A Story of Evil

Chapter 210: The Taming of the Shrews II

Chapter 210: The Taming of the Shrews II

Adding the day of transport, the team was already in the Summoners Domain for four days. This being the case, they only had three days to work with before their mission's time limit expired.

Of course they could simply extend beyond the deadline but, Sol didn't like this idea nor did he entertain it. He knew that it was possible for their mission to be finished on time and that, not being able to would only be because of external factors coming into play.

Unknown to them, there was actually an external factor that was stirring up trouble for them. Julia, Luz, and Olivia were all absent from the Academy that day. Something which Lumina found to be ominous as she and the whole Shadow team went to the Academy.

There was a large difference between the first and second visit of Shadow to the Academy. A difference brought about by none other than Solomon Pendragon.

There were girls who were shrieking as they saw him. Wanting to get close and personal with the boy. Some were even using their summons to fly to where he was while, others used strange summons to reach the same result.

However, they were all pulled away by the bloodlust of Alice which increased with each passing second. They felt as if their whole head would be bitten off if they continued and, they didn't like this idea very much. Adding to this is Lumina's own aura which everyone got used to running away from. With the combination of these two, they have unintentionally deterred all who attempted to reach Solomon with the female students talking among themselves about the hassle that they faced.

"What's up with that girl?"

"Yeah she's definitely on the same level as the Devil (Lumina) if we make them fight toe to toe."

"Why is such a beast together with Sir Sol?"

"Hey stop talking, she's already looking at us."

Little by little the wave of women began decreasing. To a point that the road was decently wide once again. It was only at this point that Alice could make a sigh of relief, as if a large burden has been lifted from her shoulder.

"Goodness, they see Sol for the first time and they're acting like a bunch of hounds who saw their master come back from a ten year journey." She said. 

Beside her was Cinder who couldn't help but smile at the remark being made. In fact, she even decided to tease the girl as she said:

"Oh? Is that jealousy I hear?"

"I-I'm not jealous!" Alice declared her face turning beet red from this proclamation as she proceeded to defend herself.

"They only want to get close with Sol because of his rank. That's why I won't allow it. Nobody with impure intentions is allowed to get close to him."

"Hmmmmm ~"


"Alright I believe you. But what about her?" The flame user said, pointing to Lumina who was speaking with Sol at that time.

"Wha-- How did she get there all of a sudden?" Alice said, surprised at how the girl was already there when she was at the back a few minutes ago.

"My, it looks like your [Danger Sense] doesn't work when it counts."

"Cinder!" Alice repeated, getting a chuckle from the flame user who finally decided to stop teasing her.

There was a good reason why Lumina was with Sol at that time. The paladin was actually giving her the instructions on what they were going to do for that day. 

Since Lumina was a student of the Academy and, the daughter of the queen at that, she could easily talk with the Headmistress and tell her of Sol's request. The paladin also said that he'd like it if this could be done as soon as possible.

"It'd be a lot easier if you also come with me. That would deter her from making so many requests again."


"She wants you to meet the top three students of the Academy."

"I don't need to." Sol's quick reply caught Lumina by surprise, adding to the fact that the paladin was actually against it.

"Why is that? They're at the top of the rankings."

"Yes and that ranking can easily be manipulated by the wealthy and the powerful." Sol said, an answer which Lumina didn't expect to hear.

"Besides, I already looked them up." Sol added.

"What can you say about them then?"

"Well they're not all that the Academy made them up to be." As soon as Sol said this, Lumina couldn't help but chuckle. Maintaining a gleeful smile on her face as she replied:

"It's good to see that you're point of view is actually decent."

Although Lumina was admittedly shy in approaching Sol the other day, she has been able to overcome this quickly. However, her usual high guard wasn't present when talking to Sol. She didn't understand why, nor did she care. All she knows is that her defenses dropped while Sol was with her and that, the boy cared for her without disgust nor prodding about her past.

