A Story of Evil

Chapter 199: The Summoners' Domain IV

Chapter 199: The Summoners' Domain IV

Lumina assisted the group until they reached the arena. Not on the place itself but a location above it. The group overlooked the scene from behind a wide and high glass window. On this same space is a couch, food, beverages, as well as two maids.

Meanwhile, as for the arena itself. It is a large circular platform. With bricks used as its flooring. The same one which is used on the castle. It needed to be so because, if the flooring was not as sturdy as the materials used on Queen Reoul's abode, then the fights done on the arena would simply destroy the flooring.

This main fighting ground is made like a coliseum. With the seats of those spectating being spread on an elevated place circled around the main battlefield. At that moment, it was already filled by students and, there were also those who were just arriving at that moment. The ones who were put in charge of welcoming Shadow's arrival to the Academy.

"It's like the place back home." Hendrickson said, slumping down the couch.

"You have something like this back in your place?" Nathan commented.

"Well yeah. Except the design is a lot smaller. We have steel wires trapping us inside and, we're forced to fight until someone gets knocked out."

"That doesn't sound like something King Sylas would allow." Lumina said.

"He doesn't. It's an underground arena; a secret one. Everyone who wants to get stronger in physical fights go there and join in on the gauntlet match. As long as you keep on winning you won't get replaced."

"Why do you sound like you've fought in there yourself?" Jade said, glancing at the window and on the people who were still coming in at that time.

"Because I did!" 

"Of course. Why am I not surprised?" Was Cain's response, getting two cookies from the table in front of the maid.

"Three day champion baby. My record is the second highest in the gauntlet matches."

"Who's the first then?"

"I don't know. Some mysterious guy who fought fifteen years ago. He was able to score ten whole days of winning, without any pause or rest."

"That sounds like a stretch." Jade commented.

"Yeah, I mean, without water for seven days is already a stretch." Alice added. Knowing the struggle of going through a couple of days without drinking or eating.

"Well it's true! And if you come to our domain I can show you proof!"

"Why don't you set that aside for now? You still have a lot to attend to in Queen Reoul's domain." Lumina said, silencing Hendrickson who was suddenly sheepish.

"Anyway, there won't be anyone interrupting your viewing here. The maids are my personal assistants from the castle and they'd cater to your needs while I search for the data." Lumina added, going for the door as she gave this instruction.

"Won't you watch with us?" Nathan invited.

"No. Silly games like that bore me." Was all that Lumina said as she finally left the room.

The Academy was a lot more silent without the constant clamoring of the students. Lumina found a lot of solace in this because, the usual murmuring and whispering of those who saw her were gone. But it wasn't like these disappeared entirely because, in her head, she still hears them. Each and every day without pause.

In fact, her demons have never left her. Even at that moment when she just wanted to be by herself, there were still those who followed her around. Three of these in fact, standing right in front of her.

There was a lady with long blonde hair and, a condescending stare. The other two had the same set of eyes as hers. As if they've been using this so long that making a person feel it was as easy to them as breathing.

Each of them had a slim figure which said one thing about them, that they don't work out that much. Although they still have decent figures which is a result, of course, of their families making sure that they look properly cared for.

Julia Ashford. Luz Belthrod. Olivia Cameron. These are their names. Ones which every student knows because, they are the top ranking students of the school. Children of high nobility who inherited their summons from their bloodline.

"You know I'd really love it if you could get off my case, even if it's just for this time." Lumina said. For some reason, she has a natural talent to piss people off because, as soon as she said this, the expression of the ladies in front of her changed furrowing their eyebrows.

"Get off your case? You're the one who stood in our way first!" Julia began, her temper already blowing.

"Yeah. Why did you stop the members of Shadow from meeting us?" Luz added.

Lumina knew that this would happen. She had a feeling that these three would be the ones recommended by the heads of the school. But it wasn't like she stopped Shadow because of her personal motives. She did so because it was her duty to assure that they do what they came there for. And although she already knew that the three in front of her wouldn't believe this, she nevertheless placed effort into trying to do so.

"Like what I already told the headmistress, those people came here for specific objectives. And none of that includes meeting any particular student."

"Specific objectives? You just wanted to take them away from us!" Julia screamed. Her voice echoing through the hallways. 

Not many knew of the true colors of the three top students. In fact, for most of the student body, they are seeming saints. But Lumina knew what they really were. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Opportunists who would use anything and anyone in order to get what they wanted.

"It's simple logic you dumbfuck! Anyone in their right mind would understand that the top students of the Academy are the best bets!" Julia added, her face looking more monster-like than human at that point.

"Yeah, you're probably afraid that we'd get chosen right away!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Why would I get scared of something like that?" Was Lumina's short and calm response.

"Ha! We all know the benefit of joining that division. We're not naive." Luz replied.

What they were referring to was the fame, prestige, and fortune that comes with the role. There was five years worth of service. During this time, they knew they were gonna get exposure. The same one received by those who joined the Domain Expansion Division.

Lumina knew the naivety of their thoughts. In fact, she even heard these same idiots talk about how stupid it was to make a Void lead a division. They talked about the poor fate of the summoners who joined in the division. But when the results finally came in, they were the first ones to turn on their own belief. Praising the soldiers who joined this division and, even inviting them to their own abodes. This is how they were able to extract information on some individuals from the team and, on the top of this list is Solomon.

Just by standing there and breathing the same air as them Lumina already felt sick. She felt like she was gonna throw up as she heard their words. But she didn't let any of these things show. She was already an expert at concealing things and, the likes of Julia and her lackeys weren't enough to make her break.

"Just like every other student in this school, you'll get your chance to meet them. But that isn't now."

"We're not gonna wait for that! Lead us to them!"

"Why are you so frantic Julia? If you're really the best of the best, then they'd chose you no matter what right?" Lumina gave them a smile. Making the three back away, just a bit.

"Are you looking down on us?" Luz asked in anger.

"Oh no. Of course not. Why would I dare look down on the strongest students of this school?" Lumina added. Her voice was calm and respectful yet, the three could clearly hear her tone challenging their positions.

That's why Julia resorted to picking on her. Like what she and her friends have always done. A way to relieve the stress they were feeling at that moment.

"You really learned how to bark back huh? The queen must've been training you well orphan." Julia began, with Lumina staying silent.

"Yeah. What kind of tricks have you learned from your new master?" Luz added.

"I think the queen should be careful around you though. There's no guarantee that you won't bite" Was the final taunt given by Olivia.

The three started laughing in an annoying tone. With the same condescending tone to it like their stares on the girl earlier. But...this died down as soon as they began making the sound because, Lumina suddenly disappeared from their sight. Appearing behind them and, tapping their shoulders.

The three felt a cold shudder. Suddenly, their throats felt dry and their lungs felt devoid of air. They couldn't look at Lumina at that point. For fear that they would expose their daces painted with terror. But it wasn't like they could turn even if they wanted because, they were already frozen by this same sensation their legs and hands shaking.

"You can insult me all you want but, you will not insult the queen. Not in front of me." Lumina began, her presence becoming more and more malevolent by the second.

"The fights are about to start. You should start moving if you don't want to miss a single one." She added, taking down both the aura which allowed the three to function normally again. Running away from Lumina as they stuttered to say one last thing:


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