A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 149: The Marooned(part 3)

Chapter 149: The Marooned(part 3)

Ryan sat on a rock as he looked at the badly bruised group of men and women kneeling on their knees.

Their crime being heresy, they had turned against their Gods while spreading heresy and disbelief amongst others.

As Ryan's eyes went over them, he could not help but let out a sigh as he thought inwardly, 'What a waste, from the looks of it, both Xuleong and Ylerias are pushing for their execution.'

As he looked towards his fellow Apostles, he could not help but frown, 'Back in New Hope, despite having freedom of religion, I have seen those two and their group performing subtle proselytism.'

'Should I join them, but then again, my God does not require any worshippers, so Nah, too much work.'

A cry full of pain cut his internal musings short, drawing his attention towards one of the heretic writhing from pain under Xuelong's boots.

Ryan sighed as he whispered lowly, "Those fools should have cooperated with us instead of baring their fangs and giving those two an excuse to deal with them."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "I do not understand what your problem is? All I wanted to know from you is about the creature, so why are you trying to fight us."

"Shut up, dog of the  GooooAAAAAhhhhh!!!"

The person screamed in agony as Ylerias stomped hard on the person's leg, breaking it in half.

Ryan looked at her with a disapproving look as he spoke, "Sister Ylerias, that was uncalled for, and if someone decides to spit at the sky then let them, it would only fall back on their face."

He once again turned to look towards the heretics as he spoke in a sympathetic tone, "Why are you all being so angsty difficult but more importantly belligerent, we are not here to fight you, but to slay the beast and save some people."

"Then why? Why are you being so difficult, just tell us about it and be on your way, as we would."

The captain looking worse for wear, snarled at him as he shouted towards Ryan, "Do you worse scum but we will not bend our knees in front of you sick twisted Gods."

Ryan rubbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation as he spoke with a heavy sigh, "Really now, again?"

He kneeled in front of the captain as he began to speak slowly, "I do not wish to fight with you, as I only want to know about the beast, or is it too hard for you to understand what  I am trying to say for so long."

The captain spat on Ryan's face, but before it would hit him, an iron sheet intercepted it, as Ryan spoke with a shake of his head,  "An idiot, a stubborn pig headed idiot, well I think one of our companions will be of more help to us."

With that Ryan, slammed the iron sheet over the captain's mouth, where it morphed around his face, effectively preventing him from speaking.

Xuelong looked at Ryan as she spoke with a shake of her head, "Told you it was hopeless, as you will have a better chance with a wall than them."

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "Can't blame me for trying."

Ryan looked at the crowd that was looking towards the heretics with varying looks, ranging from pity to anger, and in some cases pure loathing, with a few worrying look mixed within."

As Ryan slowly made his way towards them, the successful landing of the aircraft captured his attention.

Changing his destination, he quickly jogged to meet with his sister and inquire about her mission.

As Michalina stepped out of the aircraft, she found herself greeted by a smiling Ryan.

"Hey sis, did the mission go well."

Michalina nodded as she spoke, "Yes, brother, I have mapped the entire area, and now you can begin planning on how to take down the creature, but most importantly, how did your mission go."

A scowl formed on Ryan's face as he spoke, "Bad, extremely bad, never have I run across someone as pig headed and idiotic as them."

Michalina looked amused as she spoke, "Really, so what did they do?"

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "They, especially the captain, has gotten into his head that we are here to kill him for heresy like we have time for someone like him, and then they tried to fight us, and now they are held captive."

Michalina sighed with exasperation as she spoke, "Well, if they do not want to cooperate, there is nothing that you could do, so why don't you get inside and take a look at the map of this place."

Avtis stared into space with his jaw tightened shut, and his hand behind his back, behind him, stood both Oena and Vahjim with grim expressions on their faces.

"Oena, this is a serious situation that you have stumbled upon."

Oena sighed as she spoke, "True grandpa, but the worst is that if it were not for a fluke, I would not have been able to find their general direction."

Vahjim frowned as he spoke in a gruff voice, "To elude the Goddess of hunt is no mere deat."

Avtis spoke with a grunt as he spoke, "Yes, to evade our senses for so long and with such success, and although I can think of a few ways to do so, but of them are nice."

Vahjim narrowed his eyes as he spoke, "Is that why you have made our Apostles accompany yours?"

Avtis smirked at him as he spoke, "As perspective as ever, and yes, I was using mine to triangulate the position, and as such, I was making him run meaningless chores, but now because of Oena, it would be easier for them to find the place."

Oena spoke with a frown on her face, "Will it be dangerous for them."

"Very, the things that make us unable to see, or better yet that thing is making us look elsewhere is nothing to trifle with."

Vahjim sighed as he spoke, "I just hope that they will be alright."

Avtis sighed as he spoke, "I hope too, especially when they are accompanying mine."

Oena suddenly had an idea as she quickly spoke, "What about the fourth, he would appear soon, and then he could accompany them."

Vahjim negatively shook his head as he spoke, "It would not work, as not only he is not at his full strength because of the injury, but at present, he is not that good while fighting on land."

Avtis sighed as he chimed in, "I have to agree with Vahjim, while he might be invincible on the ocean, but he was not that great while on land, not to mention, we have no idea where their journey would take them, and as such for all intents and purpose, he will be a liability to them."

Oena could not help but sigh at her companions' words while silently hoping for her Apostle's safety.

Back on the newly christened Twin Peaks island, Ryan was giving his undivided attention to the map of the area.

"So, what do you think?"

Ryan bit his lips as he replied to Michalina, "Fighting it out on the sea is tantamount to suicide, and the aircraft would be useless against it."

The newly arrived Xuelong nodded in agreement with Ryan's observation as she spoke, "That is very true, but how are we to going deal with it then."

Ryan sat on the nearest chair with his hand over his face while he was staring intently at the map while others were busy discussing amongst themselves.

Ryan suddenly jumped up from his seat, drawing everyone's attention, as he spoke, "From an angle, it might look as if it is a single island."

He pointed towards a part of the map before he continued again, "But if you look closely, the island is divided into two parts, the narrow river that flows between the twin peaks cuts the island in half."

Ylerias frowned momentarily before her eyes widened with a smirk, "It is a very narrow river, and if we can lure the creature here, it would get stuck and thereby enable us to kill it."

Xuelong mulled over the idea before she spoke, "That is an excellent idea, though how are we going to lure it here?"

At her question, Ryan replied to her with a shrug, "No idea."

"We can use an animal bait."

As the siblings gave undivided attention to her, Ylerias continued to elaborate on it, "Sometimes we use specially crafted items to lure a creature that we want to hunt, the item emits a special scent that lures creatures to a trap."

Siora frowned as she spoke, "That would work, Your Highness, but how do you suggest we should craft it, as not all bait works for every creature."

"True, Siora, as such, we will cook up something a bit generalised.", Siora was about to protest but was stopped as Ylerias continued, "I know, it might draw out some other unwanted creature, but that is the best solution we have."

Shakidra, who was silent for the entire conversation, chimed in, "That would work, but in the end, there is too little information about it, and what would happen if it manages to free itself."

Michalina quickly replied to her question, "Then I doubt we would be able to use the same trick on it, and as such we have to secure its movement."

  Ryan narrowed his eyes as he spoke, "I think I can do something about it, and while you all deal with bringing it here, and once its movement is sealed, we will kill it."

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