A Story of Evil

Chapter 201: The Summoners' Domain VI

Chapter 201: The Summoners' Domain VI

While Sol's allies were busy watching the fights, Sol was already inside the library and, searching through all of the text. Normally the librarians didn't care how many books the readers get at a time. In fact, with the little amount of attention which the library gets from the general public, the librarians tend to simply doze off throughout the day. Sleeping or reading on the job.

However, the mere presence of Solomon changed all of this. Their quiet daily life was completely turned upside down. It wasn't like Sol was making any unnecessary noises. In fact, he was as quiet as could be. But what they found to be extremely challenging was the fact that the boy would approach them from time to time. Inquiring about the books held within the facility.

"The catalog said that I'll find this specific book on aisle number thirteen but, it wasn't there." Sol said, making the first librarian go to the location he mentioned.

"The books on shelf number fifteen are disorganized. It's a mix of books not even related to what I should've seen there." Sol pointed, with the other librarian going there.

"Some of the books I've opened had pages missing. Your visitors seem to like tearing off pages without your knowledge." Sol gave them fifty examples of these, proving his point.

"Are you aware that some people come here just to have free sex at the back aisles? You should check that out soon." The couple shamefully went out of the library as soon as they were called out.

Sol raised his concerns to the librarians. This was the most pressuring thing about his presence. Sol memorized things as soon as he saw them. Adding this up with his inhuman analytic ability made his natural skill even more fearsome.

For the first time in all the years of their careers, the librarians were forced to act their part. Moving around the place as they followed Sol's command. With Sol telling them where one book should be placed and, where another should not. He gave them a suggestions on a better method of putting books together. He also told them to constantly clean the shelves of dust as these may potentially damage the leaves of the books.

Thus the first half of Sol's research turned into cleaning. The librarians begged the boy not to tell any of these to the queen and, Sol agreed. For the simple reason that he respected books and, would not allow such a treasure room of knowledge get taken out because of poor management. 

However, the librarians were forced to follow Sol's every word and command. This was the one and only condition made by the boy for his lips to be sealed. The librarians were more than willing to comply of course. Their day getting more and more active with every command given by Sol.

In the end, the whole morning was used up by this. With the chores, the cleaning and the organizing. With Sol taking his lunch with the librarians who treated him to a decent meal. Saying that it was the least they could do for troubling the famous Solomon Pendragon.

"So why didn't you just go to the Academy with the others sir?" One librarian inquired although he and his fellow librarians were clearly older than Sol.

"I could've but, I think I'll gain more if I read through the books while my allies observe in person."

"I don't really get it but if you're the one who thought of it then, I know that it's right!."

"No that's not true. You should think for yourself whether what I say is true or not."

"Why is that?"

"If you just believe a person without doing so, then who do you blame when that belief is actually wrong and misguided? Surely you can't go back to the person who said it to you and put all the blame on him or her. At the end of the day, you are accountable for what you believe. Just as much as you are always accountable for what you do."

"Write those down! Write those down!" One librarian said, shaking the other librarian on the shoulder as this person was forced to get a notepad and a pen. 

Sol asked why they were writing what he said and, the librarians said that it was for reference. Motivational quotes and deep learnings which they didn'tt want to forget. Sol found this funny and chuckled as the food of the group finally arrive.

Of course it wasn't allowed to eat inside the library. That's why the group stayed at the library's veranda. One which was surprisingly wide but also empty at the same time.

Sol suggested that they turn the place into a kind of park and to extend at least two more librarians looking out on the said area. That way they can encourage more readers to come while enticing those who pass by. An idea which was once again placed on the notepad.

"So going back to the topic. What are the books that you need sir?"

"Actually, I already found most of them on my earlier stroll. My only problem was with the disorderliness."

"Please forgive us!" One librarian said.

"It won't happen again sir!" Another one added as they all bowed their heads to Sol.

"That has already passed. Don't sweat it."

"No, we should compensate you for all that you've done for us. Gerard!"

"What is it head librarian?"

"Get Sir Solomon here permission to enter the Summoner Archives." The mention of the place made the other librarians stop eating. All looking at their leader in a seeming disbelief.


"Don't question it! Just do as I say!" The head librarian said, scaring Gerard who had no choice but to reply:


Gerard immediately ran for the task intended for him as if his life depended on it. Meanwhile Sol was just there wondering what this meant. But he didn't wonder for long, turning his head to the librarians as he repeated the words:

"Summoner Archives?"

"It's the place where all of the summons are recorded sir. Even the commoners and those who live in the underground fighting coliseums have their summons recorded here upon death."

"How accurate are those?"

"Very much so sir. We have an item where the cores are placed after a summoner's death. This reveals all the information regarding a citizen's summons."

Sol didn't know that the summoners had such a technology. But then again, he didn't know much about any of the other domains except for what is revealed through the Culling. And so it wasn't that much of a surprise that they actually had a method to get the data on a dead person's summons.

"That just made me even more curious about it." Sol said, grinning in excitement and anticipation.

He and the librarians continued with their meal in discourse. The group with him had a lot of things they wanted to know and, Sol answered these to the limit of what he was allowed. Thus, their meal finished quicker than expected.

This was the only time when Sol began hitting the books. As mentioned, there is only a limited amount of knowledge which a person has about other domains. There is even less for those who do not trouble themselves with inquiry.

But ever since the borders opened and King Jubilee established a healthy relation between the nations, this has slowly changed. The Shadow Unit is a good example of this change, as well as the Sanctuary situated in the middle of the ten domains.

That's why Sol could finally indulge himself in more knowledge. Something which he didn't restrain himself from doing. He went through book after book, learning all about the summoners. Learning all about the first ones who existed in the domain and, even the ones who were shunned by society,

Solomon was able to slowly knit together whatever information he gathered. All of these existed in the gears of his mind. Filling up a huge jigsaw puzzle of relevant and interconnected information. Meanwhile, the librarians were still busy properly doing their jobs. Not only did they continue catering to Sol's needs but, have also began organizing the books based on Sol's suggestion, This brought more noise than he would've liked in a supposed silent sanctuary such as the library. But because this was also cause by him, he couldn't complain about it nor did he mind it that much.

Sol was so drowned in all he was learning. He was so engrossed on the depths of knowledge that, he didn't even realize that he was already sinking. Down a place which offered no illumination. Only darkness made by even more questions.

However, it was still early for him to actually drown. After all, it was only the knowledge on the summoners which he was devouring at that moment. It wasn't the whole encompass of wisdom yet. Not even close to it.

And as the clock struck at the fifth hour of the afternoon, Sol realized that he needed to get going. Organizing the books as he got up to return them,

"There's no need to do that sir." The head librarian said, going to where Sol was immediately.

"Yes. We'll be the ones to return it for you." Another one mentioned. Appearing at the other side.

"Are you sure? This is quite a mound already." Sol said, looking at his pile which already occupied two long reading tables.

"We're definitely sure sir!" The head of the library said.

"Okay suite yourself." Was all that Solomon said as he finally left the building.

Just as he expected there were more variables to consider in their job. In fact, it was even more complex than he initially thought. But that didn't faze Sol. It only fueled his determination even more. His determination to learn more about the summoners and, to strengthen the team he was building.

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