A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 119: The Siege of New Hope (part-3)

Chapter 119: The Siege of New Hope (part-3)

A beast that looked like a large reindeer stepped on a particular spot on the ground which caused a small cylindrical container to jump up from the ground before it exploded taking huge chunks from the creature as well as grievously injuring any and all that stood near it, but before the injured creatures could react they were trampled by those who were behind them as they dashed towards the wall.

Ciara looked towards the charging beasts as she took aim before she shouted out, "Take aim!", and then after a few seconds she bellowed out again, "FIRE!!!!!"

Ciara's shout was accompanied by a hail of various kinds of attacks ranging from magical to arrows, and then bullets.

Ileana winced at the large sound of the autocannon firing so close to her while she made sure the chain of rounds being feed smoothly inside of the autocannon.

Ryan's attention was drawn towards another direction as he gaped at Xuelong, especially at the weapon she was running around with.

'Is that a ballista, is that a freaking ballista she is running around with.'

The reason for his reaction was caused by the fact that Xuelong was firing at the enemies using a very large crossbow, a crossbow so large that it was for all intents and purpose a handheld ballista.

Ryan's gawking came to an end soon as he felt a swat on his head courtesy of Michalina who snarled at her brother as she spoke, "Focus."


"No 'buts', now look forward and slaughter your enemies, or get lost this is not a place to get distracted."

Ryan grumbled but he then focused his attacks on his enemies but they were numerous in numbers as such he decided to dual wield, on his right he held the rifle while on his left he held his pistol as he began to fire on his enemies.

"Ryan, do not stand in a place for too long keep moving."

As Ylerias shout came to his ears Ryan let out a snarl as he grumbled inwardly, 'Unlike the arrow users I do not have any distinct knowledge nor canI predict the location where my bullets would fall as such moving like that would not work for me.'

Ryan quickly controlled his annoyance as he began to move to a different place and this time he came near Zhan's position.

Zhan, who was busy firing a heavy machine gun that was attached to the embrasure of the wall without any emotion on her face.

Ryan winced at the loud sound while Zhan spoke in a calm voice without looking towards Ryan, "Why are you here Ryan?"

"My powers give a little bit of extra oomph as such I will be moving from place to place offering a bit boost."

As he spoke one of the creatures that were recently slain by Zhan burst into a fiery explosion catching those nearby aflame making Zhan's eyes widen as she spoke with a slight twitch of her lips, "I see what you mean by it though I would recommend offering your talents to pockets where they are having some difficulty in dealing with the numbers."

"I will keep that in mind."

A few more shots later a very familiar voice chimed in with a new notification.


The host has managed to kill 50 creatures with headshots using Pistol.

New mode unlocked

Install new mode (Y/N)__


'I killed 50 with headshots how oh how silly of me it meant that I have managed to kill that many enemies with headshot since I have received my gun and not just now.'

Without any hesitation or any second thoughts, he agreed to it only to be slammed by a rather horrifying thought, 'What if it takes some time?'

And in a way that seemed that Universe itself had decided to answer his question, a new notification popped up, while his pistol disappeared like fog under intense sunlight.


New Mode Installing.

Time remaining: 04:59


'Ugh, I should not have thought and acted so rashly.'

As if reading his mind Zhan spoke, "You have done something rash once again, Ryan, but now is not the time to mull over it focus or better yet go more towards the left flank they are having some tough time dealing with the horde."

As Ryan began to move towards the left flank a deep rumble came from the sky drawing his attention and as he looked up he found a large dark and ominous cloud beginning to form directly above Ylerias, and without a second thought, Ryan dashed towards her direction.

Ylerias was pleased with her work especially when she had the blessings of her Goddess, and under the said blessing, her attacks were relentless like heavy rain as it poured down on the enemy never missing a mark, when all of a sudden a deep rumbling came to her ears and as she looked up she was greeted by the sight of a large ominous cloud.

'Damn the cloud it', it took her a second to realize her impending doom but before she could react the cloud above her flashed but instead of hitting her the thunder seemed to be drawn towards a different direction missing her.

"Ylerias leave it to me."

Ylerias looked towards a smiling Ryan who was kneeling on the ground while a long thin iron rod with a pointed tip was extended towards the cloud.

"Thank you Ryan, though this is an attack by a beast, and until and unless the beast is killed the cloud will not disappear but it would be stronger over time."

Ryan simply gave her a nod as the bone chilling rain fell from the small cloud while the wind began to pick up, he looked towards the top of the gate, where on top of it a small raised platform on top of which an odd gun was placed and behind was Nigella.

Ryan turned towards Ylerias as she spoke, "Which beast do you think is doing it and what can you tell about it."

"I believe it was the same beast that you saw spying on you during the wolf attack, it is causing this cloud to form and it requires eye contact but at the same time it cannot move."

Ryan's eyes widen momentarily before quickly used his radio to inform Nigella, "Nigella a wolf type beast is causing the cloud formation, during the attack it has to keep an eye contact but it cannot move please deal with it immediately."

Ryan's radio crackled as Nigella's voice came through it, "Affirmative, shall I use my new toy."

"Please feel free to do so."

As Ryan spoke another burst of thunder came but the rod held true as the thunder was once again directed towards it.

Meanwhile, Nigella let out a content sigh she had been very happy upon seeing the gun in front of her, the gun she had Ryan make specifically for her a gun that she knew would be the future of mankind, the gun that was her dream come true.

