A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 71: Alpha Raven 2.0 (Part-2)

Chapter 71: Alpha Raven 2.0 (Part-2)

Ryan stood atop the Goliath as he shouted out at the top of his voice, "Is everyone ready?"

A chorus of 'Yes' was sounded as a small smile graced on Ryan's lips as he spoke, "Okay everyone then moves forward."


A familiar voice screamed as Ryan lazily looked back towards 'Alan', as he spoke out loud, "Why are you all wasting your time if we wait too long the night will descend even before you manage to make to the new camp, so move."

'Alan' looked at Ryan with clear distress and fear in his face as he spoke, "What are you doing? Why are you doing this to us?"

Ryan sent a confused look towards 'Alan' as he spoke, "What do you mean, we are simply leaving I do not see any problem with that, after all, we both agreed it was for the best, so what is your problem now."

'Alan' jabbed his finger towards Ryan as he spoke, "My problem is that you removed the lights, the generator and the fans how could you."

Ryan looked at him with a look akin to the feeling of pity and sorrow when one meets a child with mental deficiency as he spoke slowly, "You claimed I am a spawn of Satan, how I was corrupting and trying to force you to give up your faith, your religion follow some foreign heretical Gods, you see my powers are derived from those very Gods, some being the nice person thought why torment your fellow humans in this trying times as such I removed them."

The dazzling smile did nothing to 'Alan', as he shouted back, "How could you, you will kill us."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke with confusion in his voice, "Huh, what are you talking about how will I kill you when I am leaving."

'Alan's' face took an interesting shade of purple as he shouted out, "You are taking the means for us to survive, without that generator we will not have electricity we will be in the dark.", a fearful look appeared on his face as he spoke with a stutter, "Did you remove the water gathering system as well?"

His question was answered by a nod which promptly made him stumble as he spoke his voice shaking with an odd mixture of fear and anger, "You monster, how could you!!"

Ryan glared back at him as he spoke with a snarl, "Really that is rich coming from a person who tried to murder me, then tried to rouse a mob to lynch me citing how I was corrupting them with my powers and yet you are now calling me a monster because you will not be able to use things that are made using the heretical powers that you claimed to be corrupting you all, are you not a hypocrite not being able to use my items creating using the very same power you abhor so much."

Before 'Alan' could say anything Michalina's head appeared through the turret hatch as she spoke with a knowing look on her face, "Ryan did you not say something about him becoming terrorist who would use toddlers as suicide bombers."

As Ryan nodded Michalina continued with an enlightened smile that was fit for someone who had solved the very mysteries that plagues our universe, "Then being a hypocrite who denounces others because of race, sex, religion amongst many things but does not hesitate to use weapons made by the same group whom that person gives hate message out for is the very first step."

As a look on understanding appeared on Ryan's face Michalina continued, "Then they would cry how much their people are suffering then take donations and using those donations procure more weapons from their enemies at the same time prosecuting anyone who even things their enemies are fellow human, and at the end of the day they would strap bombs on toddlers and kill them for no one knows what they misguided idiotic attempt on becoming their God's favourite."

Ryan glared back at 'Alan' as he sat on top of the Goliath with his right hand supporting his chin as he spoke, "I do not condone terrorist as such I will not entertain your cabal of terrorists by providing you with help so get lost.", he used his left hand to bang the roof of the 'Goliath' as it lurched forward leaving behind a distressed and frightened 'Alan', as a few from his group ran after the car pleading asking for mercy and help, but the Goliath did not stop nor did Ryan even bother sent a glance at them.

Ryan's plan was simple he would move forward and start working on the camp while the others will start their march, as soon as the Goliath would drop them and the resources that it was towing in five small trailers behind it, the 'Goliath' would return pick a few more people preferably children, old and then woman, and it would continue to do so until none are left behind with Ylerias's guards bringing the rear.

Could have made them wait patiently back in the confines of their previous base but he wanted to avoid any incident since the fight between 'Alan', tensions were high and he did not wish for a fight to break out, or the peer pressure making a few to back out.

Ryan climbed down inside the car and was greeted by a meditating Ylerias who simply began to speak after giving him a small nod of acknowledgement, "So why would you do with these heretics?"

Ryan simply gave a sheepish smile as he spoke, "Well, first of all, I would like to apologize to you on their behalf for mocking your religion, they did not mean to mock your religion in any manner, Your Holiness, they are in shock and you know how a drowning man will cling to whatever they can get their hands on to survive, similar is their case they are clinging to their faith and religion while forgetting one of the very important tenants that we are taught in our younger days, 'God only helps those that help themselves.'."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "What do those words mean?"

"It means God only help those that stand on their own two feet and use their own hands to solve their problem, not someone who has never done anything yet is waiting for salvation, those people in that fort are doing simply that they are waiting for salvation without working, they might indeed have to work alongside those who follow different religion or culture but they failed to cooperate."

Ylerias sighed as she spoke, "I understand what you mean but I hope their insolence would not be unpunished.", her eyes harden as she continued, "Back in my world such insolence would have caused them to be burned alive on a stake, so what you do."

Ryan grimaced at that as he spoke, "Burning and slaughtering because they do not follow our religious view is barbaric and uncultured, life has so many possibilities and simply killing them when not needed is simply a waste, after all, life has such possibilities and I would love to see the fruit of such possibilities."

Ylerias snorted as she spoke, "Now you are being a hypocrite, you did kill the Pig King's men, or is it deep down you agree with them.", as she spoke she narrowed her eyes giving a scathing glare to Ryan.

Ryan immediately raised his hand as he spoke, "Wah, wah stop, stop I am on your side remember, and as for being a hypocrite I told you I do not like unneeded bloodshed, those people were scum cancerous elements that needed to be culled but these people are simply lost we can bring them back, after all, eye for an eye makes the world blind."

Ylerias did not decrease her glare as she continued, "So we forgive them just like that?"

Ryan shook his head as replied to her with a smile on his face, "Of course what I want I to kill is their pride, I want them to crawl on their knees and beg for forgiveness, some of the words spoken was too much especially that Alan fellow, his pimp and slut, I will never help them, they can die here and I said I would leave within five days, well I will make it four and if in the meantime they come and crawl for forgiveness I will help them otherwise their fate is in the hands of higher powers."

Ylerias sighed as she spoke, "Fair enough."

A silence descended amongst the group as Jessica gave her undivided attention to the road ahead while Nikita shared a troubled expression along with Michalina though they managed to hide it from the two apostles.

'Something is not right, I have to consult with Michalina about this, Ryan I knew would not speak as such, and he would not view fellow humans in such a callous manner, something is seriously wrong and from the looks of it both Michalina and Jessica noticed it.'

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