A Story of Evil

Chapter 37: The Cafeteria

Chapter 37: The Cafeteria

"Hey boy genius!" Alice waved her hand to Sol who just entered the cafeteria.

The boy smiled and waved back, getting his food first while also taking a look at the surroundings. Ethan and Jake were also there. They were sitting at their usual table but, without Peter, it looked a lot emptier. In fact, everything felt gloomier without the one person that held them together.

"It's your fault that Peter died you useless leader! Don't put the blame on me!" Ethan didn't waste any time. Right off the bat he started screaming at Solomon who was still picking his lunch.

"Yeah if you could kill the wolves yourself why send him out like that? Peter was a good man!" Solomon really wanted to answer back but, he knew that words would be useless. After all, their minds have gone a bit insane.

"Well at least they can remember who I am. That'll make killing them worthwhile." Solomon thought to himself, finally getting some much-needed justice as Alice spoke up.

"Are you gonna shut up or am I gonna make you shut up?" Alice pointed her fork at Ethan but, there was something different about him altogether. He didn't seem to fear Alice anymore.

"Yeah like I care! We're gonna die in a few days anyway asshole so take my life for what its worth. But I won't go down without taking an eye at least!"

Both Jake and Ethan were finally wired towards the reality of things. That they were unnecessary as much as they were incapable of winning in the Culling. After getting faced with the threat that were the lightning wolves and, seeing the amount of talent needed to defeat those beasts, everything became crystal clear. They have loosened their grip of whatever sort of miracle or hope they had in their heads.

No matter what happens, one thing was clear they were going to die.

"Don't mind them Alice and just eat." Sol said, fitting beside the girl who was still exchanging curses with Ethan.

"Are you just gonna let that slide? They've been disrespectful all throughout the maze and they're even disrespecting you right now. Like come on man, there should be a ceiling to how much you tolerate things like this."

"It's not like I can do anything about it. Besides, they have a few lose screws remember?"

"Yeah I guess you're right."

Solomon was looking at the food that day. It was beef steak. Red meat with a sauce that almost seemed blood like in texture and appearance. He stuck his fork inside and, quickly made the juices flow out, making him have flashes of the events that would come soon. The death of all other Void Titans and, his hand stained in their blood.

Just thinking about it made the food look disgusting. In fact, it took Sol all of his mental will just to prevent himself from puking at that point.

"Hey Alice." Sol said, trying to direct his mind out of the thought.

"What is it?"

"Why do you want to win the Culling?"

"Oh? Are you gonna let me win if I give you some kind of tragic backstory?" Alice teased, with a grin on her face.

"Of course I won't. I just want to know." Alice tried reading the boy's face and, decided that there would be no harm if she shared a bit about herself.

"Remember the fact on how I'm an orphan? Well, I actually know who my parents are."


"Yup. They're both aristocrats from the Inner Wall." Alice thought that Sol would be shocked but, the boy simply stared at Alice for a couple of seconds before giving his reply.

"That actually explains a lot about your elegant appearance."

"Wha are you flirting with me right now man?" Alice blushed a little, being caught off guard by Sol.

"No, just stating facts."

"Creepo. Anyway, I don't know much aside from that. I was taken in together with other abandoned children and trained in the act of thievery. Those who weren't good at it got disposed and killed while, children like mewellI stayed in the craft." Alice gave lengthy explanations followed by bites on her meal. The food didn't taste good after it turns cold so she tried eating it at just the right amount of heat.

"They said I was a natural. That my hands were quick and that my feet were nimble. That I could make my presence disappear in the crowd and all those things. But frankly, I don't care what they have to say. All I really wantedall I really wantis to meet those parents that abandoned me."

"That seems normal enough."

"I know right? But here's the twist to it." Alice took another bite before continuing.

"I want to show them the kind of talent they so readily disposed. I want them to see me live on screen as I win the Culling, with the name they left me plastered on all the screens within the ten domains. I want them to come begging to take me back once I receive all the honor from the king. And after that, I'll finally have my revenge. Slamming my doors on them and discarding them just the same."

"I see."

"I mean, of course it's not the noblest and highest of goals, right? You may even think its petty."

"No. I think you have every right to win the Culling."

"Hey, did you hit your head or something? Why are you this kind all of a sudden?"

"I'm kind huh." Sol was looking at his food, contemplating if it was even right for him to say the things he was about it.

"What's with the tone? Do you have a stomachache or something?"

"Alice." Sol steeled himself, knowing that the next things he needed to saw would be hurtful.


"King Jubilee asked me to kill all three of you."

"Wha - What are you talking about?"

"He told it to me before I went to this cafeteria." Sol was dead serious, with his eyes cold and distant.

"Hey Sol that's not a good joke. You still owe me for those two instances."

"It'll happen tomorrow. We'll be using the map where the next culling will take place. Make sure that you're properly disposed by then." Solomon stood up leaving Alice with a shocked expression written all over her face.

"I didn't want to kill you without knowing your life. Don't worry, I'll get that revenge for you."

"DON'T SCREW WITH ME!" Alice jumped from over the table, catching Sol and pinning him down the ground. She pointed the fork at his face, making it even more difficult for Sol to resist.

"Just because you killed a couple of lightning wolves, you think that you're better than us? You think like you're some missionary now who'll carry over all our dreams?"

"You can't win. The three of you aren't strong enough. Even if you manage to get to the last fight, it'll probably end up being a duel. Alice, you may be strong, but against people with real power, your nothing but another useless Void."

Alice didn't respond. She looked at Sol, with eyes slowly turning into that of a predator about to kill her prey. She wanted to kill him right there and then but, her hand was shaking and her eyes were getting watery. It was all too much for the child to process what was happening; especially because Alice thought of Solomon as her first true friend.

"Leave." Alice released her grip, making Sol stand up immediately.

"Until that day comes, I'll be training non-stop. Don't ever show your face to me before that." Alice didn't want to show her pathetic face that time. She was about to cry and it took all her strength just to prevent her voice from shaking.

Solomon knew this and, didn't look at her anymore. Just like Alice, it took all of Sol's willpower to stay as menacing as possible. All in order for his plans to proceed perfectly.

"You better tell the others. I won't be coming back to our room until your execution is finished."

Of course Ethan and Jake were also there but, they couldn't do anything when the two strongest Void Titans were the ones fighting. And with the stage being set, there was one last thing that Solomon needed to say.

"This is goodbye Alice."

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