A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 31: ????? (Part-1)

Chapter 31: ????? (Part-1)

Ryan gently hummed as he assembled a gun as Michalina watched over his shoulder, "Good Ryan, you assembled the gun fast, maybe not fast enough for a veteran but still it was a good attempt."

Ryan snorted at that as he spoke, "Please stop giving me false praises, the entire 'Black Wolves' regiment could easily beat me with their eyes closed."

"But baby brother you are not dealing with firearms every day as much as we do, give it some time and you could give us the run for the money."

Ryan simply smiled at her as he caressed the gun while Jessica spoke in a whining tone, "So not fair I wanted a semi-automatic too."

Ryan snorted at that as he spoke, "Well then you should have tried to level up more."

Jessica simply stuck her tongue towards him as Ryan let out a small laugh at her antics.

"So is everyone ready?"

At Ryan's question the duo simply wore their helmet as their face hid behind their gas masks, an action Ryan soon followed his new gun strapped to his body using a sling.

"You know Ryan your gun kind of reminds me of X95."

Ryan grinned at that as he replied to back to Angela, "Well of course it would look like that after all, I designed it based on it."

When he glanced down at his weapon he saw something that was otherwise not visible to anyone else other than him.

Name: T4SAR1

Type: Bullpup (Assault Rifle)

Tier: 4

Damage: A

Reliability: A+

Accuracy: B+

Range: A

Rate of Fire: F+

Overall Rating: B

Weight: 3.27 Kg

Ammo: 5.56x45/5.56x30/5.45x3

Requirement: Minimum Tier 3

"We will move in pairs, Ryan with me and Jessica with Nikita, we will move in quietly use radio as seldom as possible and try not to move away from each other too much."

At Michalina's words, everyone gave her a sharp nod as they moved out of the trailer, with Jessica taking the front again with Michalina following after her as Nikita taking the rear.

It had been a day since Ryan had managed to reach the Tier 3 level and had created a gun for himself and thus cannibalized his previous gun in the process.

It had been a few hours they had entered what was once a restricted area reserved for their Air Force, but now it was in ruins, when they entered the base they found it was not only empty but a certain part of the base was badly damaged beyond salvation and the group was depressed upon seeing the armoury had ceased to exist as the only thing left behind was a large crater.

They had searched the base, and everywhere they went they only found more and more destruction, from the earthquake and the fire that had soon started thereafter.

Even the residential area was not spared, and as they did not have means to clear the rubbles they were forced to leave behind precious resources with a heavy heart, and it was then all of a sudden they stumbled upon a hospital, that looked as if it had seen better days but was still standing as such they decided to move in and take as many resources as they could carry.

The group entered the building where they could see blood marks on the ground and the surrounding area, the sight of which made Ryan a bit nervous as the basement incident came to his mind.

They slowly made their way with their flashlight showing them the way as they tried to find their way through the hospital.

"It is so quiet and empty, I believe someone had beaten us and has stolen everything."

"Michalina frowned at Ryan's words as she spoke, "We will search before coming into any form of conclusion, after all, we are only at the ground floor who knows what we might find."

"Zombies, for sure.", Jessica quipped as Michalina glared at her from behind her mask.

Jessica shrugged as she spoke, "What we are at a hospital, who knows how many dead are kept here, just thinking about it gives me chills."

Ryan snorted at that as he spoke, "Big Sis Jessica if you are afraid of this think about 'Hart Island'."

Jessica tilted her head as she spoke, "'Heart Island'?"

"No no 'Hart Island', it is spelt as 'H-A-R-T', 'Hart Island' is located near New York in the USA and is rumoured to be resting place of over a million dead."

Everyone looked at him with disbelief as Nikita could help but speak out loud, "Why do you know all this?"

"Well since I was planning on going to MIT I was researching about the USA and learned lots of stuff."

"But still a million-strong zombie horde, I so do not want to face them.", Jessica spoke as she felt a cold shiver down her spine.

As Nikita spoke with a snort, "And you forgot about the eight million-strong residents that live in the city just think what would have happened to them with so many zombies and mutated creatures roaming around."

"What about Tokyo? It has near about Forty Million strong populations."

A shiver ran down Ryan's spine at that thought, "A city with such large population will be like all you can eat buffet for these creatures.."

Nikita shook her head as she spoke, "You cannot say that with complete certainty, there will be many who would escape, there might be a chance that the zombies will be dealt with because of superior numbers of the living or they might all be dead."

Michalina turned and looked at them as she spoke in a monotone, "Neither New York nor Tokyo is in our country, and most importantly we are not going to visit anytime soon so why are you all so busy discussing when we have a mission to complete where silence is needed."

As the others let out a small chuckle at that they continued moving from door to door for anything that they could find, but unfortunately, every room was empty until Michalina came across a room, where the head of the zombies was hung from the ceiling tied with ropes.

As they stepped inside the room all zombies' heads became agitated as their teeth gnashed, while their mouth opened in a silent snarl.

As Ryan could help but scrunch his face with disgust, "Ugh, this is sick I do not like this."

The other members of his group did not pay any heed to it as Michalina spoke, "Ryan, Jessica stay near the door and watch our back."