It could have been because of this or, it could've been Sol's offer for her to sit beside him when she was low. There was no way to clearly determine nor did she care that much because, she liked being able to talk with someone normally for once. Even though she wasn't able to tell Sol the end of the story.

Meanwhile, this same change weirded out the other members of shadow. They didn't understand how such a thing was possible. The only conclusion they could make was that it, has something to do with the events which transpired on the night when Sol and Lumina went to the Archives together.

But their focus that time wasn't Sol or Lumina. They were actually cautious of Alice who seemed to be burning with bloodlust at that point.

This caused unease but, also had a positive effect. Namely, their path to the office of the headmistress had been cleared of any students. Giving Sol and Lumina enough time to talk about the relevant concerns.

"If those three does force themselves on us, I already have a decent plan in mind." Sol said, with his signature grin on his face.

"Oh yeah? How sure are you that it'd work though?"

"It will. I've seen a lot of nobles and encountered a few twisted ones at that. I know how their minds work and, I know how to corner them."

"You're really confident about this aren't you?"

"Well that's a pre-requisite that comes with my job unfortunately. I can't be fazed by anything, otherwise the whole team would probably crumble down."

"Aren't you thinking too lowly of your allies?"

"I'm not. I'm just saying that my decisions would always be better. And that if I can't make any that means it's already game over."

"And that sounds like boasting."

"You won't get it. You need to be part of Shadow for you to understand."

"Is that an invitation?"

"That depends. I haven't seen your summons yet."

"Well you won't get the chance to see them sir." Lumina said, ending their discussion abruptly. Not because she wanted to but because, they were already in front of the Headmistress' Office.

"We're here." Lumina declared; knocking on the door as she said her name. It took a few seconds for the Headmistress to reply with a "come in" as the Shadow Division and Lumina finally proceeded inside.

"Greetings Madame. I am Solomon Pendragon, the leader of Shadow."

"The pleasure is all mine my boy. It's an honor to finally meet the great Solomon Pendragon."

"I'm not that great madam."

"Oh my and he's even polite as well." The Headmistress said; laughing forcibly in a tone that a normal person wouldn't be able to differentiate from a real one.

She was doing this to lighten the mood and, to gain the favor of the paladin. Of course Solomon already has the Headmistress all figured out. In fact, he was just waiting for her to make a move. Something which the headmistress finally did after clearing out her throat.

"Anyway, your allies have yet to look at the students. Personally it has me worried because the days are passing by and, my dear students are anxious and excited."

"I see, that's good then madam."

"Oh yes it is!" The headmistress replied in glee. Thinking that she has won the boy over as she continued to explain.

"In fact, I already have a list of candidates in mind. Do you want to meet them now?" She was so sure that she had everything under control. That the person she was talking to was still a boy after all. That's why there was nothing but shock when Sol finally gave his response.

"That won't be necessary."


"We already have a list of our own."

"Don't you think it's a bit bold of you to assume that you know the students of the Academy more than the headmistress herself?" She said, holding back her temper.

"Why don't we pit them against each other then?"


"All your candidates versus all that I've chosen. Let's make them fight in groups of threes and see which one would win."

The Headmistress slammed the table, finally revealing her true colors. Her eyes were filled by rage and her brows furrowed. Veins were coming out on both her head and on her hands that gripped tightly to the table.

"There is a limit to the insolence I would allow boy!" She said, her aura so heavy that the others had the hair on their skin rising.

Unfortunately intimidation doesn't work on Solomon. His stare was just the same and, nothing was different about him. He stood there, calmer than anybody else in the room.

"Why? I thought you know your students more than me? Why don't you prove it then." Solomon dared. Infuriating the Headmistress even. Like a wild bull being taunted to rush towards the red flag. A bait which was finally taken as the Headmistress shouted:

"Fine! Let's have it this afternoon child! You will regret having forced my hands to this."

"Oh I'm sure I will." Sol said as he took a bow and left the room without another word. Hearing the headmistress scream as the door was closed shut.

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