A Story of Evil

Chapter 5: The Selection

Chapter 5: The Selection

"How do you feel?" Cain asked, walking together with Sol and Eve.

"I feel like a plant could grow on my mouth now." Sol was tugged by the hand of Eve who held on to his. She looked like she was about to cry so the boy smiled for her.

"I'm sorry Sol." The little girl said.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything okay. None of it was your fault." He said in a comforting tone.

The three children were joined by many others. It was morning and although the sun shined so brightly, nothing about that day was worth it's brilliance.

The day was gloomier than normal. Every child was forced to wear their ceremonial white clothes and to gather around the city square, right within the inner walls of the Void Domain where all of the rich and affluent people were. This is also the place where the king and all of his most trusted aristocrats lived.

For safety measures, the adults of the outer walls were not allowed inside. This is due to one incident which happened in the past wherein, an adult from the slums killed three people from the inner walls.

Hence Olivia, Arthur, Grumps, and every other adult from the outer walls stayed there; watching through the live screen positioned on four areas. These were powered by floating devices referred to as Image Cores and, although the Void Domain could only provide the black and white version of it, this was nevertheless okay for them.

Meanwhile, the three children have just passed through the gates and, as soon as they did, Sol took notice of a nearby pond. There was abundant and clean water, with fishes swimming around. Not as food but as some sort of decoration.

"Hey Cain do you think "

"No." The boy replied, knowing exactly what it was that was going through Sol's head.

"But those things look tasty. It would be better as food rather than decorative pets right?" As always, the boys spoke in an almost inaudible tone. To the point that these were almost whispers.

"Can you imagine grilling those fishes? Just add enough salt and it'll be good to go." Cain gave no response to the provocation of the devil.

"Remember the soup from last night? I bet it'd be better if there was actual meat in it right?" It didn't take much effort for Cain to be caught by Sol's provocations. In fact, the boy even began drooling from the thought of having another decent meal.

"You already have a plan?"

"Not yet, but if you're in on it then I can make one right away."

"Okay. I'm in." As soon as Cain said this, they reached the three forked road.

The middle was for Eve, Cain went to the left and, Sol went to the right. All of them were given an ear piece by the guards stationed on the entrance. And as soon as they put these on, the rules were immediately played by a pre-recorded voice.

*National Anthem of the Void Domain was played.*

"Welcome children of the Void! This is your lucky day!"

Sol walked in a straight path because there was no other option. The path was covered like a tunnel in order to ensure that none of the children would escape. Guns were also positioned on the ceiling, armed to kill anyone who tried to make a scene.

Crystals lit the place up in a dim violet glow. One which cleansed the children from "impurities" as the people of the inner wall referred to it. But all these ever did was ensure that the children didn't have any weapons or explosives on them.

"Among all of you, five will be chosen to represent our beloved Domain! This is your chance to bring glory to us all and shine triumphant as the last Titan standing!" Sol could care nothing less about these false words, all he waited for was the part where the rules within the walls would be told.

"As for the restrictions, you are not allowed to speak unless told. Death is the punishment for going against this. You are not allowed to move as soon as you fall in line. Death is the punishment for going against this. You are not allowed to touch any citizen of the inner walls. Death is the punishment for going against this."

"Of course nothing has changed. Why am I not surprised?" Sol thought, remembering the same lines from last year and the year before that.

"Do all of this and you will leave with your life. All while having this wonderful tour of the inner walls."

"Yeah right. Nothing is wonderful about this." Sol commented as he finally reached the end of the tunnel and, into the grand stadium of the inner wall.

There were guards positioned all around the area, as well as priests and nuns. All of them had their faces covered by masks as this was also part of their ritual. In front was a grand stage made of only the finest metals and rocks. And, standing on top of it was none other than King Jubilee.

"His royal highness has graced you with his presence! Kneel!" The Archbishop announced, getting all the children to the said position right away. King Jubilee then swayed his hand, motioning the Archbishop to issue the next command.

"Fall in line and stay in line! You already know what'll happen if you go against our rules." He furthered and, soon after, everyone was in their proper places.

"As you all know, the Culling is only a week away. The grandest stage, set to give us a chance at obtaining a finer plantation has been given once again! And just like every year, we pray to the gods above that they guide the five Titans who would be chosen this day."

One large ballot box was positioned in front. All the names of the children were placed inside of it, or at least that is what they lead the people to believe.

The children born from the inner walls were not part of the draw. Despite being Voids themselves, they were never subjected to the same fate.

"Let us not waste any moment! The king will now draw the first person!"

Every child was nervous except for Sol. More than anything else, he wanted to be chosen. He wanted to prove to everyone that, powers in themselves were not the only defining factor in order to win. Using one's wit was just as crucial.

The Archbishop read the name on the paper. He then burned it on the ceremonial cauldron beside him before saying the name:

"Ethan Levery!" As soon as the name was called, the the boy went out from the file. He was at least a few centimeters taller than Sol. Other than this, Sol could not observe anything else as he needed to stay in line.

The boy almost tripped as he went up the stairs. Making some of the nuns and soldiers laugh while the other children were forced to keep silent. They would die if they made any sound after all.

The boy named Ethan knelt in front of the king who sat on his throne. The king then took out his sword and tapped the blunt of the blade on both shoulders. A customary action when appointing a Void Titan. He then stood up and was given a mask and a black cloak by a nearby nun.

"Clap for him!" The Archbishop commanded and, everyone did just this. All wearing smiles on their faces as there were only 4 slots left to be filled.

"Jake Damian"

"Peter Strauv"

"Alice" The fourth one caught Sol's attention. Just like him, the girl didn't have a last name. This meant that she was also an orphan. Solomon wanted to get a quick look at her as she passed by but, he didn't want to risk losing his head.

The same process was done for her. And as soon as she put on her cloak and mask, all of the children began clapping.

Suddenly, the mood wasn't as tense. With only one slot left to fill, the chances of their names being called was close to impossible. In fact, one would simply call it unlucky if their name was called at that point.

"With this we have four of the five Void Titans! Four children given to us by the heavens and blessed by divine protection! Before our king calls the last one, I want you all to give your best cheers for these lucky ones!"

The crowd gladly obliged. They cheered as much as they could, with the knowledge that those in front knew why they were so happy. It was a disgusting sight to see but who could blame them? Just like everyone else, they only wished to survive.

The Archbishop then clapped his hand twice. Making everyone stop. There was only silence as the children watched King Jubilee take the last piece of paper out of the ballot.

The name was given to the Archbishop and, this surprised Sol. It wasn't him. He didn't know if it had anything to do with the bracelet but, it seemed to have fulfilled its duty. As neither he nor Cain were called.

But that was just the thing. The one who made the bracelets didn't have one herself. And this may have been the reason why, her name was called upon by the Archbishop.

"Eve Bloodbourne, please come forward!"

Cain was at a loss for what to do. There was no going around what was happening because, a chosen could not be reversed. Nor would volunteering be accepted because, the religious sect believes those drawn to be selected by the gods themselves.

That was probably why his heart skipped a beat at what happened next. A boy stepped out of the line even before Eve did and, this was no stranger. It was a boy that accompanied him in a lot of mischiefs and adventures. His closest ally and companion. The orphan whose wit was unparalleled.

It was Solomon.

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