A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 46: A First class view(Part-2)

Chapter 46: A First class view(Part-2)

Ryan had tweaked the turret control in such a way that all they had to flip a switch and they would move from one turret to another, as such while Nikita took control of the right one and the front, Dasyra took control of the other two.

It was difficult to continuously switch and aim, but the duo had performed flawlessly, despite all odds, they knew their plan was risky and they knew that acting as bait they would draw out the enemy troops but it worked too successfully if they were to guess they might have drawn everyone out, and Ryan was glad that his trailer was able to stand strong against the onslaught.

It had been a few minutes they were unable to spot any enemies, well enemies that were alive and well, while dawn was already upon them letting them get the full view of the carnage they had unleashed, the ground was torn, the trees were shredded by the bullets, it looked like a warzone where bits and pieces of humans lay around.

They had not only been hit by bullets, grenades and cocktails, but a few of them had abilities, like ice, fire and in one case making their body as strong as steel, Ryan knew that the front might have dented a bit from hitting that person.

A crackle of radio came along with Nikita's voice, "Did you spot any more enemies."

"Negative Nikita, I cannot spot any."

Dasyra sighed she wanted everything to be over with soon, she cannot wait for the good news that their team had succeeded, she knew that Her Holiness would be free from herself created stone prison and she could not wait to reunite with her.

As Dasyra looked through her screen she spotted something that made her eyes narrow before she screamed at that top of her lungs, "RYAN WATCH OUT ON THE RIGHT."

Ryan turned his head to the right, as he watched through the window a giant hulking animal charging at top speed towards him, a beast that was on collision course and there was nothing he could do.

The time seemed to slow as he watched the beast collide with the cabin, and the trailer broke like a cracker as it barreled his way in destroying everything in its path, 'I am going to die.'

A small fear erupted in his heart, but that did not mean he would seat idle letting the beast hit him, the part of the cabin on the left side disappeared as he jumped out just in time from being gored to death by the huge tusks.

Ryan fell on the ground with a roll and as he stood up on his feet, he was greeted by the sight of a large boar, as large as the duo that was fighting a few nights ago, but it looked even more ferocious, not to mention it looked as if it was wearing its skeleton on the outside.

As it turned towards the trailer again Ryan came face to face with it, the boar's eyes were red, and a purple mist escaped from its mouth making Ryan nervous.

"FIRE!!!", Nikita's shout came to his ears as the right and read turret opened fire, he was sure that cabin and front part of the trailer was gone from the initial charge, his gulped as his gun came up in his hand and he opened fire.

A roar came from the beast as the bullets hit it drawing its blood, as Ryan looked at him he grimaced slightly, 'Tier 7*'.

'What is this star stuff?', but before he could thing the beast charged again making his eyes wide, 'Damn it, it is too fast.'

Ryan barely managed to jump out of the way and for the first time he managed to catch a glimpse of damage as the boar passed to the other the front was completely gone the engine itself looking badly damage lay a few feet away from him.

'Damn it, damn it to hell my innocent and beautiful trailer.'

Nikita looked at the creature through her screen as a shudder went down her spine, the hail of bullets should have killed any other creature yet it was going strong, more and more wounds appeared on its body, her decision was made then and there, she needed some serious backup.

As such she immediately radioed to Michalina and her group, "Code Red, Raven down, Raven down request back up. I repeat", her eyes widen as she saw the boar charging this time directly towards her, "Shit..", was the only thing that came out of her mouth as she somehow managed to unbuckle her belt and jump out of her sit as did Dasyra.

The creature once again barreled through the trailer, but this time it ruptured the tank and got drenched in cold liquefied Mana, making it howl in pain as it wobbled on its leg slightly.

Dasyra eyes widen in fear as she saw the liquefied Mana, the raw unprocessed liquefied Mana was not only cold, cold enough to freeze water, but when applied in large quantity would cause burn akin to that of fire.

Dasyra dragged Nikita far away from the liquid that was pouring out, from the ruptured tank, "Get away from it, that thing is dangerous if you get drenched by it."

Ryan had a look of dismay in his face upon seeing his trailer being torn apart, as he saw the badly mangled seats being thrown apart his heart lurched with fear for his companions only to be relieved upon seeing them unharmed and inside the trailer.

'That beast I have to make him stop but how?', was a million-dollar question that was reverberating in his mind.

Suddenly his eyes widen as a small smirk form on his face, he saw as the boar got ready for another charge, it dug its hooves on the ground before it roared again, a roar that seemed to make his bones rattle, Ryan took a deep breath as he focused towards the beast.

Nikita stepped out of the destroyed as she shouted out, "Ryan get out of there."

Ryan did not pay any heed to her words as he fired a couple of rounds as he shouted out, "Oi you a rotten pile of ham shut up and die already, you to rotten to be even eaten, just jump in a bin already."

What greeted him was a charge which was even faster than before, but Ryan was ready for him as he dashed towards him, his weapon stashed safely inside his inventory.

As he neared the beast his right hand glowed with white light, he could feel the world slow down, he could hear his breathing, his heartbeat while the only thing that remained in his vision was the beast in front of him.

The beast looked to be glowing with purple-coloured aura, as it neared Ryan, 15 meters... 10... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.

Ryan jumped towards the right at the last moment a chain had appeared in his right hand, the chain was long and it attached to the left front leg one end where the other he tied at the right rear, because of his powers it was incredibly easy for him to do so, he did not have to do much except will it and beasts legs were chained and the reaction was instantaneous.

The small hill sized boar could not maintain stumbled and fell hard it was like watching a large speeding truck having a high-speed accident.

The beast fell hard on its face, as because of the entire weight of the body made it turn over and a few loud crunches were heard as it went and hid the trailer or what has left of the front part again before it stopped lying on the pool of liquefied Mana.

Ryan was fast he did not stop as he jumped and crossed the broken cautiously not to touch the liquefied Mana that looked like a silver-coloured liquid with a pink tint on it.

He dropped on top of the beast, and was glad to see its neck broken from the fall but still alive, 'Damn note to self remain to be vigilant while running.' his gun in his hand, he aimed at its eyes pulled the trigger.

Nikita nearly had a heart attack seeing the Ryan run towards the beast then Dasyra and her had to duck to prevent them from getting crushed by the bore that easily weighed a good few tonnes.

Ryan looked at the beast that lay under his feet with a tired look on his face, 'I just received 235 blood points from killing, it was so easy I just had to make it trip, and unload an entire clip, in his eye and at that angle surely its reached the brain.'

He kicked the beast a few times as he assumed a relaxed stance as he then turned towards Nikita waving at her, when all of a sudden he felt as if he was hit by a car at full speed, incredible pain shot through his body along with searing heat as his vision turned black.

Nikita looked at the flying body of Ryan as her head snapped towards the direction of the attacker, whose smug smile was still stuck on his face as he fell while being riddled by arrows courtesy of Dasyra.

Nikita whipped her head towards Ryan as she could help but see him fall in to even more danger as she let out an anguished scream, "RYAN NO."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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