A Story of Evil

Chapter 77: The Limitless

Chapter 77: The Limitless

During the time when the earth was still whole, scientists have always marveled at the wonders of space. That's why astronauts, rockets, space rovers, and other similar machines have been create. To explore this vast horizon and, to see what else the universe has in store for us.

Yet in this same wonder lies a deep fear. One that comes from the unknown. One of this is from a dead star that refused to simply die down. Creating an irregularity in space. One which was never successfully entered after all futile attempts. Surrounded by an event horizon and having a core that rejects all laws of time and motion. This phenomenon is referred to as the black hole.

That very same thing. That object of both fear and wonder was created by Jubilee at that moment.

The whole sky turned black. The ominous mass of darkness placed a strange sense of fright on both friend and foe. This was understandable. After all, it is in the human nature to have a fear of the unknown. And the grander this is in scale, the deeper and more penetrating the fear.

Aqua began screaming as she held on to Nova. Frost fainted and other monarchs were at a loss for what to do. Meanwhile, Reckon was slowly being pulled by the attack. Jubilee watched him from bellow. The only person who was genuinely entertained and humored.

"Don't mock me!" Reckon screamed. Yet Jubilee simply scoffed at him as he continued watching.

Reckon did all that he could at that moment. He casted more spells. Trying anything that he could Pushing his mana veins to their utmost limit all to stop Jubilee. Yet there was nothing he could do. All his other spells proved to be useless against the Void King. And before he knew it, he was within the eye of the black hole. As if the infinite abyss were staring deep into his soul.

Almost fainting, Reckon momentarily lost all energy on his wings and, this sucked him up even faster towards the black hole. He continued screaming and screaming. But just before the black hole swallowed him, there was silence.

The strange stillness was a product of one things. The black hole finally disappeared and, long with it were the ten meteorites which reckon casted. Reckon, unable to comprehend everything, came crashing down as his wings still refused to function in that instant.

"You know, I actually thought you could entertain me more than this. I guess I was wrong." Jubilee walked towards his defeated foe. Actually exhausting most of his mana because of the skill he used.

"Why" Reckon muttered.

"What was that?"

"Why were you the one given that kind of power! I did everything I could! I followed Kingsley's orders and accepted all the humiliation! I offered my own son and deceived my own citizens! Why am I losing to the likes of you!" The mask he wore finally broke at that point, revealing half of his face which was much younger than it was supposed to.

"To the likes of me huh." Jubilee's voice trailed off.

"Tell me, how many of your dead citizens do you remember Reckon?"

"What kind of question is that? Why should I know something as trivial as that?"

"Trivial huh. Galatia. Tristan. Eren. Bradley. Mox. Belthor"

"What are you saying?" Reckon asked, thinking that Jubilee's words were part of a spell.

"The names of my citizens. All who die each and every day. I remember them all. They haunt me in my dreams and drag me as I wake. I carry their corpses wherever I go and, all the burden to their unfulfilled lives are mine alone to bear."

Reckon was actually recovering at that point. He tried assaulting Jubilee, spring up from where he was. But all he received was a single word that bound him down.

"Kneel." Gravity bound Reckon down to his knees. No matter how much force he exerted, he couldn't move an inch from where he was. He was stuck, like his whole body was being pulled by the earth itself.

"Speaking to me that way. Even without truly loving your citizens. You think you're worthy of the same powers I have?"

"Why? What's my citizens got to do with that power!"

"Oh it's got everything to do with it. You see my power is a bit passive. It doesn't do much. Although I did show you something grand earlier."

"You're going to tell me your abilities? Are you mocking me?"

"Mocking you? Don't be a fool. The other monarchs are basically scared shitless right now and, we're too far for then to hear anything." Reckon attempted to get up once again. Only to be forced down by Jubilee as he said:

"Kneel." Jubilee increased the gravity once more. Preventing Reckon from making any movements. With his hands holding on to the ground as if to not get squashed by the invisible weight on top of him. He then began speaking right away.

"An ability to cancel rune structures. An ability to look into your information. An ability to have a total grasp of the battlefield. And, an ability to control space and gravity. What kind of person fits my skill set exactly?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"It fits a ruler. One who can properly lead the people no matter what sacrifice must be done along the way. You, Reckon, do not fit the criteria needed to obtain my powers."

Reckon still refused to accept Jubilee's words. He was in denial of everything that was happening at that moment. For if he accepted it, then all that he was and, all that he could've ever been will all be denied. His whole existence and all he strived for in secret would all be meaningless.

"You cheater! If you had that all this time, why didn't you ever share it with us! If you did, then"

"Then what? We could've avoided this? Don't be stupid." Jubilee increased the gravity even more; walking slowly towards his prey.

"There is nothing unfair about what's happening. Just like you, I've been subjected to a cruel fate." Jubilee was right in front of the exiled king, his sword ready to swing.

"If you want to redeem yourself. You could at least tell us where to find the person who gave you this power."

"Will it save me from the execution?" Reckon asked.

"No. But the least that you could do is show that you are truly a king who fought on humanity's side."

"I see" Reckon mulled over it. He was finally calm. Something he found to be strange despite the fact that he was about to be beheaded.

"His name is Kingsley. He hides his presence in the shadows. Right now he is in the earth domain but, I doubt he'd still be there by the time you go and look for him. He's actively searching for the Shadoweaver. That's the only tracker you can have on him."

"What about his appearance?"

"Nothing. His face changes everytime I see him."

"A faceless person huh. This is going to be tough."

"Jubilee." The king looked at Reckon. He was bowing his head to the ground at that point.

"Please search for a worthy king to replace me. My whole family has been murdered by that lunatic and, the only son I had left was sent to the Culling. I beg of you, please don't let the earth domain fall into ruin."

Jubilee's lips curved to a smile. It was finally Reckon whom he was speaking to. The same old man who was wise and just. A man of many faults but, still upheld good beliefs nonetheless.

"I will. Now raise your head." Jubilee's sword was right on Reckon's neck. He winded it up and heard the old man mouth the words "thank you" before his head rolled on the dirt.

"Watch over me from hell old man."

Jubilee proceeded to assisting all the monarchs. He used reverse analysis and removed all of the crystals that were sticking on the bodies of the kings and queens. As if prepared for all of it, Jubilee even had multiple healing crystals with him. An item which was expensive due to its rarity.

There was a lot of explanation that Jubilee needed to make at that point. But Queen Aqua decided to leave this for later. The group went to Reckon's corpse first. Although it was prohibited, they still decided to burry him there. It was the least they could do because, despite all that happened, they knew deep down that reckon wasn't capable of any of it.

With sanctuary destroyed, the group needed to transfer to another location. They needed to continue their meeting as was fitting in that moment. The only place fitting this act was Mercury. No other neutral zone was present so, this became their makeshift meeting zone.

There wasn't much disagreement on the board and the vote was unanimous. They decided to momentarily halt the Culling. Everything else would be decided a week after the events but, in the meantime, the monarchs thought that gathering their thoughts and mulling over the events properly was the right course of action.

The verdict took effect right away. Within a few minutes, all the remaining titans were teleported to Mercury. A lot of the rulers were shocked to see that, their contenders were suddenly all wiped out. It wasn't usual for such a huge number of titans to be gone on the fifth day. Yet they also left it for later.

Everyone was simply tired at that point. The night was getting deep and their bodies demanded rest. Something which they all gave in to. Teleporting back to their respective domains as the chaotic Culling's curtains finally closed.

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