A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 4: Fort Rose

Chapter 4: Fort Rose

No words were spoken between them but Ryan feel how relieved she felt upon seeing him as if a burden had lifted off of her shoulders, and unspoken words were exchanged between them, 'Are you alright?'.

'Yup, I am fine though a little bit tired.'

She then turned towards her subordinates as she spoke, "Report."

Chloe went took a bit more attentive stance as she began her report, "Upon entering we decided it would be best if we broke into two groups to investigate and from what evidence we scouts have so far managed to gather, the 41st Garrison was the one who had helped to evacuate the city, although the bunkers constructed as a means of shelter for the civilians seems to have successfully with stood the terrible earthquake but unfortunately we were unable to enter as it seems to have been overrun by the undead, although we would also like to report to state that animals have heavily mutated, we killed a big four legged creature not only that it required a couple of grenades to kill it, upon finding Ryan we had to make run from the city as we had unfortunately run afoul of dangerous creatures and upon suggestion of Ryan we commandeered a few cycles from a nearby shop to make our retreat unfortunately we had to discard a few of our possessions."

Ryan who was standing nearby raised his hand drawing attention towards himself as he spoke mimicking Chloe as much as possible, "Well I would like to add that the big dog like creature can be easily killed if you can immobilize it and then if you hit it on top of its head, in my case I used hammer and rebar rod that I had managed to acquire though I lost them during our retreat."

Ciara eyes widen as she spoke, "You fought against one such creature?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yup, and by big I mean a SUV size big, it tried to kill me but got stuck in a narrow alley and I took full advantage of the situation to kill it."

Chloe than began giving out the rest of the report, "The commotion drew Angela and Kiara's attention who promptly pulled him up through a window using a rope and as such saved him from a horde that was attracted by the noise."

Ryuu as if had sudden realization as he spoke hurriedly, "Mom there is something I should make you aware of about those creatures.", he took a deep breath as Ciara encouraged him to speak, "Well I believe the creatures are constantly evolving as such their mutations will become more and more deadly."

Chloe eyes narrowed at that before she had a look of alarm on her face as she spoke, "Major I think whatever Ryan said has some merit on it."

Ciara's eyes narrowed as she ordered, "Explain?"

By then many of her subordinates had gathered around them as Chloe spoke, "Well when Fiona and I had ventured near the bunker we had unfortunately we had ended up poking into a hornet nest, one of the Zombies was ordering the rest of its brethren, and even if most were a bit sluggish a few of them were more agile than the rest and in order to outrun them we had to drop most of our provisions."

"They could have mutated like that.", a retort came their side as Ryan bit his lips as he continued speaking, "Mom I have mutated as well."

Ciara had a momentarily a look of concern and panic before she steeled herself as she spoke, "Explain."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "Yesterday, I was on my way back to the fort when that incident occurred and I lost my consciousness, today when I woke up I was immediately attacked by what looked like a rotting undead bird from some horror movie, I managed to kill it at the cost of my jacket, after I killed it I was forced to fight at least near dozen creatures and every time I kill I absorb a red colored thing from them, and an electronic voice chimes in my head stating I have absorbed some blood points and soul."

Others looked at him curiously as he continued, "But here comes the real kicker I can use this blood point to upgrade myself."

Ciara's brow furrowed as she commanded him, "Define upgrade Ryan."

Ryan nodded at his mother's commands he continued, "Well I can move faster, stronger, more agile and I can think much more clearly."

Chloe looked at Ryan briefly before she spoke, "Major I can attest to that, well not the part about blood points, soul and specially the voice in his head but about the growth of his physical abilities, well I can definitely say that he is better than before by not so much but still noticeable, current him can give some of our sisters who could easily out gun a run for their money."

Ciara mulled over the entire situation for a minute and spoke with sigh, "Well then everyone take some rest before the debriefing begins at an hour time and by then I hope the remaining scouts would have arrived."

The others simply saluted and left the mother son duo alone, as they moved a few distance away from the meeting area Ciara gave Ryan a bone crushing hug which he returned with a smile, "I was so worried I thought I would never see you again."

Ryan whispered back to her, "Me too mom, it was so scary the entire thing was scary, for a moment I thought I have gone crazy."

Ciara let go of Ryan as she studied him intently before speaking with a smile, "I am happy that you are safe and unhurt, and to tell you the truth it feels like the whole world has become crazy, but enough of that how did they take the news?"

Ryan began with a sigh, "Well."

Meanwhile with the O'Cahill family, things have gone from worse to hell first they lose their only son, their youngest then the apocalypse struck, even if they were saved by the military they are at lost.

Eleanora's mother-in-law Beth simply scoffed and waved it off telling it was simply a jealous and worthless child's tantrum and after everything went to hell that insufferable woman even had the gall to claim it was karma punishing him for it, Marcel got angry and had slapped her mother hard, since then they did not even speak with her mother or her father-in-law, not to mention they were the reason behind her sister-in-law breaking any and all form of contact with the family, and from the looks of it the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Ileana had been crying since then whereas Catherine had been incredibly furious with Ryan, but at the end of the day Eleanora was unable trust her own daughters anymore 'what if they are lying again? What if they are once again trying to dupe her?' was what ran through her mind.

