So why exactly was it that he didn't attack you?"

"He said that it would place you under his debt my king." Sol said, surprising the other monarchs placing their attention on King Jubilee who had nothing other than a smile on his face.

"Now that is interesting." The king said as the other monarchs began questioning him. Starting this is none other than Queen Aqua.

"Have you met this person before Jubilee?"

"Of course I did. I warded them off when the large swarm of monsters attacked us after all."

"You what?" Reoul exclaimed.

"Why haven't we been told of this before?" Leon added.

"Because it isn't relevant knowledge." Was the short response of King Jubilee. Without looking nervous at all. Nor did they feel like he was hiding anything. But they nevertheless continued questioning him.

"Don't you think relevance should be something for us to decide?" Nova added, pertaining to the other monarchs aside from the person in question. But Jubilee simply took a look at the surroundings and, his eyes stopped at Sol and his team. Motioning for the other monarchs to follow his gaze.

"Why don't we talk about that after the kids have left?" He said, making the monarchs relax back to their chairs. Knowing that Jubilee's suggestion was sensible.

"Fine by me." Ezekiel said.

"Yeah. Just don't forget to give us all the details." Electra added and with this, Sol was given the cue to continue.

Solomon told them how they were flung out of the forest. He then went on to explaining how they changed route and, why they chose the specific route that they went on. On every part of his explanation, Sol also emphasized the role played by his teammates in order for the operation to be successful. This proved that the decision made by King Jubilee to add the allies from other domains was correct.

Then it was finally time for the final fight. The wall they encountered and the contents inside of it. How they fought an army of goblins and their familiars and, how Sol also dealt with the Goblin King. He then explained that the goblins kept the mana crystals on a special room. But, just as Cain told King Jubilee, Sol omitted the mention of the other contents inside it.

"Now why would you keep that from me Sol?" The Void King thought to himself. Even more eager to enter it than ever before.

"That's the whole report." Sol said after he finished. Taking a bow and receiving gentle claps from the monarchs.

"They're going to leave now right?" King Sylas asked, wanting to go back to the discussion on King Jubilee's involvement with the enemies.

"What are you saying? They're gonna stay here of course." Was the Void King's response.

"Why?" Was Aqua's short question.

"Because, there's still something we need to discuss that concerns them."

"This better nor be another crazy idea Jubilee." Nova suggested.

"Oh it isn't. In fact, it's a sensible one that's in line with the preparation we are doing."

"And what would that be?" King Ezekiel eagerly asked.

"I want them to form their own Elite Corps." 

"Isn't that what they already are?" Queen Reoul asked.

"Well yes but, there's a big difference with what this new one is."

King Jubilee explained everything just as Sol told them to him. There were a few revisions made but, the fundamentals were basically the same and unchanged. That the monarchs need to make a list on soldiers they currently have. That Sol would chose five from these to add to the squad. That these same people will temporarily be Void citizens in order to be kept in proper training by King Jubilee himself. And that these same soldiers will return to their respective domains after five years.

The King also mentioned that the unit will be the one deployed on the missions outside the domains. That they will also be one of the primary force once the war begins. He also said that, with this method, he would be able to gather more data on other domains and the nature of their powers. And because of such, he would be able to create a better training regime for other domains. As well as create better training facilities which complements these.

The only one who had a problem with the conditions was King Nova. Primarily because he didn't want to lose an asset as big as Jade. However, since all the other monarchs agreed, his comment had no weight. 

"I believe there are no further questions with regard to the elite corps am I correct?"

"None." Leon said.

"Everything is okay." Reoul added.

"Right. Then we can finally send these children out." King Jubilee said, looking at the seven who bowed to the monarchs as they went out of the room. Leaving only the monarchs who began talking about Jubilee's secrets.

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