A Story of Evil

Chapter 49: The Visitor

Chapter 49: The Visitor

The day quickly passed. Both Sol and Alice were able to ease up their fatigue a little bit. There was actually much more stacked up and, that's why King Jubilee also ensured that the last day of the two would be dedicated to resting.

But on that moment, there was still something that they needed to do. It was time to make the final preparations before the Culling.

Within the same room of the training area, King Jubilee, Lilia, Solomon, and Alice were gathered. There were items and equipments on a bunch of tables near the glass window. Right in the middle was another screen; displaying all that they needed to know.

"First off, let me explain how it is possible that both of you would be able to survived the Culling." King Jubilee uttered.

"Yeah I've been wondering about that. Shouldn't there only be a single person that wins?" Alice asked.

"Yes. That is normally the case. However, on the rulebook of the Culling, there is a clause that allows two or even more titans to win and survive." King Jubilee had the book sitting right on top of a table. With Jubilee's hand rested on top of it.

"Wait, then why didn't any of the other nine domains ever use it?" Alice followed up.

"That's because their chance was already up." Lilia answered, with the king nodding in agreement as he went and explained.

"It's funny actually. The rule mentions that the first valid win of any domain will allow them to save all remaining titans of their domain. But the thing is, except for us Voids, the other nine domains have already used their chance. Throughout the one-thousand years that we've performed the Culling, all of them have made use of this law. And because it is of no merit to them anymore, they just completely forgot about it. However, we are different. Without any win in our belt, both of you can be saved."

"That almost sounds too good to be true." Sol said flatly.

"But it is. There have never been any revisions to the rules of the culling and so, this clause still applies up to this very day."

This was all that Alice and Sol needed to hear. Without actually knowing how King Jubilee could pull it off, Alice actually had some doubts on her mind. But now that things have become crystal clear, she was fully and properly motivated to win alongside Sol.

"Now let's go through the rules." The king made a sliding motion with his hand, moving the virtual monitor to showing both the map and the five rules.

"Just as Sol predicted, the map that would be used this time around is the abandoned metropolitan city."

The areas aren't chosen by the monarchs of every domain. What happens is that runes cover a specific area and creates a beacon on top of it. This means that the said location would be the one used for the Culling. There is a pattern to this and, a new map only gets introduced once an old map is removed.

Sol wanted to know the truth about this. After learning of the Seraphims, he was aware that all mystical stuff happening to Ether had their involvement in some way. The Culling was no different. But there was time for that. Namely, right after he has actually won the Culling.

He began reading through the rules. All of which looking simple yet, each having a huge influence on his and Alice's chance of surviving.

[1. Within the next twenty-four hours, the domains will teleport their titans anywhere on the map. The location will be generated by a rune map and, where a domain's titans land will be revealed to the other ones. Only after an hour has passed can the next group of titans follow. A maximum of two hours may be given and, if not used, the contestants will be automatically transported.]

[1.a. The order is usually that, the reigning champions go in first. With this order being followed until the tenth place has descended. But any other domain can go first if, they could teleport quicker than the domain that's supposed to go at that hour.]

[2. The number of items that can be brought depend on the ranking of the previous year. Weapons and clothing as well as food and shelter are not included in the count. The gas masks that allow breathing in of the polluted air of the Chaos Area will also be given. However, bringing an extra pair will count towards the item limit.]

[3. A pointing system will be used for all rankings aside from the surviving champions. Points are allotted for monsters killed and their quality. Points are also allotted for killing a titan. The points are gained individually and the score adds up for the whole team. Once a titan is killed, a quarter of the points earned will go to the one who killed him or her.]

[4. The Culling usually lasts for a month. Should this extend further, the runes will begin making the map smaller. Circling around the safe zones a day before it begins closing and, will continue getting smaller as the days drag on.]

[5. Any violation to the rules will result in the death of the violating team and their monarch. Odd Balls will be stationed all around the area.]

"Done reading?" King Jubilee asked.

"Yes my liege."

"Good. I'll leave the planning to Sol since, he knows this map more than anyone else in this room. There's just one thing I need."

"What is it my liege?"

"The Lightning Domain, we need to get a leverage over them in this Culling. I don't know how you'll do it but, that is part of your priorities."

"Understood my liege." Sol said, already beginning to crack down all the variables on his head.

"As for your weapons, Lilia will take care of you." The King stepped to the side, putting the researcher in the center stage.

"Okay. First of all, you don't know how long I waited for this day! My babies have basically accumulated dust over the years; waiting for one of you to show up. And now, I don't only have one but two of you!" Lilia mentioned in an excited tone.

"Lilia don't creep them out and begin." King Jubilee commanded, getting a glare from the researcher as she replied.

"You're the only creep in this room Jubilee." Alice smirked at this, knowing no other person that could speak to the king in that tone.

"Anyway, here's the first item for both of you." Lilia had a tiny scroll looking thing on her hand and, as soon as she pressed it, the thing expanded into an all-out round shield.

"This little baby is called Aegis. The thing is made from a combination of runes and the old technology of the humans. In the middle is an empty mana crystal. Basically, what it does is nullify any attack that makes use of mana."

"Waitany attack?" Alice asked.

"Yup, but that's not even the fun part of it. The mana you absorb will be transported to the attack weapon you currently use. Be it a sword, a gun, anything will do! That resets the amount of mana the shield could absorb giving you a hypothetically infinite mana absorber."

"Gimme!" Alice tried taking it from Lilia's hand but the lady shoved the little girls face away with her hand.

"Can we at least wait until I'm finished talking?" Lilia suggested.


Lilia continued showing her vast surplus of items. All of them were weaponry never before seen on any other domain. In fact, nothing even came close to the things created by Lilia and, Sol understood why. There was already a balance formed between the ten domains and the Culling was nothing but a competitive sport which gave them lands. They couldn't put too much resource on creating weaponry because, they needed to feed their people. Plus, they didn't have the actual resources and knowledge to craft them.

But Jubilee and Lilia were different. They dug whatever book they could from the archives. Collected as many photographs and blueprints that could be salvaged from the earthen years. Made use of Pandora's knowledge in order to advance even further. All for that single moment of gloriously triumphing at the Culling. Yet somehow, Sol knew that there was something more to this. That there was a storm that was brewing and the Void Domain will serve as its catalyst.

"With that let's begin picking your items shall we? Jubilee and I will help with the compatibility but I'll leave it to boy genius there to give the final say on what you will bring." Sol simply nodded to this and, with that, they were finally on the last phase of preparation.

Yet they weren't the only ones.

Within one of the other nine domains, a being disguised as a citizen entered within the King's chambers. All the guards were killed, scattering their remains on the walls of the castle. The smell of blood and meat invaded the king's nose as the figure finally entered his chambers. Surprised, the king tried to win against the cloaked figure but, found himself beaten entirely.

"Why are you doing this? Who are you?" The masked figure had an amount of mana stronger than any human he's ever encountered. There was no mistaking it, no matter how hard he tries, he won't even get the stranger going all out.

"Oh you should ask those questions where it counts." He said, with a low as husky voice.

"What do you want from me?"

"Ahh now that is the proper question. But it's actually the other way aroundit's what you want from me." The king was confused at that moment.

"W-what do you mean?" The man knelt beside the king, revealing his face as he said.

"My poor king, I'll make you win the Culling."

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