A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 69: Railyard(Part-3)

Chapter 69: Railyard(Part-3)

A tired Ryan took his seat which was adjacent to his fellow apostle, who simply sat there in silence watching every move of others, as they sat there in silence for a moment before she spoke, "So how was your day?"

Ryan looked at him for a moment before he began to speak, "It was fine mostly until the moment we stumbled upon a nest of weird spider then all of a sudden a gigantic spider attacked us it was huge and hundreds of eyes it was scary", Ryan trailed out seeing the weird eyed expression on Ylerias's face who was towering over him with a mixture of fright, panic and other emotions he could not identify.

"Did you kill it answer Ryan?"

The heat in her voice made Ryan a bit taken aback as he spoke, "What!? Why"

"Yes or No, answer me."

Ryan huffed as he spoke, "Yes we killed it as well as burned its nest down."

"Did any escape?"

"Not that I know off, but why are you so tensed?"

Ylerias collapsed on her seat as she spoke with a soft sigh, "That is a very dangerous spider known as the 'Hundred Eyed Queen', with an annoying habit of laying eggs on anything that has a flesh, a very dangerous creature how did you deal with its children, normally it uses them to attack."

Ryan simply scratched his chin as he spoke, "Well we stumbled upon its nest first so we set it up on fire."

Ylerias looked at him before she spoke with disbelief, "And it did not attack you while you were setting its nest aflame?"

"Well, it was not present there at that time so we were able to not only sneak in but lit it aflame fairly easily."

Yelrias collapsed into her chair as she looked at him with disbelief before she spoke with a shake of her head, "In all my years never have I seen someone as lucky as you, the 'Hundred Eyed Queen', rarely leaves its nest, most of the time it uses its children to attack, highly poisonous to the point it is difficult to counteract."

"The poison upon reaching the blood paralyzes the foes within seconds and starts dissolving the insides of its victim, then it lays eggs inside the victim which hatches soon after, the children then grows inside consuming the still living and moving creature."

Ryan gulped at that as he spoke, "There were a few zombies hanging from the thread, they had small spiders inside them."

Ylerias sighed as she spoke, "They were poor people who got caught and died though, and since they were already ensnared in the web they might have burned off rather easily.", as she spoke food was brought and laid in front of them as Ylerias spoke, "Well enough of that the food is here and it would be a terrible waste to let it grow cold."

Ryan flashed a small smile as he dipped his spoon into his bowl that was full of hot steaming soup as he let out a small sigh, 'This is our life now, faster I would get back the faster I will not have to eat this travesty they are calling soup, pieces of boiled meat with few extra ingredients swimming in the water is not soup.', he looked around as his heart ached, 'Damn they gave us the best portion it seems at least ours have more meat on them.', with that thought in mind he brought the contents of the bowl to his lips with the help of a spoon.


A shout came from Ryan's side as he was literally tackled off of his seat, as the bowl was snatched from him he blinked owlishly as Ylerias looked at her subordinate with the look of alarm on her face, as she herself dropped her spoon.

"I am sorry Your Holiness but the bowl had poison in it."

Ryan gained a look of alarm on his face as one of the people who was serving them tried to make a dash only to be taken down by Jessica who had proceeded to hold the woman down by bending her hands while placing her leg over her prisoner's spine preventing her from moving.

Angela placed a chair near the captured person as Jessica forced her to seat on it, while Michalina looked at others while pulling her pistol as she spoke, "Any of you tries to run I will shoot you.", her eyes then fell on Ryan as she spoke, "Brother are you alright?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yes I am thanks to the wonderful lady who saved me."

Michalina sent a grateful smile towards the Elven woman who had saved Ryan before she spoke, "Brother, can you lend me something that I could use to tie her up."

"Sure", Ryan closed his eyes for a second as a handcuff appeared in his hand which he handed to his sister as he spoke with a frown, "I hope this work."

The woman was tied to a chair as she tried to put up a brave front but her shaking gave away her feeling of fear as Michalian looked at her as she spoke with a sigh, "Look, I will ask you this once who else are involved and why?"

The woman simply spitted on her face as a resigned sigh escaped Michalina's face as her combat knife appeared in her hand and then she used the handle to hit the woman hard a couple of times before holding her hair which made her prisoner cry out in pain as she spoke, "So, are you willing to answer?"

