A Story of Evil

Chapter 98: The Chaos V

Chapter 98: The Chaos V

The fight resumed with Felicity leaping up for a strike. Because she was midair, Sol saw a window of opportunity to use his own gravity skill. Pushing the devil to the side, although not as forceful as the king. 

This was followed up by Alice looting the weapons left by the dead soldiers. Throwing three bombs right where Felicity landed. Picking up guns next as she went on a trigger-happy spree. Handling the monster momentarily as Sol went on a support while giving instructions to his other friend.

"Cain, you need to go home now." Sol ordered.

"No way in hell. I'm going to stay here and help you guys." 

"Look dude, there's no need to show that you're brave. I already know how brave you are when you stood up for me during the titan selection." Sol said, restraining their opponent's movements using gravity.

"I'm not sending you home because I think you're afraid. I'm sending you home because I don't want to put your life at risk." Alice heard this and, immediately backed away. Still pulling the trigger and reloading just as fast.

"Hey what about me then?" Alice asked, thinking it was unfair that a woman's needs such as herself were being disregarded.

"Are you serious? You can probably take her out all on your own." Sol jokingly said.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Alice replied, going back in and sustaining the damage on Felicity.

"You're not gonna die right?" Cain asked just to make sure.

"What are you talking about? I'm Solomon. I'll be the one choosing my death." 

"Man, that's a really cocky statement." Cain said, finally turning and taking his leave. Giving Sol one last "Good Luck" before he disappeared through the prison doors.

"Good. Now I can focus." The boy said, finally stepping in. removing the space pillars he placed on the gates that closed immediately.

Solomon was far from perfecting any of his skills. In fact, his usage was still slopy and was nowhere near King Jubilee's level. He could only create straight walls of space. Mess up with gravity to an approximate amount. But this didn't mean he was incompetent.

The boy understood his limits more than anyone else. He knew what he was and wasn't capable of. And because of this very same thing, the plans that went inside his head that time were all feasible. Relying on his and, Alice's current skill level.

With that being said, he couldn't just enter into the duel done by the two. Felicity's movements were thrice as good as Alice's. The only reason why the girls was able to hold her ground was because of Solomon. Assisting her from behind with sudden uses of gravity and space; placing delays on Felicity's movements.

"I will not be defeated by children like you!" The female knight said and, this was as true as it could get. Her movements were on point and accurate. Unwasteful and deadly.

The only problem was that, her temper was running thin. Sol didn't miss this opportunity. He aggravated her even more in order to cloud her reasoning. Using a few cheap shots of gravity in order to thrash her all over the place.

"Don't toy with me boy!" The knight said, finally seeing an opening as she hit Alice. Sending the girl flying as she aimed at Sol. Yet instead of fear or surprise, a wide cocky grin was plastered on Sol's face as he declared.

"Please, you don't even live up to my expectations." 

Felicity's movements became even faster at that point. Alice was just about to follow when, Sol shook his head a little bit. Releasing three grenades with their safety locks removed.

Felicity didn't understand what the boy was doing. She didn't get why the boy would make such a move. For all she knew, it was a suicide attempt. A vain attempt in her point of view as, she could simply turn at that point. Something which she decided to do soon enough. Pausing just enough to fall into Sol's trap.

As soon as Felicity blinked, the grenades vanished from her sight. She didn't know where it went but, her body learned soon enough. With explosions hitting her point blank.

"Here have some more." Sol said, throwing five more grenades at his unfortunate enemy as Alice backed away to reset.

"That looks nasty." Alice said, watching how Sol contained their opponent inside a wall of space. Preventing her from escaping as all the force of the explosions hit her head on. 

"Is that the new move you were practicing?" Alice said, sounding a bit out of breath. 

This was a given. After all, the skill level of their opponent was nowhere near normal. The only reason why Alice was able to match this was because of her [Danger Sense] and all the training she received. Both as a thief and as a Void titan.

"Yeah. It's still a bit sloppy but I somehow managed to pull it off." Sol replied, using a combination of [Spatial Awareness] to predict where his opponent would be in a few seconds and, using [Space] in order to teleport the grenades through a short distance. 

It was a difficult move to pull off. In fact, Sol was far from mastering it. The only reason why he was able to hit the attack was because Felicity moved according to his predictions. Allowing him to act as soon as the knight showed hesitation.

Unfortunately, the attack wasn't enough to bring down their opponent. As soon as the smoke cleared, they saw their opponent still in one piece. Heavily damaged and, her hair all messed up. But nevertheless, completely alive and able.

"I figured that much won't kill her." Sol said.

"Then why didn't you just use enough grenades to make sure?" Alice asked, feeling her body complain from all the fighting she was about to get herself in once again.

"Well I had to test if the combination works of course. I'm not gonna waste the resources lying around."

"Fair point." Alice said, lying in wait just like Solomon as they watched their opponent increase in strength. 

"You're the same as him. You have the same skills as the king! For that reason alone, I cannot forgive you!" Felicity released even more malevolent aura than before. Increasing her bloodlust to the point that, it was getting harder to breath.

"Hey Sol." 


"I definitely think you should've killed her earlier." Alice mentioned, thinking that the fight was about to get harder.

"I couldn't agree more." Sol jokingly replied.

Knowing that the same trick wouldn't work twice, Alice changed in again. Still using two guns instead of her daggers. Yet, Felicity also got a huge speed boost. Allowing her to dash through the battlefield. Dodging every bullet fired by Alice.

Even Solomon was having a hard time at that point. All the traps he was setting were getting denied. At the last moment when he would cast a skill, Felicity would suddenly dodge, Pivoting her body. Twisting it. Turning. Rolling. Leaping. Jumping. The demon knight performed her actions within split second intervals, preventing Sol from landing and, putting Alice in jeopardy as the knight finally got close.

"Got you." Felicity said, making an upward slash with her sword which Alice blocked with her guns. Leaping back as Sol created a large wall of space to prevent Felicity from coming close.

"What's up with the sudden drug boost?" Alice said, finally rugged in breath.

"I've got no idea, but if we don't end her soon, I think this will only get more and more difficult." Sol said, watching their opponent grow a pair of wings as she began floating in the air.

"Well fuck me then. She can fly now?" Alice said.

"Look's like it." Sol said, restraining their opponent with gravity magic to the best of his abilities. It wasn't something permanent and, Sol could feel his bind getting undone little by little. 

"Alice, there's a new trick I've been saving up. Listen" The boy whispered the plan to the girl, making her laugh even in that dangerous situation.

"That sounds fun~" 

As soon as Alice said this, Felicity was able to break free once again. Yet, instead of being faced by the girl, it was Solomon who dueled with her. The boy dashed out of danger, continuously firing guns that lay on the ground as Felicity chased after him. With his gravity spells, Sol was able to delay Felicity just before hitting him. All through the assistance of his [Spatial Awareness], allowing him to predict when it was necessary to cast [Gravity Bind].

However, the method isn't something that could last forever. Sol's mana was getting drained faster than before. This allowed Felicity to get one attack in, flinging Sol to the center of the field.

"You are no match for me! I am the strongest knight in the history of the domain!"

"Sure looks like it." Sol said, feeling the pain from the attack.

He was still cornered and, the knight still had the upper hand. This was something even Felicity could feel. That, in spite of the boy having magic which she could not see, she was still the superior fighter. However, what she didn't know was that, even this was part of Solomon's plan.

"Rejoice because you will be killed by the strongest knight!" Felicity said, diving from on high as she aimed for Sol's heart. But at this point Alice was also done with her task and so, with all the pieces in their proper place, Sol finally casted:

"Howling Abyss"

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