A Story of Evil

Chapter 212: Battle Between Summoners

Chapter 212: Battle Between Summoners

"Ladies and Gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for has finally come!"

"Yes that's right! With the recent events in the Academy, it seems that the members of Shadow has declared war against Lady Eleanor!"

The morning passed by quickly. Sol gave simple instructions to all the teams that would fight for him. In fact, he specifically told them to do as he says because that is only how they would win. This didn't take long and, the only thing left for them to do was to wait for the event to start something which happened at that moment.

Of course the announcements being made were biased and, the crowds were also siding with Lady Eleanor. But none of these things unnerved Sol. In fact, it was even going as he expected as, his lips curved to a smile. Listening to the taunts of the announcers as if this was sweet melody.

"They said that our ranking is flawed! The same one we have been using for hundreds of years!"

"Now who would believe that right? I sure wouldn't!"

"Precisely! That's why we're gonna show them how wrong they are."

"Yes! Let's show them some justice for our domain shall we?"

The crowd cheered so strongly that the earth shook. There was laughter mixed in all of this as well as the beating of large drums which seem to have been prepared for that event.

"They're so loud about this." Alice said, standing right next to Sol.

"Let them be as they are. That kind of arrogance won't last against us for long." Sol said, still in his calm state as he continued listening to the announcers.

"The fights will be three on three and, there are a set of five fights."

"Ohh so are we gonna stop after they've lost three times?" The crowd laughed even more after hearing these words.

"No of course not! Our dear guests have suggested that we push through with the five fights all on their own."

"So it's okay if they lose five times?!?" The crowd roared in laughter once again.

"Come on partner don't be like that. I'm sure our dear guests have everything covered."

While the rest of the campus was laughing at them, the students which Sol picked were shaking in both nervousness and fear. In fact, one of them was even close to just crying feeling the humiliation that was coming from the announcers' words.

However, Sol and his team were there to comfort these guys. In fact, Sol closed their door shut for a minute in order to give his fighters a peace of mind.

"Hey, don't let their words get to you." Sol said to all of them.

"B-But Sir."

"You're not the ones who are going to fight, your summons are. All you need to do is to support them from the back and make sure that all your commands could be heard."

"But what if it fails?"

"It won't. You have my word as a paladin. After all of this, the Academy will start treating you fairly."

"Understood sir." The students all said as Hendrickson opened the doors once again as they all heard the final words of the announcers.

"Our fellow students! We know that you don't want to wait any longer than this!"

"Exactly! We don't want all your anticipation for this fight go to waste so, without further ado, let this match begin!"

The crowds were roaring with their cheers as the contestants from Lady Eleanor's side were introduced one by one. Students which Sol's team were quite familiar with. The drake user and the tortoise user. With the third student being introduced as the strongest vanguard among the first year summoners.

The headmistress thought that the greatest burn she could give to her enemies was, to let whatever team they chose be beaten by the top ranking first years. These are exactly the individuals who came out.

Upon seeing these three, the students in Sol's team had their eyes widen. Not in horror however but in amazement because, this was the scenario which Sol told them about. This is the exact fight which he prepared his first contestants for.

"How did you..."

"No time for questions. Just go." Sol said, pushing the students who were to fight the first match.

To Sol, the battle was nothing more than another chess game. He simply needed to think of the move his opponent would make before it is even made. By doing so, he exponentially increases the chances of winning. In fact it was even secured because his prediction was accurate. All because Lady Eleanor's decision making was fueled by pride.

The Headmistress didn't know it but, the moment Sol stepped into her office, the game was already beginning. And the paladin aggravating her and, conditioning her mind was just as much of a move in the battle as was the actual one itself. 

But the Headmistress wasn't aware of this of course. Neither were the rest of the students. That's why there was nothing but surprise as the contenders of Sol finally entered the arena. Getting a smile on both the announcers' lips.

"Oh my what is this? Am I seeing tings correctly?"

"I think you are partner. Ladies and gentlemen it's three of the weakest summoners in the rankings!"

The crowd roared in laughter at that point. But Sol already prepared his contestants for this. He told them to endure it. To just bear with the humiliation because, this same belittling will be silenced once they have won. Of course they were still nervous but, this didn't mean that they weren't prepared to fight.

Like Sol said, the ones who'd be fighting were their summons, not them. These creatures do not share the same nervousness and would always act on their master's orders. Telepathically of course. With a link being formed between. And since Sol's plan made use of just one summon each, they were resolved to follow through. Waiting for the announcers who finally said:

"Okay everyone, let's not waste time."

"Agreed! Let's hope this battle doesn't end too quickly too!" The other announcer said as, one last laughter was shared by the student body as they declared:


The drake, the tortoise and the golem were all summoned immediately. Large creatures which created water, flames, and tremors upon their appearance.

The crowd roared with cheers at how magnificent and majestic these beasts are. Meanwhile, the Shadow camp simply summoned three regular monsters. A slime, a plant, and a four armed muscular dwarf sized golem.

"I knew he was an idiot! HAHAHAHA! Those Voids are just ego inflated after all!" Eleanor bursted in laughter as she watched from on high. With all the other teachers being with her.

Everyone waited for it. They waited for the drake, the tortoise, and the golem to finish the fight in mere seconds. There was even a wishful thinking on their heads, wanting the monsters to play with the enemies a little bit for the fun of it. But, neither of these things happened. The summons simply stood there and, weren't making any sort of movement. Like they were frozen statues.

At first the crowd thought the summoners were just playing around. But after seeing these same top ranking first years scream and make efforts to make their summons move, one thing was clear...that for some reason, the drake, tortoise, and golem were not responding.

Suddenly the whole crowd fell silent. They didn't understand what was going on but, one thing was clear. That while these top rankers were standing idly by, the summons on Sol's side were already making their move,

The four armed golem carried the single slime and, stood in front of its gigantic counterpart. The monster then placed the slime on the ground which then began multiplying. The dwarf-golem took one on each of its hands and, began throwing them on the gigantic golem. Until it was completely covered in slime which only took a minute to do.

The crowd began murmuring among themselves. They didn't understand what was happening and, didn't know what to make of the thing they were witnessing. They were just dumbfounded; waiting for Lady Eleanor's team to begin their move.

But there wasn't any done. And after a whole three minutes, all the monsters of these large summons have been covered by the slimes.

With this, the three students under Sol's care were finally able to breath. And as they looked to where Sol was, they saw his grin. As if saying "I told you so" while giving them a thumbs up as, the next part of the plan was executed.

The slimes all turned red and glowed, brighter and brighter. The top first years ran for it, getting as far away from the arena as possible as, all the slimes exploded. A great big explosion which shook the entire arena.

The whole battlefield was covered in the black smoke for a couple of seconds. Momentarily blinding everyone from the result which they didn't want to believe. In fact, they didn't want the smoke to clear because the deafening silence would only extend even more.

But the smoke would not listen to their pleas. It quickly thinned out and, as all of this smoke was cleared, one thing was made clear. That the three strongest first years have been defeated by a slime.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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