A Story of Evil

Chapter 75: The Battle

Chapter 75: The Battle

"You're going to execute me? Hahahaha. I feel so underestimated." Reckon's position was already revoked from him at that point. He was no longer the ruler of the Earth Domain. He was simply a fraud, a law breaker, and a person who attempted to kill other monarchs. But most importantly, he was a person about to be killed.

Sylas, the Steel King and, Reoul the Queen of Summoners were the first to make an advance. Sylas commanded his hundred. Flying as if they had a mind of their own in a seemingly coordinated dance. Encasing Reckon as they struck non-stop.

Reoul followed this up by summoning three mana plants. These forcibly gathers mana around and stores them in seeds. Edible ones which, after eating, restores a large portion of a person's mana reserves. This meant that, no matter how long the fight dragged on or, how wasteful the rulers were with their skills, they could rely on the plants to replenish them.

Reckon didn't allow the existence of these things however. Creating volleyball sized spheres which shot at the summons. But Reoul was ready for this. She summoned her armored knights. Five of them. With three protecting each plant respectively while two assisted king Sylas.

While their opponent was preoccupied, Aqua placed her attention on an equally important matter. Looking for a specific king and speaking with him immediately.

"Jubilee you should hide." Aqua said.

"Are you worried that I'm gonna inhale too much Chaos Air?" The Void king asked.

"No, I'm worried about you dying here because of that same air and, the implications that would come after. A sudden shift of power to your son doesn't sit well with me. Frankly I like you better than him."

"Hahaha, you don't need to worry about me. I have a breathing apparatus prepared. Just focus on your fight and I'll be here watching."

This was a lie of course. Jubilee didn't need such an item because, he already has mana flowing in his veins. But as much as possible, he didn't want to expose his powers, yet. There was a proper time for everything. Just like how Reckon thought of ending all the Monarchs there and then, Jubilee was betting on the chances that his fellow rulers would be able to handle the situation.

But this wish seemed to be too far fetched as, Reckon was able to break free from Sylas's attack. There was a think crystal like and transparent barrier surrounding him. Revolving around it were crystals shaped as shields; pushing away all the blades and resetting the fight.

"Honestly, this attack is a bit poorly coordinated." He furthered, making the ground rumble once more as three golems came out. All covered by bright brown crystals on top of their whole structure. They also had one floating shield each while no weapon lay on their hands.

"Step aside, let me handle this." Nova said, deciding to come forward even without Aqua's command.

"I don't think fighting alone is a good idea Nova." Reckon said in a genuinely worried tone which, infuriated Nova even more.

"Shut up!" The king released a massive wave of green flames in an instant. Instantly devouring the three golems and rising up to reach even Reckon himself. The green flames could burn even stones in a matte of seconds and, releasing it in such a massive amount ensured this effect even more.

Yet, to his surprise, something else happened altogether. A hail of crystals came out of the flames. The speed completely caught Nova off guard. He was raising a shield at that point but, he knew that the crystals would reach him even before he finished casting. That was why his body felt a sense of relief as a large glacier rose right in front of him. Shielding him from the crystals that shattered upon impact on the object.

"Why don't we work together Nova?" King Frost suggested.

"Tch. It's not like I couldn't save myself from that attack." Nova said in reply which, the group understood to mean that he was willing to cooperate.

"Now do you see what I mean? My golems are too strong for the likes of you!" Reckon began laughing again. As the flames dissipated, his three golems could be seen once again. They were basically unscathed and, aside from this, five more were summoned around the area.

"I may need to step up soon." Jubilee thought to himself, seeing the capabilities of the golems with his [Analysis]. But then he looked at Aqua and a smile formed on his face as he thought:

"Or not."

The kings and queens weren't stupid. They knew how to fight and, knew even more how to adapt to a fight. They understood that the golems were sturdier than normal and a special form of attack would be needed to destroy these. Reckon didn't summon anything more and, this made them think that there was still a limit to his spell casting.

Aqua gave a nod to Electra. Making the said queen rub the back of her neck as she began stretching. The golems ran towards the group but Frost covered the ground in ice. Making it slippery enough to hold back the golems as Electra finished preparing.

"Man, I feel like this is gonna be a long fight." She mentioned, casting a skill which clad her in lightning.

The queen bolted out of sight, reappearing on top of one golem. As soon as she came, a hydro cannon made contact with the target. Soaking it with water as Electra's punch made impact. Creating a supercharged electric shock that ran all over the structure of the summon.

The Wind Queen, Sylvanas and the Ice King, Frost assisted in the group that dealt with the golems. It was a perfect combination. Sylvanas would rain down wind blades on the golems, aiming only at a single part until a crack was made. Frost then followed by using [Frostbite], invading the golem from the inside out and making its defenses fragile.

Electra then ran up to the creature, giving a good solid punch which came at the speed of light. The golems couldn't even react to her movements. And proving the effectivity of this, one golem was torn on its side. Crumbling down as three more remained.

Reckon didn't allow this to happen freely. He made rock shards fall from the sky, aiming at taking down Queen Aqua and the three other Monarchs. Nova was the one to intercept this with his green flames. A ceiling of this was made; completely absorbing the projectiles and leaving nothing of the attack but the ashes.

Reoul, Sylas, and Leon all went for Reckon himself. Splitting the attention of their opponent which made his concentration worsen. Leaving the golems to fend for themselves as Electra finished them off one by one.

Little by little, the flow of the battle was shifting to the favor of the eight monarchs. They fought without giving any opening. Any surprise which Reckon prepared was overwhelmed and countered. Even as he created more golems, these were easily dealt with by Electra's group. The movement of the golems was already memorized and, the threat they brought turned non existents.

"This is the end old man!" Nova triumphantly proclaimed as all the golems were finally destroyed.

The team that attacked Reckon himself was also finished. They shattered the barrier that defended the old man. Forcing him to change locations abruptly as he leapt away from where he was. This proved to be a lethal mistake as Sylvannas caught him inside an [Air Sphere]. One which was so thick and sharp that Reckon was beginning to sustain some serious damage.

Nova followed this up by setting fire to the sphere. Turning it into an even bigger ball of flames. Electra mixed her lightning and Reoul summoned a dragon. Breathing even more flames upon the sphere.

"That was actually decently executed. I gotta hand it to these guys." Jubilee said as he watched everything from a distance. But he was no fool, he knew that the fight was far from finished. Not until Reckon actually takes them seriously and transforms.

Rock pillars, even larger than before, covered the entire battlefield. This obscured the vision of the monarchs who tried destroying the obstacles. Yet no matter how many times they did it, the pillars would simply shoot back up and this was not all. Pillars of crystals also came up. In the seeming forest of these contraptions, there was no way for the monarchs to see these. Until it was too late and the crystals exploded into a thousand small pieces.

What was dangerous about this attack was the fact that it ricocheted. These bounced from crystal to crystal. Eventually hitting the monarchs who needed to focus on defending themselves. It was only Nova sustaining the attack that jailed Reckon at that point. But this didn't last for long as five crystal pillars suddenly rose right in front of him.


The objects exploded immediately. Catching the fire king in the middle. He coated himself in green flames but this in itself was not enough as some of these things were able to stick to his body. Wounding him and crystalizing to a big chuck which destroyed his muscle, veins, and all body parts that it covered.

The other monarchs were just the same. They were completely outdone and, soon enough, Reckon's cage came undone. Jubilee looked at the exiled king who finally showed his true form at that moment. Bearing six wings. With a halo on top of his head and his mask still worn; Reckon turned into a being which Jubilee was well versed in.

Reckon turned into a Seraphim.

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