A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 24: Departure (part-4)

Chapter 24: Departure (part-4)

Ciara prided herself for her ability to wake up early morning as the sun would rise, without the help of any alarm bell, a habit that has yet to change even after so many years had passed and today was no different as she rose she found her dorm mates, yes their sleeping area were a giant dorm with full of three tier bunk beds, she took the lowest rung where as Ryan took the one at the top as she woke up she found Ryan to be missing from his bed making her brows to furrow momentarily before they relaxed again, 'Ahh he must have gone to the washroom, I warned him not to drink too much water before going to sleep.'

She got ready as she left for her morning jog on her way out she found Zhan was already awake sitting on her bed ready to accompany her as many others began to stir, as the two friends climbed on top of the wall they were greeted by the soldiers who had the dawn shift, "Is there anything to report soldier?"

The person in question shook her head as she spoke, "Negative ma'am", before she continued with a frown, "Though ma'am your son is awake and working on the truck you brought yesterday for quite some time now."

Ciara frowned at that her son loved to sleep a bit was wake and working for sometime this was not something she thought she would ever hear as such she decided to see what his son was up to and made her way to greet him.

What greeted her was a mesh of wires with Ryan working with them connected them with various devices that he had installed at the cabin of the truck, upon noticing her arrival he flashed her a smile before returning to work while he greeted her, "Good Morning Mom, good morning Aunty."

Both Ciara and Zhan greeted him back as Ciara continued, "When did you wake up Ryan?"

Ryan's face scrunched up as he spoke with a shrug, "A few hours ago I believe sorry I got lost working on my project."

Zhan had a bemused look on her face before she whispered back to Ciara, "I think we should make sure to limit his contact with Ruby it seems he has caught 'Rubititis'.", Ciara snorted at that before she send a playful punch on Zhan's shoulder.

"So nephew what kind of protection are you going to install on her vehicle."

Ryan's face scrunched up as he spoke with a sigh, "There are many ideas that are swimming inside my head that I would like to try but I have to also keep in mind that if use too many stuff I might increase its weight to the point it will be incredibly slow.

Both Ciara and Zhan nodded in understanding after all sometime fast vehicles are needed for quick escape and all that by the time they had finished speaking Ryan had finished speaking with them as he jumped down from the cabin as Ciara noticed something odd, "Ryan are you removing the driver and the passenger's door from the cabin to which Ryan nodded with a smile on his face, "In a way from what I have planned the doors would not be useful until you want to jump down from the driver seat every time and get a ladder to climb up."

The wheels are missing are you going to change them?"

"Yes aunty, the wheels as well as the tires, I will change them enough to make them more suitable to move through rough terrain without any form of problem, I have seen a documentary on experimental technology that I will use to base the design on."

"Good thing there is no one to sue you for intellectual theft."

Making Ryan grin back at her as Ciara spoke, "Well then we will leave you to your own devices and do not hesitate to ask for anything that you might need.", with her piece said she simply tousled his hair as she was about to leave only to be stopped by Ryan.

"Hey mom there is something that I need."

Ciara looked at him as she nodded him to continue.

"I need some paper and some form of writing utensils, I have so many ideas that are swimming in my head and I am afraid I might miss something not to mention I would like to note a few facts so as to create the vehicle as flawless as possible."

"I will see what I can do.", with that the duo left leaving Ryan alone.

'Now what to do should I complete the entire cabin before I move on to the others, no let us move on to the others I will do the finishing touches later on.'

He entered the bus which seemed more like a tourist one and an articulated one at that which was a bonus as it would work well for his brilliant plans he just need to figure how to place every kind of machinery and equipment that had been swirling inside his head.

A few hours later Michalina arrived to check on Ryan who had apparently missed his breakfast and found him putting back the last of the wheels on the ten wheeler semi truck, she was intrigued upon seeing a peculiar design on the tire that looked like a honeycomb not to mention the scythed wheels that he used, 'Someone is going to lose their legs if they come too close.

"Hey Ryan you missed your breakfast I brought some for you."

Ryan did not even turn to look at her as he spoke, "Thanks a lot sis, do you want to try driving this?"

Michalina's eyes widen slightly as she spoke, "Can I?"

