A Story of Evil

Chapter 55: The Rumbling

Chapter 55: The Rumbling

"Ladies and gentlemen how have you all been doing? I know that it's late in the evening but I also know that all of you want to know what happened between the Voids and the Lightning Titans!"

The rumors were spreading fast. It was impossible to calm the people down at that point but, by just showing them what truly happened, they would at least tense down a bit. That's why an announcement was given to the populace three hours after the Culling has started. That, the replay of the fight will be shown on the same evening as soon as all the titans have gone into the arena.

"Please excuse the absence of my partner. Quinn is still in a bit of shock but, rest assured he'll come back tomorrow!"

The ones who were most eager to watch it were the citizens of the Void. Refusing to sleep before they saw the giant killing done by two powerless orphans.

"We don't care about that partner of yours!" One Void said.

"Yeah start the live feed already!" Another commented.

The slum dwellers were watching from the four image cores scattered around the outer walls. It was still a black and white feed of course but, they couldn't care less. That moment was too glorious to be spoiled by something as trivial as that.

It was the most satisfying thing just to learn that they were guaranteed to not be in the last place anymore. They were beginning to hope for a better future. Of a life outside grumbling stomachs and torn clothes. Of days where going to the plantation wouldn't be miserable anymore. And as another person came on screen, whispering words to Kaguya the host, it was finally time for the curtains to rise.

"Without further ado, here is the first fight of this year's culling!"

Everything began normally. They watched the two orphans navigate their way through the metropolitan city. For those with untrained eyes, it would look like they were just wandering around. But battle-hardened people saw how one of the two was actually moving as if it the arena was his own backyard. They didn't know which was which however as Sol and Alice's height were almost the same and, they had their mask on.

They then witnessed the traps being made. The coming of the lightning titans and the awakening of the golems. Again, it was just a replay so the normal people didn't understand the tactic that well. They didn't know how sophisticated it all was and how, all the variables have been prepared by Solomon as early as when they teleported within Mercury.

They were baffled and awestruck. They didn't understand it entirely but they didn't intend to because in all that happened, one thing was clear, that the two Voids won without breaking a sweat.

"Hey, they're both orphans right?"

"Yeah, does that mean orphans are talented after all?"

"I heard another orphan near our alley can use flame spells."

"Wait really?"

As usual, Voids of the slums began gossiping about things like this. How situation helps in developing better warriors. So much so that some even planned on adopting orphans as soon as they could. However, those that knew the truth about the orphans were simply proud. They were proud that those exceptional talents were being broadcasted on such a grand stage. Not as sacrificial pawns of the Void but actual contenders who had a chance of winning.

Cain and Eve in particular were so proud. Within the inner walls all the display was in full color so they saw the action in even better quality.

"That's my best friend! Go get them Sol!" He shouted in excitement.

"Hey he's my best friend too! Don't horde Sol to yourself." Eve commented.

The feeling of hope was restored to the Void domain. Although they were still hungry. Although they were tired; the Voids still had a good night's rest. Knowing that there was finally a way out of the hellhole that they have been placed in.

Just like that, the first day of the Culling passed. And, even before morning broke, the same underdogs have begun to make their move.

"Tell me again why we aren't hunting monsters for points?" Alice ran in a tight alleyway together with Sol.

"Because that's only for those who know they can't win. Points are their assurance that they'd get a decent placement after the Culling."

"Well at least I know your confidence is still on that level."

They still had two whole hours of darkness to work with. The sun's radiance was still slumbering it was quiet and the world seemed to be still; the perfect setting for them to make full use of their [Camouflage Cloaks].

"You know, for a second there I actually thought that this thing was a unique item within the maze."

"Why? Because it's too good to be true?"

"Uhmm yeah? It's even better because it can absorb friction and vibration to a certain extent."

"Well you're not wrong there. Let's just be thankful that we have such a capable researcher as Miss Lilia."

"You got that right."

There weren't that many monsters that they needed to worry about. The nocturnal monsters would be going back to their shelters to sleep while, the ones which hunt in the morning are not yet active. Even most of the titans would still be sleeping at that time.

"Titans spend the first day securing a base while also avoiding conflict as much as possible. All the action typically starts on the second day." These were the exact words told by Sol to Alice while they were watching the beacons during day one.

Everything was already laid out for the two. Their path was clear and so were their objectives. This is the major difference which they have with the other domains. Sol didn't just think of fighting whoever they encounter. The boy had plans overlapping each other. With various links and variables that were taken into account in order for them to win.

With all that being said, they already have their eyes locked on a single group of titans. Their target for that day which they were approaching quickly yet with much caution. It was the titans of Queen Reoul; the Summoners.

"You really are a crowd pleaser you know that?" Alice said.

"I never had any intention to please the other domains. We're just doing our jobs efficiently."

Usually, the summoners are avoided in the Culling. This is because of their wide variety of summons which made their fighting style the most dynamic and versatile. Enabling them to adapt to most situations. Yet, there was also one major weakness to them and, it was something that Sol and Alice could exploit.

"We just need to kill the summoners themselves. There's no way for summoned creatures to remain once their master bites the dust."

"Every plan you have for the titans sounds too good to be true." Alice said, referring to how easy the plans all seemed. As if the strength held by the nine domains was something so fragile that a blow of the wind could shatter it to pieces.

"Yet they are right?" Sol's lips curved to a smile.

"Well we don't know yet. We've only just killed the lightning titans."

There was another good reason why they were so confident in that instance. There was no map for the Culling. Titans weren't allowed to bring one. Of course they could get a member who's good with directions but, when taking into consideration the choice between brain power or raw power, the other nine domains would naturally choose a titan who can fight and win.

Everyone was basically blind at that point. Naturally, their movements would be limited especially on the first few days. And Sol, a boy who memorized all the maps used in the Culling, had the biggest terrain advantage.

That's why Sol took all the beacons into account. All in order for them to locate their enemies easier. An advantage they wanted to use before it could get wasted.

"They're probably a few blocks ahead. Let's stick to the plan and stay close to the walls."

"Sure thing."

It was a fool proof plan. All they needed was to see the few streaks of light from the sun in order to aim at the summoners and, from a distance, they would snipe these down. Slowly but surely, the predators closed the distance between them and their prey. At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

The ground began shaking, breaking the silence of the coming dawn. Sol and Alice immediately looked for cover. They weren't the ones being targeted but, with the tremors, it would be easy for some structures to begin falling down and, these did. One building fell down while a glow was made below it.

Two miniature golems emerged together with a sprite that created a barrier. Within this were the five summoner titans, all looking like they just got out from bed.

"Looks like another domain beat us to the chase." There was a worried expression on Sol's face.

"But how were they even able to find the summoners this early?" Alice asked while Sol lead the way on a spot where they could stay hidden while getting a better look.

"I don't know but, whoever it is, we need to take them down now."

Another tremor was made and rocks began dropping on the summoners like a rainstorm. The barrier wasn't able to hold out to this that long. Shattering completely after a few minutes and, giving Sol a clear picture who the assailants were.

"It's the earth titans." There was no mistaking it. The tremor could be made by other domains but, a barrage of rocks as vicious as that could only be created by those with affinity to earth.

The dust soon cleared and walking out of it were the five Earth titans, all covered by a brown cloak and a mask that hid their faces.

The summoners emerged from the rubble, fighting back with all that they got and, just like that, an all-out battle between the two domains began. With the two Voids watching closely, deciding to kill whichever side survives the battle.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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