A Story of Evil

Chapter 72: The Alternative

Chapter 72: The Alternative

Unfortunately for Blaze, his heat signature skill didn't work on the dead. That's because these do not have the same heat as a human would. In fact, they have no heat at all.

Even in his evolved state there is no exception to this. And so he failed to notice the flooring that was painted in camouflaged dirt color. He failed to notice it through all the burning tall grass that he needed to walk through.

In irritation and rage, he released even more flames. Wide spreading it all around and hopping to catch anyone. Little did he know that Sol was just beneath him. Literally. Caught in a temporary state of death which he was about to wake up from soon enough.


He felt tricked at that moment. Even in his evolved state, it seemed like the Void had the upper hand against him. This blew his steam to the brink.

"COME OUT!" A pillar of black flames rose from where he stood.

No matte how much he screamed, no matter how much he shouted, there was no response. Only the dead silence of the night answered his calls. And it may have been because of this same lack of noise that he was actually able to come up with something decent. A better idea. Something which was actually logical for once.

A cruel and devilish smile formed on his face; almost looking inhumane. In the small brain of Prince Blaze, he had a clear thought. That if he couldn't catch the boy, then he would simply catch his partner.

The Prince flew up to the sky. Observing the forest that was set on fire by his black flames. In a moment he closed his eyes and felt every burning black flame around. All being something like an extension of himself. He focused. Trying to see if the skill could be activated through these. And as soon as he felt the connection, he finally casted [Heat Signature].

A gust of warm wind enveloped the whole eco park. Only Jade and the other fire titans knew who it was from but, feeling it from every direction, they didn't know where Blaze really was. Meanwhile, the same person in question was figuring out the heat signatures one by one. Even if the heat signatures were almost the same, the girl would have one thing different from all the rest. That is, she would be all alone.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. Not even that much in fact. Because, not even a whole minute passed after he finally pin pointed her.

"Found you."

The prince flew. Scorching the air itself. He was only a bit faster than running speed but, considering that there were no obstacles in the air, it was infinitely easier to catch up. It could even be said that his speed was doubled. Considering the fact that, it only took him a whole two minutes to reach his destination. Crash landing just in front of Alice who had a troubled expression on her face.

"You have been caught by such a cruel fate peasant." Blaze said, already covering the surroundings with his flames. Not giving Alice any room to escape. The girl took out her gunblades, ready to engage at any moment.

In her head there was worry. She thought that, if Blaze was already there then, Sol would've already been killed. This concern was somehow on the top of her head. For some reason, it was an even higher priority than her own life and how she could escape. Making her form a nervous smile in the face of a seemingly undefeatable foe.

"What happened to Sol?" She asked.

"AhI see that the two of you are alike." Blaze began, with Alice unsure of what the prince meant exactly.

"You're also stalling for time, aren't you?" He said with a wry smile on his face.

"I am no fool. The same tricks won't work on me twice but" Blaze made the flames caging the two of them even higher and thicker. Ensuring that nothing would be able to take it out.

"Even if you stall for time, I doubt anyone would come to your rescue. So let me entertain your queries for a bit." Blaze was feeling almighty. With all that he killed that night, it was only normal of course.

"Your dear friend. You see he somehow escaped from me. His heat signature was lost but, I refuse to believe he is dead. You on the other hand, will very much be so. I'll burn your body as slowly and as painfully as I could. That is, unless you tell me where he is."

"So you want me to sell out my partner?"

"No child. I want you to save yourself." Blaze said, trying to sound benevolent.

The circumstance itself seemed like a big joke for Alice. There was no way for her to know where Sol was. The part of them splitting up was never in the plan and, the boy never discussed anything regarding it. So even if Alice wanted to, there was nothing she cold say.

But at the same time, what she found to be even more hilarious was the fact that, even if she did know, she somehow felt deep down that she would never sell out Solomon. Not the only friend she ever had. Not the only person who treated her as an equal.

"You know, even orphans of the slums have their pride."

"So does that mean you won't tell me?"

"What do you think genius?" Alice said in reply, her fingers already on the trigger and waiting to pull.

"It seems that you do not fully understand the consequences of your choices. So let me make it clear for you."

The prince didn't take out any sword. He was planning to fight the Void with his bare hands. Thinking there weas no merit to raising his sword against such a weak foe.