She caressed the gun as if it was her lover before kissing it, then all of a sudden her face lost all emotions as she picked up her binoculars as she began to make a quick search for her prey.

'Now where would I hide if I were a big bad wolf that cannot move yet can attack those within my sight, where, where, where', her eyes widen slightly as she spotted a single red eye in the distance only visible from behind the large cover of bushes and branches.

'Found ya, I am happy that tonight is full moon.'

Nigella pulled a notch from the side of the gun as the chamber for the bullet swung open, as she inserted a 60 calibre round inside the chamber before locking it and then priming the firing pin as she began her other checks.

'Voltage is stable, that means the capacitor is working fine and that is good enough for me as the speech about Jacob ladder, converter and the thermo whatnot went above my head, but the rail gun will work for me.'

As she prepared to fire her gun a few of her fellow soldiers looked at her warily, her sniper rifle was larger than any they have seen, not to mention a large number of electronic equipment as well as electrical wires that surrounded it.

Nigella aimed at the creature as she pulled the trigger as a small explosive sound was heard as the recoil near toppled the gun but the creature suffered the worst, the gun was a working prototype of a rail gun made using rudimentary knowledge of them coupled with that of magic, and the 60 calibres round when it was struck hard sped through towards the barrel where it received a rather large kick from the electromagnetic force created around the barrel.

The 60 calibre bullet or as it was called by Ryan as an unstable bullet solely for the fact that the runes he had piled on top of the bullet made it highly unstable as it detonated three seconds after firing or after hitting a target, the bullet cut through the air much faster than any modern firearms could achieve, and it soon pierced through the creatures eye before it hit the skull detonating in a loud and large explosion.

Nigella sent a smug look towards her victim's direction while a few of her comrades gaped at her gun only for a Ciara stern voice to appear from the radio, "Focus."

Ryan let out a sigh of relief as the cloud disappeared before he began to move again, while his radio was filled with various chatter from orders to requests.

Meanwhile, inside a certain control room, the occupants were having a time of their life, but none were able to match the enthusiasm of Shamir and Ravenna.

"Muhahaha, this is great it is like playing space invaders live."

"Ravenna, please focus."

Ravenna scoffed as she spoke, "Like you are any different, the weird jaw ripping smile on your face not to mention you are acting like a kid who is sugar high."

Shamir could not help but blush but who could he blame he was living in the moment which could be considered as every gamers' dream come true.


Ciara reloaded her gun while she watched the auto-cannon working from the corner of her eyes, while two members of the recently created militia made sure the auto-cannons were fed properly.

'Exploding rounds randomly mixed with Air burst are doing wonders and I can see why Ryan argued vehemently to pick them up, those gamers are good, not to mention the auto-cannons remind me of MK44 30 mm Bushmaster.'

Ciara then pressed her radio button as gave out her next set of orders, "Begin rain danger close, I repeat danger close."

No sooner did she gave that order a few of the combatants disengaged from attacking the enemy as they quickly set up mortar before inserting the shell and firing it.

With a muffled thump the shell was launched high up in the air before it was brought down towards the ground by gravity, and upon reaching the ground the shell erupted with a loud bang and a shower of bright white-hot flames, that made everyone wince, but the true tragedy occurred within the horde as its members died in extreme agony.

Ileana looked at the white flame as her heart shook upon seeing the devastation wrought upon the creatures by it when all of a sudden a large shout rang through the group.

"Incoming! Mage killers!"

Ileana did not have time to understand the meaning of that shout as a large creature that looked like a love child between a Gorilla and a Baboon dropped in front of her.

Ileana froze upon seeing the blood-red eyes and she soon cowered as the beast thumped its chest letting loose a blood-curdling howl, the reason for her cowering was simple the roar caused such immense headache that she wanted to dig out her brain from her skull.

The beast's eyes then fell on her as Ileana tried to crawl away from it on her and as it neared her Ileana took out her pistol which she aimed and pulled the trigger but no matter what she tried the pistol failed to fire as such she threw it towards the creature but it only managed to anger it.

She somehow managed to scramble to her feet only for the creature to grab Ileana by the nape of her neck before slamming her hard on the ground, so hard that her nose broke while blood began to gush out from her forehead before swinging her in order to throw her towards the horde.

Ileana's life flashed in front of her eyes as she struggled to let herself loose, 'Mom Dad I am sorry this is it for me, I am sorry brother for everything.', and with that she closed her eyes for the inevitable, waiting for her to meet with the groundbreaking bones and then eaten alive.

And as she fell Ileana was completely flummoxed, 'I did not hurt that much.', and as that thought went past her mind she felt something warm hit her face and as she opened her eyes she found the creature looking owlishly at what was a stump instead of a hand and then with a flash of steel the creature was not only beheaded but was cut in half.

The blood and guts of the creature showered her and as it fell on the ground she saw Ryan standing with a large sword in his hand.

"Ileana, stand up and return back to your station."

Ileana looked at him only for her eyes to widen with fear as another ape-like creature appeared behind him, only for Ryan to stab the creature without looking back before turning as he pulled back the sword from the creature's chest before beheading it, his rifle appeared in his hand as he fired it towards Ileana's direction only for her to jump up as another ape-like creature collapsed covered with bullet holes.

"Ileana, stand up and return back to your post, now!"

As Ryan shouted at her Ileana was jolted awake from her stunned as she quickly dashed towards her position of work that was keeping the autocannons well-fed while Ryan took off towards other 'Mage Killers'.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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