"There is no need to waste time, just let Ilorva work on her and we would know everything."

Michalina sent a confused look towards Ylerias before her eyes widen as she spoke with a gasp, "Ah, I forgot about her, excellent suggestion Lady Ylerias, using her powers we can easily find everything that she is trying to hide."

Jessica nodded at that as she spoke with excitement, "Yes it would be great her powers are great, though our prisoner would end up becoming a drooling vegetable though it is no great loss since she tried to harm one of ours."

The casual way she spoke made their prison shiver with fright, as she turned deathly pale, and her fear increased many folds as the one called Ilorva appeared in front of her with a creepy deranged smile on her face her fear increased many folds, she looked at others and saw the other three women who had brought food with them were restrained as well, which made her whimper in fright.

Ilorva bowed before Ylerias before she turned towards the prisoner as she cooed to her, "Aww, did you think you could simply waltz in and poison His Holiness in front of us, but do not worry you will only feel the worst pain imaginable until your mind breaks upon pain and you are left a drooling mess."

The woman shook with fear as tears began to drip from her eyes as Ilorva placed her hands on the prisoner's temple, "Please, please I am sorry, I am so sorry, I was only doing God's work please forgive please."

As a strange smell spread through the air that made many to gag, Ryan managed to control himself as he spoke, "God's work, really? when did God arrive to give you instructions to kill me."

"No, No I mean.."

"SHUT AND SPEAK THE TRUTH", Michalina bellowed with anger before she turned towards Ilorva as she spoke, "That woman is simply wasting our time, Ilorva I think you should tear the information out of her brain, and the more we wait the chances of capturing the criminals would dwindle."

"NO PLEASE NO I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING.", the woman shrieked out in alarm as a large puddle was forming underneath her which was mixed with brown substances and Ilorva at the same time wanted to stay as far away from her and as such as Ylerias nodded to her to move she practically ran to the furthest part of the room as fast as possible.

And as such the woman began to spill everything she knew, the names of those involved, but what astounded Ryan was the reason, they did not want to be forced to be converted into another religion.

Hearing her reason Ryan could not help but facepalm himself as he spoke, "Why do you think that I follow another religion and more importantly how in your petty illogically feeble mind did you conjure the thought that I would convert you?"

The woman looked down towards the floor as she mumbled something incoherent making Ylerias sigh, "We have to deal with it so how do you propose we deal with it Lord Ryan, after all, the cat is out of the bag and there is no way or need to hide it anymore."

Ryan was suddenly stunned for a moment before his eyes fell on Michalina silently asking for help only to be stopped by Ylerias, "Lord Ryan, you are an Apostle not her, if you rely on her too much then others might lose their respect on you."

Ryan closed his eyes for a moment before he spoke with a sigh, "First we gather them and we speak with them maybe we can reach something that does not require us to fight."

Yelrias simply nodded as the women were released with the word that they should go and gather everyone especially those that were involved in the assassination attempt.

"Do you people have problems with religion?"

Ryan frowned at Ylerias's question as he mused inwardly, 'This woman is a religious leader and as such, I have to say in such a way that she does not label us as a barbarian because from what I know they have only one unlike us.'

With a tired sigh, Ryan began, "Our world has many religions, and sometimes there are a few religious leaders who every now and then just happen to shout out that their religion is the true one as such the burn the heretics."

Ylerias winced as her face gained a look of distaste for a moment before it disappeared but it was long enough for Ryan to notice it, 'Damn I might have caused her to gain a bad view on my people.'

"What is your view on religion, Ryan?"

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "A wise man from the east had once said, 'Those who love all on this Earth are truly serving Almighty', I believe it to be true, we might look different, we might speak different languages, and we might wear different clothes follow different culture but we bleed the same blood as such we are not different so why fight, we can all share this beautiful planet and grow up together."

Ylerias tilted her head as she spoke with a smile, "Interesting." before her eyes fell on the group that was moving towards them as she spoke with a sigh, "Well let us meet and greet them and see where we can go from here on."

With that, the duo moved to meet the leader of the group along with the others to find a common ground where they will not have to watch their back constantly.

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