Alice was the one to initiate the fight. She began firing bullets. Normal ones that were burned right in front of Prince Blaze. The wall of flame he used on their earlier encounter was also up in that moment and, was even stronger than before. Creating visible black flames that turned the bullets to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The prince then walked towards her. Meanwhile, Alice continued simply running around. Making sure that Blaze would never come near her.

In that relaxed state of her enemy, Alice was a bit more nervous. Despite Blaze not actually doing anything to her, she felt a strong amount of pressure from her foe. And this was normal. She has [Danger Sense] after all. And the mere presence of Blaze itself, within a cage which he unknowingly set to the limit of Alice's passive radius, placed the girl on edge.

She continued firing more bullets but, as soon as she blinked, Blaze was already in front of her. His hand just in front of the gun and burning all the bullets that came out. An inhumane smile was on Blaze's face, weakening Alice's legs as she moved away again. To the very corner of the flame wall as her opponent turned and asked:

"Ready to talk yet?"

Alice bit her lips and continued shooting more bullets. It was the best she could do beaus there was no way for her to get close. Even if she did, the flame armor would simply burn anything she released. But then, a spark came on her head. And suddenly she had an idea on how to get out of the situation.

"I'm ready to beat your ass." Alice said in reply, making the prince sigh as she fired more bullets.

Just like every other bullet which Alice shot, Blaze simply burned these. Yet as he did, one bullet was able to pierce through. Shocking the prince. Literally.

An electric current came across his body; making Blaze feel pain for the first time during that fight. Alice didn't stop there. She continued firing the same bullets on the prince who didn't understand what phenomenon was happening at that moment.

Little did he know that this attack was actually harvested from the lightning cores. That this was done through the help of the then broken [Aegis Shields]. That Alice's gunblades, just like every other weapon she had with her, was able to harness this stored mana. And that, there was enough ammunition left on Alice's guns to make use of all this raw mana.

Blaze finally took her a bit more seriously. Creating fire balls that aimed at Alice. The girl dodged this, shaking one of the gunblade in order for it to reload as she continued firing with the other one. She then reloaded this other gun and, soon enough, was back to firing a full barrage of lightning bullets.

The prince kept screaming and, Alice finally unleashed her trump card. She stuck the gunblades together. With the top of both hitting each other and, the weapon synched into one. Turning into a broadsword which was held in reverse grip.

In one fluid motion, she dodged all attacks which the fire prince directed at her. Some of which were too close for comfort. Her steps were quick and, soon enough was within striking range. Slashing clearly through the prince's neck or at least, that was her intention.

"HAHAHAHA! You really thought you got me, didn't you? Man, you weaklings are so full of yourselves."

Alice looked at her blade. It was burnt and the flames were slowly coming for her hands. Making her let go of her weapon and take out her dagger.

"You have no way to beat me. I'm the strongest there is!" Alice was being pushed back to the corner again. Her back almost nearing the flames.

"Oh you want to run away?" Blaze moved at lightspeed again kicking Alice even before she could fully respond as Blaze said the words

"Be my guest."

The girl's whole body caught on fire and as she tumbled out of the flame wall. This also extinguished right away. She was burned for only a moment but, the pain she was suffering was already unbearable.

Yet even in that instance, she was able to place her hands over her mas. Protecting it from the flames because, she knew there was a higher danger to it getting destroyed.

"You should've taken my offer idiot." Blaze kicked her again, making her back hit a nearby tree. He then followed up with a kick to the gut, twisting Alice's insides as she dropped to the ground.

"Now, are you ready to talk?" Blaze said, waiting for a response. Yet instead, all he heard was

"Fuck off."

"Man, death must be really wonderful for you huh?" Blaze kicked her a few more times and it was more painful because of all the burns around Alice's skin.

She didn't understand why but, for some reason, she still believed that Sol would come for her. That the boy would somehow save her from that situation. It was all she could think of in that hellish torture. But, reality seemed to be saying otherwise.

Blaze stepped back a few meters. He raised his hand and, on top of it was a gigantic ball of flames. It was hot, so much so that Alice could already feel her skin burning just by being near. In her mind, it was finally clear. She will die.

"This is it for you peasant." He said, giving one last look at Alice before finally releasing his attack.

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