A Story of Evil

Chapter 52: The Preparation

Chapter 52: The Preparation

Shock was written on everyone's faces at that moment. Nobody dared make a sound, contrasting all the cheers and laughers that were being made just before the Void Domain came. And the one to break this was Nova.

"JUBILEE!" He was ready to fight the Void king at that moment. Yet he was restricted by King Reckon and two other rulers.

"L-Ladies and gentlemen this is truly a strange moment that will be recorded in history." The announcers were finally able to escape the seeming enchantment created by the shocking turn of events.

"Yes. Not only are there two titans from the Void, they have also attacked the reigning champions and directed their hostility towards them!"

"And to top it all off they took the first teleportation!"

The last part was also a major shock because, the Void titans are known not to steal spots on teleporting. In the past, they actually waited and even used up the whole two hours duration before finally going to the location of the culling. The reason for this is because, they have no will to fight. Not with them being randomly chosen and having little to no training at all.

"Folks we know that all of you want an update on what's going on in the Culling area but, for now, we cannot show any live feed yet."

"Wait, what area did they choose Quinn?" Kaguya asked, making the two look in their screen.

"Oh let's see here."

The map was instantly displayed on all Image Cores throughout the ten continents. And once again, the people were shocked to learn the location chosen by the two.




All the titans in Mercury and all the rulers were just as surprised. They didn't know what to make of the situation anymore but, refused to look as childish as Nova. They retained their composure, waiting patiently on their respective areas.

Their time would come. There was no need to rush. With the Void coming in first, they had an idea where they needed to go. All to win a prize higher than being the champion in that year. That is, taking down the Void titans and owning the domain all for themselves.


"Alicewords please."

"Oh don't patronize me you gun shooting lunatic." Sol grinned at the girl as he checked their surroundings.

That was the scariest five minutes of my fucking life! I just pointed my dagger at king Nova! AT FUCKING KING NOVA!"

"I know and it looked awesome actually."

"No it didn't! Why did King Jubilee even order us to do that?"

"Because he knew it may happen of course. Because we needed to give them the kind of surprise that'd infuriate them."

"You're both out of your minds."

"I know." Sol teasingly said.


They've dropped to at the exact area they pointed on the map. Right before they transported to Mercury, Jubilee was able to place the location marker already. They only needed the proper distraction in order for them to be the first ones to teleport to the area of the Culling.

This opportunity immediately came when everyone got distracted by the fact that, only two titans represented the Void. King Nova who didn't like being looked down on, saw this as an act of such. Getting infuriated and attacking immediately. Only for everyone to get an even higher dose of surprise as the two Void titans attacked.

With all this ruckus and commotion, everyone didn't notice passing of time. Focusing solely on Jubilee and his two titans and, because of this, the said Domain were able to seize the moment. Teleporting even before anyone could react and, leading Sol and Alice to their current situation.

"Let's set up the base for now." Sol began walking forward.

"How are you even sure that the lightning domain will be the one to come for us?"

"That's because the golems here are powered by electric charges. If they keep sending electricity to those things, the golems would simply overcharge and die. Thus, giving them two things. An early advantage of big points on the scoreboard because of killing golems. Plus, the reward for taking down the Void domain's Titans."

"Damn you really thought this through, haven't you?"

"Of course I did. With the amount of commotion we've cause, we'd at least be sure to lure the first team to where we are. After that we simply need to execute the strategy."

"Okay boy genius. Lead the way."

The Ruined Metropolitan City lived up to its name. All around Sol and Alice, there were rubble, structures that looked to be fallen buildings. Uneven cracks on the ground were everywhere and, sticking out on some parts of these were the city's electrical wirings. Various vehicles were on the road, aged with rust that accumulate through the years.

Broken glass was everywhere. Even remnants of the war such as tanks, guns and bullets were scattered around the city. In fact, they even saw a crash-landed airplane in the middle of the streets. Probably piloted by a suicide bomber during the Great World War.

"This place looks like it took a heavy beating." Alice said.

"Yeah, this is probably what everyone in the slums are trying to imitate." Alice laughed at the pun, thinking how desolate the outer walls looked like.

"Yeah well, this place still wins first prize if you ask me."

It was truly a place where humans could not thrive because, aside from this, there was the fact that the air was toxic. With Sol and Alice needing the ceremonial masks to breathe because, it has been integrated with an air filter. Yet aside from this, there was another danger to such an area.

"Alice, cover." The girl nodded following Sol who hid behind one of the broken cars.

Right before them, a pack of wolves were passing through. Mutated ones of course; with elemental affinity. This was all that inhabited the chaos areas, those old parts of civilization that fell to ruin. Monsters thrived of every shape and form, all bearing the same traits as they origins yet, having the bonus of being able to use the elements while having significant boosts on all of their basic attributes.

The two had no intentions of fighting at that point. Their only goal was to reach the golems and to set the place up for the coming of the lightning domain. And with the cloaks they were using, this was easy enough.

"Are they gone now?" Sol asked, relying on Alice's keen eyes.

"Yeah, I think that's the last one." She said in reply.

"Good, we'll circle around the area. There's a shortcut we can use that isn't as populated by monsters." Alice nodded, having complete trust on Sol's words and, with that, they continued towards their goal.

Time passed by quickly for the two. They moved as fast as they could. With Sol's extensive knowledge of the maps, it was easy for him to navigate through all the chaos. Not a single moment was wasted and, with five minutes left to spare they were both in position and had all the traps set.

A beacon came down signaling the spot where the next group of titans landed. And just like Sol predicted, it was close to them. In fact, it was near the golems.

"Are you ready?" Sol asked, with both him and Alice hiding.

"Do I have a choice?" The girl asked.

"Good point." Sol said, seeing the group finally emerge and, just as he expected, it was the Lightning Domain's titans.

"Let's finish this quickly Alice. We still have eight other domains to dispose."

"Roger that boss." She answered, with the first battle about to begin.

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