A Story of Evil

Chapter 31: The Eldest

Chapter 31: The Eldest

If there was one thing which all the wolf class monsters shared in common, it was their extraordinary ability to smell. They could identify a scent from a mile away and, if trained well, they could even hunt down a target which is a kilometer away.

There was also one factor that influenced their senses greatly. It was hunger. If there was something, even just a faint scent of meat coming out, then wolves who are starved half to death would surely pick its scent. And at that moment, their howls echoed through the whole forest.

"What" Sol rose from his bed, hearing the sound as well as smelling something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"That fucking idiot!" Alice got up at this point and, with Sol's nod, the two of them ran to where the other light was coming from. Ethan saw them and quickly ate the first piece of steak in one go.

"Do what you want." Sol instructed Alice who leapt in the air, giving no time for Ethan to defend as she kicked him on the face. Making the hunger driven Ethan's blood splatter on the ground while Sol poured water on the flames and covered the steak with the cloak.

"Are you fucking deaf? Didn't you understand a single word I said?" Sol was more than angry at that point. He was furious.

Sure they only had water at that point but, by sticking to his plan, they would've come out of the level in one piece. Yet because of one idiot who could not control his hunger, everything was falling apart.

"Call the others and "

"AWOOOOOOO!" It was the leader of the pack, the alpha male of the wolves. Just this sound was enough to make Sol and Alice shudder as they saw the gleaming eyes of the starved creatures staring through the darkness of the cave.

In one swift motion Sol and Alice ran back to the end of the cave along with Ethan who crawled on all fours. It was the worst thing that Sol could ever imagine. The wolves were coming for them and, knowing that the cloak would not be enough to hinder their senses any longer, he brought the steak along with them.

As soon as the three came back, Jake and Peter were already up. Sol snapped his fingers and soon enough, the flame dispersed, leaving the five in the darkness of the cave.

"I-It wasn't my fault." Ethan said in rugged breaths.

It didn't take long for Peter and Jake to also assess the situation. Just by the smell of the steak they knew that, Ethan screwed up.

"No, don't tell me." Peter began.

"Yeah. The wolves are coming here."

In that moment, Jake punched Ethan in the face. Sending him down the ground once again as Peter tried his best to hold the angered teen.

"Everyone minimizes your movements. There's no use for that. I want you all to calm down and don't make any noise. I'll figure something out somehow." The five were huddled together, with the cloak still being able to camouflage them to some extent.

They only had a few minutes left before the wolves come. Once the creatures enter, there would be no choice but to confront them. But, in such a tight and closed space, it would only take one lightning spell from the creatures to take them down.

It was a hopeless situation. Even though they didn't have as high of an intellect as Sol did, they all understood this. That it was game over and that they were about to die. But Sol refused to give up. He pushed his mind to the limit. Cold, hungry and exhausted, the boy refused to surrender to fate; working his mind to full gear.

"Fighting is not an option."

"A trap is also useless."

"Throwing these steaks at them will just make them follow to where the scent came from."

"We can't even shovel through the ground and hide because its hard as rock."

Tears were starting to form on the corners of Sol's eyes. He was thinking, desperately, for a way out of it. But he couldn't. Not unless he finally placed one variable into consideration.

"Sol." Peter tapped his shoulder making, breaking the boy's train of thought.

"I know that you're trying to save all of us but, if that can't be doneThen please."

It was as Peter said. At the back of Sol's head there was actually a solution. Yet he didn't want to entertain it because, it required something which Sol wasn't prepared to offer just yet.

"You know what that means right?" Sol's tone was grim.

"Yeah." Was Peter's short reply.

Sol didn't understand why but his tears began flowing out at that point. He was only with Peter a couple of days so the tears didn't make sense for him. Yet it continued pouring down. Making the twenty-year-old Void titan hug him.

"It's fine Sol. I already told you last time right?" Peter said and, with that, Sol finally steeled himself. Huddling everyone up as he said:

"Everyone this is what we will do."

A few minutes later and the wolves finally arrived. They gathered all around the cave's entrance. One by one, they entered. Following the scent of the steak that seemed to come from the end of the area. But, before they could even reach the halfway point through it, a smoke covered their vision.

"So this is how I'm gonna die." Peter threw all the pieces of the steak toward the group of wolves, distracting the beasts that all tried to go for it. The other wolves immediately crammed themselves inside; hearing the sweet pieces of meat get torn and chewed.





"Please give your big brother strength."

In a single instant, Peter leapt out of the smokescreen. With one sword gripped on both hands, he pierced a lighting wolf's stomach. Blood immediately came out as the creature cried in pain; noticing the boy that was just in front of them.

"COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES! HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" Peter was clawed by one wolf but his barrier prevented him from getting damaged.

Peter bounced right off the wall. Slashing another wolf's leg and making it whimper down the ground.

"IS THAT ALL!" He screamed taunting the wolves who all focused on him.

The monsters struck him with their lighting which finally shattered his barrier. With this momentum, Peter used two of the wind crystals, catapulting him in the air. His head hit the ceiling of the cave hard making his vision go blurry for a second. But he refused to go down and, felt his blood continue boiling up.

"THAT'S NOT GONNA END ME!" In one quick motion, Peter avoided a claw that was raised to hit him. He then sprinted from the wolf's paw, striking the same creature down with his sword. And, soon after, the wolves all came for him.

Everything was just as Sol told him. It worked because there was someone who had no fear of death. Someone who wanted to die more than anyone else in that team. For the last time, Peter saw his eyes, water up as he remembered the boy who showed him hope and the girl who clawed her way out of every danger.

"AhhI probably really wanted to live after all."

With lightning hitting his body, all the mines hidden in his clothes were supercharged and, in the blink of an eye. An ear-splitting explosion covered the whole cave.

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