A Story of Evil

Chapter 64: The Venture

Chapter 64: The Venture

The fifth day of the culling rose on the remaining titans. The sun glowed an ominous purple; its radiance blocked by the thin purple mist surrounding the chaos area. The daylight monsters have begun to make their move, searching for prey in the vast ruins while the titans were the same.

It was the weirdest yet the most unpredictable of all the Cullings. Primarily because of all the fights that have brough nothing but surprise after surprise. Yet, things were only heating up.

The tension was far from over and, more surprises were brought by that day. All beginning with a certain prince who burned his rope and escaped.

"Everyone get up!" Jake was a bit frantic, looking everywhere but seeing no signs of Blaze.

"Why what's wrong?" Cinder asked, rising as soon as she heard Jade's panicked voice.

"That idiot, he escaped us." Jade rubbed his nape as if to alleviate some of the stress that was building up.

"Who was the one assigned to babysit him anyway?"

"Don't point fingers. We were all physically and mentally exhausted form the fight yesterday. Just get ready. He couldn't have gone far."

It was truly the most unusual of all Cullings. Prince Blaze was simply a catalyst disaster. The whole team knew that. Whether it would be for them or for their enemies, one thing was clear; they needed to find him before anyone else did.

"Andnow." Alice threw a smokescreen into a collapsed building.

Along with it was a fire crystal that activated mid-air. The smoke did its job and quickly created a thick cloud looking air within the building. Soon enough the ground began making vibrations and, out of the hole came a total of ten devil boars.

Alice sat perfectly still on top of the makeshift cave entrance of the boars; shooting them down with her gunblade. This made the monsters panic even more still hazy from abruptly waking up to what looked to them like their house getting caught on fire.

Alice was able to take one down. Hitting it on the knee and making it trip to the concrete. But instead of getting happy, there was a worried expression on her face.

"Shit." Alice continued shooting it as she ran toward the impaired devil boar. The creature began glowing a light purple hue, charging up its horns for an attack. Yet even before it could fire, Allice was already beside it; cutting out both horns then sticking both blades through its forehead. Pulling the trigger which ended the monster's life.

She didn't waste any time and continued firing her bullets at the boars. She could already imagine a smug expression on Sol's face in the event that she failed her part. Something which both irritated and motivated her at that point.

"Come on you pigs, keep on running."

As if heeding Alice's words, the boars were guided by the bullets fired by her. There was little room to run to and, boars tended to move in packs. That's why guiding one or two was enough for the rest to follow. Especially in their hysteric state.

It didn't take long for them to get caught in Sol's trap. Cramping together in between a tight wall which got them completely stuck. The boars squealed and tried using their skill in order to escape. Their horns began glowing the same purple color as the first one that died. But even before they could cast, Sol appeared from on top of them. Slashing through their horns one by one.

The boars squirmed for a few more seconds until they finally bit the dust. Their eyes turning white and all signs of life leaving their bodies.

"Well, that takes care of that." Sol looked at the handy weapon created by none other than Miss Lilia. A blade which has a wind crystal embedded in the middle of its hilt. Releasing just about enough to create a razor-sharp wind covering the blade that could cut through almost anything.

"I still think I should've been the one to kill them." Alice said, casually walking back to where Sol was.

It was easy killing demon boars. They had a specific instant kill weakness which was, slicing off their horns as soon as these glowed. Their skill casting time is also a bit long so, this adds to the opportunity to end their lives.

"Why are you even bringing that up? We fought for that spot fair and square using rock-paper-scissors."

"Fair and square my ass. You have [S.W.]. For all I know, you probably had everything planned out in that big brain of yours."

"Good job Alice."

"Hey don't just change the subject!"

It was finally the day when they would begin the next phase of their plan. The boars were to be used in order to lure monsters within the area. They'd be cooked over flames through wood and, since the smell of pork being cooked is a strong one, it would lure in the nearby monsters.

These would be used in order to lessen the chances of them meeting any other monster along the way while also raising the chances of some titans moving to the same location just to kill the monsters. But aside from this, they were also going to bring some meat themselves.

"Is this much enough?" Alice said, cutting apiece and showing it to Sol.

"Yeah that should be okay."

The meat they were to bring as to lure the basilisk in. These creatures, which are like ground type dragons, are specifically attracted to the aroma left by pork.

"The only problem is that it's already daybreak." Alice mentioned, feeling the warmth of the sun reaching her skin.

"Yeah. Tracking these things down was a lot harder than I thought. But at least we have a safer path toward the park now."

As always, the two acted before the sun could even rise. Specifically, they began moving at midnight. Knowing perfectly well that the titans would rather sleep and rest than hunt when their vision was impaired. Sol and Alice used this time to track down the boars while being cautious of the night creatures that may ambush them.

The act itself was mentally straining. It also required them to move with extra caution but, it was nevertheless a better option. After all, they needed to bring all their things along with them since, they needed to change camps once again.

"So how far are we from the eco park?"

"Not that far, it'd take us around three more hours on foot. But we'll be setting up camp on an area halfway through."

"Really? That's so kind of you Sol." Alice sarcastically commented.

As much as Sol wanted to reach the area right away, there was a limit to how much their body could hold on. His, in particular, was still weak and frail. That's why they would resume as soon as the sun begins setting. Right when everyone was supposed to rest including, the basilisk that slumbered in its den.

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