A Story of Evil

Chapter 204: Audience With The Queen II

Chapter 204: Audience With The Queen II

The view from Queen Reoul's balcony was higher compared to King Jubilee's. Sol eyes gazed at the horizon, stretching out until the end of the domain. Without a wall dividing the land itself like the Void's inner and outer wall, Sol could see a wider and longer landmass. All being painted by the gentle stroke of orange made by the sunset.

This being contrasted by the cold blow of wind that touched Sol's skin. Something which he expected because of the altitude he was on.

It was a perfect view for the day that was about to end. However, Sol was not there to simply gaze at the beauty of the vast horizon before him. No. The reason he was there was to answer all the things which would be asked by the person standing right next to him. The queen and ruler of the Summoners' Domain Reoul.

"You already know why you're here correct?" The queen began.

"Yes your highness." Was Sol's short response.

"Good. That'll save me the trouble of having to go through the details." She added, still looking ahead just like he was. 

"Am I in trouble your highness." Sol said, wanting to clear this part out as soon as possible.

The queen looked at him with a bit of shock. But, this was quickly replaced by a gentle smile directed at the young paladin as she said:

"You're not. Everything is fine boy. It's just that we need to get some things sorted out."

"So you'll grant me access to the Archives?"

Queen Reoul was baffled by how quickly Sol's could change subjects. It wasn't normal to do so. But this is only one of the few things which the queen found to be interesting with the boy. On top of this list is her amazement at the analytic ability he had at such a young age and, the second on the list was his seeming coldness. It was like he was devoid of any emotions yet, with Queen Reoul interviewing the soldiers who came back from the Domain Expansion Division, she learned that the boy was actually a very kind, just, and respectable knight.

There was no doubt that Reoul was interested in Sol. But it wasn't time to talk leisurely about these things. Nor did she want to be too friendly to the visitor. There was a certain degree of space that must be placed between them and so, Reoul proceeded to act her part as the queen of her domain. Focusing only on the topic at hand answering Sol's question about the access to the Summoners' Archives.

"Of course I would. If I was against it, you and your buddies would already be forced back to the Void. I don't care what Jubilee makes of it. I won't have suspicious individuals entering the Archives." She said. A logical decision which even Sol respected. And it is because the decision is logical that Sol needed to question the queen's reasoning.

"Then this doesn't makes sense your highness." Sol began; catching the queen off guard with the response he made.

"What was that?" Queen Reoul asked, wanting the boy to elaborate further which, Sol gladly did.

"You shouldn't allow a complete stranger to enter it. No matter how good my reputation may be and, no matter how many good deeds I stack up, you shouldn't give me the benefit of the doubt this easily."

At this, the queen chuckled just a bit. It was so laid back that, she seemed to be just a regular person talking with a friend. Something which weirded Solomon out. Enough for him to think if there was a screw loose on the queen's head.

"Benefit of the doubt you say? Oh man, Jubilee sure did find an oddball among his citizens." She said, still laid back and wiping away the tear that formed from having to hold back her laughter. Sol was still silent however. All because there was no logic he could use to give a reply to the queen.

"I'm not trusting you without basis Solomon Pendragon. I'm doing so because of the statement made by that librarian." Reoul added, referring to the nervous and apologetic Gerard.

"We've already interrogated him. He told us that you wanted nothing more than to read in the library. You didn't try to get close to them nor did you bribe them. These things being proven by the lie detecting summon we used for the interrogation."

The queen proceeded to explaining her side even more. How, instead of going to the Academy where Sol could gain connections as well as probable riches, he stuck his head in even more books. Not only that but, the boy also gave suggestions on how to improve the place. Sensible ones which a guy pretending to be a lover of books would not be able to recommend.

With all of this being said, the Queen gazed at the vast expanse of her territory again. She closed her eyes and breathed the fresh air. Opening them just as quick to face Solomon as she finished by saying:

"Solomon Pendragon, I may not know much about you. I may not be as brilliant as your king. Heck, I may not even be as brilliant as you! But I know that nobody who loves books that much and cares for its home in the same amount could be evil."

With the words of the king, Sol could do nothing but bow down in respect. Regretting that he even thought of her to have a screw loose. Even if it was just for a second.

"I am not worthy of such praises your highness."

"Oh you are. Just accept them as they are boy. There's no harm in doing so." The queen commented, with a smile in her face.

With this, things proceeded smoothly. In fact, it was even smoother than Sol thought it would turn out to be. With his respect for Queen Reoul also increasing drastically because of the queen's line of thinking and the broadness of her perspective.

But the discussion didn't trail off there. The queen still had to ask about other matters regarding Solomon's visit to the Archives.

"Now tell me, do you really want to go there or is this simply forced by the head librarian?"

"Upon learning what it contains, I believe that it is also necessary for me to enter the place your highness."

"And why is that?"

"I need to get in depth knowledge on all the monsters that have been summoned on your domain. I want to learn all about these as well as the peculiarities if there are any. This way I can make broader and more in depth decisions on who I'm going to select as new members of the team."

"Good. Exactly what I'd expect from someone that Jubilee trusted for this mission." The queen said, approving the answer given by the paladin and moving on to her next one.

"So when do you plan to go there?"

"If possible, I would like to enter it tonight. Right after dinner." Sol's response made the queen's eyes widen for a second. One which turned to a smirk just as quick.

"Now don't you think that's a shady time to pick in entering our treasured Archives?" The queen teased, making Sol open his mouth to give a reply. But before he could, the queen already laughed. Thinking how weird it was for the boy to come up with an explanation with a straight face still intact.

"Just kidding young knight." She began which was followed by her instruction saying that, she will make Lumina assist him. Something which Sol didn't seem to agree with.

"Pardon me for saying this your highness but, shouldn't a high ranking official who knows of the place be the one assisting me?"

"Yes. That's why I'm making Lumina join you." The queen said, hoping to finally catch Sol off guard. Instead the boy simply said:

"I see."

"Aren't you a bit surprised at least?"

"No your highness. That does make a lot of sense. I figured you won't make her come with me just because she's our guide."

The queen couldn't help herself. She finally let out her real laughter. One which Sol didn't understand.


You really are something else aren't you boy?"

"I am but another servant my queen."

"That you are." 

Queen Reoul thought of how crazy everything was going. From the moment that King Jubilee made the gamble on the coming Culling, things have been nothing but a series of shocks and surprises. At one point Reoul just learned to deal with it by thinking that King Jubilee is capable of anything. That's what kept her sanity for so long. Even with the rapid changes and developments that came along with the Void King.

That's why the boy chosen by the king didn't catch him by surprise that much. She knew that people favored by Jubilee would surely hold something interesting about them. And Sol didn't fail to deliver on this expectation. Even surpassing what the queen initially thought of him to be.

"You may take your leave." Queen Reoul said, done with her conversation with the boy.

"Thank you your highness." Sol said, courteously making a bow as he walked away. And as his back faced the queen, there was a sudden thought that came across her head.

"It's such a pity that he isn't Jubilee's child. He would've made for a fine king."

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