"Nikita you are with me, we are going to search the room and be careful do not touch anything especially the heads keep them hanging like this."

As Ryan watched his sister and Nikita crawl on the floor while the heads hung above them Jessica poked his shoulder as she spoke, "You watch the left while I watch the right."

Ryan nodded as aimed his gun towards the left side of the door towards the long dark corridor while Jessica looked over the direction they came in.

Meanwhile, Nikita and Michalina looked at what seemed to be a stash of beer and a few cigarette packs that were placed along with it.

"It seems that someone has been to this place very recently.", Michalina whispered to her companion as she pointed towards the lack of dust that was otherwise present in the entire room.

Ryan meanwhile peered down towards dark as his eyes narrowed, 'Is there something moving in the dark.', the parts inside his bionic eye moved as his vision zoomed as he tried to find what was amiss.

What greeted him was the muzzle of a gun, "Enemy contact at 12.", was all he was able to shout as all hell broke loose.

Jessica had jumped back into the room as did Ryan when all of a sudden a hail of bullets hit their location as Michalina and Nikita made their way towards the door, "Ryan do it."

That was all Ryan needed to hear as his gun poked its muzzle out of the cover as he pulled the trigger, what came next was nowhere deafening as the roar of the of the assailants gun but it did its job as the guard was torn apart like tap water through tissue.

A shout of pain came along with a gasp followed by something collapsing was heard, Jessica meanwhile brought out a mirror that she had fixed with a stick as she extended it to view the assailant for a moment before she let out a small whistle of appreciation as she spoke, "Damn Ryan that is some sick gun you have, the entire wall behind the assailant has collapsed."

"Good work", Ryan's sister complimented him with a pat on his back.

Ryan simply nodded as the group moved cautiously as they looked moved towards the dead body and upon reaching it Ryan had the sudden urge to throw up.

The man like the wall behind him was torn to shreds courtesy of Ryan it was a grisly sight that made the bile rise his throat, Jessica who nearby gave him a small pat on his shoulder when all of a sudden Ryaan felt a child down his spine he turned to look a man shabbily dressed with bones and skulls covering his body just like the deceased person, he had aimed his gun at Jessica's back, Ryan did not wait any longer as he shoved him away but before he could speak a loud bang was heard, as he felt himself floating in the air before all went black.

Michalina looked down from the broken piece of the wall, as she peered down she was greeted by the sight of a three-storey drop on the hard concrete floor, she turned her head just in time to watch the shotgun firing and her brother falling from the broken piece of the wall.

The attacker had a smug smile on his face as he watches one of the armoured people take a tumble off the broken wall, 'Well boss would award me handsomely when I bring him the news and with one of them dead it would be easier.', with that thought he began to teleport with his telltale yellowish glow.

Michalina saw red as she dashed towards the already fading man her normal blue lightning had changed colour to blood red as she grabbed the throat of the person with inhumane strength before slamming him to the wall, which broke as they fell into an almost empty room.

With his throat completely collapsed and an incredible pain flowed as he felt his bone break and then the current that flowed through him, he did not feel much as Michalina punched him so hard that the floor collapsed under them as they fell on the one beneath them and by then the man's head was nothing but paste.

Jessica jumped down beside her as she shouted out, "Michalina stop he is dead, stop it.", she would have loved to stop her by grabbing her hand but she was not fond of getting electrocuted.

Jessica's radio crackled as a voice came from the other side as her eyes widen, "Michalina there is time to dawdle multiple creatures are making their way to Ryan, and he is not moving."

Her shout finally brought Michalina out of her trance as she dashed out of her room as sounds of gunfire came to her ears, she tried to contact the trailer but the radio seemed to have been fried from her outburst, "Damn it my Coms are fried, Jessica tell Angela to move the trailer so that Nigella has a better shot and where is Nikita?"

"She is keeping an eye on Ryan."

"Tell her to move as soon as the trailer has sight of Ryan I do not want her to get caught in something unsavoury, and inform Raven not to open doors until we are there and I need two turrets keeping an eye on us."

"On it Boss."

With that, the duo dashed towards Ryan while Jessica was barking out orders to her fellow teammates.

As they reached Ryan, Michalina found him sprawled on the floor unmoving, Michalina dashed towards her brother as she checked him as she spoke, "Ryan can you hear me, Ryan.", by then she had started to hyperventilate as Nikita shouted out from the top, "Jessica catch."

She threw something down towards them as she disappeared into the building as Jessica caught it her eyes widen slightly, "Michalina, Nikita gave me a foldable stretcher we are going to carry Ryan to safety."

Michalina nodded as Jessica swiftly moved to the unfold it before the duo laid Ryan on top of it as by then Nikita joined them, "Boss I will watch our six while we carry him back."

The duo nodded as they practically ran to the trailer as fast as they could with Ryan in tow, and Nikita covering their back, the quickly boarded the trailer as Michalina spoke, "Angela steps on the gas and get us moving fast, Jessica and Nigella keep an eye out for anything dangerous."

As Ryan was laid on the bed, Michalina helped Nikita to strip him off his clothes as she checked him over.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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