Ryan flashed Michalina a small smile as he finished inspecting and confirming that the last of the tires were placed as he spoke, "Of course you can sis, also by doing so I can test it."

"But before any of that I want you to finish your breakfast."

Ryan slouched at the dreaded breakfast which was still piping hot that Michalina had brought it along with her the food was deplorable but 'better than nothing', as he took it from her hand and dug into it.

"So why did you make it a honeycomb design."

"It removes the need for air as such lower risk of flat tires not to mention it is much better for rough usage."

"But something might getting stuck in it and cause trouble."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "I know that is why I am using prototype wheels I will have them covered, not mention better protecting system by covering the threads with a thin layer of small bits of steel, and putting steel wires in the groves, it will be done after our test drive so are you up for it?"

Michalina shrugged at that as she spoke with a smile, "Sure why not let us take this creation for yours on a test drive."

Ryan gave a satisfied hum before lowering the truck after he had somehow managed to shove down the dreadful breakfast down his throat, as they were being watched like a hawk by Ciara and Ruby, "So what do you think of this?"

"Fascinating Major simply fascinating for someone who has never seen how an engine looks like he is making a full customized truck simply fascinating."

"I just hope his powers would not harm him in the long run."

Ruby snorted at that as she spoke, "Of all the powers everyone is exhibiting his is the most intriguing as he himself has mentioned that his power spoke to him referring as a host in other words sentience not to mention the knowledge where did it come from as such my conclusion is that there will be some kind of toll that he will have to pay one day just hope it is not too steep, knowledge is never free and current him has free access to it."

Half an hour later a pair of elated siblings stepped down from the vehicle, the driver and passenger chair were super comfortable not to mention the steering was simple and fluid not to mention the unique look of the steering wheel, well to her it looked as if Ryan had used the yoke of an airplane as such to her it was an amazing experience.

"I like it brother it was felt nice driving it, I cannot wait for it to be completed."

Ryan beamed at her as he spoke, "Me too sister me too."

It was around the time of lunch when Ryan had substituted the prototype tires with the original design that was the safe in comparison to the prototype due to the honeycomb structure being covered and thus it prevented its damage by not having something that was not good for its health to enter accidently.

The only thing that the articulated bus had was the wheels and the coach otherwise it laid bare well even the front part was missing along with the wheels as Ryan had the entire thing lifted using a series of jacks the then truck backed into position as it fit exactly into place like a jigsaw puzzle.

It was during the evening that Ciara came to visit him to see him work on his project during the entire day Michalina had arrived once again with his lunch but she was not alone as many others did visit every now and then only a few asking some questions where as others looked at him working hard with a small grateful smile on their faces.

What greeted Ciara was an articulated bus that was somehow had a bit of its front part removed and now was fused with a semi truck not to mention it seemed to be a good few inches above the ground than it previously was and Ryan working on rewiring and other stuffs.

"How is it going on Ryan?"

"Well mom I hope to finish it by tomorrow at the latest most of the stuff is done, like linking power, the drive shaft and what not the only thing is left to make it more secure and lethal and oh place a few things that would make staying inside it a bit more comfortable."

"I see and if I am not mistaken it seems you have raised the vehicles a bit."

Ryan nodded with looking back at her as he spoke, "Yes I thought a bit of height would not hurt as the gap between the road and the bus was normally low and we are not going through proper roads if I am not wrong as such I have not only reworked the height but also made sure to tweak with the suspension system it would not be good if no one could walk inside while the vehicle is in motion."

"But the center of Gravity would change."

"I know mom as such I made the chassis a bit heavier effectively lowering the center of Gravity then it would not topple so easily."

Ciara nodded at that slightly amazed seeing him customize the vehicle so fast, 'I doubt even the best factories in the world would be as fast as he is.'

"Well I think you have done enough for today come one son I think it is time for you to rest.", seeing Ryan trying to protest Ciara narrowed her eyes making Ryan slouch forward as she spoke in a stern tone, "I allowed you to work since before dawn, let you have your breakfast and lunch here I will not tolerate anything more so stop your work and go wash yourself and rest."

Ryan pouted at that before he dragged himself back towards the dorm slowly and eventually to the shower room as the cool water fell on his body he let out a sigh o satisfaction, 'Another day went by I hope we will have a nice and not too perilous journey when we leave.'

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