A Story of Evil

Chapter 207: The Second Day

Chapter 207: The Second Day

The following day, Lumina was already back to her normal state. The same cold and uncaring girl which Solomon preferred over whatever wreck it was that he encountered last night. But there was also something different about her because, the girl refused to look at Sol.

This isn't just a hunch. She was really avoiding him because, even when the paladin wanted to ask something, Lumina would simply pretended as if she didn't hear him. This is why Alice and Jade needed to take over in terms of asking things from their guide.

They told her of their current goal for that day. That they would stay in the library and organize all the data. Lumina immediately acted on this. Arranging the carriage and leaving the team to themselves. Giving enough time for Alice to prod about what was going on.

"Hey what happened between the two of you?" The girl began.

"I don't know. We only went to the Archives last night." Sol said in reply.

His team was already informed of the things he did in the night. They also knew that he was assisted by Lumina. That's why they found the lack of interaction between the two as a bit odd because, this happened right after they went to the archives.

"That doesn't sound convincing at all." Alice prodded. 

"Well it doesn't have to be right?" Was Sol's short reply which got on Alice's nerves a bit

"What do you mean it doesn't have to? Of course it does!"

"How about we just leave it at that?" Sol said, just wanting to get some peace and quiet in the morning. Alice let him go of course. But as she distanced herself, she furrowed her eyebrows looking at Sol like he's a criminal.

"I sense something going on between the two of you and I don't like it."

"Well I'm sensing something between the two of you and I hope it turns out the way I like it." Cinder said, appearing behind Alice and making her face flush red.

"CINDER!" The female paladin immediately covered her face as she said this.

"Just kidding." Was the flame user's response, chuckling just a bit as she and everyone else turned their heads at the sound of a carriage. Sure enough their ride was already there and, everyone proceeded inside.

The carriage was dead silent. There was a kind of tension that Hendrickson couldn't understand. All she knew was that there were two individuals responsible for this. The doubting Alice and the weird-acting Lumina.

Of course Sol could also feel this. The road ahead was still a long one and, he didn't want to spend it on such an atmosphere. That's why he got everyone's attention. Coughing once as he began to speak.

"While we're on our way, why don't we talk about our objectives?" 

"Sounds good to me." Jade said, understanding Sol's intent clearly.

"Fire away leader." Nathan added, also wanting to survive the awkward situation.

"Right. First of all, you'll need to decrease the number of student candidates on your own."

"Wait, aren't you supposed to help us on that? What if we take out someone who's actually strong? You wouldn't get the chance to assess that person anymore." Nathan raised his concern one which Sol already anticipated. Having a smile drawn on his face as he answered:

"That is true. However, I already have everything figured out."

"Of course you do." Jade said in reply. Not even surprised about this anymore as he waited for Sol to proceed.

"There is a certain list of last names that I want you to save. Then there are also summon types which I want you to put into consideration."

The list generated by Sol is a merging of the information he got from the library and the archives. Mostly, this came from the archives but, he wouldn't have been able to make proper choices without getting the initial data from the libraries first.

While he gave out the names and the summons, his allies wrote them down on paper. Sol made sure that they got the last names correct because, getting it misspelled will lead to his teammates placing wrong people on the final cut.

Sol also explained to them why these have been chosen. Simplifying things to an extent that, even Hendrickson could understand it.

"To think that you already have a criteria for the next phase. I'm starting to believe that you're actually omniscient." Jade joked as soon as the last summon was written down.

"Well even if I am, the truth is that I barely got any sleep from last night. So while you guys finish that, I'm going to be sleeping inside the library."

"You weren't able to get any sleep?" Alice repeated.

"Barely." Sol emphasized which was far away from the definition of not getting any sleep at all.

"That's the same thing." Alice said, glaring at Lumina who didn't bother looking back.

"Well, not that it matters. Like I said I need to take a snooze." Sol reiterated.

"Are you serious?" Nathan asked.

"Of course I am. I need some shut eye for my brain to function properly." Were Sol's final words as, they finally arrived at the library.

As soon as they got down the carriage, the librarians went on their way to greet them. Specifically, they went and knelt in front of Sol. Asking for forgiveness for what happened the other day.

"It's fine. You did it with pure intentions so there's nothing to say sorry about. Plus, everything still worked out in the end."

"Thank you very much Sir Solomon!" The head librarian said who finally introduced himself to be Braum. He then looked at all the people who also went down the carriage at that time.

"You must be the subordinates of Sir Solomon!" He announced, his tone louder than what they expected from a librarian.

"Men! Help our esteemed guests make themselves at home."

"Yes sir!" The other librarians said in reply.

Suddenly the place seemed to be a hotel as, the librarians accommodated everyone inside. And it wasn't just their attitude that made the place feel like a hotel because, the whole library also felt like one.

As soon as they entered, the group was amazed by how shiny the tiles were. To the point that they could see their reflection on it. They were each given indoor slippers, forcing them to take off their boots which one librarian took care of.

All around the place one could also see indoor plants adorning the area. Giving it a more comfortable and relaxing vibe as, a mellow music was also being played. Faint to the point that it was barely audible. In a volume that won't distract them.

All the lights on the chandeliers were properly functioning; providing equal lighting up to the last aisles of books. There were also librarian desks positioned on every corner. Ensuring that no shenanigans would go on inside the facility except for reading.

With all that he saw, Sol couldn't help but grin and pat Braum in the back. Something which the head librarian liked very much. Sol also offered him words of praise, saying:

"You've really outdone yourselves."

"Thank you Sir Solomon. We've made the night shift librarians continue the cleaning and redecorating since they had nothing better to do." Braum said, bowing his head to the paladin.

"You have night shift librarians?"

"But of course Sir Solomon. It is our policy to be open for the public twenty-four-seven. Except when there is a storm of course. People may get the books wet."

Behind Braum and Sol were the other librarians. All of which looked and felt just as excited as their head. Further back was Sol's team who were all weirded out by what was happening.

"What did Sol go here for again?" Nathan asked, suddenly unsure if his memory of yesterday was right or not.

"He went for research." Alice confirmed.

"Right. Research huh..." Nathan said, looking around once again. With his eye's tour ending back at Sol and Braum.

"...then why does it feel like he's the owner of this place?"

"I know. But it's kinda cool too." Hendrickson mused, feeling the kingliness of Sol even more.

While his allies talked in the back, Sol already began giving orders to Braum. Saying that he wanted his allies to be assisted in all their needs. He also said that he needed a proper place where he could rest for a while as, he was tired from having to stay up late due to reading in the Archives; something which Braum also felt responsible for.

That's why the head librarian was quick to execute based on Sol's orders. He mobilized the task force of librarians, splitting them up to cater to all the needs of the Shadow members. The group was surprised by the sudden change of pacing as they felt the full effort in service done by Braum's subordinates. Giving them comfortable chairs and making sure that the place they sat on was perfectly lit and complete with everything else they needed.

Meanwhile, Sol was assisted by Braum himself to none other than the head librarian's office. There wasn't any bed here but, there was a couch which was just as good as a real bed. Tested and proven by Braum himself.

"You can rest in silence here Sir Solomon. Nobody will bother you. I guarantee it."

"Thanks but, won't you need your own office?"

"Oh no. Feel free to use it." Braum said finally closing the door and, giving Sol his much deserved rest as, his allies proceeded to sorting out the candidates.

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