Back at fort Rose, all the residents have gathered around a camp fire, as most of the scouts have already arrived by then as they started reporting everything as they saw today.

"I see so we have to avoid this place.", a woman with a couple of white stands on her head spoke as she made a marking on a map.

"Why are you marking on the map Captain.", everything has changed a squeaky voice came to everyone's ear as the woman spoke with a sigh, "Well may be but at least this map is the best think we have around until another is created and who knows how long it will take.

As everyone were discussing about the various creatures as one of them spoke, "meh, I have seen enough a good bullet to the weak spot will easily slay them."

Ryan decided to voice his concern as he spoke, "Big sister as much as I would like to say you are right, but for how long will you be able to do such a thing, sooner and later the ammunition would run out and seeing that the creatures out there are of different tiers each stronger than other I fear we might fear we might run into one who is un-killable, with the current level of fire power."

Ciara: "What makes you say such?"

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "Well if we can mutate and in my case evolve what is stopping them from doing so and big sis Chloe had already found evidence that suggest that they are evolving so why should we not prepare for a situation that such creatures might come out, also speaking of evolving it seems my power is ready to evolve and mutate to the next level."

One of the people who were listening to him spoke curiously as she spoke, "So when are you going to try evolving."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "Right now."

One of the people spoke, "Absolutely not, who knows what might happen."

Ryan smirked as he spoke, "Too late, I have already waited for too long and I am starting now.", Ciara's eyes widen at horror at that but before she could speak Ryan spoke in a commanding, "Upgrade Life-form Tier 0 to Tier 1."

Ciara spoke angrily, "What in the nine hells are doing Ryan?"

Ryan stood still as he spoke, "Eh noth", before he could speak anything he collapsed on the ground like a puppet whose string has been cut off, while the others ran to pick him up.

[Host Reached Optimal Level for Basic Functions to be Unlocked]

[Remodeling Body]

[Rebooting System]

[Awakening Host]

Ryan opened his as he took huge gulp of air, "Move aside give him some space.", he felt a slight migraine as an electronic voice came to his ears.


LIFE-FORM TIER: 1 (0/200)

VITALITY TIER: 1 (0/200)

STRENGTH TIER: 1 (0/200)

AGILITY TIER: 1 (0/200)


Blood Points: 38

Soul: 15]

As he opened his eyes as he blinked, a couple of binary numbers floated in front of his eyes before it faded as the unnatural color of their current word appeared in front of him as he was greeted by a familiar visage staring at him and as he looked around he saw others looking at him worriedly but unlike before each of them had a red bar on top of them along with 'Tier' being mentioned above their head he idly noticed many were on Tier 0, but few of them were on Tier 1including his Mom.

Ciara: "Are you all right Ryan? Ryan, focus on me."

Ryan looked at the Ciara groggily before he shook his head as he spoke, "I am fine mom I am fine."

One of the subordinates of Ciara Lieutenant Ruby, one of the medic of the 'Black Wolves', checked him as she spoke, "Well except for the bluish glow in his eyes which goes nicely with his reddish hair and the obvious tattoos on the palm of his hands there is no significant change., he was already used to her being blunt but the unusual glimmer in her eyes disturbed him a lot he felt as if he was a guinea pig waiting to be experimented on.

'Tattoos? What tattoos is she talking about?', as Ryan looked at the palm of his hands he was stunned at what he saw on his right hand had a depiction of what looked like a 'Yggdrasil'. "Wow this one is Tree of Life Yggdrasil' of Norse Mythology not to mention the color white with a golden border to it seems like it depicts purity", but the left one looked to him like a circle and triangle intersecting each other with the Greek alphabet 'Eta' at the middle the entire thing was colored black with reddish border.

Lieutenant Ruby rubbed her chin as she spoke, "hmmm, so 'Life' and 'Death' huh."

Ryan turned towards Ciara as he spoke. "Mom how long was I unconscious?"

Ciara gave a kind smile as she spoke, "Well about an hour."

As he turned to his side he saw a few of the soldiers throwing many electronics parts mainly battery and what not away made him sigh as he spoke, "What a waste so many batteries destroyed because of the EMP."

Ciara: "About that an EMP cannot destroy any form of alkaline battery unless and until they are being under use, but this one did so I do not know if we should classify it as an EMP blast anymore."

Ryan spoke with a sigh, "What of other place? Do you have any orders?"

Ciara shrugged as he spoke, "We do not know anything about other places neither do we have any orders of rescue and what not after all my soldiers are simply attack dogs and are not trained or equipped with the means for any form of rescue but from whatever reports our country the 'Republic of Blaonia' is in shambles after such an apocalyptic event, as such we will see what happens from now on and act accordingly."

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